'Page TWo - THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' ' . Gleanings from the Minutes Trinity Church is very fortunate in hay- ing a complete record, well kept, af its vee- FILMS AND try meetings from the year 1842 to the present day. From the pages of this min- = ute book The Examiner has gleaned the > THE: BEST following information :--- The first minutes recomied in the ves try clerk's book were those of » meeting ALL PHOTO Jisecce sor toh eas heat & aretins dagh presided and the first motion wus SUPPLIES -- [2% 8s, Pas and John MeWatt. Bus ; ines put through ineluded the appoint. ; ment of w committee to take subscriptions f Films are a very 'for enclosing the churchyurd and painting f eessary part of, the church; » motion. fixing the pew rent f a e aes en lat the rate'of one shilling und three pence e : } he oc i 'i 2 per sitting till Easter, 60 sit.ings being left Cameras merely free. Tt was decid io take ua elleae aint, lo Save Mone | iy th shan. ¢#ch Sunday to buy firewood, for cleaning > supply the mee Ps * chureh. cistting wood, lighting fires | ical fixture OF) On Feb. 20, 1843, E. Lally and E. R i insit Fvery man is looking fer a good shave,| "holding" the piv- Kynstone were appointed wardens, John ak ery saponte' pees, inside ona out | a cheap shave and a quick shave, The! tue, put if is tha SOMemet was uppointed sexton at a salary side your home, is losing money for you. | : Basrest, quickest and jest wae th chave is ; of seven pounds, ten shillings per annum with a Dugham Duplex Domino Set fila upon which the In this year Dr. Pass was appointed seburch Wear and decay start at the surface. ' Outfit consists of a Durham Duple picture is impressed | Paint protects the surface and prevents decay, i with satety five dionhle Ryy good films and] . } and a3 thppt atta binent 'ate, ypu will get good. Paint preserves wood, metal, even brick and cement; not | E we sharpened his attachmen , : é Up ina neat piirorta tase fur $1.00. R Gietures, We sel | only the outside of the kouse, but also the walls, floors and { soriee $5.00 Hy 1 iso, tha furniture in it. | omember also, tha DUPLEX HAIR CUTTER best in all photaf Senour's Floor Paint \ % supplies can be ob. The old reliable -- iz e : . 3 irs, and wears, and q { ; Chat vene own hair and save money, 4 r Fs. re . ' Duplex [aie Cutter will make a neat job and 'Neu-Tone RN SH S$ H 3 Dept Na ke nl ptetes..| PAINTS AND VARNISHE : STE $1.00 per Gutter wehiere, nies Deceratiees: give you the paint and varnish best suited for every surface, to. = i ' Wood-Lac Stains Protect as well as beautify; to save 4 r is WM. CROSSLAND PE | Ro ew ev : bd "Marble-ite" Property. The one perlect floor - P finish--will nat mar or Paint, a QL' Store "Ree Soe eae: aera: BARRIE osha a RI "Varnoleum" : benutifos and preserves Oil Cloth nd Uisoleum. ere | Rev. Canon Reiner { SOME HISTORICAL NOTES ON TRINITY | ee es ! [warden | On Aur. 8. 1844, J. R Ask for copies of our | CHURCH, BARRIE jctomnard dunes Glens two books--"Town and Country igyswert rd th Homes" and "Floors--Spic and Span". lto the Free on request. 145 5 Hl by patent First Ree- | pew rents for each ry of Vespra'" an Jan 7 year, At the Easter meting. 1845, Cay IteveoS Bo Anlah hi vrning service {Moberly was appomted a warden, Wo B Pgs i or {MeVitty and SM. Sanford were appointed gece aes a a Ee JOHNSON & WARREN, Mr, Ardagh continued to. resite owing to "the great BARRIE. in Shanty Bay until his h, which oceur pulation of Barre." it mn Oct 3. INGO Archilescon Beth ° Court boune | slonary a aml on Dee. i Helping or to Get House ie eae wae congregation wor! In Apr 24, at was dees ¥ = ae ' pee eihe fakbes a brick insursnee on the church us church in a more convenient location and | cu: € tit. Continuing, the re-| be erected thereon for the purpose of Di- bast pf the court hate It war eerered an (ohurels vt All ressive permitted. At the same meeting it' was | also whether it, would be practicable to ex: | port suid committee, however, have | vine Worship forever hereafter according ras By Sige geve services marked the opening, ten elergym fastalient ig Phe Haile im [tend ud enlarge the school house into a|great pleasure in mentioniag the earings |tesbe ae and ceremonies of the United . onan na 1 taking alent» in "The Barrie Buil- {parish church. On 18; Mr. Patton of two lots of Lynd of the | Churches of England and Ireland. In ci Ne rn il Y erasu A pute | ding to be the property of the} mittee reported against the £125, being lots 11 and 12 on the 'dition to this donation Mr. Patton has ex. i va Rectory wih Chigy Wan aided later andl some other aildit ons | Rerior mean ning tsken to wwsst [because of the age of the building, the jaouth side of Worky street, eh coc, pressed his willingness to add thereto lot \ The site on elie! the church was tualt yard chang: at different times Mr. Ardagh to ereet a house in Barrie "that Ifatures of the ground on what 4 brick building capble of contain: No. 13, valued at £50, adjoining the others \ be enabled to give more timefervcted and the ulifficulty of uccene [ing fove hundred sittings on the ground flooe | (Continued on Page 3) ra tion to the duties of bis office in a) noua a é = 7 4 Thos, Fox Davies. publisher of "The Bat. rie Magnet™ was an auditor in 1850. Sub scriptions having fuiled to liquulate the debt Jof £68 on the school house a mortgage was {given to S. M. Sandford in 1852, repay- Juble at the rate of ten or twelve pounds per yeur to the unproductive rectory lots amount of 12 | Taxes on Church Lote bh 9 os y The secretary of the Church Society on < Apr, 26, 1852, advined the Vestry that i y lot 10, con. 8, lot 10 con 14, and Jot 23. ¢ con, 14, all in Innisfil, were wdvertised for taxes and he suggested that the wardens . _. 00 for Organ VOICE RECORDS n away back in 1852 the co-opera- ln ap tn Se Rt el For June Now on Sale it by subscription and i bers of the church be UNE has brought a burst of good requested to interest themselves in the a music. The list which is offered Nav, 30 of this year the sexton this month might be properly scked permission to fix up ax a dwelling for Me . called an all-star one. Better drop OW an ave=: himself and family the east half of the sie 3 in early and make your selection from [shed in the burial ground. $ a full stock. 2 e With Profit? . -Many wage-earners are asking them- selves this question. The Original Trinity Church Built in 1834, 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided | Blue Label Records Dear Old Pal of Mine--and--When Life and Love ( from **The Velvet You Look in the Heart of a Rose Lady"')--and--Waiting ( from Waltzes J.C. Smith's Orch. | 18543 "Listen Lester"? You'll Find Old Dixieland in France-- bert Murphy 45164 s " Pietro--and--Just Blue--Fox 3 trots F al Star Trio 18547 'Sweet Siamese---Fox Trot--and-- He's Had No Lovin' For a Long Red Seal Records Long Time--One-Step Baby Mine (Contralto) Frantzea's Society Orch. 18546 Sophie Brasiau 64810 The Royal Vagabond--and--Cai "Caprice Poetic" (La Leggiereeza) --Fox Trots Smith's Orch. 18541 (Piano Alfred Cortot 74589 By the Camp-fire--Peerless Quartet Quartet in A Minor--Scherzo --and--I'm Forever Blowing Flonzaley Quartet 74578 Bubbles HartShaw 18540 || Crépuscule (Tisilight) (Soprano) Hush-a-bye, Ma Baby--and--When Galll-Curcl 64807 the Shadows Softly Come and Go Holt-Rosedale 18550 64811 The Tumble-down Shack in Athlone Sterling Trio--and--Smile, ag the World Smiles with You They do not want to put a quarter in the bank at a time, and before they know it, it is gone for trifles. The Government has provided a simple ' plan to enable you to save that quar- ter in such a way that it will earn you 'more money. Twenty-five cents buys a Thrift Stamp. Sixteen Thrift Stamps become a W Tears of Love*ChaertHoreeed OS ||, Wily een s me a a 'ears of ve--| les Hart--ank to Tel ie ry =i Savings Stamp, for which the Govern. --Walt and See Henry Burr 18544 || -- (Contralto) -'Lealse Homer WSs. ; + Stamp, . Rhythm Medley No. 1--and~-No. 2 Dream of Youth (Violin) (Reve Cost $104" ment will pay you $5.00 in 1924. Victor Milliary Band" 18848 de Jeunesse) Kreisler dn June If you lend the Government your sav- W-S.s. ings in this way, you can make your In Ort 1853, Mr. Nugent, the assistant, vis clas from. $4 my to $597, sola = gay Pai cata, Cost $4.05 money earn over 41/,% compound in- _|Te*igned. » Writing to the Bishop of 'the if desired. | Ark for free copy f our 620-page Musical 4 difficulties of the field he apoke of preparing Encyclopedia, listing aver 9000 "His Master's Voice ' terest as often as you save $4.00 odd. {i ificulties oft epnfirmation in Barrie from = Records. i po 12 and i miles north, 5, 12 and 15 \ f miles south and 9 and 10 miles west of 6OLys 9, posts § Pog . Barrie : Hear them at any "His Master "Ys nan es : \ This is not only easy and profitable i woot fhe: Voice" dealers 5 i \ isy and pro! le in- The increased cost of living appeared on fj b \ 2 vestment, but patriotic investment, be- | the reconisin 1855 when ev ge 'Ardagh : 4 ic cause the Government needs money wrote the Vestry suggesting certain increas- Y rer, Be Pa for the heavy financing of the recom. in pew rent gad burial fees in omer to ; ao a y elp him meet "the increased price of all tot J struction period. --. . the necewaries of life." His request was em] acceded to, Move for New Church | ibepiccranat pring Make Your Savings Serve You and In consequence of the deficiency of the GEO VI KERS pol reeioer Serve Your Country--Invest Them in |b' accommodation in Barrie, Meant e ( : 4 Bernard, Gowan, Savigny, Boys, Patton and \ feted: War Savings Stamps. fo tee on orca cecum, ction DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT,