THE : BARRIE - EXAMINE: CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 3625 COPIES J. A. MacLAREN, Editor 56th Year W. C. WALLS, Manager WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED-------_---- THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 16 PAGES - BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) No. 24 Not Known Here Ce P.O.Box178 Phone 259w ||) The Examiner has been unable Of Mr. and Mrs IN Js find anyone who knows the TH irl referred fo in the following ©" For the Summer Home COLUMBIA, PATHE ed, indoors, on the veran- da, or with you in the launch. "Mickey" COLUMBIA RECORDS: 'Dear Old Pal of Mine" "lm Forever | Supposed to Be Drowned J Saturday morning, that their only son, Wallwin, had fallen overboard fram his boat in the Detroit: River. He and Charlie} ~°? Srighey of Allandale were on the nicht shift in the engine room, OR BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS has hjs furn came again he could not pe found on the boat, This was 'while thes were going through the Limestone Channelon the way from Cleveland to Midland An American ves homeward bound 'had passed them just befor ov VICTOR RECORDS is the record of me" thought he might have shore, the channel being narrow, Mon Mr. Stewart went to Windsor on S?as Tuesday but had found no trace ef Wailwin up to noon today, when the family here received a He i telegram. Jf no other trace is Mer found the channel is to be drag- th! doin seareh ef his bedy. The "ule noy is only 16 years of age. th won --Oscar Seagle, Blowing Bubbles". GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE Jos. Seresina, a Collingwood fruit attempting, on Feb, 16, 1919, to burn his motor had ted only Cherry vs well = paragraph from the Mail & Em. He ¢ County Court pare the "Lillian Smith, who come from Barrie, Ont.wa ed fast night by Dete d Tuft an feur charge ing several hundred, time merchant, ¢ sd with andi ar on whien he Kasten $2000 insurance, was acquit : after the jury had been out | Mellar about twenty-minutes varions rooming houses in the) (Ive eily. About a week aga the girl | Re vie, a suit ever | who says she is 16 years of age, | welc dcatting wood, !is alleged to have stelen wearing | pare digging resulted in a verdict of $270 fer | apparel from a house on Jarvis} Flah the plaintut. jand left a note behind stating} day A against Edgar Tuer of stealing a belt, tis trial on this ing true bill having heen found| that she was Vera De Lavelle "fo. T on the charge | --____--_. wih stimulated the Bn jwhie nm this morn count was beg o For the Out-of-Doors YOU MUST BE WELL EQUIPPED TO FULLY EN. Pte. J. Centre St, went ae in Oetober, 1916, and was ferred to the 75th Bn., serving with it until demobilization, Once maie Mary St, 1916 following May with the Mehl worth of clothing from | medal. : . nie ecame Lome in Mareh nest Corbett, is expected home tonight. been overseas with a con- ix home again lwo rss with the day marning. He went with the 157th Bn, in i. and went to France th alu vr Bri th Bu dowith the de and later with which un rd from England on June Aug. OL he was sl nde but did net ge ant wrperal John | Given, David G urrived at his. h n &St., Wednesé histed im dine, $915 37th Bn. and went ove in November of (hat year served with the {3th Black W anders in France for twenty wounded thr ths. being s, and awarded the mil His brather, Sapper dward Flaherty, who emed at the heme of nts, Mr. and Mrs erty, Bradford St, on nizht, R. sheps when he ent the 1i7th Bn and then to the 54th hounth he served in Fra Season | JOY THE MANY WHOLESOME SUMMER SPORTS. WHETHER YOU ARE MOTORING, CAN- OEING, BATHING, SAILING OR GOLFING, STYLE AND COMFORT DE- MANDS THE CORRECT ATTIRE. AND REMEMBER WE CAN SUPPLY YOU. THE BIG STORE IS CROWDED FULL OF JUST THE THINGS YOU NEED. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS, SWEATERS, MIDDIES, HOSI- ERY, SKIRTS, BATHING SUITS, ETC., AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION. LOOK OVER THESE SPECIAL OFFERS. WOOL PULLOVERS | WHITE SKIRTS With low neck and In te Peer ne sailor colli ay | Tepp, ete., trimm y | the a Sullor'collat: Pi with pockets and buttons new @ had in every combina- | ang pelt. A good assort- | if y tion of shades imaginable. ment on Your favorite shade will be here. The narrow $1.25 TO $3.50 one stripe on the collar and ' cuffs is edecatlonaly "ATHLETIC" F BATHING SUIT smart and the price is only At a real special price, $3.98 made to fit andiin good style. Can be had in black and green, black and white, yellow and black and green and white, etc. The price is only $5.50 Store closes every Wed- nesday at 12 o'clock noon during June, July and August, except in weeks where theregis a public holiday. WHITE AND COLORED SMOCKS You will like these be- cause they are quite new instyle and the shades and patterns are different. Come in and try them on. We invite you. The pri- ces range from $2.25 TO $4.50 SARJEANT & KING, The Store of Satisfaction MILLINERY $3.98 ats that are worth all way up to $5.50 in shapes and straws. ou need a hat and wish to save money buy of these at $3.98 OR THE BOYS Bathing Suits, cotton in navy and grey 50c, 60c In wool ....... $1.15 "Scout" Shirts in good dye and made well, aerwateronans wees $1.25 Jerseys, all colors, all si- ZS .... "Khaki" Knickers, heavy quality duck .. Underwear in cambric, balbriggan and mesh. Combinations seveees 5Oe $1.50 ..+. 85¢ and $1.25 Separate Garments... Limited pars at the Front, 157th Bn The sad news came to Mr. and HOM E-COMING SOLDIERS Mrs. Wm. Stewart. Mary St. on eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Corbett, He struction battalion nearly thre r ' taking hour about ms, In his ™ You can place the in- |] Tete Gericd Wallesn had one] *8": / i sir- above ta get cooler Sergt. Harry Gartner, son of strument wherever desit- Habove to get cooled off and when] yy, Sd Mae en Gantias afte He rans- son of +. 36 arrived at his hom the dav. You want it. Wallwin was missed, and there taf Oe wae pauls Basra, Dab ethers | Harry Lauder's Latest: |] 4 possibility of nis' having been)" "sania abs ea, edcrita aspegets : picked up by this boat. He was Pte. W. A. Melndl Somebody is waiting for fn ne ewimmer and it is also MP. and Mrs. Wm. MeIndles eon rover. Oct, the h Bn French | with it he Ist iven, yom of last week with seas He ately itary Win was his Ton | Men- Was employed in the iste) In England! Last week's rain broke the heat he was transferred to the with nee fri ve Li until the close of the war, Once] oy the midst of the party which was| jn scurting the prisoners. Major Wm. 'T. Laidlaw is v iting his mother, Mrs. J. D. Laid law, Blake St, having just turned from the Front. Lanilaw went over ex Major} Ar ly in the}en connection with the departiy daw, M.C., returned home some| fo) Weeks age. A third brother,| "I larry, paid the supreme saeri-|In Tice while serving with the} la Princess Pats in QM. Sergt. Palmer Wardman, | Ra son-of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wardman, Brock vomung seldiers af the past week over with) the he ansferred to the h Bn and then te the 7ath Bho Five] oq tonths later he was place Treneh Mamtar Battety Jwilh it unl the end. In} es the March offensive, 1918, be won J the coveted military medal whieh | Ww is awarded for bravery on the field. The act Which broaght him the medal | gi was putting out a fire in an am | mention dump that Jablize by the enemy, at and re-|wh been set |Mr-. Markle whe had gone to To. {as meet him. They wv jmet by a hest of friends at the fie ® where a reception wasla Markle enlisted at} br ry early in 1916 ronte Sergt Jef Ypres, He also went through | wi the battles af the Somme, Vimy. Passchendaele, Amiens and Cam-| el: brat and was among the Cana-| Macklin of Stratford. ihans whe were at) Manson He won the mil- ary medal at Amiens, and was wounded at Pourlon Wood dur-| 1p ing the battle far Cambrai in Oc teber, 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Graham,|| Penelang St, weleomed home| 4), janether sen on Monday when] yp Sergt. Luther F. Graham arrive overseas with the 157th, [he was transfe Rn, In September last. he won 'he military medal by his gallant handling of his 1 the Coin 3 For this he also was given his sergeant's |stripes. It was in this engage- ment that Pte. Ches. Thompson was killed. Pte. Thompson had been wounded and Sergt. Graham was helping him into a shell hole when another bullet killed him § Graham's brother, Cli whe also went over with the {57th, relurned some time ago.} | After over three years af ace} pr |five serviee during which he par- ticipated im practically all the numerous engagements in which|th the 75th Bn. figured, Capt. Tom wicke reached home on Tues- y night. His home was beau- tifully decorated and a large tuinber of friends gathered to jeive him ai most cordial wel- come, In August, 1914, he en- listed as a private in the 19th | Bn. He was eiven his discharge jin May of the following jowing to the death of his father During that summer he took out a commission and went overseas in March, 1916, as lieutenant in the 75th Bn. He continued with that unit throughout and was one of the two original combatant officers to return with the 75th to Toronto, On Sept, 2, 1918. near Arras, qa sniper caught him and the bullet inflicted a wound which kept him out of the fight- ing for three months. About this time he was promoted to the rank of captai Returning from London to join' the battalion Capt. Creswicke had the honor of taking over the battalion colors, . Lieut. R. W. Stewart arrived in town last Friday and as a former teacher in the Central School was warmly welcomed by the staff and children of the public schools, Motoring in from Thornton he was driven first to the Burton Ave. School, then to the West Ward and last, to the Central School, At each school the children and teachers were out in foree to greet him. The Mayor, members of the Board of Education and a number of fo su fu Oentral School. of welcome by Mayor Sprott was he was laken prisoner but made/ed to Mrs, his escape when a shell burst in| boquet. overseas the with -- the was transferred to the 20th Bn. and on Aug. 27 near war and did excellent work in| tive sanitation} bullet broke y bone in his left nt, being promoted to alelbow and the divisional command in this werk.|ne His brother, Capt. J. E. H. Laid-/eu a great variety of treatment Bell being killed on Aug. 26 and {., was among the home-|Cupt special deeds of | Rev re! Er arriving |Mrs, Hartt motored to Toronto, Jin Vrance for the second battle] st, town guests at the wedding in- Curtis street d to the 75th| Battery. ov hine gun in| ay, was attired in a beautiful French picture hat and wore a white-foy| latter he might go in. many beautiful gifts she received. iends also were present at the Now oj every night A short address Pen y ty briefly acknowledged by 0 P E R A H 0 U $ E eut, Ste t. Dr. Richardson, 7 1 behalf of the Board, present.| Friday and Saturday Stewart a handsome JUNE 13 AND 14 December, 1915, and went __ : Lieut. Stewart enlisted isin pe "S| BIG DOUBLE SHOW TOM MIX (Famous Western Cowboy Actor) --IN= "MR. LOGAN, U.S.A." The daring story of a secret vck arm" and a "drop wrist."|service man. time it is expected that the F : Mer will be all right, It was|S¢¢--The slide for life down a the Arras fighting two former}Steep mountain side. Arrie teachers fell, Lieut. A. E.| Clever roping. The big bar room fight (100 men being used in this scene) . And the Famous Tom Mix stunts which are never faked. . ras received a wound that in- pacitated him for further ac- service, A machine gun musculo-spiral rye, Although he receiv. vr his injuries he still hag a Grandy on the 28th. Hartt--Lynch A pretty June wedding was lemnized in St. Mary's Churen 7 o'cloek Tuesday) mornins.| 1en Miss Kathleen Lynch, eld., [In addition to the above { danghter of Mr. and Mrs. P.| THE WM. FOX SPECIAL Lyneh, became the bride of Mr SUNSHINE COMEDY m. J. Hartt of Hamilton, Very Dean -0'Malley perforined "MONGRELS" » eeremany. The bride was z en away by her father and will be shown. e her travelling suit of navy This comedy is absolutely tricot th black hat pine 7 Rooting ih Bldek ta {in| the best Sunshine Comedy we a corsage hoquet of roses, ¥ Midlanit Free Pross--Sergt. M | sister, Miss Dorothy, was brides-|have ever shown. Don't miss E. Markle ariived in town Wed-| maid, wearing taupe crepe and|this show, as we promise it to fesday night. accompanied by|Georgette hat. The groom's . be the best in a long time. "Don't forget the Kids." The ceremony was followed by No advance in prices wedding breakfast at th . no i < home. Later, Mr, ani; Children 11 cts., Adults 16 cts. First show 7.30 Second show 9 p.m.* Monday and Tuesday ALICE JOYCE in "To the Highest Bidder," 2 and the Special Big V Comedy, "Chumps and and Cops" Every Wed. and Thurs. CHARLIE CHAPLIN sistant was his brother, Mr, nest Hartt. Ann's and Montreal. They Ul reside in Hamilton, Out-of- aided) Mr. and = Mrs, Frank Mullen--Curtis A happy event took place at e home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. Brock Street, on Tues- morning, June {0, when the was solemnized of vir daughter, Varina May, tol 6. Carroll A. Mullent son of Mr. i Mes, W. J. Mullen, Owen late af the 9th Howitzer . and who returned from erseas a few weeks ago. Disregarded Notice For causing a house unfit for habitation to he used, A. J. Tuck Rev. A. F. Owen of the Burton| Was fined $5.00, a total of $14.50, enue Methodist Church. per-! by P. M. Radenhurst. In _ spite The bride| Of a notice posted on the house by the Board of Health he sold it of navy blne serge and large| it to Isaac Barnes and told the The pur- r, the eift of the groom. chaser was fined one dollar The wedding took place at 8.00|Which with costs amounted to mined the ceremony. a.m. and the happy couple left on| £5.50. the train Hiford.| 9 49 am, [other pl leaving Allandale at for Atlante City and}Have You Attended Our June eas , ; : Suit Sale? The high esteem in whieh the Be advised, 8 ie Jae il : Je advised, come at once, we are selling ide 1s, held wag, shown: by. the oe sme Men's and Ber? Bale a be fore-the-war prices, In msny instances oUF Mr. and Mrs. Mullen will make| suits are priced at half their present value cir home in Philadelphia, Pa.!und trss,. Buy your suit now and save from $5.00 to $15.00. HUNTER'S CLOTHING STORE, BARRIE, Be a hooster, buy at home. 87 Years of Growth Ever since 1832 this Bank has been serving the Canadian public. Its steady growth in assets and de- Posits is as mucha tribute to public confidence in its integrity as to its own efforts. Your savings account would be gladly re- ceived--and the regular interest and ultimate benefits will be decidedly welcome to you as time goes on. --THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $6,500,000 Reserve Fund- 12,000,000 Resources - = 150,000,080 'A. G. MACLELLAN