Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1919, p. 7

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e 5,.1919 === : R ---------- ON, L.T.CM, . LESSONS, ention is given ils prepared fd 3 piatio and vocal; \ o Toronto Conser' ersity exams, bs Phone 424 HER _ HER of St. . OUSt. Andrew's ¢, Piano, Or, pared. for 280 and theoretical. enee and Studio, 510. | 34-yrly OWAN owan & Bro, ining Probate of ninistration, and onveyancer, ete, unlop street. HISON Fy Public, Con. é ates of interest, e premises for. ak of Toronto) ale, ' Ont. D.C. Murchison ----en XTON fORS, ETC. building. Jordon Plaxton sbthee Ahi LL.B. TOR, ETC. ng, Barrie, ------__. BELL 3 ; i Court of Judi- Notaries, Con-- © of Toronto site Elizabeth hone 167. ULL niversity Elizabeth and e hours 9 to m. Phone 105, ier St., Barrie. ART ity, Lorout lasgow. \ tomach. Worley Sa daily (ON vill be at 91 Saturday, and Throat » 5 p.m. and 3326, ~M.D., CM. ton, Ont. 6 to 8 pm. ternity Calls, responded to 'phone lines. << MPBELL ts St., Toronte 171, Barrie) mpbell, C.A. neer Department, L ppraiser. red to con- Satisfaction Phone 191. son's office a REPAIRED ia IAN 3 Phone '323 _ Fall weight of tea in - every packag _ REDROSE TEA|'s goodtea . Sold only in sealed packages RAILWA GRAND TRUNK tay THE DOUBLE | OUEEN'S TRACK ROUTE) aia hativi 1 J lh KINGSTON, J 'een | bis Onranio TORONTO | 1 ants MONTREAL Part of the Arte course may be covered by | correspondence. DETROIT | | MEDICINE EDUCATION and | APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, ; CHICAGO |] Mecheaical tnd" Biectriea Sleeping cars on nigh( trains and| Engineering Parlor Cars on principal day! f] SUMMER SCHOOL -- MAVIEATION senooL trains. July and August, December toApril » Unexcelled dining car service ,| [26 GE®. ¥. CHOWN, Registrar, Full informatior Trunk Ticket from any Grand Agent or C. EL) Horning, District. Passenger | Tahok PB. em /11//0203./7. 111, J. & BILLINGSLEY | DN TABLETSON Depot Agent OTM Better than Pills| CET A Children Ory vem. GHUSSLAND, DRUGGIST FOR FLETCHER'S -- - --< For Liver Ills.) 20c Boxall Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. CASTORIA Destroyed One Roof Escaped ° The picture tells the story. Mr. Offer's letter configms the fire- resistant qualities of Brantford Asphalt Slates 'He says: "TI covered the roof of 201 Marlborough Ave., Toronto, with your Asphalt Slates some time ago. This house is one of a row of four, the remaining three were covered with Cedar shingles, "These houses were close to a railway track and on the night of August 15th, 1918, these roofs caught fire from a spark from @ passing train. "As you can see in the picture, the roofs on three houses were completely burned through, including the sheeting boards and rafters, The boards and rafters on 201 were also burned through, so that the fire passed over and under your slates without harming them in any way. "T bave rebuilt the roofs and covered them with your Asphalt Slates since I bave bad stich good proof that if the four roofs had been covered with your slates no fire would have occurred." And here is another letter, from G. F. Wingrove of Walsing- ham, Ont., dated December 2nd, 1918. 'Mr. Wingrove says: "The house I live in is a large frame with dry pine rafters and sheathing. Icovered same with Brantford Roofing last May. "On November 24th, at eight-in the morning, we discovered that it was all aflame inside of roof of one part, 18 x 30, with a fine breeze fanning it. But by the use of the telephone and the splendid fire-proof qualities of your roofing,-we got the fire out and found spaces where the rafters and lumber were burnt out + from in under the roofing and the roofing still doing its duty of 'resisting fire. Also remember this is out in the country where it toolthe best part of half an hour for help to arrive." 'The Inspector of the Waterloo Mutysd Fire Insurance Com- pany, has this to say about Mr. Win; 's fires-- "T inspected this risk after the fire. It was particularly ev: dent that the fact that the roof was covered with Brantford Roofing kept the fire confined below the roof. If it had been ' possible for the fire to break through I do not see how they could have saved the building. As it was the loss was com- paratively trifling." When roofing a building, it pays to put on a fire-resistant roof as well as a beautiful one. Brantford Asphalt Slates (indi- vidual size shingles) and Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates. (four shingles in one) are fire-resistant, durable; cag, and beautif 'Samples and prices furnished on request. Brantford Roofing Cou. .° Heap Orricg AND Factory, BRANTFoRD, CANADA Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg = For sale by OTTON HARDWARE CO. LIMITED SS Hforih good fruit: Eve jwill do the Father's will SCHOOL LESSON JUNE 8: OBEDIENCE.--Mat, 7: 16.29. (Read Gen. 12: 1-4; Mat. 7: 16-29; Jno. 14: 21-24), GOLDEN TEXT.--"Ye are my friend, if ye do whatsoever I command you." Jno. 15:14, TIME.--Midsummer, A.D. 28. PLACE.-- Horns of Hattin, EXPOSITION.--I. How to Tell a True Prophet from a False Prophet, 16-20. Thut there should be false professors and false teachers in the world ehould cause us neither surprise nor dismay. Jeeus pre- dicted from the beginning that it should be 0, and the fact that it is so, is simply 8 confirmation of the truth of His Word. Jesus commands us to beware of false pro- phets, men who profess to speak for God, but who in reality ere speaking for the devil. There never was a day in which that demand was more needed than to-day JMen and women who falsely elaim to be in- spired of God and men and women who claim that their systema are of Divine origin are rising -- on every hund; but tested by the tests cur Lord Jesus' gives us here their claims are proven false. In outward guise they 'may be meek, but there is a ravenous jheart within. One said to me not long ago of a very dangerous false teacher, "But he is 60 gentle." A wolf is never more dangerous than when he masqueredes in sheep's clothing (cf. 2 Cor. 11: 13, 141 What are men "inwardly"? that is the question. How can we tell? By their fruits, What is the fruit of the prophet's teaching" Is it_grapes and figs, or thorns jee thistles? Tried by this Christ-given test, much that is lauded in our day as "advanced thought" is found to be error Tried by this test "Christian Science' fuile utterly. Many have had their fingers | pricked by the thorns and thistles that were supposed to be grapes and figs. But the all-important question for each of us is, what kind of fruit am T myself bearing? | to bear good fruiz ie to have | The only way to lead a he ing a regenerate heart, Gal, 5:19 of our day is trying to make ¢ forth good fruit. We at t to save men by mere ethieul cul instead of going to the root of the} on regeneration If [men is born again, he is bound to bring good tree bringeth | forth good fruit" Tf a man is not born he i bound to bring forth evil a corrupt tree ot bring forth good fruit, to bear bad fruit: "Every BRINGETH NOT FORTH GOOD FRUIT IS hewn down and cast into the fire." There are no exceptions, "every tree." Are iringing forth good fruit? Don't say am doing no harm"; are you doing any There is a fire, an eternal fire awaiting those that bring not forth goo at. The supreme test of every person ry dactrine, of every sysiem, is what "Lord", It is not calling Jesus Lord, but doing will that makes us fit for the ki If we really make Jesus Lord The first the Father's wall is that we believe © whom He hath sent (J Even up to the judgment n 'y who count themeely. His because they call Him '*Lord. Lord ill find out that after ali, ¢ were not His. It is plainly suggested 1 une nay even achieve wonders in the nance of Jesus, wha has no saving knowledge 'of Jesus Himself (ef. 1 Cor. 13:2), There are many today pointing to the persoris "he ed" through their ministry as God's seul |; { approval upon their ministry. It is © i- dent from vs. 22, 23, that this is not ov n- clusive proof. Indeed, people holding the most antagonistic positions, alike point 10 heuling us the sign of God's approval. but which of the antagonistic positions ix it that God is approving? No. amount of wonders performed will prove one who neither holds the doctrines, nor maniiesis the Spirit of Christ, a Teacher sent from God. No matter what one has done in the name of' Christ, no matter how exalted his position or loud his professions. if he works iniquity, there awaits him at the com- ing day the dreadful, "I never knew you; depart from Me." MI. Building on the Rock and Building on the Sand. 22-29. The only rock which will stand for eter- nity is Christ (Isa, 26 R.V.; 28:16 Cor. 3:11). We build upon Him by lis- tening 10 what He says and then doing it. MERELY HEARING Christ's sayings and not doing them will not save; hearing and doing will save (ef. Jno. 5: », We build upon Jesus by believing in Him and we show that we believe in Him by obey- ing Him, . Any faith that does not lead to obedience is not faith and will not save. The one who hears Him and obeys Him builds upon the Rock. Testing time will come, the rain will descend, the floods will come, the winds will blow , and beat upon him; but' he will not fall for he is founded upon the Rock. The one who hears but does not do may seem to be building upon the same foundation. but the time of testing will show that he is a "foolish man' and built upon the sand. The rain will descend upon him. the floods will surround him, winds will blow and beat upon him and he will fal and grest will be his fall. Are you b ing upon the Rock or upon the sand? Find out before the storm comes, It will be too late then, There is nothing more aston- ishing than the doctrine of Jesus to one who really understands it. The ecribes, the theologians of the day, taught what they learned by rote from others. Jésus taught as one having the authority that comes from a personal knowledge of the truth directly revealed to Him by God Himself ef. Jno. 7: 16; 12, 49; 14: 10, 24; 8: 34; 46); To shi ® | ve ure Co-operation. Aske The Secretary of the Express 'Traffic As- vociation of Canada has issued the follow ing circular to Secretaries of Boards of 'Trade, and to. shippers asking their co- operation in arranging deliveries so that employees may be able to enjoy better working conditions:-- "The men on the vehicles of the Express Companies have been serving you during ten actual working houre, exclusive of the period. For the purpose of improving the work- ing. conditions of their employees und to accommodate what seems to be the gen- eelwery onfined to the hours between § um. and| "Shippers who do not receive regular i'm Drjot offices where. night tafe alls and ty" whom requelte for sevice BEST. MEAL IN TOWN livery calling for then Long-Wearing Stockings for Active Boys The rough and tumble games in the schooleyard ar mighty hard on stockings. Boys will play hard, so we e a stocking specially for them-- Soukine 2 ly em--the Buster Brown This stocking has a two-ply leg and three-ply he : j - el and toe. It is knitted from extra-long yarn--epan by ourselves to make sure it is' right. Special training is necessary to knit Buster Bro ity i s wn quality into hosiery. We have spent years training our employe i es ck Buster Brown Stockings. e me to knit Because we do all these things, you'll find them longer-weari You'll be pleased to sce how seldom they appear in the mending basket. You ll find the cost of clothing your boy lower. And they're mighty fine looking too. Good looks are knit into Buster Brown Stockings. You'll find your boy will be proud of them. Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer f "Buster Brown" durable hostery. °F BUSTER BROWN'S SISTER'S STOCKING Buster Brown's Siste ing for the girls Is a splendid looking stocking at a moderate --Black, Leather Shade nk, Blue and White. The Chipman-Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont.--Mills also at Welland Ce BUSTER BROWN ? st vehicle cull is made. Association and its members in our effort Will you please inform your members 'to give efficient service." promptly of the new arrangement and of -- public sentiment, the Expgits Com- last ies have udopted the eight-hour day. give the employees the benefit of the | rer it his been necessary to re-|the.nveessity for it. fi 'ange the hours for collection and de-| 'Shippers who receive regular calls from | FY service Express Companies should arrange to have | Effective June Ist, 1919. collection und {their packages ready at least one hour! son ouse y the Companies' vehicles will be /eatlice-than at present. nuuntéined will be open for the de- [9% i:'epboned to the Express Compunies, 35¢ of incoming shipments to consignes |should telephone their calls as early in the und for the receipt of out- [dy us possible. "We hope for the co-operation of your ng shipments which are not ready when TE peses Put a permanent polish on your floors. De: away with the tedious work of constant floor polishing. Use Lowe Brothers Durable Floor Varnish and put a deep, lustrous, perm- anent polish on your floors, TE Durable Floor Varnish is made especially for floors, it covers in a smooth, even coat, dries hard, does not become sticky in any weather, can be washed with soap and water. Boilin; water does not hurt it. Does not show hei Lowe Brothers Varnishes The varnishes of the and wearing qualities. Lowe Brothers make a varnish for every purpose. The same varnish will not do for ever§thing. Tell us what you want to finish and we will give you the correct varni VERNICOL For old floors, woodwork and furniture A beautiful varnish stain in any desired color. Does not scratch or mar easily and can be washed with soap and water. If your woodwork, floors .or furniture is beginnjng to look old and worn a coat or two of Ver- nicol will give it new life and beauty, B MERRILL & HUBBARD _ Sage iM | (1. NAH | i oe a egeSese5 Eaeseaese ecdgeseoeses eatest beauty, lustre

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