XK - FOR SALE--In the Village of Ivy, Page Twelve 'THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is NE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- ION, with a minimum charge' of 15 cents wer issue. Terms cash, Six insertions will vee given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- 'tional charge of 10c. will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not | wpaid for before the paper is issued, an ai ditional charge of (0c. will be made on cadiets {ess than one dol GOOD MAID WANTED--Mrs. Laidlaw, 126 'Blake street. 19-20p the Olympix Candy Works. ROOM TO LET--Central, suitable for one or 2 ladies, Apply at this office. @OARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Easy terms, Misves Bell, 59 Mary street. 20-20¢ FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Blook, Barrie. 37-tfc "WOOL WANTED--Will pay good prices. H. Levit, Bayfield street. Phone 384 19-24p FOR SALE--Good work horse, heavy. Ap- ply H. B. Armstrong, Allendale R.R. No. 1 ; 18-20p FOR SALE--Hawaiian Guitar, complete, with instruction book, $10.00. 520 15-20p FOR 5: 's Reed Sulky, in goodcon- dition, 170 Dunlop street. 20-20e GOOD MAID WANTED--Apply to Mrs. Bryson, 40 Bradford street. 20-tfe FOR SALE--One brood sow, due August 16, Thos. Smith. Utopia, Ont. --_20-20p ANY PERSON wishing first-class board- | ing house, call 6 Market street, 20-23p FOR SALE--Hand poder Hay Press, must be sold. Enquire at this office. CEMENT MIXE! } Apply Box "Z HORSE WANTED--Serviceably sound, for road work. George James, Lefroy. 20-216 , without engine, wanted, Examiner office. 20-20p |WANTED--Small, second-hand cook stove for church. Apply at this office, 20-21¢ FOR SALE--House and lot in the Village of Ivy. Apply Miss E. McLean. 20-21p |WANTED--Woman to scnib 2 days a week. Apply office, Bryson's Bakery, 20-20 5-PASSENGER CAR for sale; Ford, good as new. Apply 49 Mary street, Phone 294. 19tfe SHEEP SHEARING MACHINE (Stewart), | practically , for sale. Apply S>-V. Jones, Oro "Station. 20-20¢ , FOR SALE--8-roomed brick house, newly papered, large lot, on Burton avenue. A. W. Morris, Thornton, FOR SALE--Mendolwohn Pisano, nearly new. Reasonable price. Apply 60 Mary street 19-21p 'HOUSE TO LET--On Mary street, 6 rooms, electrie light, town water. Apply F Exell, 31 Mary street. WANTED--Young woman or girl for housework. Apply Mm. Cecil, 55 Peel street, 174fe \ FOR SALE--Excelsior motor cycle, twin cylinder, first-class running order, Apply 101 Cumberland street, Allandale, 20-20¢ 'PROF D. £, WEIR--Teacher of Piano and Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street, Barre. 18-23 TO RENT--Room with board, home privi- leges, lady preferred. Apply to Box "D"', this office FOR SAIL, --Delivery Horse, cheap; ick. Apply J. D. Wisdom & Co, motor Allandale 18-tfe FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE No. 14 Cum and street; all conveniences, premuses, be FORD TRUCK "Smith Former", Apply C. ¥. Gruhum, 46 Codmngton street, Bar- nie, phone 756 18-23p PIGS FOR SALE--Young Pigs, 6 weeks old; also a fine S-month-old' Yorkshire sow. Apply S. V, Jones, Oro Station 20-20¢ FOR SALE--Wheelbarrow, almost new; wahing machine, water power; also some S-gal. butter Apply 103° Bluke street 20-200 LOST Black Sutin Cape bar pin in of Ovenden College. Finder y return to Miss Elgood, Ovenden | Reward 20-20) FOR SALE~ Herbert Raspberry canes, $2.00 2 hundred, also White Wyandotte and White Leghorn eggs. $1 setting, C W. Nash, Cundles. 2 FOR SALE--House, lot (sbout 2% acres) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises, Cedar posts, all sizes and FOR SALE lengths. Apply W. O, Partridge, 261 Bay- field 15-tfe BULL FOR SALE- Two-year-old Short horn', registered. Apply Andrew Quinlan, Pho Barrie 19-206 HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar. age, firrplice, furnace. $1500.00 sleeping balenny 108 Peel street. ite HOUSE AND LOT to Rei at Shanty Bay, known nm» the "Manse Property" For particulars apply to Thos E) Ross, Guth rie. 17 22¢ CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old | suit and evercoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop St FOR SALE-3 acres land, make good mar. ket garden, spring creek, barn and fruit | trees. Apply to 59 Donald street, west end, Barrie 19-20p WE DO ALL KINDS of Electrical work, house wiring a specialty, Lloyd & Abell Bros., etrieal Contractors, 98 John treet, west 19:24p "WANTED--Capable woman or girl for sum- mer cottage, Family of three, Moderate wage but good home for right person. Box "M", Examiner. 19-20 "NURSES earn $15 to $25 9 week without leaving hom booklet, Royal College of Science, Dept 112, Toronto, Canada. 18tfge Learn FUNERAL DESIGNS, wedding boquete, ar. tistically arranged. Roses, earnations and other seasonable flowers always on hand E. A. Harris, phone 18:23p ACETYLENE WELDING--Before thro away broken parts of machinery sult. My new welding process works won- ders, Alex. Cleland, blacksmith, -- 18 FOR SALE~ Store and dwelling with lot and stable vacant lots, also weigh scules in of Phelpston. For particulars, write us J. Keaney, Bar. rie, 17-20¢ acre of land with good shop and a quai tity of 'blacksmith's tools. Can be sold separate to suit purchaser. Apply to S. Burton, Ivy. 20-20¢ "CARS WANTED--We buy any make or Model of second hand car, so if you want to'sell, drop us a line to the Garage', Albert and Colbourne streets. Box 558, Orillia, Ont. 19tfe St ee AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--If you want to buy second hand cars or trucks call and see us at the "Garage", Albert and 'Colbourne 'streets; or write us to Box illia, Ont. 19tfe "WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--Ist Bar- » rie' Fair Céck and' a grand cockerel. Head two pens nice females. Proven Isy- vers. "Try them. $1.00 per 13. A.F.A. 'Maloomson, Barrie. 14-21 FOR SALE OR TO RENT--Nice 5% acre in Barrie, large fruit orchard in full bear- 15-20p | Send for free! STALLION FOR Mac€ (1996: dale Stallion, on Tot 26, con. Fee, $1200 6 Melntosh Bros FOR SALE Seven roomed brick house, 208 Bradford street. all conveniences good gurden and garage. Apply to Eldon Guthrie, 6415 Fas st. Allandale. 2021p AT A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE Five | passenger, fully equipped ear, 1917 mod el in perfect condition, over. | Several extras Phone 15: Burne. 20-206 TO LET--Office rooms in King Block up stairs front and en south facing railway station; also Large rooms formerly used by Gazette printing office, Altered. to suit tenant 20-25¢ FARMS WANTED--A number of good | farms wanted, with crop, stock und im | plements, 50, 100 and 200 scre farms. Apply to W. C. Thompson, Box 4 phone 288, Burrie. 20-20 STRAYED onto lot 20, con, 7, Innisfil, one red-and-white bull, coming 2 yeags old. Owners may Pave same by proving property and paying expenses. Thos, Em- Tick, R.R. No, 1, Lefro: 18-20e BOQT AND SHOE BUSINESS FOR SALE, Old established business in Barrie, excel: lent stand, up-to-date stock. Going con- cern, For further particulars, apply to | Mrs, H. B. Myers, Barrie, Ont." 20-tf 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--In Oro, brick house, bank barn, driving shed, etc., 3 acres fruit orchard, quantity bush, soft and hard water. Apply Mrs. Mary J. Turk, Shanty Bay, R.R.2. 15-20p PRIVATE SALE--Pandora Range (in good | ijion), washing machine, bedroom | writing desk and bookcase, rock- ing chairs and u few other household ar- ticles, 22 Wellington street, west, 20-20p FOR SALE CHEAP.--200 sere pasture farm, lot 7, con. 5, Vespra; also lot 6, con. | 5, will be sold at a bargain, and 640) acres in. Northern Alberta, For informa- tion apply to Wm, Potter, Tottenham. | 20-20 FOR SALE--1 Gray Dort Car; 1 garden wheelbarrow, 1 verandah swing, T° gas range, 2 lounges, 1 buffet, 1 parlour bil- liard table, 1 parlour suite, u few other household articles. Apply 'to R. Miller, 186 Dunlop street. 20-20p FOR SALE--Shorthorg Bulls, 1 dark red, 15 months -old, 1 dark' red 18 months old. | They are bred in the purple, good enough ! to suit the most particular buyer and priced to sell. Ivy phone. & Sons, Thornton. ROOMING HOUSE for Sale in Barrie--A money-maker for the right party, four- teen rooms, 2 bathrooms, first-class heat- ing, 1 block from Post Office and Grand Trunk station, price $4800--$1000 cash. Apply to W. C. Thompson, Barrie. ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and water colour painting. Saturdays 2-3.30, d by appointment. Mrs. F. S, Williams, diploma Paris and London), 261 Dun- lop street. Phone 391 or Ovenden Col- lege. 19-24p FORD SERVICE, CHURCHILLEM is ing, comfortable house, good farm build. iings, .town water, electric light. Levi "Gledhill, 72 Codrington street, east, Bar- vrie. 16-20p EGGS FOR HATCHING--Exhibition White Rocks (including winners at New York, London and Toronto National), $4 for 15; Bred-to-lay White Rocks, $2.00 per cheaper to get your auto repsired by an expert mechanic, There is a vast differ- ence between sutomdbiles and farm machinery. Stationary engines repaired. .Phone Martin, Churebi 19-23p FOR SALE--Six-roomed rough-cast house on Perry street, in firgt-class condition. Electric light, water and cement cellar. 20-2le 29-20p | THE BARRIE i LOCAL NEWS | reer Big musical treat at Thornton, May 2 'or a happy 'home use Fisher's Sfar flour. 16-20¢ Jno. "R. Bishop has sold his residence, 200 Bayfield St.. to E. Dibben of Minesing. Collingwood public have a total enrollment of 'and the €©,C.1. has 185. Will "Disgusted Citizen' write Chief King particulars which will be treated confidentially. | ---Re sure to attend the Ch schools 1202 . May 21. 2 and 23. Brookdale dilly Bloom" is thought lo have a good chanee to win the King's Plate this year Seeding operations, already late. were set back several d: by the heavy rainfall of Satu day and Sunday. Almost an inch fell on these two days |S. Caldwell was re-elected chairman of the Parks Commis- sion on Friday, with A, H. Felt Secretary and J. A. MacLaren |Treasurer, J. E. Emms is again yreman Hartwell DeMille and other talented artists are giving a high-class concert. for the Ladies' Aid Thagpnten Methodist f, 23. There should be a | Send extra copies of this wer Fyaminer to the B.C... "Old Boys and (OM Girls? wong your frends, 'They'll be glad to read ef the old sehoul's progress | Foar cents per eopy In the Rarrie Baptist' Chireti 4 Sunday evening | secon address will t Deo BR. Heaper oon "Things te Come as Revealed in the Word et Ged Suhyeet. The Workt Without the Chureh Motorists travelling threuzh Notlawasaga would de well te remember that the townstip has passed a bylaw frying 15) miles ver hour as the maximum sp permitted (hronsh the villages in Mat nuinicipality Last we Dollar Days were Fadly - Tranelieapped by the ther Nobwithstuntisn the dy downpour af Satipedsty. Nery fur bisiness wits dane. With fur oweather. i weukt have been Coreeeri, breaker Dow't fe The tea ad rene vert Gothew Choreh oan Erie vonighh, Way 2800 Wiss Barrett " ist from 'Toronta, will In MW. besides gq geod mins. pleat prograrnine r served lfram f to Rave Admission avlilts children 156 A daly dtemionst » will be at Ollon's Hardware on Wednes. day, 'Thursday and' Friday of nest week tu demoustrate Chi. Namel, Clip out the advt. which appears on page five and pre- sent te the demonstrator on either of the above dates and you will be given a regular 30¢ ean of Chi-Namet for t5c. BORN RICHARDSON--On May 13, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Richardson, Midhurst, a daughter, (Beatrice Laura). SPENCE--In the R.V. Hospital, on Fri- day, May 9, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Spence, Minesing, a daughter. BARR--RAINEY--At Central Methodist parsonage, Barrie, on Saturday, May 10, 1919, by Rev. H. Moore, Nelson C. Barr of Barrie to Miss Mae S. Rainey of Cooks- town. DIED KEAT--At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Saturday, May 10, Jounna' Keat, wife of Samuel Keat, Dalston, aged 61 years, Interment at Dalston on May 12 on Thursday, May 15, Jane Adeluide, fe of Herbert J. Lawrence, High street, PEACOCK--at lot 19, con. 2, Oro, on May months. CAULIFLOWER PLANTS--Genuine Early Snowball, 50 for 45¢ postpaid. Shipped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of Cabbage, Celery and other Vegetable plants, HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, Niagara District, HOW DOES THIS APPEAL TO YOU-- 12 O.A.C. Barred Rock Pullets laid in February 224 eggs, in March 277, Com- dissatisfied try a setting of these. You will be pleased with the results, Just a few more settings to spare, 15 exes $150. W. 0. Partridge, Box 1011, 261 Bayfield street, Barrie. LAtfo. For Sale by Tender Sealed tenders will be received up to Ssturday 'the 17th day of May, 1019, at twelve o'clock noon by the i forthe purchase of that certain parcel or tract of land situate in the Town of Barrie being composed of part of lot Number Fifty- three on the South side of Collier street more particularly described in registered number 6536 and which may be known as the premises on Owen Street lately occupied by the Public Library. 'The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated the 6th day of May, 1919. LAWRENCE--At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- | ate anaes "May | 13, Orpha Patricia Peacock, aged nine TWO PAIRS Headlight Two-Piece Overall No matter where you live, it will pay you to go to SUTCLIFFE'S © OF ORDINARY OVERALLS psa F > Aren't They John!" The famous HEADLIGHT guarantee o ill holds good. 'Wear a pair 30 days. If, at the end of that time you do not say that the Head- light is the best overall you ever wore, your money be refunded cheerfully." We've got a big, new stock made of the same highest- quality denim of pre-war days, The price ia right. Come in, right away and look M' them over. Men's Khaki Working shirts. These are worth to-day $2.25. Special price $1.50 Sizes 14% to 17. Men's Working shirts, dark Blue. Sizes 14% to 18. These are Extra Value $2.25. Special price ....... $1.50 Card of Thanks 'Mrs. Ursen Johnson wishes to thank the staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital, her many friends and neighbors, for their kind- ness towards her in her illness and recent bereavement, Card of Thanks Mrs. John Maw and family wish to thank their many friends and relations for | their kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks The family of the late Mrs, John R. Hubbert wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness towards them in their recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Enoch Degear, who died May 13, 1917. The face we loved is now laid low, The fond true heart is atill. Thr hand so often clasped in ours Lice now in death's old chill, Not dead to us; we love him still, Not lost but gone before, He lives with us in memory still And will for ever more. Mrs. Degear and family. Collier Street Methodist Don't buy Boots now with- out you want to save mon- ey. See our new Black and Tan working Boots, sizes 6 to 11, Big Values, $4.50. SPOClal, os soucenare we wn $3.49 Ladies' Tan Pumps with Strap at ankle and Bow. Made by McPherson. Big value $5.00, Special, Satur- day only $1.00 pr. Sizes 2% 3, 3%, 4. not miss this line. Do Boys' Blue and White Stripe Overalls with Bib. Sizes 28 to 33. Special Value $1.50 Special for Friday and Sat- urday only -- 5 Bars Sut- cliffe's Special Laundry Soap. It is good Value. 4 for 25c With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the good goods at little prices, ¢| iq j | PEOPLE TR Captain T. F. Best Familiarly known as "Tom" Best. Was Secretary of Y.M.CA. at Brantford and Js- ter at Hamilton. Sent to South Africa with Dr. Howard Barrie by Canadian Associa- tions to represent them at the war. Was engaged in special field workin Cansds when Great War broke out. Took charge of Y.M.C.A. work at Valcartier. ent to Exhibition Camp, Toronto, and jame year proceeded overseas to Engian France. Has juat returned from second visit to war zone. a throughout all his speeches, and his oratory France. May 16, and speak in the Public Library Hall meeting for ladies at 4 p.m. Auction Sale 'On Friday, May 16, Thos Bates, 225 Brad- of household furniture. Terms cash. H. A. Grose, auctioneer. Credit Sale Monday, May 19.--Bemrose Bros. at West ¥% lot 18, con. 4, Vespra, farm stock and implements. Say at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- Conkty, auctioner. On Wed., May 28.--Thos Todd, north %4 415; Guild Strain of Bred-to-lay 8. C.| Good garden' and clicken house, near FRED MARR, Sunday, May 18th. lot 4, 'con. 8, Innisfil, farm 'stock and " White Leghorns, $1.50 per 15. Athoi| West Ward and new High Schools, Ap- Chairman of 'the Barrie Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. implements. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose, Marshall, Ross~street, Barrie. | 18-28¢' ply Box 868 or phone 519. 18.22¢ 19-20¢ lic Library Bosrd.| The Pastor at both services. auctioneer. & = oe Oe ea J | OSEt te SL OR a fas Saturday, May 24th, Victoria Day We will keep open on Friday night to 10 p.m. and will be closed all day Saturday. In 1915 R, 'The mother wit of bis Irish blood flashes | thrills here just as it did in crowded huts in Capt. Best will be in Barrie on Friday, ' Xi ford street, will bold an auction sale, Men's Headlight Overalls with Bib. Colors, Plaine Black, Plain Blue, Blue and White Stripes. Sizes 32 to 48, Special Value. $3.00 ea Smocks to match the above, sizes 34 to 48. Special price $3.00 Men's Blue and White stripe Overalls with Bib, 36 to 42, and smocks to match, 36 to 44. Special price .. $2.25 Railroad Brand. Men's Black and White and Blue and White stripe. Sizes 42 to 44. Saturday only .. seeees $1.00 These are Extra Value. Boys' Khaki Overalls, big Value, 75c. Special .. 50¢ Sizes only 24, 26, 30. Little Boys' or Girls' Over- alls, Button at neck, Plain Blue trimmed with Red and Blue and White Stripes, trimmed with Navy Blue, fit ages 2 to 5, extra Value 65c pair Children's Rompers, colors, Tan trimmed with Red and Blue, and Navy stripe trim- med with Red. Fit ages 2 to 5. Extra value 75c each. Extra Special Taylor Bath: Soap. Value 20c Cake. 15c, 2 for 25c. Infant's Delight Soap spec- ial 10c, 3 for 25c. aye) = BARRIE MARKETS: THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Fall Wheat . + $2.10-$2.13 Spring Wheat . Bog Onts . 8.15 pm. He will also address a! ay ae $35.00-$38.00 'Alsike Clover seed per bus. .$20,00-$23.00 Red Clover Bran, ton . |Horse Hair Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at W. A. Lowe & Son 43-tf Buy advertised things. BARRIE Ann The attention the Annual Ass which are payah Treas, Beecroft' rie. Owners of tot assersments frot charge against payable on or Assesament ra ope lot and $1 'owned by the Tot Lot owners 8 the new Endow they may. elimi anesements by Jot to provide | Barrie 19-22¢ Towr Notice is her of Revision of will hold its fi Midhurst, on Mc 1919, at the by forenoon, to hes from the Assess chip of Vespra | tiee having bu: will attend at t Dated May 6, Tow: Notice ix here Reuision of the meet in Thorn Day of Muy, | o'clock in the a Monday the 2n the hour of Te to hear und dete Asexsment Roll Innisfil for the ing business wit at the said tine Dated ut troud The Oro Te counidering the Tice and residenc village of Mitch for tenders for | ting of their sw ditions an by communist cepted. 20-21 NOTICE OF | TAKE NOTI ing Twenty-five provisions of T be taken into cipal Council 0 at a meeting tc Stroud in the 1 Slet day of May o'clock in the f DATED the ' (Se 18-21¢ ---- 'This was bt at away or phon HAVE