HE. - BARRIE. - EXAMINE. 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------_ 3625 COPIES |. THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 16 PAGES - SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 56th Year J. A. W. ©. WALLS, Manager MacLAREN, Editor BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) No. 22 SIX MONTHS AND $500 FINE; For Running an Illicit Still-- Now in Barrie Inland Rev- enue Office. Mr. Shanacy, Inland' Revenue Officer, has now in his office the biggest and most complete still he has ever seized, having a capacity of over ten gallons per day. On page 3 of this issue will be found a report of the finding of this whiskey plant On Monday Magistrate Hewson of Penetang sentenced F. F wesen te six manths at hard labor and fined John Olivastri $300 and costs in) connection with the operation of the still, Olivastri who lives at Midland, was the owner of the still, and Fran-- wesco was operating it, --Save your hatd coal by using nnel Coal in your Grate which burns to ashes without sparks. Seat far Select annel Coal Big Bay Hotel Opened Mt. Coupe, who formerly had a hotel business in Muskoka, has Jeased the Peninsular Park hotel for five years and has been spend- ing a considerable ainount in re- pairs and furnishings. Included in the added equipment is an roads most of (he way Great Suit Sale suils, $16.98; $30,00 suits, $2 3.98: $39.00 suits its, special at 00 suit) value for $50.00 suit value for at Hunter's, Barrie, With dollar spent we give a 5 ul profit sharing card. Be a booster, buy at home, $25.00 suits, $13.98; BOR; $28.98, . Cement Attractive prices Write or Thos. A. McCarthy, 179 Bayfield St. OF FOR SALE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS EAST AND WEST SIDES OF BAYFIELD ST. between Wellington and North John Sts. Sewer, Water and Gas in street sidewalks Suitable terms apply to J | HOME-COMING SOLDIERS | Robt. Dunnett, a veteran of the 37th Bn., is expected at his home |in Ward Six tonight. Sergt. E. G. Redditt, formerly electric light plant. Connection) panamaster of the 157th Bn,, is with Barrie will be given b¥ 8880) expected to reach Barrie this line boat and motor service. ek, With efficient management this Lt. McRae, M.C.. of Stayner, hotel shoultl "bp largely patron-| grandson of M. Shanacy, was ized. Owing to/the inereased raile| grin the soldiers who arrived way rates, mfiny people will be| thie week prevented from making frequent|' )\ \" Kellow reached bis home trips to the Muskoka resorts and| in MeDonald after extended will he glad (o patronize a g00d| erview overs He ee ai hotel within easy motoring dis-| {he toth Bn tance of Toronto, with first-class! Major Gea, Rodgers, who has heen acting as conducting officer on transports, was at his home in town over Sunday Set. RoC. Jary of the ith Div Engineers arrived at his home at |Craighurst last week. He came lover on the Royal George Pte. Jos. Plant who went ove seas with the 37th Bn. and was transferred to the 20th., is home gain. His brother, Allan, pre ceded him by a couple af we Gunner Jas, Ford home on Monday Mrs. W. F. Catlin, Allandale, and has heen overseas for nearly four years with the 15th Battery, com-- ing through unseathed. Afler four ye erviee wilh the 5th Engineers, Corp. H Tomlin returned home last w He did not receive a serateh his long service jhe was a GT.R. fireman, Capt, Jack MeGibbon, WC. re. turned from averseas on Sunday. ks arrived He is a son of in Before enlisting Capt. MeGibbon was formerly in | Creswicke's law office here." Ie went over as a Lieutenant and won his captainey on the field. Mrs, Erwin Storey of Midhurst Station was in Torente ta meet WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLOSING WE CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, DUR- ING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST, EXCEPT IN Sarjeant & King Ltd. Style Headquarters Sarjeant & King Ltd. OH, BOY! SEE OUR NEW wane RANGE OF CLOTHS FOR THE RELIABLE PROGRESS BRAND SUIT Patterns as new and cri young man's physique. Come in and look pver we know you will be delig! roll lapels, \\ right. "man too. Hot weather suits for Buster Brown styles. SPECIAL! BLACK DRESS GOODS 40-in. all wool Black Gabar- dine... $2.00 yd. 40-in. all wool Black Sebasta- pool .......... $1.75 yd. 44-in. Silk and wool Henrietta, A Table of Summer Dress Goods, consisting of V@les, San-Toys, Soleils,, Luster- ines, etc., to clear /... 69¢ . PHONE 25 Sarjeant & King Ltd. - THE STORE OF Prince Mer sp as this season of the year demands and every suit tailored and modelled for a our styles and patterns and hted. You will see the soft slash pockets, two button coat and waist line. Ev erything that wiltmeet your fancy and they are priced Plenty of styles and patterns for the conservative BOYS' WASH SUITS boys in Oliver Twist and Plain whites, blue and white, brown and white and whife with striped collar and cuffs. Both stylish and serviceable. Progress Bourn Gores to $3.50. Prices range from $1.50 LADIES' PORCH DRESSES Morning Dresses in good styles and pleasing colors. You certainly need one now. We carry a wide range. And the prices are $4.00, 4.50, $5.00, $6.00, and $7.50. NEW IDEA PATTERNS He enlist- in 1916 here on Sunday night. ed in Edmonton ear with the 19ith Bn,, and served for about two years in France with the 2nd Can. Machine Gua Section, He was awarded the Military Medal. ches to his stature, ' son of Rev Pte, RL W. Taylor, B. Taylor, who has been ov seas almost four years, arrived at his home in Allandale some nt over with the rnadiers and was he 3rd Toronto Regiment with which he served for nearly the four years. in \France. He was gassed twice Among other returned soldiers from this district are: Hounsome 32 Sanford St Fitsel (14 Napier St.) W. G. An- derson, OQ. Gibb (81 Ann Sty, Barrie: A. G. Gollop, R.M.D. No », Barrie: 1). E, Burns, Vine; J torbett, Thornton; L. Tudd, R L. Weatherup., Hillsdale; W. J McKinnon, Angus; C. W. Stewart, Lefroy Gunner Wilfred G. Wardman, |who reached home a few days ag: |went across in Get, 1917, with & jdraft the 69th Battery and after serving with the heavy trench mortars for a couple of months was transferred to the li5th Battery, retaining with it to days ago. He w ard Royal transferred to oz hep son, Pte. A. F. MeGuire, of|j the end. Whin the armistice was the C.M.G.C., who arrived in To-| signed he was near Mons and ito on Sunday, Pte. MeGuirel went with his battery into Ger was wilh' the 20th Bn. aud had many, being in Hunland 1x been four years overseas His brother, Palmer, whe jis with the 75th Bn, is expected home ina couple of weeks Mr. and Mrs. John Clayton, Peel St. had the jay of weleom- ing hame this week two more of theip soldier sons, Although they bear sears of war, they are feel ing aut fit. Sergt.-Major Gerald Clayton went over with the 58th four years ago, At Zillebeke he was wounded in four places Gunner Fred J. Clayton alsa saw four years of service, going across with the 15th Battery. He was gassed al Passchendael. The two sons who preceded them we Ple, Bergin and Sergt. Gratton; the fifth son, L as. D., is with the America have all five sons on active ser vice and all lo come home with- out serious injury is surely an exceptional record for one fami Capt. G, C, Mackay, D.F.C., has just arrived at | his home in Mimico after being overseas for over two years with the R. Ss and R.A.F. He hag been decorat- ed with the D.F.C., Order of Leopold, the Croix de Guerre and Palm. The Order of Leopold is the highest Belgian decoration, He has 18 enemy planes to his credit, Among the souvenirs he has brought home is the propeller of his machine with the names of the officers and men under his command. Last September at the beginning of the push, he was wounded in the right arm and leg while strafing a Hun aim drome, but returned to his squadron in October and fought to the finish, His father was formerly Presbyterian minister in Elmvale. rrie Chicken In Siberia When the Barrie Canning Kit- chen was being discussed last year it was stated that its pro- ducts would advertise Barrie very widely. An illustration of this far-reaching publicity has just come to The Examiner's notice. Capt. Rex. Ardagh, with the Can- adian forces in Siberia, reports seeing served to the men in Viadi- vostock a dozen cans of prime chicken bearing the label of "The Women's Institute and Red Cross Canning Centre of Barrie, Ont., Canada." Capt. Ardagh had the good fortune to be placed in charge of an ammunition train which was sent from Vladivostock to Omsk and so had an opportunity of travelling about 4000 miles in- to Siberia. Buy in Barrie. Gunner Hector Brown, son of, Chas. Brown, arrived at his home| Appreciative Gifts The Weekly Meeting of 'Trinity Woman's Auxiliary on Wednes- day last was marked by several interesting items. The meeting opened with a large attendance and after the devotional exercises the Presi- dent, Mrs. A. W. Fletcher, gave a must inspiring and enthusing report of the annual Diocesan meetings recently held in Toron- to. Following (his was the presen. Pte, Archie Jay reached homel tation of a preity salad bowl to on Sunday night. He enlisted! mys. Browning, Dareas Conven- with the 157th and served 1D | er, who is shortly leaving for her Belgium and France with the! new home in Toronto. The ad Sith Bn. being with the 11th] dsess was read by Mrs. Channen, Brigade when Valenciennes was "Mrs. Bingham taken. Pte, Jay was gassed but | presenting the gift little the worse. Since he |went away he has added 23 in ye members were then asked tand while the service for the presentation of life member- ship was being read, Mrs. Ray- mond being the recipient of this tribute on the eve of her depart- ure to another sphere of labour. |Mrs. Rebt. Carr read an ad- dress of appreciation and Mrs. Radenhurst presented the gold hadge of membership. The Pres- ident then closed the meetiag with the Members' Prayer and Benediction. Mrs. Browning's Address The following was the address to Mrs. Browning Dear Mrs. Browning: With a feeling of keen regret we find that we must lose from our midst me of our most faithful workers, In the short time you have been with us we have learned to esteem you very highly. Always bright and full of energy you are ready « fake a large share of any work on hand. Your place will not be 'axily filled. We shall miss y ery much but we know still go on with your mis work in your new home. Our good wishes go with you and may you enjoy the blessing of health and prosperity and continue to serve the Good Master so that when our work here is finished you may hear the weleome words "Well done, good and faithfull servant." We should like you to take away something which will remind you of us in future days. Please ¥ t this small token of our love and appreciation of the work you have done here. Signed on behalf of the mem- jbers of Trinity W Minta Fletcher, Porrit, Pres. Cor.-Seey. Continued on page 16) Sults At About Half Price These are real bargains in men's suits: $20.00 suits for $13.98; $25.00 suits for $16.98; $30.00 suits for 2.98; $35.00 jsuits fop $23.98; $39.00 suits for | $24.98; $40.00, suits, special for $19.98; $45.00 suit value for 26.98; $50.00 suit value for $28.98. We give a profit sharing card worth 5 cents with every |dollar spent, Hunter's Clothing Store, Barrie. If you have any items of news Ting 194. tion." THE-- Paid-up Capiti Reserve Fund Resources - - 150, Rpt nna vce UH TTT "If 1 Only had a Little Capital" Time and again you have heard someone say, "If J only had a little capital back of me | know | could make money with that proposi- Resolve, today, that you will not face Fortune emptyhanded. Sow the seeds of your success by starting a savings ac- count with this Bank now. Bank of Nova Scotia Owais ay TON ---- DEDICATION OF TRINITY CHURCH Impressive Services Conduc~ ted by Bishop Sweeney-- Mr. Raymond's Farewell. ~ Sunday, May 25, 1919, was am outstanding day in the history of Trinity Church, Barrie, for om this date the chureh was conse~ erated, showing that all indebted. ness had heen removed. In ad~ dition a confirmation was held. Mingled with the feeling of joy and satisfaction occasioned by the dedication of the church, there were deep feelings of regret that the day also marked the close of Rev. H. D. Raymond's incum. beney as vicar. Very large con~ gregations attended both morn~ ing and evening and the day will not soon be forgotten by the cons gregation At the opening of the morning: service, the Right Rev. J, F. Sweeny, M.A., D.D,, D.C.L., Bishop of Toronto, was received at the door of the church by the Rector, the Viear, and the churehward~ ens (Geo. Vickers, and R. Wy Payne) and presented with am petition asking that the church bey consecrated. Then, preceded by- the choir and the wardens, tee Bishop. Rector and Vi ceeded to the chancel as the Date psalm was sung. When the Bish- op was sealed Mr. Vickers pre sented to him the deeds, after which the Bishop continued the dedication service, concluding with the reading of the Sentence of Consecration by Rev. H. D. Raymond and the signing of the same hy the Bishop After the regular service of the day was read, Bishop Sweeny ad- ministered the rite of con~ firmation to a class of eleven. confirmees. 'The Sermon In his sermon, Bishop Sweeny made reference to the two im pressive ceremonies in which he (Continued on page 13) i INSPECTIONDAY . WHAT IS IT? The story will be told in lar~ ger space in next week's issue and in the meantime the ROOM OF PALMS will be pleased to cater to your ice cream or light lunch needs, Phone 125 Elizabeth St. AG. MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Beanch |e nls