Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve © THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge.of 15 cents per issue, Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- onal charge of 10c. will be made. The H PERSONAL i a | Miss Ina Paterson spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Olive Scott has returned foreseing aoe are for boasaie hy not! from a visit in Welland. aid for before the paper is issued, an ad- age ' ck ditional charge of 10c. will be made on ali| Mrs. Skinner and son, Jack, of 'tdlets less than one dollar, ------____-- GOOD MAID WANTED--Apply to Mn. Bryson, 40 Bradford street. 20-tfe ANY PERSON wishing first-class board- ing house, call 6 Market street, --20.23p. ROOM TO LET--Central, suitable for one or 2 ladies. Apply at this office. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Emsy terms. Misses Bell, 59 Mary street. 20-20 ---------- FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss | ' St, Toronto, are visiling Misy Pearcy, Miss M. Adams has returned home from a visit with friends in Ivy Mrs. Walter H. While of Ash- burnham has been visiting Mrs. H. J. Grasett. The Misses Robinson, Dunlop are spending a month in Ingersoll anid ralford Miss Rita O'Connor has return- ed after a four months' visit in M. McArthur, King Block, Barc 37g} Teronte, Gall and Haimilton. es, Brandon and son, FOR SALE--Mendolasohn Piano, nearly Alex. af nose Jaw, Sask... are new. Reasonable price. Apply 60 Mary | visiting ) her parents. Mr. sieet. 1921? land Mrs. /A. Kennedy, MeDonaa WANTED--Young woman or girl for| St. housework. Apply Mrs. Cecil, 65 Peel] Mrs. M. Flaherty with her street. Mtfeldaughter, Maud, of Torunto, ia WER 'i visiting her sister. Mrs, John Py DAE Wl Tae toe ee Coady, Charles street, for a Barrie. 18-23p a FOR SALE--Delivery Horse, cheap; using motor truck. Apply J. D. Wisdom' & Co, Allandale 18-tfe ap ES FORD TRUCK "Smith Former". Apply-C, W. Graham, 46 Codrington street, Bar- ie, phone 756 18-23p -- OO FOR SALE--8-roomed brick house, newly Papered, large lot, on Burton avenue. A, | ! W. Morris, Thornton. 20-216 HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- age, fireplace, furnace, sieeping balcony, $1500.00 t 108 Peel street, l1-tfe L y to Thos E. Ross, Guth. 17-22¢ nie. CLEANING AND PRI suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twi, Ros Block, | Dunlop St 'FOR SALE--House and lot in the Village | | Sak ni nn Apply Miss E. McLean. 20-21p WE DO ALL. KINDS of Electrical work, house wiring a specialty. Lloyd & Abell Bros, Elvetrieal Contes 9 ohn Atreet, west 19-24p n $15 to $25 a week Cowan out of week, the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., W Learn couple of weeks, "The Winnipeg strike did Alex, aonice trip. this to which he was a delegate, hav- ing been cancelled Mr and Mrs, P. J. Lyneir announce the engagement of their elder daughtor. Kathleen Mr. William J. Hartt, Hamil. ton, ellest som of Mrs. Emily Hartt, Barrie. the marriage to ake place early in June ----------_-- )RIVER FOR SALE--Apply Otton Hard ware Co. 21.22c. SS WANTED--Work by the day by reliable Woman Apply 69 Victoria street. 21-21. {Your old WANTED--Small, second-hand cook stove for church. Apply at this office. 20-21¢ of. Ivy, HORSE WANTED™Serviceably sound, for roud work. George James, Lefroy. 20-21¢ D-Young girl to assist with house. Waving home. Sene for free Nut Apply to 92 Small street, Pie hooklet, Royal College of Science, Dept Ne 112, Toronto, Canada, IStige HOUSE FOR SALE --No. 102 Jobn street, , : west. Brick, five rooms. Apply Moses RAL T wedding boquers, ar. rns fo ' tistieally ar Roses, carnations and other seasonable flowers always on hand FE, A. Harns, phone 713. 18.23p STALLION FOR SE) 1919-- Royal , with top Box XOX, Examiner 21-21p Mac) (19963), Bred_Clydes. Stallion, on lot 26, con. 5, ¢, $1200--Melntash Bros. Essa, 20-22 Fe ACETYLENE, WELDING --Before throwing away broken purts of machinery, con: sult, My new welding process works won- ders. Alex. Cleland, dlacksmith, 18-25p FOR SALE--Seven-roomed brick house, street, all conveniences, | ind garuge. Apply to Eldon Guthne, 64% Essa st, Allandale. 20-21p 5. FOR SALE--Store and dwelling with fot | and stable in rear, vacant lots, also weigh scales in village of Phelpston, For §| particulars, write Elisa J. Keaney, Bar- rie. 17-22 it TO LET--Office rooms in King Block up: | stairs front and on south facing station; also large rooms formerly used Uy Gazette printing office. Altered to | suit tenant 20-25¢ | --$<$--$-- CARS WANTED--We buy any make or FOR SALE--Herbert Model of second hand car, 80 if you want to sell, drop us a line to the "Garage™, Albert and Colbourne streets, Box 558, Orillia, Ont, 19tfe ; -- AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--If you want to buy second hand cars or trucks call | and see us at the "Garage", Albert and Colbourne streets, or write us to Box 558, Orillia, Ont. 19tfe Pe WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--tst Bar-! TO RENT Furnished ------------------------ -- |FOR SALE--Acme gas range with high room Lady preferred. Apply Box mer, S FOR HATCHING--Firs Prize Brown Leghorn and Black Minorea, at Tuck's store. 21-21p oN, WOOL WANTED--Will pay good prices. H. | Phone 384. 19-24p Levit, Bayfield street "PASSENGER CAR for sale; Ford, good as new, Apply 49 Bigry street. Phone 204. 19tfe a EED POTATOES--Now in the time to plant your potatoes. Choice seed pota- toes at $1.85 per bag. For sale by W. H. Smith & Son, phone 442. 21-21e railway HOTEL FOR SALE with 2 acres of and beside the G-'T.R. Station in the village of Beeton. Apply owner, 155 Arundel avenue, Toronto. 21-27p Raspberry canes, $2.00 a hundred; also White Wyandotte and White Leghorn eggs, $1 setting. C W. Nash, Cundles, 2121p oven; coal annex; bedroom suite, small refrigerator, chest of drawem, at 98 Mary street 21-210 pe rt 'ONY FOR SALE--About 12 hands, quiet with children and others, Also thorough- bred black Siberian and Belgian hares rie Fair Cock and grand cockerel.| for sale. Apply Hunter Huxtable, Bur. Head two pens nice females, Proven lay-| rie. 21-21p erm, Try them. $1.00 per 13. AFA.) --------------___"'P Malcomson, Barrie. 14-21¢ | 8, BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS FOR SALE, Old established business "in Barrie, excel- lent stand, up-to-date stock. Going con- cern, For further particulars, apply to Mrs. H. B. Myers, Barrie, Ont. 20-tf ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and water colour painting. Saturdays 2.3.30, and by appointment. Mrs, F. 8.. Williams, (diploma Paris and London), 261 Dun. lop'street. Phone 391 or Ovenden Col- lege, 19-24 SHORTHORN BULLS FOR, SALE-- 1 dark , 16 months old, 1 dark = red,. 18 months old. 'They are bred' in the, purple, good enough + to suit the most particular buyer and priced to sell. Ivy phone, J, & Sons, Thornton, en FORD SERVICE, CHURCHILL--It is ebeaper to get your auto repaired by an expert mechanic, There is a vast differ- ence between automobiles and farm machinery. Stationary engines repaired. Phone Martin, Churchill. 19.23 FOR SALE--Six-roomed rough-cast house on Perry' street, in first-class condition. Electric light, water and cement cellar. Good West Ward and new High Schools, ply Box 868 or phone 519. 18-220 EGGS FOR HATCHING--Exhibition White Rocks (including winners at New Yori, London and Toronto National), $4 for |24 15; Bred-to-lsy White Rocks, jof 15; Guild Strain of Bred-to-lay 8. C, White Leghorns, $1.50 per 15, Marshall, Ross street, ' Barrie. Athol 18:28. le W. Hen, |gALB--Threo Hundred Acree good sich |CAULIFLOWER PLANTS--Genuine Snowball, 50 for 45c postpaid. Jaucceesfuily everywhere. Auk for price list i r{plants. HEROLD'S mm and chicken ome, near ' Ontario, Niagara District. signed up to and including Saturday, $2.00 per ;legiate site. tion. ALESMAN WANTED--Lubricating Oil, Grease, Specialties, Paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. Riverside Refining Cor pany, Cleveland, Ohio. 21-21e TWO HUNDRED ACRES of choice timber land a short distance from G. TT. Rail- road, in Parry Sound District. Will sell or exchange for town property. For full particulars apply to A. E. Fetterly, Gra- venhurat, Ont. 21.28p., et STRAYED into the premises of the under- signed on or about May 14, 1919, two driving colts, one and two years old. Owner may have same by proving prop: erty and paying expenses, 'John Mc- 'Jhow than the sport with a fanc | Good Second hand Baby Car THE BARRIE EXAMINER "LOCAL L NEWS | A. G. McNabb has purchased Mrs. Lee's house in Clapperton St. Jno. Shepard shipped a car of hogs on Wednesday, paying $21 per ewt. --Meaford Hardwood Bundles Edgings again on sale at J. G. Scott's. 21-21¢ It is reported that a military hospital will be established at Camp Borden. Next Saturday. May 24, is a public holiday and will be gen- erally observed as such W. C Thompson reports a big demand for farm properties, also for houses to rent and sell in Rarrie. A few copies of last wevk's Examiner, containing special B. C.1. articles, are still for sale at this office --No advance in prices at the Grand on Fri. and Sat. May 23 and 24. Nights 11 and 16 cts. Matinee, all seats 11 ets Mr, Mackay was notified this week by Chief Justice Meredith (hat the daylight saving time will apply to courts until Oct. 30, Don't delay in sending your subscriptions to the Barrie Hor- Hieullural Society. You cannot nd now the price of |bamboo fishing rods has gone up out of sight. The smail boy with the limb of a tree for a rod al ways could cateh more fish an rod Have you sent a copy of Th (Examiner's B.C.L number to your B.Gd. "Old Boy oor Old Girt" friends yet? There has been a big demand fur extra copies but the supply is nol exhausted Wrapped all ready for mailing i cents per capy Hey. Wallace Johnston will preach at the Anniversary Ser. Views Of Crauzvale Preshyteria May thureh on Sunday bere will be a concert on Monday, May 26, with Owen AL Smiley, humor- ous entertainer, and Mr, and Mrs, Bert Davils of Toronta as. the spevial artists, Adulls. 510 Children, 25+ | es HOME-COMING SOLDIERS } Seret: Frank WH Knight arriv- al Toreute ou Sunday morn Gunner Athert Gray, sen af Abd Wood. and Mrs. Gray, is again at jlas home after over three years mn aetive serciee. having ary eon Friday He went over with a Guelph battery Flight Lieut. Harry Morren, R. A.B. returned feom overseas last week, Before signing up with the PLALF, he was with the North. West Mounted Polire, in which he had the rank of sergeant Flight Lieuts. Louis Vair, Ralph Guest. Jno. Connors and Geo, Abraham of the Royal Air Fores, who went to England about a year age, were among the lads in khaki to reach home dur- ing the past week. Lieut, J. FE. H. Laidlaw, M.C., arrived al the home of his mother in Blake St.. on Monday, He went over as a private with the Princess Pats and won his Promotion on the field and tha military ss for his bravery; The home of Mr. and Mrs. 8, Gill was the scene of a very happy gathering on Tuesday evening on the occasion of the home-coming of their son, Cpl. Elmo Gill. who went overseas Feb. 11, 1918, with the tst Depot Bn. from Saskatchewan. Driver Carroll Mullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mullen, Owen St. arrived home from overseas last week. He went to England in 1916 with the 157th Bn., later transferring to the Artillery, with which he served until the signing of the armistice, Gnr, L. J. Salter, formerly manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, visited his brother here last-week on his return after be ing overseas two years. He went over with a Guelph battery and was transferred to the intelli- Bence corps for the big artillery. Teas, Mitchell Square, Oro telephone 116. 21-21e clay loam farm. En bloc or Cabbage, Cel *EROLDY FARMS, Fruitland, Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the under- Shipped | Bn. of Petty Officer R. N. and Pte. Frank B. of the ist Motor Ma chiné Gun Brigade. Staff Sergt, Manuel went over with the 203rd Winnipeg. Pte. Frank L. Patterson, who and other Vegetable! was foreman of The Examiner "I shortly before war broke out, re- turned home on Saturday. He enlisted with the 157th Bn. and after reaching France was placed May|/with the signallers of the 3rd ith, for drawing clay required for the Col- Division, acting as telegrapher. Particulars given on applica- price per cubic yard. 8. J. FI Btat After the armistice was signed get better value for your dollar. | the | your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness come true. To think only of the best. To be just as enthusiastic own. \ Press on to greater ac the future. to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them to look on the sunny side of everything and make optimism , to work only for the best and to expect only the best. cess of others as you are about your To forget the mistakes of the past and THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ON SA BUT WE WILL KEEP OPEN ON FRIDA WE SAVE YOU MONEY Thursday, May 22, 1919 DO IT NOW Put your shoulder to the wheel and push for a bigger and better Barrie. If you are not yet a member of the Barrie Board of Trade; join it now. Promise Yourself _ To be strong, that nothing can disturb To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and to have a smile ready for ev- and prosperity of yourself anger, too happy to pe To think well about the suc- ery living creature you meet. To give so much time to the improvement that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for strong for fear, and too rmit the presence of trouble. of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds. hievements of best that is To live in the faith that the world is on your side so long as you are true to the in you. TURDAY, MAY 24 (VICTORIA DAY), Y NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M. oan The Late Dr. W. A. Ross Dr. W. A, Ross, who had been in failing health for two years, though not entirely laid asida from the practice of hix profes. sion until recent months, passed peacefully away at his home last Thursday night, May 15, in his 58th year. Born at Guthrie, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, James Ross, he passed through Barrie Collegiate to attend the Toronto Medical College from which he was graduated at the age of nine- leen. After spending a year with !Dr. Powell at Edgar he took post- graduate courses in the Old Country and located in Barrie in 1884. Ry his ability and close application he built up a large practice and was widely known as a successful physician and surgeon, One of the causes of his success Was that he was at all times a student and kept thoroughly informed of medical and surgical progress. He was for 34 years official surgeon to the G.T.R. on the Northern Div- ision and for over a quarter-cen_ tury was a coroner for this coun- ty, Next to his home and profes sion the thing that lay closest to his heart was the Barrie Hospital, Only those associated with him in this work can appreciate the amount of time and thought he devoted to the promotion of the welfare of this institution, A member of the Board from the early days until the time of his death, he was untiring in his efforts on its behalf and to him more than to anyone else is due the development of the institu- tion from the small two-roomed house of 1888 to the present hos- pital with a capacity of 65 beds and an equipment second to none in the towns of Ontario. Dr. Ross was a Presbyterian and a member of the Board of Managers of St. Andrew's Church for 21 years. He was a member of Corinthian Lodge, A.F. and,A M. A man of lofty ideals he occupied a high place in the es, teem of his fellow citizens. he was engaged for a time in| Chairman Building Committee despatch riding. Dr. Ross is survived by his wi | follo Thos, of with the of occupation in . Robt. Robertson, alow British army M y Ba bell, Guthrie; Toronto, A brother and a sister predeceased him, viz., Dr. Arthur Ross, who died on May 4, 1917, and Mrs. Geo. Lyall of Guthrie. W. Mason, a The Funeral The funeral on Sunday after- neon was attended by a larga fathering of the men of the town, After a short service at the family residence by Rev. Geo. A. Brown, the funeral proceeded by motors to Guthrie church, which was filled by Oro friends of tha deceased. Service in the church was conducted by Rev, Neil Camp- bell, assisted by Rev. G. A. Brown Mr. Brown, who preached the sermon, spoke from the text, "So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom, Speaking of the transiency of life, he said this Present life is but the fore. sround of life; beyond it are the eternal verities, the things not seen which are the abiding things, > them we should be true and make all material things expressive of things eternal. To live in faith and hope, in the consciousness of duty to do one's work faithfully and well, guided by the star of this is life. Upon such was the life of Dr. Ross lived. His life meant much to the community. There was no trifling about him. Devotedly he applied himself to the Prepara- tion for his profession and then gave himself to it in thorough. ness of devotion and with a sacred sense of the seriousness of his work. Nothing is greater than work well done. A man of the utmost integrity and stain less honor, his life was such as to win the blessing of God and the gratitude of his fAlowmen, Rev. Neil Campbell referred to the place Dr. Ross had occupied in the homes and hearts of a YOUR STORE FOR SERVICE, SATISFACTION AND SAVINGS THIS STORE WILL CLOSE AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST. EVERY WEDNESDAY ill and sympathy as a ph ieian. Following the service those Present filed past the casket and many were visibly affected as they gazed for the last time upon one who had been so much to them. The body was laid to rest in the cemetery beside the chureh. Many. beautiful floral messages of sympathy were received by the family, The pall-bearers were: Dr. Arnall, Donald Ross, J. B. Ex_ wards, Dr. Hart, Alex. C..Brown and J. A. MacLaren, Dean O'Malley's Tribute Preaching at High Mass last Sunday morning, Dean O'Malley Paid the following tribute to Dr. Ross: "Llewant to take occasion here to express my sincere sorrow on the death of Dr. Ross. My reasons are partly personal and party public; we worked togethor in the Hospital Board and I ad- mired very much his grave diz. nity, his 'attractive personality, his mental alertness, his profes- sional capacity, and above all his unselfish devotion to the sick and the the home of suffering humanity, This spells citizenship or a devotion to the community as a whole quite apart from any ehureh, lodge, color, creed or class. As this is often lost sight of I capitalized this quality ta the maximum. Dr. Ross knew no distinction in hig professionat career and has left a memory among this congregation that will be tenderly cherished. Personally I have an acknow- ledgment to make. Since my coming to Barrie no man has shown me more attention and re- spect than Dr. Ross and in my illness when he was far from strong he was anxious and untir- ing in his kindness and atten- tion and if I am among the liv- ing toddy I may thank his skill and services. . I sincerely hope that young men in the Collegiate and out of it who aim at public life will follow the axample of the Doctor in the largeness of his outlook large portion of the People of Oro for many years and paid tribute to his high character and his! and sympathy as these are ins deed the deep springs of social seryice and human happiness." The u Thursc May 19.--T Women's Insti of Mra. R. W. at 2.30 p.m, Mrs, Thoma: ent to address ance is reques M May 20.--M and Mrs. Demp here one day Mr. Watson, returned 10 1 sway by sickr Mr. and Mrs are the guests The Misses G have returned t ter months in Walter C. W. ing s few days Mr. E, Cuff spent Sunday w House cleanii MITCE May 20.--Se in this commut wet weather. Lloyd and L the week-end w Mins Hilda F for over Sunde A. very preached on Su Dr. Robertson, old and young. Fl Mrs. A. T. Ge after spending so roof, May 21--Mr. visited friends Brown motored down Mr. and Mrs rewe' of Strond here A number of presentation to I Mrs. L. Camp! ber home here Mise Flora with Miss Clara E BARR] THURSDAY ' Buckwheat Butter, lb. Eres, doz. Potatoes . Beef Hides, greet Beef Hides, cured Calf Skins'..... Kips Tallow Horse Hides Bbeepskins ..... Wool, unwashed . Wool, washed .. Spring Chicken . Spring chicken . Qld_ fowl : Ducks . Red Clover Bran, ton ON : 1 Durham cov calf at foot calf at foot to Durham Durham cow Durham cow calves at fo cov by date of s June 7. sale. > calves at we Durham cov Durham heif Holstein cow calf at foot. Holstein cow calf at foot. Holstein cow foe Holstein cow by date of s. TERMS OF | furnishing Sale at 1 p:

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