Ft THE BARRIE EXAMINER An\Elaborate Display needs. Our Ready-to-Wear tractive these days. These warm days think longingly of the joys beach will be your desired PRETTY WHITE DRESSES for Girls 6 to 14 yrs. These dainty little Voile dresses are neatly designed, have lace and embroidery trim- mings and their beauty is made greater by some little ribbon decoration. $1.50 to $6.75 ea. Find the garment you, want in our busy Ready-to-Wear Dept. $6.75. have them. COTTON JERSEYS FOR trimmings and White with Sky or Red Trimmings. Note the price. 39c. Fancy Top and Plain Socks for Children in sizes 5 to 814, 35c and 39c. BUTTERICK PATTERNS Put up specially for Moore & Arm- strong and all bear- ing our name. 10c or 3 for 25 sa Something new almost every day. SELECT YOUR. BATHING OUTFIT AT THIS STORE indeed, it won't be long before the sandy limpid water your frequent resort. } Bathing Suits in good varieties for Women, Misses and Children, $1.50 to Bathing Caps, and Fancy stripes or Plaid Hosiery will also be needed. We of Summer. Merchandise Preparations made for supplying the hot weather Department is especially at- Moore & Armstrong, Saturday as we consider it is unjust to ask lady clerks to serve after 10 p.m? will make you of bathing. And rendezvous#the here. sonable, HAIR NETS IN CAP | Beautiful Silk Crepe de Chene BOYS 39c SHAPE at $1.59 yd. These are here in sizes 24 No other shape Good even weave and suit- to 32 and all have long sleeves. | would please you af- able for Dresses, Blouses or Colors are Navy with 'Red | ter wearing these. Underwear. Very lustrous finish and will give absolute tisfaction. Width 36 inches, colors, Maize, Pink and White. Specially priced $1.59 yd. YOUR SUMMER HAT No trouble to find what you would like The summer Mod- els are very pretty and prices very rea- D Big lot of Panama Shapes at $1.50 each. THIS WEEK ° CLEARANCE OF ODD LINES OF WASH GOOD THEM AND QUITE SUITABLE FOR MAKING INTO S TO CLEAR ..... 0.0... eee 29c yd. will be your opportunity to get rect for them. and all marked at clearing pri- ces. First Floor. Moore & Armstrong, Berrie and Guetph 'S_ WONDERFULLY GOOD VALUES AMONG UMMER APPAREL, ALL MARKED AT ONE PRICE Bargain Prices on Odd Pairs of Ladi The Style Store STORE HOURS 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturfay. 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday. 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on other days. . Note.--Please arrange to shop before 10 p.m. on Cott MOORE & ARMSTRONG. mou are fortunate in being able to show such a nice variety. ; Combinations . . Vests and Drawers . . . +++ 50 to $1.75 . 25c to $1.65 ea. If you prefer a yokeless Vest so that you may crochet a yoke to your liking, we have them in good qualities of Lisle thread. 50c and 70c each T and seas buy and Strings of Beads in Gorgeous Colorings Dame Fashion has ordained these as cor- Summer wear. Some lovely lines now shown at this store. 89c, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.50 Lace and Novelty Curtains If you need one pair, this One pair only of each line will Che Silk: WE shades in all the seasonable | shapes and colorings coverings in dlain and flor- al patterns, all handles that SUMMER COMBINATION AND will suit you. SEPARATE GARMENTS A color to . : . . match your Manufacturers are slow in making | dress, delivery of Summer Underwear and we +| $1.50 to 6.00 HOUSE DRESSES THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Dresses than we can again procure this prices, $1.59 and $1.98. 36 only stripe percale Wrap- pers, sizes 36 to 42, high neck $1.39 each. BILLIE BURKE DRESSES These popular Dresses are suitable for street, outing or House wear and are in great demand. Lo bray, SELL emo, Corsets 1919 Thursday, June 12, ies' Sun, 'on or silk nted on $1.59 and $1.98 hese two lines of House are neatly designed the qualities are better on. Indeed you could not the goods alone at these long sleeves. Special at ly styles that fit any figure. Plaid and ck Ginghams, Plain Cham- Rajah and Shantung Ss, $3.50 to $13.50 each. The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be handed ur phoned to Mr, 1 Thompyon and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No, 39 finds him, Buy. scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through lim, ww at Henry Couse's Mutthew Cooper, who has been confined The bar of public opinion to whieh all fuod products are summoned for convietion #or joy a motor ride to town one day lust 4 week. acquittal is the dining room |]*% table where are gathered the appetite judges who pass upon the fitness of this or that food. We advocate the trial of our|| 10 oir | farm. Pele ed conde aee will ne [| Merwood Burling of Toronto, spent the[i 3 s 8 week-end with his parents established W. P. Jebb spent a few days with friends in Toronto last week. j Miss Florence Marwood of Toronto visi: | visited during 1 past week at Dr. Shier's. by lightning last Thursday i) uLson Bu0> Bakery | Come to Fisher's for your Hosiery. Good stock of silk, wool and cotton hose on hand. H. T. Rankin sold eleven cars in five days last week, Strayed on to the premises of W. J. = = |Devidson, on the éth Line of Innisfil, lot 9, yon or about May 24th, one ewe and HEAVY WORK HORSE (twe°isnts "Owner con have the same by |paying expenses. W, J, Davidson, Cooks- town. FOR SALE Mr- Holmes and family of Walkerville , jet, [spent the week-end with his brother-in- 5 years old, sound and quiet. Inw. D. Hopper, See Mrs. Lee and daughter from London visi- ted at John Nevills' this week. WM. REID The Union Producing Co. will present Lot 23, Con. 11 Innisfil in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening . Ad, |t June 18 the play "Why Girls Leave Home". Our Assortment o See Butter Crocks Gallon Jugs Cream Jars French Pots Mixing Bowls Crock Covers, Churns SEED POTATOES "Deleware," "Carman," "American Wonder." Millet, Hungarian and Dwarf Rape Seed, Turnip and Mangel Seed BROWN & CO. | Miss Richardson of Chicago is visiting, Part of proceeds in aid of the Coukstown Veterans, to his home for sometime, was able to en-|wrek with her daughter, Mrs. De Lacey Mrs, (Rev.). J. J. Coulter of Uxbridge | ov Barry Jebb had s couple of sheep killed Gray Dort car Inst week Harry Slight has purchased D. K, Ross's |H. L. Dunning, this week ted her uncle, David Marwood, last week. | Toronto. Jif it not in' proper running eondition. Mrs Jas, Donnell "+ in Toronto ibis who is ill gt. Frank A, eas on Monday Elmer and Arthur Feltis purchased a} w arrived home fram Mr. Dunning of Toronto visited 'is son Bert Robinson and family and F_ 11. Rob- | son motored to Norval on Sunday "Billy" Creswick of Georgetown is home his week with bis parents, Rev. and Mre. Creswick | Miss White «pent Sunday at her home in | Try Dunning's Garage for your tires, tubes and accessories. Bring in your car, Mr. Graham of Orillia is moving a barn Dr. George Adam. BARRIE CHAUTAUQUA dune 27 to July 3 his week for his brother, Hurtley Graham, IN MEMORIAM | Herschel Campbell and family of Ham. | ton spent the week-end with his mother, | 18 loving memory of dear Hazel, daughter Ma Juba Compbell Jof Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, who sank Mr H. B. Burnes is giving a piano re-| ito rest June 6, 1916. Gita by ber yupils in the Town Hall on |Three years have passed since that ead day | Monduy evening, June 16th A couple of motor cars of gypsies pyesed | Forget her, no, we never wi through town on Monday wil, parently have abandoned the caravan. Remember the garden party in Queen'a | She is gone from our home but not from our thoughts. jPark, Barrie, on June 19, afternoon and J evening. The cypsits "p-| A: Never an hour but she is in our thoughts; | A link in our family chain is broken, MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN with modern plumbing. Have us put in new enameled tubs, a snow while sink, or a water heater to your boiler. You will find the kitchen work actually easier and far pleasanter. Healthier, too, to work in sueh a place. The cost? well, let us surprise you by tell- ing vou how little the expense will be. MOFFATT & PARR Sole Agents for "Hecla'" Furnaces Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrle Presents NEW YORK AND LONDON'S BIG SU! Why Girls Leave Home Featuring the Young and Talented Comedian MR. NEIL BENZIE In His Great Comedy Creation, "JIM" Supported by a Metropolitan Cast of Actors, Singers and Dancers EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS: Supreme Vaudeville and COLLEGE JAZZ ORCHESTRA "A Very Moral and Intensely Interesting Play.'--New York World PRICES:--Reserved Seats, 50c, 75c. Gallery 25c. Seats on Sale at Malcomson's Doors Open at 7.30. as UNDER AUSPICES OF GREAT WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION GRAND OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE. 19 THE UNION PRODUCING COMPANY ' , Curtain Rises at 8.15 Don't Fail to Attend and Help Your Home Town Returned Soldiers GURNEY-OXFORD Call and get our prices before buying your new range. We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended to. J. J. NEELANDS Dunlop St. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BARRIE (CCESS Plus Wer Tax