Th THE BARRIE EXAMINER ursday, May 15, 1949 1 - Tome exercises by, B.C.1. students, | ' =: 'Thexe included a patriotic dril 7 as: f club swinging by Miss Myra Rei r habitant recitation - by Keppel; {Lally; Highland Fling, by Miss aura' Lyall; dances M PS | - Mabel Chees:man, Bessie DeHart,! Guida Burton, Jean Cowan, ; 'anis MacLaren, Marjorie Laid. | man, Irene Marlin and Myra Reid. | Mr. Justice Lennox, who as a! jstudent of the old Grammar) School, said he came from To- vento just to be present at the opening of the fine new school and not with any object of mak- ing a speech. This was his first appearance on a public platform sinee he took his seat on * tho Bench. The history of the Bar- rie Grammar School and Col- Jegiate should be an example Another Big Week-end Special in Chocolates Liggett's, Patterson's and Moir's Up to 80 cents per Ib. Special 50 Cents Chocolates Home Decoration Explained ° Visit our Chi-Namel store and learn how you can 'make any old, 4 dirty, softwood or painted' floor ook and wear like a real hardwood fn Waterproof, heelproof, costs little, easy to do. JUST RECEIVED A NEW MEMBER OF THE JONTEEL FAMILY JONTEEL EXTRACT $2.50 per oz.. "We have now in stock Jonteel Rouge, 52 cents Also compacts (Face Powder) with Puff, in Flesh, White, Brunette and out-of-doors. 52 cents per box. Arthur FE. Patterson The Rexall Store ALLANDALE. Chi-Namel varnishes are for new and old hard or soft wood, im- parting highly protective lus- trous surfaces equal to "factory finishes". Being. self-leveling, the can be applied by anyone jout laps or brush marks. Tough, elastic, waterproof. Cost least by the square foot om account of great covering capacity. y and economically fy new or old hard or soft. woodwork, doors, floors, furniture, walls, acreens, radiators, bric-a-brac, ete with Chi-Namel, Find out here, why these beautiful brillant, War ERPROOF SELF- ING CHINESE OIL FIN- ISHES es cele or toa to apply successfully Try a dram, 35 cents. Look over the interesting Chi- Namel color cards, inspect these remarkable Chi-Namel products on the same kinds of surfaces, which you want to apply them, VISIT THE NEAREST CHI-NAMEL STORE where in 5 minutes you can learn how to refinish everything in the home and save the expense of re-furnishing It's a pro- Rressive store--lok for the sign--if you don't find one readily write us. Let us prove their economy and durability by convincing tests in water, under hammer blows, etc. Come in today and bring in' your Mr, Justice Lennox and an wlian fo the stu come | Hi ain A jo te St" Jand he felt sure Barrie had kept| diligence in doing such 1 rien Henle nf today : an tS eat abreast of the educational ad-|work under very adviree nat | MEN WITH RIG ' earning tn Catiaida bas cen. ance * a a 7 vi : Mant distinguinhod powi-| pena Contrasting his tine in} tions. 'The new school brought! Wanted to sell Rawleigh Products, Estab- COME TO THE DEMONSTRATION a more distinguished pew [tie thigh School with the present. [greater opportunities and he felt lished demand. Large profi healt, / : none has seat more ablelhie said one of the marked dif! | sure the students would respond ;Pleasant, permanent. _ Give AT OUR STORE Se ae Cree aor {arenes was the age of the stu-[with till greater efforts; thai {pom flerences. W. T. RAWEEIGH eo. =" | ' pall walks nt life o Prowler t dents: in his time several stu-{they would endeavor to live up le orente, Ont. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, [Mistinetion conkl be wished fC Tdents wore moustaches and there] to (he noble traditions of the | MAY 21. 22 AND 23 I venrrine \ ace ie, more [SOEe three or four married men! school and would develop into | RETURNING SOLDIERS > ean Mae then ie Barrie, | AONE them Under present/vitizens of the best type, fully Write for particulars how to make $10 suitable fe = than is conditions the B.C, students }equipped and willing to do the di lin its splendid new. bi the & to do their jevery day selling Rawleigh's Products, with A LADY DEMONSTRATOR WILL SHOW YOU sh ; wl tl Ec ww baa he se Bets possi advaniage shure fur the advancement Can- (se Old tablished demand. rs = schol is entering nny of and with the school on a central] ada ealthy, pleasant, HOW TO DO THE WORK--IT WILL [era and each student ean tein tole hone ts areal castrate \referensea' W. 7, RAWLEIGH CO. Li," INTEREST YOU. [maintain the high standard. of for children in all parts of the Dept. 19, ee Ont. . the past and make of ita ereat} iawn te attend FURS! eee centre of learning from whieh : AL Seg Ee ee ncrainco MAKE $10 EVERY DAY CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED |" A eae lng W forth bo build up the nation, [ta the conditions un which jSelling Rawleigh's Products, with rig in nN if re 0. Ltd There in ieusition net apen tolthe students and staff haq been |Give. age Nuseton, relerensen Wee ' 3 * Hlancone whe will apply himsetf| laboring the last two years, and] MISS M. McKERNAN [fiw 'Figa°toe'tw., Dost Ie, Throne i , shhgently and utilize all his time} paid trite to their loyalty and]$8 Small St, Barrie, Phone 328 | Ont. ' =a a a . - ty the best advantage, ns ' A.W. Smith, speaking for the the "h 4 PRAISE FOR THE gg See ae ea amusing reminiscenees of the er- Are NEW COLLEGIATE marlity da. Reference was| 9 You tds Jo same of the (eachers-- e: ( ued from Page 4 H.R. Spotion. "one of the great Ter cContin'ss n " "ek Mt oe educationists in Ontario." the dostinies an ted sug' na ik 1M, Hunter. "a kindly soul, with . . . ast Perckinge ManiUeNenle ty, tne Bien wile hip and kind heart Special showing of Attractive : cee a ile ' to know him was to love him." | age i ad for us. Some are yral } mig died ita its Ke Mr. Hay. "who by his ability and t marble. benuge ay. brass, of good humor has held his place thn fod @tnddowes, "Thelieye at Ue in the hearts of the students for a oneacwho: are; gunewcuull Sprak mvee three decade The in- It heverid the grave they would asl fluence which these and other us to erect a monument creat- re high-minded teachers who have an ing a better, nobler, purer Can- fe M taught in Rarrie have exercised = ada. where fied Is more ae upen the youth under them is TP = and all may have a more equa on n fo : JRsee git sie tava inestimable Next ta good Ve ii change and where bree Jove feachers, good accommodation is Hes nds if (his: tnenument. is to: be important and none -- should k= ; ai ana grudge the money that will help my With pathes, at onde toneh. Pe oN cE eins Megs, ' iad ing and inspiring, he referred mentally, morally and physically. ee te the lines of his friend. Col. Barrie is to be congratulated . . . al John MeCrae, whose grave he - upon the splendid new collegiate We make a special point of presenting at all seasons of the nee aac AO ee atster abo ier ry Al and he felt sure the students year a constant succession of the newest and freshest productions rew on row é al The above photogravure of the veteran| would st fo pre them- a ill fi 2 iversi- uttered inthe lines of his im-|mathematical master of the BCI shows | vive. warily hai only er the of the shoe world. To-day, you will find at Moore s store a diversi: mortal "In Flanders Fields" "Be |him in readiness for bis favoritetwinter sport | Ten nuitding, but of ihe noble fied showing of the new summer models in Ladies' Footwear. yours to grasp the .tdreh and [of which he is no mean exponent. In his] | 17" 1)" ar the a hold it high" sceméd to reach [early dave. at the B.C, be was o keen traditions of the school. Ladies' White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, light soles and Louis beyond the fighting forse to the the boys; in fecent years fica and. Heels, in all sizes @ ..........00.+.00ee0++. $2.20 and up boysand girls and all the Citi /bowling have been his favorite sports, In Ladies' White Canvas Boots, medium weight Soles, Louis, Cuban the zens of Canada. The torch Of | these clubs there is no more popular mem- d Low Heel $3.00 , Ot bs learning, the lamp of truth, the |ber than Mr. Hay _and Low Heels, @ crvrerrercereeeerecsees $3 and up bes torch of freedom. Ladies' Pumps in Vici Kid and Patent, turn Soles, medium Cuban phe "To you from failing hands} .The torch. Be yours to hold and Louis Heels, @ ...........+e+ee+++++++ $3.00 and up ' route we throw, it hight jes' ' ith li i t He ; It ye bréak faith with us whol | Ladies' Chocolate Kid Oxfords, with light weight Soles, medium and ; die Louis Heels @ ........ ccc eee e eee neces .. $3.50 and up ) Con. We ee not sleep, though These are but a few quotations of the many popular priced ' poppies grow : f hoes In Flanders fields. lines we have. ; / : the "These challenging words ring Large stocks also on hand of Men's, Boys', Girls' and Child- t rt in our ears, resound in our dren's Footwear at correspondingly low prices. ' hearts. Let us translate them into life and so be Canadians worthy of our great day, our noble land and the unspeakable 'opportunity that lies befpre us." B.C. I. students contributed to. the programme two well render- 4Jed choruses and some clever and amusing parodies 'sung tp the tune of "Byssex- by-the Sea." Evening Meeting SUIT CASES and TRUNKS || | for that holiday on the "24th" and later holidays. We confine our energies in this section to providing excep- tionally attractive values in Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks, at prices that come within the reach of all. NOTHING 80 REFRESHING AS THE MORNING BATH 'The Late T. H. Reddit in hot weather. It brightens you up and invigorates you the whole day. If you have no bath in your home, let us show you how easily installed it will be and how it will more than repay_its cost in im- proved health and vigor. We are sanitary plumbing experts-- designers of model bathnooms. MOFFATT & PARR 'Sole Agents. for "Hecla" Furnaces « Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie In the evening the auditorium was packed and a number were unable {o gain admittance. Mayor Sprott acted as chairman. Very pleasing musical num- bers were given; as follows: solos, Mrs. Laidman and Ralph B. Johnston; vocal quartettes, Mrs. Laidman, Miss Gertrude Reeve, Miss Emma King and Miss. Dorothy Sarjeant; selec- tions by the Barrie Orchestra; also a Folk Dance Melody and Principal from September 1898: to April 2, 1915 James Marlin, speaking as a representative of the Public Schools staff, said he was probably chosen because of i + As a student in the Publia Schools, High School and as a teacher he had been direct- ly associated with the Barrie schgols for forty years. During this time there had been many changes and marked progress: Suit Cases, ranging from seeeaeeeesceceeesceae $225 to $20.00 Club Bags, ranging from ... . $2.95 to $31.00 Trunks, ranging from . . Complete range of Holiday Footwear, including the famous Fleet Foot lines at popular prices. MOORE'S ----=