just erected tn Barrie. He had a ESTABEISHED BY THE very special interest in this new Collegiate Institute, being ono of Cc 4 ; that devoted body, the ratepayers = "/of the town of Barrie. He came < Re Oy re ie igs is A . ? 1 ares } = i THE: BARRIE"EXAMINER 'Vince is: one of the pleasantest{ ne E : : Thursc oan 6 5 duties of his office and he had : 3 . ; 1 ' a i Fk Co e Seen no new school in a town of é i = this size which surpasses that NEW GASOLINE. AND. TIRE MILEAGE RECORDS Full weight of tea in every package, lo have his summer home here ti because it is one of the most beautiful places in all Ontario. It is a very historic town, Ils origin is lirfked up with European struggles, for if we go back to the early settlers we find the ames of officers in the army and navy from the Motherland. Referring to Principal Spotton, Dr. Cody said that he was one of the greatest ornaments of ed- ueation Ontario has had, Mr. Spotton made the name of Barrie If we accomplish this we] {MOUs throughout' Ontario in PRAISE FOR THE shall feet our efforts will not 2¢#em¢ Work, basing his Leach. jena cour et ing on a broad foundation of NEW COLLEGIATE '¥¢ been in vain, general knowledge. After all, he Mayor's Congratulations said. it is the teacher that makes Re. Sprott. in a brief address of| the school. The ulmest ee Hon. Dr. Cody Says No Better welcome, expressed pleasure in] buildings can do ts (y enable the Town School in -- meeting so/many of the citizens| teacher lo do hix work with lore Economy and stability Power,.with the famous Write u Sold only in sealed packages . wrieint® imMerested in educational| waste and less friction tne ; . a The Formal Opening. affairs. The B.C. has had algreat essential of the schoot io of the McLaughlin Light forty four horse power cl Wonderful history and has sent|the teacher. Barrie Collegiate Sixisdueto the fine balance valve-in-head Light Six aalltY 2A bo (Cootioued from page 1) forth many men who are leaders.fhas long heen noted for the . = ap renin last purroundin community to al attep congratulating the Board|ability and high charactor of its struck between power engine,and roomy body in ; Thea ee higher plane of usefulness than [in the eplendis building they had] staff, for the thoruughnoss of ite . . : eaten smeley they would hava otherwise i2ts erected, he said they had made a teaching and the splendid acad. and burden. There is open and closed models set v Y for the crete tained, thal thes may go out in| wise expenditure of money and if]rmie standing of its graduates h l . oa' oocred "tis Mites oatgettt filled to take uplthoy need mare funds teen a Mr. Spottch wan followed be not a pound of unnec- anew standard of value in amounted to over Nfe's burdens and Ponsibil- | rind the citizens ready and willing defray expenses ¢ the school Mrs Duneun Mf ada, who is maki) Ontario, is spendi ester-incdaw. Miss Miss Goldie Hei Elmvule after ay Mr. and Mrs. Fi Wilde of Orillia ca! week Mrs. Hurst and | ing with Mr. Jam James Hunter tint tone another outstanding educational- essary weight nor is Speaking to the boys and gurls, the' Mayor said there two things ASSary no, What line of business they are din. Effirieney is the first Wlmade. In order to Ps~ ene must he effied hen there is opportunity; when Wo presents itself we should. be Pready for ih for it often knocks Bul epee. Anethor thing fullaws Canadian builtcars. Own. it impoverished of a_ ers of this model get from pound that could contri- 25 to 30 miles to the gallon bute to its efficiency or of gasoline and from 8,000 its life, to 12,000 miles on tires, SEND FOR CATALOGUE The McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO, Limited Turk's farm on the ind that i citizenship uit is OSHAWA, CANADA Archibat | [the fest boys and giels get, dn WILKINSON BLOCK Mr. and Mrw. Caly [ heene food citizens we reach attending the funeri ag ga dee C. H. BEELBY, Dealer ™™Ns9N stock z pease our nation toa higher love ~ P= Miss Katie McKay 8 few days at her hy Minister of Kalueation jn openi Hon De. Ge Wis address. the cad Stroud Post Office ton re none the less im- Pressed bis very at pleasure al being present to declare the new building duly abundantiy piever Hay's case. and stas--in hos s Fred Marr in} Now in his 22 rseribable and ineom-- Methodist Young Met sn ; We are loyal mem- SW. Muneer 2 id year as Sec'y-Trens. o dtu present to hin . ec (ha ie the British Common- y ; jand formally ipened. veanee 22d e | parabte He had the good ommon Chantler Bros, ie 4 Fb F ae rm '3 me i Tsiling | Barrie Bue, Bebiool Board and Board | jo. Wishes that he may lang be fortune te ie overseas ine the | wealth." wan of the Building Committee ° anne spared ty ebnutinue his work triumphant: and hadwitness-| Coming down to the practical aks J i of Page Lm . s closes on Ist whose regime ii the Bo G1 Students and "staff are enter ped the bate of Cambrai and had Kk of his provincial office, Dr. fo ae 8 OUT BY Him s | 7 i or India. atlained tagh results: a sold and] ine upon their work in their newia sense that no one can have at ¥ touched upon some of the substantial teacher Mr. Reddit.) building, at a critical time in theta distance, "May E venture to | outstanding features which the Iways glad." said) the/ Works history, Tt is a great) say," said he, "that the achieve. Department are seeking to de- speaker, "to remember that thad] thing to be young in thie day with | iments of the Canadian Corps are|velop. The Legislature, he said, (he appertanity of knowing him." [1s wonderful opportunitios at{the best indication of Canadian|is a unit in furthering educa- " Phe BGI bas splendid traditions Work and service, Canaiane Spirit, initiative, resourcefulness | tional measures, it is a unit 4 fo maintan and from the char] Were never so proud of being/and intelligence, Canada has no]in its desire to maintain the acter and <tandi of the tadians as today -- intensely | need {0 be ashamed of the pro] Primacy of the Ontario educa. ent stat and the look of keen {Prowl AS the background for}duct of its halls of learning. The| tional system in Canada. They Hess and alertiess of the sin. {our educational advance we can|wur. hac increased marvellously Are we doing enough? Are dents, he felt they woubl worthily/ fever leave out the splendil] Canada's sense of nationhood, (Continued on Page 4.) maintam the traditions of the reverting oner again tw the eset our lam De, Cady said we can never repay the earlier nerations of Vigerous people z before us. One of the old guard had recently passed away in the person of De. Strang Mr. Hay, who after all these Seer 7] Jot Goderieh, mourned by all : Mt Be proud of your Records ho "know "ni jut ne Lig * 18 also one of the old guard sti Neat and attractive Oxford i} © When your friends call with us." sail Dr, Cady. "and ae h i oficial head of the Department er Brewe i ii of Education 1 offer my special pa Pah Choose the ones you like: congratulations to Barrie's grand | ite -- ald ihn in Ihleee eiducational, Ww i "His Master's Voice" CORDS (Same Price as before the War) * 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided How Ya Gonna Keep "Em Down on the Farm?-- Ht Fields--and--How Are You Cot te {EL -- "s Your Whistle? Billy Murray 18537 ail Don't Cry Frenchy, Don't Cry--Hrl-Show--and- iW] {Know What it Means to be Lonesome Burr 18538 iM} Kisses--and--I'm Always Chasing Rainbows 'TH | --t --Fox Trots Van' Eps Trio 216054 What the Dealer Means to You * | * HE shoe dealer does more for you than you perhaps realize. He not only carries a variety of styles and sizes for your convenience, right in your town, but he renders you a service which no one else can render in the correct fitting of your $1.50 for "12 inch, double-sided Some Day I'll Come Back to Y i--and - Roses Jofin Steel 235000 Thora--and--Nirvana John Steel 235001 Soi metine--and---Choos--Medley Fox Trots ahas foot. This is very important, not only for the sake of comfort, but also because the appear- ance and the life of your shoes depend upon corréctness of fit. No matter what price you may pay for a shoe, it cannot give you its full service if it does not fit your foot, Red Seal Records Calling Me Home to You Joha McCormack 64803 Songs My Mother Tanght Me (Violin) ~ ° Kreisler 64563 Gianal Schicch!---O mio babbino qgro Frances Alda 64802 And more than that: ill-fitting shoes often cause foot troubles, even though they may feel perfectly comfortable at first. Correct fitting-shoes are essential, even if it means extra time and effort for you to get them. So you should go to a dealer in whom you have confidence, let him advise you as to y is teaching mathematics as the type of shoe Xhich is suited to your foot, and give him time to fit you correctly, Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on easy pay. '| efficiently as when he joined the You will get better service from your shoes if you will do this, and they will look Gaerts if desired). Auk for frpe copy of cue staff. Wherever I.meet old BCL. better. : 9000 "Fla Master's Vee Fes siete over Raeior girls iter have peste Write for our booklet "How to' Buy Shoes" which gives more information on, this tanckee tee 'Giasipinale ed . important subject, It is sent gladly to any address in Canada upon request to our head office at Montreal, -AMES HOLDEN McCREAD LIMITED "'Shoemakers to the Nation" ST. JQmN MONTREAL TORONTO wise counsellor, .Mr. Hay. Ag é reference was made to the vener. S ble teacher of mathematics, Mr. Fa ay, the students vociferously 5° € Rr t Hear them at an: "His Master's Voice" dealers 4 Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co.,/.274 | Montréal applauded to show how heartily (hey appreciated the kindly words EDMONTON for their teacher. When the applause had abated the speaker Bs a ra p \ \ } . i remarked that it is often said = ) the teachers do not get adequate When you buy Shoes look for-- \ this Trade-mark on every sole , q material reward, but they do get WAR \ another kind of reward--great| » DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT poner and admiration' oo pet -------- eC