LIQUIDS onw SHO PRESERVE "sel FATHER and Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes- df 'KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT! E POLISHES ARPOWATE NS LIMITED. HAMILTON For Black, White, Tan OUR NATURE STUDY COLUMN The Value of Birds A recent lecture by Professor Walker place first."" In his report on Egypt for 1912 Lord "Insects Controlled by Birds" given [Kitchener spoke of the indiscriminate a on den ae 'Yaluuble. botkier |Struction of bird life want ta allowed oo "The Value of Birds to Man" by a] enormous increase! of insect pests, eed well-known English authority, James Buck- | decree from the Khedive was issued for: | Jand, which has been reproduced from the | bidding the catchin, ig or killing or taking roceedings of the Smithsonian Institution | the eggs of the birds of Egypt which des. Cf Washinevan ib ald the good work of the | troy the insects, Lord Kirtherer evidently "wnadit ty the P, tis f knew that "in the Valley of the Nile the Hera gry Area gegen Pei one of nature's checks on great surprise to many, perhaps most, of | the cotton worm lus readers, and in culling uttention to its entire pamphlet will be pondered by all, Other points which cannot now be more ain points it is earnestly hoped that the [than mentioned include the value of binds to live stock, the services rendered to man by shore birds destroying myriads of mos The booklet commences with the state. | hd ment that, although man imugines him. | Wtor und flies in the tropies, the power self to be the dominant power on earth, °f Sime birds ay destroyer of weeds, und, be is really nothing of the sort, for "the true lords of the universe ure the inseets."" Few people know how enormous is the num- ber of insect species or how amuzing is their fecundity. Over 300,000 species have heen described, and it is probable that twice that number still remain to. be des- cribed: The power of multiplication of certain insect forms is almost beyond be lief, und various suthorities have endeavor- td to show this by a number of illustra. tions and calculations. One writer com- puted that a puir of gypsy moths, if un checked, would produce enough progeny in eight yeurs to destroy all the foliage in the United States, and u Canadian entomolo- gist states that a single pair of potato bugs. or Colorada beetles would, without check, incrense in one season to 60,000,000. 'The vorucity of insects is almost equally ttounding. "The daily ration in leaves of a caterpillar is equal to twice its own weight. If @ horse were to feed at the tame rate he would have to eat a ton of hay every t four hours."* The question then arises as to who or whut it is that prevents these ravening bordes from overrunning the earth and con soming our food supply. 'The anawer is that it is not mun, but the bird, for bird Jife, by reason of its predominating in. ct diet, is the most indispensable balan. nature, * the wunton destruction of the birds by man all the more deploruble. Within the space of few years, and with. our amy necessity, mun has carried out a policy of destruction more effective than that accomplished in centuries by the slow processes of nature, The result is that, as the insect-esting birds are destroyed, 'the insects multiply like the plague of Egypt. ¢ gurden is aid to be the paradise of the insect. and the greatest insect enemy of the gardener is a caterpillar. Unfor- tunately, however, when the gardener no- tices dumuge done to his peas and sees # bird running along 4 row, stopping fre- quently to peck at something on the xround, he fires und kills the bird, but one morn- ng he will find his eabbage riddled by the Hepradations of the caterpillar. He forgot, if ever he knew, when he shot the bird, the ancient law forbidding the ox to be muzzled that thrashed out the corn. The value of hawks and owls, and the "economic value of the white heron" are spoken of, and the Kaffir is quoted ax say- ing. "He kills a hawk must be put to death, me yeure ago Mr. Buckland pleuded "for the life of the hawk hefore one of its executioners on a mountain in Scotland. "The gamekeeper listened silence until my address to the jury. w: concluded, Then he said, "Ye've a cold i the heid."" I did not sce the relevancy of this remark, but I nodded assent, After use he added, 'Ah, weel, ye canna com- in. The cold aye 'attacks the weakest not least of all, the important work of the bird us a scavenger The Humming Bird In the western hemisphere there are in the neighborhood of four hundred species of humming birds. Of these the largest are no more than eight and a half and the smallest about two and a half inches in length. By far the greatest number of these little gems live on the Andes moun. tains in Brazil and are rarely seen out. side Uat territory. Probabl none of these are so well known or so widely distribufed- as our own tiny winged jewel, the ruby-throated humming bird, whose range includes all of North Am: ericu east of the Rockies, from the pulf of Mexico, north to Lubrador and Hudson Bay. Its length is about three and a halt inches, The upper plumage is a metallic green. the male having a ruby red gorget. 4 white collar on the throat and a deeply forked tail of brownish vialet. When turned away from the sun of at a wrong angle the gorget or bib uppears to be jet black, but, turned in u different direction, it glitters with all the brilliancy of the ruby This gives the bird its name. The female has a grey throat and is of plain colorings throughout. It ix asserted some species in: gllge in a low warble, but the ruby-throat has no song, oniy a few low squeaks when 'excited. This shows how evenly Nature distributes her gifts--the catbi and thrushes, although of dull plumage, ure ECONOMY IS the road to weilth. Vickers' Paves the way--every quarter saved is a stepping stone to wealth--wealth mee deal of comfort later on--shop at this store and save. We sell thrift stamps, too. --GEO. VICKERS. WE ARE BUILDING UP A NICE TRADE in the boot' and shoe business by givi you g square deal. A big stock is carri of SKoes for all the family. Try us out. Buy Home--THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. IT IS OUB AIM to carry @ full line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Clothing and sell at rices that will be convincing, You can do better with us than any out of, town con- cern. --POWELL & Co. ----____-- IF YOU WILL GIVE US A CHANCE first on your Furniture needs you will find we can not only beat the Mail Order House, but save you money on all kinds of House jwhere you buy Furnishing. Try us out. --W. A. LOWE & SON <-- WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and carry a full line of imported and domestic woolens. If we make that suit for you, you are sure of satisfaction, Big Stock of Men's Furnishings. We are Boosters for Barrie. --ALEX. MILNE & SON. ---------- OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING in Furs and Hats has been established You can always rely on the standard of all our goods and do a whole lot better by buy ing right here in Barrie, und from us, --SIMMONS & Co, A WORD ABOUT HARDWARE. If every- one would stop and consider the advance that has been anade in all kinds of goods, they would be convinced we cannot only beat Mail Order Houses, but give you better service--OTTON HARDWARE Ci et -------------- BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNITURE. All Furniture looks the same in pictures Buy where you are sure of a square deal and you are taking no chances. Big line of Furniture for every room in the house --DOUGALL BROS. ------ IF YOU WANT TO LIVE in « dead tow |pstronize mail order Houses. If you want jour town ta grow and prosper, do your trading at Home, See us for your Hard- ware and save money, too, --MERRILL & HUBBARD NOW IS THE TIME to look up your needs in Wall papers. Our new Books of the latest patterns of wall paper are here. Come in and get one, Big line of Paints, Oils ete We curry largest stock in Barrie --JOHNSTON & WARREN WHY SEND OUT OF TOWN for your| Edison Phonographs and supplies' There | is price in Canada, no matter When you buy ut J. G. all gifted songsters, while the brilliantly. | KEENAN'S, you save express charges und colored humming birds have little or no singing ability. Some have undoubtedly wondered how the ruby-throut could reach the food stored at the bottom of the long, | | tubular flowers, like the morning glory, ete. {Furnished with a tongue Togmed like 'that of the woodpeckers, divided Mito two tubes which run its entire length, they ure capuble of protruding it to a considerable distance from the point of the beak, thus serving as a pump to draw up the pollen and minute insects from the deep recesses of the flowers. Arriving here in May these tiny aeronauta | are soon busily engaged among the flowers. Here, poised before the wide-mouthed tulip, he duintily sips the sweet food which lies powdered at the bottom, there, treading air before the long-necked daffodil, his beak and head buried within its snowy depths, the ruby-throat procures bis meal They seem al ir a few feet away, sud- denly, with u bug of tiny Wings and a flash of ruby, he is gone, only to instantly ap. pear taking toll from the flowers at the op- posite end of the garden, In June the ruby-throated bumming birds start to build their wonderful, dainty little nests, with which the nests of no other of our birds can compare. After selecting 4 limb about an -inch in' diameter they We can supply you with garages--wood or-metal. Easily erected. Prices from $75 up. We put them up "at small cost if desired, Prompt service. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., 1 LIMITED see what you are buying. --<----== | OF COURSE YOU ALL KNOW I handle; the Ford, the universal car; besides I also | am agent for the Dodge and Eight-Cylin- der Oldsmobile. Get in your order for your cars early, Big lines of accessories and supplies. --T. R. HUXTABLE| THE BARRIE - IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? ' THE DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN BARRIE WILL "COME HOME TO BOOST" The Examiner "BUY-AT-HOMR" Campaign Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads. are here. They will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Barrie. (ine SSS WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is n0- OYALTY BASIS OF ALL CIVILIZATION }\| 2 mitecusgiion, for Bo oun (Copyright,1917,Western Newspaper Union) Loyalty is the foundation upon which the whole structure of civilization reste, Loyalty to one's country, loyalty to on store, loyalty to one's city, loyalty to one's business associates, loyalty'to one's friends! Loyelty is essential to the ordinary pro- gress of the world, Without it the world must be ebaow. There would be no sti in the world were it uot of the people to their gove would be no successful business enterprise on the face of the globe were it not for the : loyalty of the men and women who are|¢f {0 promote the prosperity and No church could exist | Of his community. 'The man who is enabled for the loyalty |*0, hake his bving in any community is 'WE ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST to display The jouerecnew of the [under a moral obligation to spend his the atest Ges in Ladies' Huts and home would be a myth were it not for the loyalty of the membera of the able government for the loyalty connected with it for u month were it' not of ite members The loyulty of uw people Pn FPR serie npnased partly upon sentiment und |in& and if the prosperity of a community poOR PLUMBING is dear at any price. partly upon the recognition of an obligation that a people owes to its government people that hus the benefit of good govern ment owes 4 duty to that government Those who do not realize this duty and per: jform it voluntarily ure compelled by law The man or woman who is} -|protecred by the government in the pur. suit of life and happiness, must contribute in money und service toward the support The man or woman {who, under the protection of his govern. ment which preserves law and order, is able to accumulate property, must pay taxes on that property to help' maintain the gov which has protected him or her. of war the government hus the call upon its citizens to take up to its govern: | of the government Loyalty Moral Obligation In government affairs these things are regulated by law, and the man who re- benefit of orderly government "1 to fulfill the obligations which but in the ordinary of life, loyalty is a moral rather thun = There are laws which pre vent man from stealing from. his em ployer or his businesx associntes, but there is no law that requires him to be loyal The success of 4 business in stitution, however, depends more upon the jloyalty of its employees than upon the laws which compel them to fulfil their obligation to the government legal obligation We Save You Money. Buy in Your Home Town. J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS @ Ne. of. x, Thursday, May 15, 1919 as our prices are lower tham out-of-town concerns. Get posted. Get our prices first and be sure. Big Stock of all kinds of La- Every Citizen Owes Moral and Legal Obligation to His dies' goods._--MOORE & ARMSTRONG Government--Same 'in Community Life. People Have Duty to Their Home Town Which Is No {durable of approved material for our |F WE INSTAL YOUR PLUMBING, we are particular about plumbing work' and tuse judicious cure in selecting only the most work, Get our estimates an Less Binding Because It Is Not Fixed Law --a.'W. RAYMES, OUR STORE IS FULLY STOCKED with It is equally true of the prosperity and | stock of Gans Pil Naar = peed owt. of every freee pprageecd in first, it will be a big lesion on Buying at lependent upon the loyalty of the peop! i = who live in it. Every citizen owes an pom eye fie Beh SEETHERE obligation to his community, and the ob- | m, E futon ip 2 moral a well lege on. [Eggo HAT ORDER FOR GROCER- The good citizen pays his taxes cheerfully | get our prices, We buy close and sell close, and willingly. He serves upon the jur- Everything always fresh and wholesome. ies febich administer the laws of the com- |Buy at Home one the difference. munity. He fulfills every legal obligation --HINDS BROS, that is imposed upon him by his gov. = Cte yak there is @ moral obligation | WHEN IT COMES TO DRY GOODS we which is of still greater importance to the |Just will not be undersold, either in or out community. This moral obligation con- |y"towi Make us prove it. Get our prices jsists in doing everything that is in his pow. fret." Big ete co all kinds of Ladies" appines' Goods carried. --DEVLIN & MURCHISON [money in such 8 way as to help his com- sitiners: Keep in touch with the late family | munity {fashions and shapes. Big stock of ready~ Prosperity Worth Promoting to-wear Hats in stock. --V. $. BROWNLEE Anything 'orth having is worth protect: i< worth anything to the people living in i _ it it is worth protecting If the chance o = bee are thorough mechanics, If we. for ae, 10 tea a ged living, to live sat haat 4 Hlumbing oF beating you can |well, 10 sive his children a good educa. Tt fine nLMOFFATT & Pant tion, is worth anything, it is worth protect. ! = ing. i 'ete it just one way to protect a com-laprog ine ct Ning yok oe ty Oot jramity, and that is to keep the community, harSytie wane ge pe Call and sen coo bene ene oa Per nate our immense stock before you buy. It will' for the people of the community to keep /P*¥ ¥ou their money at home. Every time the _--/HE W. C. HUNTER CLOTHING Co. jcitizen of a community sends money away from home to mail order house instead | WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY be sure you is 'deal with a House that in known for reliabi- is home stores he is '4 ao fs disloyal to his community. It is disloyalty (lity. You don't have to know jewelry wheo to the merchants only indirectly. It is dis-)YOU deal with us. Big fines of all Kinds loyalty to the community of which the |! Jewelry to choose from--W. L. REEVE. merchants are only « small part but a very | = re paportant sea HOW ABOUT THAT SPRING suIT?: This is the moral obligation that every |Have it made to order. We make a spec. [citizen owes to his community, just ae jilty of Ladies' Triloring as well ox Meets the payment of taxes and the loyal up. /If we make it, you can be aure of « jwerfect fort of his government are his legal ob- |fit. Come in and see us. --H. J. TWISS: ligutions, Disloyalty of a large body of =--=--=-------------- SS the citizens spella disaster to any govern-|THERE I$ NOTHING IN THE DRUG The napctil disloyalty of ny large part of |LINE you cannot find at our store, all s0ee ine fernle t0 their community is followed 'per cent. pure. Big line of Proprictary mene evenly By, the downfall of the com: icines, Toilet articles, Sick-room scoplie, |munity. "Selfinterest, if nothing cle, It will be to your nlvaeser ee nea here, should convince every citizen of the ad- PATTERSON'S, The Rexall Store, Anaricic Visubility of fulfulling his moral obligution to his community. IT IS OUR AIM to sell all kinds of grocer- --_-- ies and Provisions at close prices, "We have ral requires more seasoning than most Imade a success with this system and jronnce meats, |to stick to it. Try us out and Buy at Home. --J. D. WISDOM & CO, Allandale. of spending it in his IF PRICES AND QUALITY COUNT for RESIDENTS OF ALLANDALE do not need: anything 8 visit to our store will convince !t9 look further for Dry Goode or clothing. will eurely 'be as etek and our prices | You will Yind just what ron wont ee our winery, be 'an object to every close |store in big variety, at prices that are much buyer, Try SASStANT & KING, Limiteg |!°¥*F than other Stores. Try ua out. = : --JOHN WEBB DONT LIVE IN DARKNESS. Have your House wired for Electricity. Get our esti- mate. Big line of Fixtures. We do every- thing but furnish the Juice. Call us up-- We are prompt. We do Plumbing and Heating also, --LIVINGSTON & MOODIE YE OLDE FIRME--HEINTZMAN & CO, hus a one-price system all over Canada, You get just as good service at our store as in Toronto, not only in pianos but in all --GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE, Phone 259w. P. 0. Box 178 MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR HOME forlGARDEN TOOLS Now @ the time to be your suto. If it needs repairing I can do | gy vine garden. We can supply you with Ui ivick Big line of accessories and tires, Irakes, hiker cnader "oie boy ols at ace oily reuse. usdline. | Run your car in| yantegton' jae tes ete ete, and we TAL tows GARAGE | THE ALLANDALE HARDWARE STORE --V. S. BRUNTON MAIL ORDER HOUSES do not hurt our business, but we ere in line with anything that helps our town and nierchants. We do Undertaking in all up-to-date methods. Buying st home is @ good idea --E: J. BYRNE, Undertaker. CUTTING AND FITTING OF CLOTHES is an art and the merchant tailor who is Proficient in this art is bound to get the Try us for your next suit. Big lines of woolens to choose from, --F. J. LOWER IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING or repairing, see us for all kinds of lumber or |CALL UP PHONE 164 and we will attend building material. Bills cut to order on {© Your Grocery orders. When you trade short notice. Big stock Lath, Lumber, |here you are sure of getting the best of shingles, ete. pure food supplies at close prices. Buy at THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LTD, | Home. =A. FLEETHAM, Alland BUY YOUR COFFEE AT HOME, and be sure of getting it fresh. We have the two best blends of bulk coffee obtainable and can grind it fine or pulverize it for use with a percolator. . - --MERRICK & LITSTER. ther the fluffy down of the milkweed and dandelion and glue this on the brageh (apparently by means of their saliva) to form a firm foundation for that which is piled on top. Oceasionally bits of yarn or | wool are woven in os they jProceed with the work. When the desired height is resched--about one inch-- the tiny architect covers the outer suff of the nest with green lichens, likewise | {plastering the limb for two or three inches | ing the nest blend per- | on each side, maki fectly with the coloring of the limb and very difficult to distinguish from a knot. After the lichens are put on the little mites 'pure green, 'quite often get a single strand of cobweb | and wind it firmly sround the outside' of the nest. The inside is lined with down, ; In this beautiful, camouflaged structure | ite eggs about the size of a bean, re Isid. After being batched the young Temain in the nest for fully three weeks | before attempting to fly. They make | their first appearance in the sombre coat of the female, which gradually changes with each successive moulting' until maturity. It.generally takes two or three years to at: tain the 'perfect phimage. Despite its diminutive size, the ruby-' throsted humming-bird is very pugnacious will attack birds much larger than it- so thi 4 all his vaunted courage, dare not in- trude on its nest. In September these {smallest of our birds leave for their south. a ern home in Central America. Yellow Adder's Tongue & (Lily family) Colonies of these golden Little lilies are 'week or more later the adder's tongue or BOYS, IT WILL SOON BE TIME FOR YOUR BICYCLES. bring it to me and have it ready: of auto accessories and sporting hand. Buying at, Home is a --WALTER URRY, 36 Bay! e time or shortly has shed its petals, Why this plant was given these coarse names is mystery. As for bringing to mind 4 snake's tongue, the green mottled leaves more surely suggest the skin of a snake. And they have nothing in common with '8 dog's tooth or violet, their faint fra like that of the tulip. 'zits =" Famous Apex Electric lilies and represents withers away at the sam after the bepati grance being more Exch patch of these hundreds of individual three stages of its growth, namely, the one- smaller' and quite often the two-year-old, spotted, but atill immature, and the long, heavily blotch. ed leaves of the third year, is three years old before it hae shed its Esch plant consists of one 'pale, russet' yellow, bell-shsped flower nod- ding from the summit of a rootatalk, which is from three to twelve inches tall. The aves, two in number, grow off from op- posite sides of the flower stem, usually until they are on a level with the flowers, ind are grayish green, mottled with brown, These flowers, as do most of the earl spring flowers, prefer the open woods an grassy hillsides rather than in the darker sections and may be found from the Inst week in March to the end of May. year-old plants, iH even the English sparrow! Get up the Bird Houses How are you progressing with your bird use? They should be put up this month If placed in the shade, awoy from eats and kept clear of English sparrows, your house has s good chance of often found growing among or close to the being occupied this yenr. delicate hepatica, and although blooming a - nesting places. Save by the W. 8. S. plan. -------- {F YOU ARE NOT BUYING your Boots |KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US in the Jewel- and Shoes from us we are both losing| ty line. I carry a big stock of all kinds of money. Big stock of Ladies' Shoes, up-| Jewelry and do repairing on short. notice. to-date styles. | Shoes for the Kiddies in| I am the official Watch Inspector for G.T. big varieties. Buy at Home, Railroad. Also, I issue Marringe Licenses. B. MYERS Buy 'advertised goods. Read the advertisements. WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Vacuum Cleaner Now is house cleaning time and everybody wants car- pets, rugs, walls, curtains, etc., cleaned. Anywhere dust collects we can get it, even to the picture moulding, pictures, shelves, etc. We will rent our machine by the day at $1.25 or we will go and work it ourselves for $1.00 an hour, LIVINGSTON & MOODIE PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS 127 Dunlop Street Phone 319 In May W358. Cost $4.04 in June W-S.s. Cost $4.05 War Savin ean be box ever this dia, Ie ---- $63,182. SCk $51,753 to mates Ad of Educa: (Contin desks for che Teens which the peninys $1000, instea commended | was paid ont count of dd A very Colors. A 'and add s looks wor: ly renewec 52 TE Boece r Secese5 a2 eoeSeSe and carriag colors to su Produces paint espec