Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1919, p. 11

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The Health Bath For the future weifare of Canada the children must be kept healthy now Protect them from the germs and microbes of disease by using Lifebuoy Soap For the bath--nothing equals the healing; eteansing free- + lathering vegetable oils in LIFEBUOY HEATH SOAP and the antiseptic agents dis- infect the bri scratches, te. that might otherwise be sourse of danger. A Life- buoy soap bath sends the children to bed glowing with health and happy cleanliness Tha carbolic odour tn Lifebuey (30 stm of "its pretective ewalities~eusehly vanishing after use, Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Oat. Clarkson House BEST MEAL IN TOWN 35C MEALS AT ANY HOUR QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, Onrasio -- ARTS Part of the Arts course may be covered by correspondence MEDICINE EDUCATION ~ APPLIEQ SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil Mechani nd Electrical Engineering SUMMER SCHOOL = --WAVIGATION SCHOOL July and August. December to April 2 GEO. ¥. CHOWN, Registrar. WAS FIRST NURSE . SEEN IN BARRIE Granny Beaver Still Living in Toronto at the Ripe Old Age of 103. (Toronto Globe). Even the drenching rain of Saturday could uot prevent Granny Beaver's friends from visiting her at the Belmont Aged Wo- . men's Home and congratulsting her on having reached her 103rd birthday. First she had a little party which lasted « half hour or so, and then, off and on during the 'afternoon, friends, bearing little love gifts, dropped in to gee this very wonderful old woman, who in spite of her extreme he age, hears perfectly, does not wear glassea and does not carry a cane. $ Dressed in s neat black gown and wear- ing a most becoming boudoir cap, Mrs. B yer Isy on her couch after her party, ber y bright brown eyes sparkling with excite- ment. Although quite willing to talk, she owned to feeling rather fatigued after her birthday festivities, On the table be- side her -bed were flowers, fruit, jam and ; many cards of greeting. Granny Beaver é well known' in Toronto, having lived in this city for many years. She, was-born in Montreal and at the age of two years was given in adoption to a Indy, who, at her death, left her daughter dependent' on her own exertions, Much of 'Mrs, Beaver's busy life has been devoted to nursing, and dhe hes the distinction of be- ' ing the first nurse ever 'seen in the town of Barrie. For many years she lived st Roache's i Point on.Lake Simcoe, and has clear recol- % lection of the launching of the first steam- While living in boat on that little lake. j this neighborhood she was a very diligent : berry-picker during the summer seasons. 'Three years ago she did her last berry-pick- ing in the vicinity of St. Catharines. Since living in Toronto, Mrs. Beaver has supported herself until recently by nursing and tewing. Those who hays known her for years speak of her industry and grati- tude towards all who.ever showed her kind. ness. | tes at Grace. Hospital, Mrs. 'Beaver was taken to the Belmont Hbme, where abe is STROUD May 13.--Quite a number from here at- Sunday. = uncle, John Metcalf, this week, Ness, key spent last week with Mrs. Samuel Todd at Gilford. after_her severe illness. friends in} the city. Wedding, in the neighborhood." Last Thursday the Methodist Jasper Gibbons and Fred Clark. -- Fred Clark hus the medal for being the young: when he joined. Mrs, Geo. Sharpe is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Gulloway. The Allandale Methodist W.MS. on Thursday, May 22 Hen thieves are on the rounds. Alex so lock your hen house door. Don't muss the concert in Stroud Presby. terian Church, Monday, May 26. Anniver- sary services conducted by Rev. W. Jobn- ston on May 25 Miss Margaret' Barclay spent the week. end at her home here. J and Frankie Robertson, nica, Irv, Robertson, Burton Warnica. attended, and proved interesting. H.R. Orchard, District Represen the year'@ptogram. Arrangements were al on May 28. Mrs. A. P. Thomas, of Beams: ville, will be the speaker MIDHURST of Midhurst, passed away on Monday morn- 'extended to the bereaved ones, house by having the roof shingled. ously ill, is slowly recovering for building Wm. Andross' house. W. Cameron of Alliston spent the week- end at bis bome here. Mrs, A. Finlay. dale are visiting friends here. for the oct LEFROY to Toronto. Miss Eva Whan is home from Longford. Miss G. Reid ing to her mother's illness. with his brothers in Markham Township. a week's stay in the city, deys here with his parents. Sunday. Minard's Liniment Cures" Dandruff News, from. Neigh! As Told by Our Correspondents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd have moved {cottage is nearing completion. into the house lately vacated by Fred {has finished bis cottage. George Baxter Mrs Robert Ferrier is improving nicely | Constable lost 35 hens last Sunday night, | Recent visitors in the city were Mr. and | sent Mn C J. Allon, Mrs, J. Barelay, Misses Rev. A. A, Jenner gave the welcome home 'adie War-! address for the village, and Mr. Montgom- appointed, ala a Committee to arrange for |last we so madq for the public meeting to be held ing, Mey 12, at bie home in Barrie. Inter- | ment took place on Wednesday, May 14, in Midhurst Cemetery. Much sympathy is Mrs. G. R. Frankland is improving ber Mrs. Donald Bonney, who has been +eri-| Stephen Dunn of Barrie has the contrect Mrs. Turner of Toronto is the guest of Misses Ruby apd Pearl Hubbert of Hille. R. Schandlen has started to cut logs at | his mill after getting a new well dnilled May 14.--Mise Marjory Willson has gone is home for some weeks ow- Frank Beatty spent a couple of weeks Miss Mildred Gilpin of Toronto is visi- Teturned after Harry Tebo of Inglewood spent a few Mr. Wallace and Miss A. Wallace of - Craigvale and Mr. and Mrs, John Corbett [the service here last Sund of Thornton visited friends here on Thurs- lay. Mrs. McCullough, Sr., was in Barrie over ring Townships (Too late for last week) ' BELLE EWART = |} May 14.--The fine weather of the past tended anniversary services at Nantyr Inst |three days is s great blessing to our town. A few more such days and gardening will Mrs. Jobnston of Medford visited her be in full ewing. For the present building is being rushed. Mr. Omand's beautiful Mr, LeBarr and Mr. Reddick sre putting up new Miss Margaret and Miss Addie McCon- | verandahs. | Jack Gregg has_alreudy gone to the shore |t0 live in bis tent L. J. Watson, an officer on a mine- sweeper, off the cost of Halifax for the Mr-Jobn Barclay spent last week with | last two years, visited his uncle, John ,Whan, for » few days before returning to bella 'are ringing very. loudly 'his home in Vancouver, B.C. | | Student Pastor Mr. Groat has arrived Chureh |and will conduct services in the Baptist held a social to welcome back Jack Alpin, 'Church for the summer Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack jMeteer on the arrival of a daughter. est Canadian soldier, being 14 years old | N. Davis, who 'was very sick last week, is able to be out again. | Mr. Lazenby is still on the sick list Mr. and Mm, Laurandeau and Vital young people |Tfombley of Midland visited Mrs. A. Trom- intend repea*ing their play, "The Minister's jbley on Monday Wife's New Bonnet," in the Stroud Meth- | odist Church under the auspices of the )Mrs. Eden, for a few days Miss M. Reid of Barrie visited her nunt, ! James Whan arrived at his rummer cot- tage on Tuesday: Miss Maude Burtch of Niagara Falls is Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Colgan. HAWKESTONE A "welcome home' entertainment was five boys present and two unable to be pre- T. McMahon occupied the chair. ery of Orillia pleased the audience with The Annus! Business Meeting "of the,# number of songs. Miss Peacock geve s WI. held at Mrs. A. McDonald's was well reading and Miss M. GoHand recited. Af- iter the entertainment the boys went with The election of officers resulted ax fol-|their Indy friends to a special table in the 'ows: President, Mrs. A. McDonald; Vice- ;basement; supper also being provided by Pres. Mrs. W. J. Goodfellow; Sec.-Treas., |the villagers for all who came. A. Shaw had a bad fall from a chair while doing some work in the 'house 'The statement read by the pastor of the Methodist Church last Sunday showed a sutiefactory financial condition | These moonlight nights are proving di |astrous to many @ poor sucker in the creel | Owing to there being no other house May 14.--William Orok of Barrie, for-ito rent, Fred Cameron has been obliged merly an old and highly respected residentsto move to Simcoe Heights. UTOPIA May 10.--On Wednesday afternoon last, the Ladies' Auxiliary of Ivy Presbyterian Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. A; Miller. Mrs. |A. Shepherd of Angus gave an interesting etidress on mission work, Short addresses were also given by Rev. A. Shepherd and Rev, R. H. Somerville of Thornton. A goodly number of ladies were present to spend a pleasant, as well as profitsble af- ternoon 7 R, Ross is visiting Toronto friends. Messrs. K. and F,.Jennett spent Thursday with friends here Mrs. R. McQuay of Sunnidale is visiting her sister, Mrs, Wm. Miller, Sr. J. Jennett, Jr, is erecting @ new imple- ment shed, 'He had a "raising" on Thure- day eveniny HOLLY May 13.--Jes, Brown and daughter, Miss Clara, of Midland, visited at Fred, Brown's recently Miss Rete Campbell, of Barrie, spent the week-end under the parental roof. It is rumored that Clifford Lockhart has purchased a farm, Success, Clifford, Morley Dyer went to Toronto last Fri- day to welcome Pte. A. W. Dyer, of the 15th Highlanders. Pte. Dyer is expected home to-day. W. C. Hunter of Barrie took charge of pebble ES ORO STATION May 13.--Mrs. Archie McArthur went to the Hospital last week. At the "Brick Church" st the prayer | meeting on Tuesday, three well-thought-out held in St. Aidan's Hall on Friday last for | 1 ws A. H. M. shoes again. | you may be sure of get BT. JQHN = MONTREAL papers on "The Prodigal Son"' were given | by Misses Pearl Sampson, Gladys Emms | and Ida Crawford. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos Bell attended the re- ception held in Barrie for the latter's cou- sin, Gunner Albert Simon. Master Franklin Bell is recovering nicely after having © severe attack of bronchitis, Rey. Dr. Robertson of Toronto will preach in St, Andrew's Church next Sun- day. BIG BAY POINT On Tuesday evening, April 29, a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mrs, R. J. Elliott, the occasion being the welcoming home of Spr. Harry Elliott, who has recently retarned from averseas, when the following address and presentation was made :-- Mr. Horry Elliott: Dear Friend,--It is with feelings of pleas- ure that we, your friends, have met_here this evening to welcome you home. We re- joice that you have been spared to return home safely and in good heslth. You are the firet of four boys that left the Point to return home, We all sincerely hope that the others will have'a safe and-speedy return, We know that you have endured many hardships at the front and we feel proud that you have done something to bring this great war to a glorious victory, that we may live in freedom as ever. We TORONTO EM \ When you buy Shoes look o me or patent leathers. ting the same make again. We gladly send our booklet "How to Buy Shoes" to any address in Canada upon request to our head office at Montreal. There is very little init about ourselves--but a great deal about shoes. AMES HOLDEN McCREADY "Shoemakers to the Nation" WINNIPEG A The trim and stylish lines of this model appeal to many well dressed women and the full military heel makes for ease in walking. Dull Finish EDMONTON The Proof of the Pudding OONER or Jater you will buy a pair of A. H. M. Shoes, And if you ! are correctly fitted with the proper shoe for your type of foot, you are likely to conclude that your shoe problem is solved. For the | shoes will give you satisfaction. " That is the purpose back of these little talks about buying shoes. For unless the shoes do give you satisfaction, you are not so likely to buy And so we ask you to go to a reliable dealer, and make sure of getting the right type of shoe, and the right size and width. We ask you to look for the manufacturer's trade mark, that you may be sure of quality, and that LIMITED VANCOUVER --this Trade-mark on every sole @n and as a slight token of remembrance we! Signed on behalf of your many friends of would ask you to accept these chairs, one Big Bay Point. for Mrv. Elliott and one for yourself: We SAV | are pleased that you have acted on the old saying "that two is better far than one," the Leather trust you will enjoy a long and happy life.| Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. every care. She has numerous iG and big sales. perience instead of soap ? Comfort Soap--'"'It's All Right"' PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED Be sure you receive your own favorite brand--'Comfort". Do not permit inferior soaps to be substituted. "Comfort" is the biggest and best for the:money. For nearly 25 years it has been at the top for quality, popularity So why buy ex- TORONTO, ONT.

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