__ Page Twelve Thursday, June 12, 1919 FOR SALE--Baby buggy. Apply 16 Wors- ley street, 24-24p THE ADLET COLUMN FOR RENT--Apply 49 Mury|PRIVATE SALE of furniture. Apply at 24.240 | this office. 24-26p GOOD MAID WANTED--Apply to Mra. |HOUSE TO RENT--77 Maple avenue, con- Bryson, 40 Bradford street. 20-tfe | _veniences 24.24p FOR SAL . as good as Slightly. used COOK and kiteben girl wanted. Apply RV. Hospital, Barre. 24-tfe new. A snsj Van Patter's garage. 23-25p FOR SALE--About three thousand feet of old lumber Apply Garreti's Music store. FOR SALE--3 toilet sets and 2 arm chairs. Apply 95 Colher 'street, 24-26p FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block. Barrie, 37-tfe FOR months SALE--Coal oil stove, only used two 86 Smail street 242e FURNISHED ROOMS Wa: cottage, guot! reat offered. Box 833, Bar. ne 2424p FOR SALE--Delivery Hore, cheap; using motor truck, Apply J. D. Wisdom & Co,, Allandale. 18-tfe WOOL WANTED--Will pay gopd prices. H. Levit, Bayfield treet. Phono 384. 19-24p TWANTED--Young woman or girl for housework. Apply Mrs, Cecil, 55 Peel { 'TED-- Flat or TO LET--6 or 7 room flat over office. Ap- ply The Sarjeant Co.,Ltd 'D FOX HOUND PUPS jor sale-- Bradford street atic |GARAGE FOR RENT--Centrul location | Apply P.O. Box 974, or phone 175. 241i FURNISHED HOUSE to let for two or three months, Apply at this office.24-24e HOUND PUPS FOR SALE--Well bred. Ap- ply to R.L Richardson, Edenvale 2425p TO LET--Lurge furnished fromt_room with or without use of kitchen. 74 Worsley street 2424p SILO FOR SALE--Good Blank Silo 12 apply to Wilson LK Bre street. 17the COTTAGE TO LET -L 2, Muleas ter street. Apply to a Dunlo; street PROF DE WEIR--Teacher of Piano and Violin, Pisno Tuner. 6 Owen street Barrie 24.29 SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT--At Big Bay Point Alex Cowa ter, Barri | FOR SALE--1'y ton platform spr on, good repair, cheap. Appl Marble Works HO FOR SALE. Situated on Toronto ST--Brass pump plunger on the Mill Roud, on June 11, street. Apply to Mr. J. Ro Byrue, 40 Finder please leave dames street 32p| at this office 2424p WANTED--Old Dominion Tires, 4e per tb.] FOR SALE--Building lot and stable on Barre Steam Vulewniting Plant. 37 Elz: | Dunlop street. Box 194, Barrie, or 18 beth street 23-24¢ Muleaster street 2424p HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- | age, firepluce, furnace, sleeping balcony, | $1500.00 108 Poel street, I-tfe S FOR SALE--One 8-roomed solid ove B-roomed brick clad. Ap 7 Bradford street, 24 | Be JITNEY SERVICE, anywhere in town or country, night or day. Phone M Partrvige, 253 Bayfield stre rr FOR SALE- Yearling Percheron Filly, olso two spring Heifer Calves, midking «train I, Jot 13. con, ®, Vespra tie LOST--Fountain Pen i@wan) between street and Allandale on June 10 ril at this office 24-24p Midhurst lund, on the premises Apply to Mrs. G. R. Frank 24-24 Clean Cars sthe kind yeu ea Finlay Auto FOR SALE Tren summer cottage, ene mile from Allautale. overbwking Kes pentelit Bay, MLC" Bxan STORE Vo dwelt Vt ant, Mule « WE DO AL! KINDS of house wiring a syectalt gy Bro, Eleerrical' Contractors street, west HOTEL FoR SALE wi hy bustle the GTR. St of Breton Anply owner, avenue, Toronty NURS! without in Se hooklet Royal College of 112, T c CLEANING AND) PRESSING--Your old aut and + vat ean be made to look lke new: by Hurry Twiss. Rose Block, Dunlop St. OW FOR SALE--A fine 'large Holstein, | four y exch, 1) rs old, ntly freshened, would * for small eow suitable for 365 24p Box ACETYLENE WELDING--Before throwing new welding process works won- dem. Alex, Cleland, blacksmith. --18-25p 'DX--We buy any make or Model of second hand car, so if you want to sell, drop us a line to the "'Garage", Albert and Colbourne streets. Box 558, Oriflia, Ont 19tfe TO LET --Office rooms in King Block up- | front amd on south facing railway also large rooms formerly us zette printing office, Altered suit: tenant 20-25c | AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--If yon want to buy second hand ears of trucks call and see us at the "Garage", Albert and Colhourne streets, or write us to Box 558, Orillia, Ont 19tfe FOR S\'E t Wes rio prop: 81) is to exchanger for On! Hi. Johnston, Minesing drawing from life, oil and water colour painting. Saturdays 2-3.30, and by appointment, F. S. William (diploma Paris and London), 261 Du lop street. Phone 391 or Ovenden Col- lege. ¥ 19-24p HOME BUILDERS--Write "Yor our Free Book of House Plans, and information telling how .to save from Two to Four Hundred Dollars on your new home. Ad- dress Halliday Company, Box 61, Jack- son street, Hamilton, Ont 23-tfe --_-- "TENDERS WANTED for remodelling of the 'school building in SS. No. 8, Oro. Work principally cament work. Tenders will also be received for the old brick on "the school, purchaser to remove by July 3. For plans and speci 'Garfield Rouse, secretary Hawkestone. oe NDERS WANTED--The Oro Telephone Co, Ltd., having purchased s desirable house and lot in the Village of Oro Sta- 'tion, within a quarter of a mile of school, church, stofes, post office, and station, hereby ask for tenders for the position af switchboard manager, for the com- pany. Duties to commence on or about July Ist. Sealed and marked tendere will be received up to Tuesday, June 24th. fen parts of machinery, con: | WAND FOR SALE~ Decker Bros, New York. absolutely good condition Is Box S88 or Phone 795 f ae FOR SALF.--Six-roomed cottage, iruit trees und stable: town water, 74 Peel street Apply to D Rose or 8. E. Turner, 24:29¢ [PRIVATE SALE of Household Furniture | also Gray Dory Car in first-class conde hon at 186 Daunte 24-200 treet, Barrie LOST: -Frid F ut Retuy ented overcoat Reward, J Justices, See'y | FPOR SADE: Imported Enelu nage with canopy and rain new Apply Mrs. Harvey am Herland «rect, Allandale 34-24¢ LIVE INSURANCE AGENT vented for Comwdian Life Insurance Compsny for jt oot Barre ond vicinity. Apply A FA. Maleomeon, Barre 223p POSITION OPEN. foilfsalesiady of experi | ence capable of taking charge of Corset Department. Apply by letver only. Scate experience Geo Vickers. 2424c EMPLOY RETURNED MF! Anyone who Kendall, Secret: LOST--Fountain Pen, between foot of Bay: field street and Worsley street, via Dun- | lop. Owen, Collier streets. Finder please leave at Scott's book store 24-24p NOTICE FOR CAR OWNERS--You can suve time and money having your car repairgl in your own garage, moderate charge, work guaranteed. See Ch Kelly FOR SALE--Two registered Durham Bulls, 10 and 11 months old, rown and rel; also one registered Durham heifer, due in Sept. Apply Jas, A, Lennox, Thornton. 24.256 1 Fordson Tractor and Auto: 1 one-anden: half form-a-truck with 'eight-in.one body. Several good second-hand curs, T. R, Huxtable. 24-276 'VOR SALE | WANTED--Young man to sell Cream Sep- arators and engines around Barrie, prefer- ably one who could qualify for traveller later. H. A. Lamont, 889 Lansdowne avenue, Toronto, 24-24p, HEIFER ASTRAY.--Yearling strayed upon my premises, lot 37, con. 1, Vespra, on or about May 25, Owner may have same on proving propertyeand paying expenses. Harold Martin, Craighurst 24-24p CARRIAGE WOODWORKERS and paint- ers wanted at once, also trimmer, to work on commercial motor bodies 'and cabs. Steady work, good wages. The Penetang Carriage Co., Ltd., Penetang, Ont."" LEFT AT OUR STORE in February, a Lady's Black Persian Lamb Muff. We also bave a pound of te§ left about 4 weeksé ago, Owners-can have same on applying at our office. J. Sure & ns, 24p FOR SALE OR TO LET--Modern brick house, 7 rooms and pantry; furnace, electric light, 3 piece toilet, in fact, every convenience. West end. For quick sale this houre goes for $2300.00. Apply The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. PIANO FOR 'SALE--Beautiful. up- right piano bought from Heintaman & Co,, less than year ago. Must be.sold by the 26th to close an estate. Piano guar- For further particulars apply to William McArthur, Sec'y, Oro Station, ore 4-250 anteed. Apply by letter at once to Box . "B" Examiner, Barrie. 24-25. i. D LOT for sale--In village of Boys' Khaki Bloomers, fine quality, well made, fit ages 5 to 16 yrs. Easy priced . cosas sus Boys' Jerseys, Navy Blue, Navy Blue trimmed Half sleeves, siz : "e LOCAL NEWS SAA LS 0. Cameron shipped carloads of hogs today, paying $20.50 per ewt. June 24 is the dale of the graduating exercises of the Royal Victoria Hospital Training School 'attacked by potato bugs Sergt. J. R. Grenville, who went overseas with the 76th Bn., and has recently returned, spent the past week at "The Pines." In the first draft of the sta- Last week the Ontario Giovern- mont shipped to Charles Gaudauy Lake Simcoe, --Hurlburts Shoe Store offers. 200 Women Patent and Guft Metal Pumps, every pr. the celebrated Model Shoes made to sell at $5.50 and 86.00 a pr. Hurlburt's: pric: 5a pr. The W.C.T.U. will hold a Parlor and Lawn Social at the home of Mrs. Edward Brown, Blake St., on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 18, from 3 to 6. There will be a good pro- gram and refreshments. All are welcome. --If you wish to keep your feet cool and comfortable put them into a pair of Hurlburt's Cool Canvas Shoes. A full assortment of boots, Oxfords and pumps. Women's sizes from 81.35 up. --Don't forget the W.A., R.. Hospital garden party at Queen's Park, Thurs. June 19. Sale of home-made dainties, fancy work. aprons, candy, ice cream and afternoon tea; high tea,6 to 7.30, Music by Barrie band. At the Barrie Baptist Church next Sunday evening, the Pastor, Dr. E. Hooper, will continue the addresses on "Things to Come as Revealed in the Word of God." Subject: "An Outline of Events Easily Remembpred." The morn- teens $1.25 to $1.35 with Red, and all White with long sleeves, sizes 22 to 32. Special 50c ea "i Boys' All White Jerseys. $22 to 30, special price 50c ea. (i E Mrs. dno, Gordon is the guest of Mes. O00. Avthur, Midland, t I Ellett of Alliston Herald was a caller at The Ex aminer otase on Tuesday Mrs Bigelow of Carn WON District Organizer of the W Uo who delighted those who h her here on Saturday and Sun iday, ha: ane on te address the unty W.C-T.U. convention at Tan waeeee Midland. Mrs. Db. Rodgers ae "k fly is doing eon.|Pepresents the Barrie Union ciderahte DASCk Oy is doing cor; | A meeting of the executive and plants which are also cbeing|members of the Canadian Red Cross Society Barrie Branch will be held on Monday, June 16th at 4.15 p.m. at the residence of Mrs. Hugh Calderwood tw discuss the appeal for "France's Day Fund" Just received from headquarte A good allendance is requeste tioning committee of Toronto] --urtpurt's Shoe Store is Methodist Conference very few] chowing a splendid assortment changes were shown in the Bat-lof 'reunis and Ouling Shoes, and rie and Alliston districts. tlie sonable : price is so re pair are first quality gua goods. A*special purchase this at Athorley, 30,000 salinon trout | Knek of Memes all while vachtine fingerlings to be deposited in}yat. leather -- insoles, shite rubber, fst quality, worth ape. Hurthurt's price $1.59 a pr. On Friday of this week, June |13, Mrs, Arthurs of Collingwond, |distriet organizer for W. Simeou, will organize a W. A, Deanery in 'Trinity Parish House. The first session al {1 a.m. will be for the appointment of officers. And at 1.30 addresses will be given by members from Toronto Diocesan Board giving full information of this Anglican Forward Movement. --Miss Glenn of Glenn-Charles, Toronto, Canada's Hair Fashion store, will be in Barrie, Monday, jJune 16th, Simeoe Hotel, with a full line of Ladies' and Gentle. |man's Hair Gonds, if you are not }satisfied with the appearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn who is an authority on Hair Goods and individual Hair Styles, free demonstration. 24-240 The District Annual Meeting of Centre Simcoe Women's In- stitute will be held in the Work men's Hall, Elmvale, on Tuesday, Tune 47th, al 2.30 p.m. Mr: Wm. Todd, Orillia, who is pro- vineial director for Muskoka and Simcoe Counties, will be present to give an address and explain to the representatives of the Branches, the object of the Pro- ing subject is, "How the Church May Do God's Work." vincial Federatjon, its constitu- tion and their responsibility. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the good goods at little prices. -Jart, Mrs. Livingstone and Mj 3 The Right Luster Coats for Hot Days.. See our Black and Grey Luster Coats, easy priced .. ... $3.25, $3.50, $3.7: Men's White Duck Pants, with Belt Loops and Cuffs. Special ..... = sizes 28 to 31, prices ...... Boys' Navy Blue Bloomer Pan 3 to 8, Extra Value si You should see the above lines $2.50 Youths' Long Khaki Pants, with Belt Loops and Cuffs, mensions $2.25 and $2.50 ts, fine quality, fit ages r $1.00 as they are extra value. Wornen's Pumps in Gratifying Variety. Smartly dress- ed feet are a very important part of a woman's outfit. These pumps offer you splendid choice; low or high heels}. easy priced sex 5 goose cowie «+» $2.00, $2.25 ~ Ladies' White High Cut Boots, low and high heels, Priced ievsy oa naeos dewiodes Rew ae eee $2.75, $3.00 Men's White Outing Oxford Shoes, sizes 6 to 10, special MALUG S65 3 Rese we rae att lM arseinrs Seesanersne $1.25 Boys' White Outing Oxford Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, special price ...... se eeee detente eens veces of $115 Ladies' White and Tan Outing Boots, sizes 2'% to 7, PHBE! 2 wana ee cam ce eis Child's White Canvas Shoes, 3,314, 5, 6,614,9, 9%, 10. Special price Thomas Gardner The death occurred in Weyburn, Sask, on June 4, of Thomas Gurdner," in his 72nd year, of heart failure, He was born in Oro and went west 21 years go, His wife died about 23 years ago and one daugh- ter shortly before thst, another daughter, Mrs, Crittenden, of Weyburn, surviving. The body was brought to the residence of his sister, Mrs. Livingstone, Small street, Barrie, on Monday, June 9,' and interment was made in Dalston Methodist Cemetery. The pull-bearers were Geo. Hickling, W. Brown, Anthony Keat, Thos. Nelson, Ar- thur Benham and John Key. The following brothers and sisters also survive: George of Vancouver, Churles of Sintaluta, Stephen of Elm: irs. Stew- : J. Graham of Barrie, Mrs, Spooner of Midhurst, Mrs. Jno, Graham of Galician, Alta, and Mrs. R. Addison of Toronto Thomas O'Rourke |. After over Abinr@n-months of sickness from heart trouble, during five of which he was confined 'to his bed, Thomas O'Rourke pussed nway last Friday at the lence of hia father-in-law. John Dickey. field street | Deceased was in his jborn in Puslinch Tp., near Guelph. For a number of !years he worked in Barrie und 2nd year and was y and wus much respected. He and his movtd to Toronto eight years ago # wife, to whom he was marred in 1906, survives with one son, Two brothers and six sisters alan survive, viz., James and | Daniel, of Toronto; Mrs. Thos, Houlihan of Barrie, Misses Mary Ann, Jennie and Lizzie, |Mrs, Frank Gwynne and Mrs, Clifford Lin- ton, all of Toronto, It is only seven months jsince Mrs, O'Rourke lost her brother and his |wife from influenza. Interment was made in the Union Cem- Jetery on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Geo, A. | Brown being the officiating clergyman. The pall-bearers were his two brothers, Fonncie Houlihan, Fred Skinner, W. J. Goodfellow and Ed. Scott (Los Angeles), - +++ $1.40, $1.50, $1.75 with ankle straps, sizes Some of these are $2.00. . $1.25 ercnaiaecar WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAYS Starting Wednesday, June 4, closing at 12 o'clock during June, July and August, ex- cept on Weeks there Cemetery this morning, Rev. G. A, Brown officiating. Relatives from out of town who attended the funeral were Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Mann and two granddaughters, Mrs. (Dr.) Brotherhood-of St. Louis, Mo, and Miss Isubel Ricbardson of Chicago. THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES seeee $2,10-$2.13 Butter, Ib. Eggs, dos. Old fowl. Potatoes . Beef hides, green'. Beef Hides, cured | Wool, unwashed Wool, washed Hay COME To the Japanese Tea to bo given by the girls of the 0.B1 ss Of St. Andrew's Church on Saturday, June 4, on the of Mr. Vass' home, 61 Hig from 3.30 to y opm. and to 9.30 pan. Sale of home-made dainties and candy. Hawaiian music. ¢ TO GIRL or middle-aged woman who is fond of children--I will teach you to be- come a thoroughly capable nursemaid and pay $20 to $35 a month while you are learning. Write stating age, references and previous experience if any. Mrs. F. R. Graham, 517 Christie street, Toronto. 24-240g. a FOR SALE--2 Hela furnaces, 4 closets, 1 wash basin, ensmel, 2 out buildings, South Ward School.' The above is the property of Board of Education. Having Mrs. Lucy Ann Edwards Mrs. Lucy Ann Edwards, widow of the! lote James Edwards, a former Barrie post- | master, died on June 10, at the home of no further use for them the Board will sell to the highest tender. For further particulars apply to R. A. Stephens, Chairman of Property and Supply. CAULIFLOWER PLANTS--Genuine Early her daughter, Mrs. Donald Shaw, Toronto, Snowball; BD for de poop. Shr 7 paid. ipped in ber Both year. . successfully everywhere. Ask for price List Lucy Ann Wisden was born in Bath, 'of Cabbage, Celery and other Vegetable Englund, and came to Barrie in early life. 'plants. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, |Here she married John Mann, the first pub- Ontario, Niagara Distret, |icher of the Banie Gaaete," He died over thirty years ago. After the death of her' econd husband, decessed lived for a time TENDERS WANTED lin Barrie and went to reside in Toronto| , The undersigned will receive sesled ten- jwith ber daughter ten years ago. She is dem up till noon on Wednesday, June 18, furvived by one son, Herbert, of Toronto, foF the building of.St. Andrew's Memorial and two daughters. Mrs. Richardson of Sunday School. Plans. and specifications Chicago and Mrs. Shaw. The late Wm.;may be seen at the residence of Mr. Win. Mann, who for a number of -years 'kept nAird, 47 Collier street, The lowest or any bookstore where Scott's bookstore is now , tender not necessarily accepted. located, also was a sen, i B, L, BRERETON, a Interment took place in the Barrie Union 23-24 Chairman Building Committee. ee ee ae ee a oS a a a ae. an a oor