Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1919, p. 11

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24 Years the same 6c " = good" te REDROSE TEA {s good tea' Sold only in sealed packages As Told by Our Correspondents News from Neighboring Townships ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER reported. Shanty Bay is glad that they are to be residents of this village William Brooks is home with bis bride, arriving on Saturday night last, The' infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Afkinson has been very seriously ill lately. PHELPSTON Moy 5.--Mrn. Towney has returned from spending « couple of months with her sis- ter_in Toronto. The Misses Rosella, Anns and Aileen and brother, Emmett O'Neill of Toronto are visiting relatives. here. Mrs. P. Loftus of Penetang has been vusiting relatives here lately, prior to her de- parture to her new home in Pt, Robinson. Ambrose Fitzgerald of Mt. St. Louis, who hur been two years overseas with the US, Navy, having returned lately, was visiting in this village lust week. | Rev. M. J. Gearns spent couple of days jin Toronto last week | Mis Catherine Loftus of Toronto has re- | 'turned home after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. Ho Hall | Miss Irene Toner returned from spending a few weeks with relatives in Toronto, A carloud of salt has arrived for the UFO. Mr: Loftus is looking after the distributing branch of the busines here. While a few had the ides that coal would certuinly be cheaper next fall, 8, Platt did not think #0, and ordered the necessary | quantity to supply our residents for next | LEFROY Mins Susie Grose of Toronto is visiting relatives here. B. Long was not so well Inst week but his friends hope andcexpect when warmer SHANTY BAY ful accident last week better. B. "Morris reports bis greenhouse plants doing well and soon ready for sale. Harry Morton hus gone to Jefferson for year Mrs, Alex, Grose of Burrie spent a week brother. Mrs. Alex Brown of Barrie vis re foe $ Assets, Noy. 30th, 1918, over $15. THRIFT 'Thrift, personal and national, is the great- est need of the hour. "Waste hot, wunt not" is the lesson every Canadian must learn and practise. Start now! Make your first contribution to Thrift, and your country's welfare a Savings Account in this Bank. Inte.est paid at current rates, UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. =n BARRIE BRANCH, . A. LESLIE, Manager. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. McMILLAN, Manager. THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. aw [i ae iil --a_ James Hubbert met with rather a pain. While riding home on tux wheel after might, bis wheel struck u stone throwing him over the handle bars, and brighter days come thit he will feel! and breaking a small bone in his shoulder. | He ie doing as well ay can be expected Mr. Hambly of Drayton, Mrs. Berry's proven a serious 3 | and Mr. ond Mra" Musisman of ORNS" A.senous setigent on Gaturd Trout Creek are viniting ut Mr. Berry's while driving home from a trip out in the country. Arriving in the village he was se- | O8eF costed by a friend, and no sooner had he | Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wendall Gru among her friends shoe! vt the shafts #1 while one of the feck gharmpatrick was inthe euy for 8 There wa W Hemeraetay athe eee ee ie etna ee toe | ew lays ; home of Jos. Simpson on Saturday evening "PRC* Ot ine eee eg somewhat fright: | eerie eae Reon IY lenient dis n being. the ete coming yates an atten tur Ret ww HS. Ut ---- a his English bride from (0 held hy the reins. The driver of the | Ia rseraeas, Quite a nice cruved gathered not ity was not looking ahewl, but gazing at Bg nals ' SUES neding the ruin und w fine time is the party whom Harry wus talking to and did not see any velicle on the road® till the crush came. The buggy was pretty badly smushed, but no one hurt, whieh un. Resists Fire, Sheds Water, Wears Long Flying sparks and embers from a burning building often cause roofs near by to catch fire, especially in a dry, hot season. Under like conditions, roofs covered with Brantford Asphalt Roofing are in no danger from flying embers, because any that fall on Brantford Asphalt Roofing die out harmlessly. Build a bonfire ona roof of Brantford Asphalt Roofing and the fire will not spread and the boards underneath the roofing will be protected in a surprising manner. If a fire starts in the interior of a building Brantford Asphalt Roofing acts as a retardant and keeps the fire from spreading. Fire chiefs and insurance companies endorse its use in the most congest- ed cities. Brantford Asphalt Roofing does not absorb water, but sheds the heaviest, rain with ease. Acid proof and alkali proof, Reliable, durablececonomical. Three weights--60 Ib, 70 Ib,, 80 1b. per square. La Brantford Rubber Roofing e same quality as Brantford Asphalt, but has a smooth, rubbe: surface instead of the sand. It is particularly suitable for verandah decks and floor coverings. Fweights--40 Tb., 60 Ib. and 60 1b, Der square. = Leatheroid Roofing Slightly lower quality than Brantford Rubber Roofing. Used for sime Has a leathery surface. Exceptionally good roofing at a low price, 35 Ib, 45 Ib, and 65 Ib, weights, Standard Mohawk Roofing : is made of,the same materials as Brantford Asphalt Roofing, but is jighter in weight. A thoroughly reliable roofing at a low price. Tested for years and has given entire satisfaction, Sanded on one side. One weight--40 Ibs. per square, Climax Sheathing Paper A tough kraft paper coated with high-grade asphalt. For mak- ing buildings damp-proof and wind-proof. Also for roofing tempo bunk houses, lumber camps, etc. Samples of any of these roofings and prices will be furnished on request. Brantford Roofing Couns Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Holifax For sale by . OTTON HARDWARE CO. LIMITED . m2 winter, haying been advised of an expected rise this summer The <car arrived last week und the contents distributed to those who ordered. There is no doubt ere cold weather urrives next fall, a few will re- gret having delayed placing their order in | time. as there is not much prospect of any extra supply coming along this yeer, Harry McVeigh escaped what might have Inst, pulled up the horse than he felt a sudden | he circumstances, was a rare piece of | der should have their | luck, Driver of aut genze on the rood shed and drive care: | fully. Too nich of this curelessness will undenitedly prove fatal in the end. | There ix no doubt that the majority of senull villages throughous the district are nuuch alike in respect to goaip, Dut in some | places the disease appears 10 be very. con. tugicus, The bebit or practice of telling everything you hear, with ittle more add: el to it, has surely the tendency to create wn feeling amongst neighbors, and a sure condenimution against the carrier of such talk, While ¢ feehog with the is grent importance arrives when he. or she. have male 9 great nostake in observing that they are being held in such es teen: us they Ww 'we by t neighbors How very Jong t some to find this out is really surprising, but nevertheless, that duy finally as quire prevale the hybit ing und either fe ng or nel thy turn in teed at tume, surely the borrow should consider this kindness and om it a genuine rule to sew that im every case another and forgotten for the time being. | Brooks, "Port Perry; Mre Just put yourself in the other person's ' Minnespolis.--Orillia Times. [position und imagine how you would feel to lowe a certain article snd know that some one picked it up, Would you not feel | |ruther mean? Surely! | | The continual heavy rains all spring are | 'causing much delay with the progress of the average farmer and while the atmos: phere continues cool little gurdening can |e sccomplished. The ronda, of course, are not getting a chance to dry up, and" while a greet number of cars are travelling daily, the owners are condemning the condition of the road« and wishing for dry weather. In all probability a long, dry spell will follow this wet one, and we will be hop- ing for a nice warm shower occasionally. Mrs. B. O'Neill of Toronto--once a res- ident of this township--who for some time has been dangerously ill, was brought here | lust week on a atreteher, for treatment by | Dr. Collier. I sincerely trust the Doctor will succeed in effecting « permanent cure, | and havfng Mrs. O'Neill visiting among her friends in the near future. | Owing to the inclement weather the |Kenny Bros. have been unable to make the |desired progress with the briekwork under C. McGinnis' residence. What appears to be a strange occurence lis for the G.T.R. to grant the U-F.O. the privilege of placing a set of scales on their | | premises in Elmvale after refusing the ow- | lnerm of the present weighscales the same privilege. I understand the parties inter- ested have been trying for several years | to get permission from the G.T.R, to place their scales alongside the stock pens, but |were always refused, and now the U.F.O. Jcomes slong and makes a succesful ar- rangement with the G.T.R. Jno, Ryther has returned to Toronto but will undoubtedly spend the summer st is home: here. (Rev.) Liniment Cures Dandruff Minard' and a bad tive, med 'The Late Elijah Kendall Elijah Kendall, who died on Fri April 5, at the Oril General Hospital, was well known in Ori! where, he had been | a resident for quite a number of years. He was born near Uxbridge, in the town- ship of Resch, in the year 1854 and came to Oro when sbout twenty-three years of age. Thirty-eight years ago Mr. married Miss Mary A. Ormsby, of Oro. They Inter moved into Orillia, where for a number of years he acted as manager for Frank Kean, They moved back again to Oro for a short time and then went from there to Fenelon township. Three years ago failing health made it imperative for Mr. Kendall to retire and they decided to make their home in Cambray village. An operation year later relief but a second oj ago proved foo great dall's weakened condition, and he psssed sway on Friday. Mr. Kendall leaves two daughters, Mrs. Robertson, Orillia, and Mrs. Moore, of Cameron, and one son, George 'Kendall, of Winnipeg. A second son was drowned in Lake Simcoe at the foot of 'West street, about thirty years ago. Two brothers also remain, Edwin, of Minnesota, But the borrowed article is returned. If the horrower would just' think long enough to reverse the case, T feel satisfied lee bor: | rowing would he indulged in. And still land Robert, of Hawkeatone, and five sis: | another mean practice is picking up and ters, Mrs, Robinson, Windsor; Mrs. Martin, retaining things thaughtlessly laid down by Toronto; Mrs. Morrow, Oro Station; Mrs. band, son, brother, or friend. woman to be unhampered and unhandicapped by any sex weakness, tunately, woman is very predisposed to constipation, not of necessity, but due to faults or bad habits of omis- sion or commission. Constipation is nothing but bowels to move is another bad habit--even a worse habit. suitable for the overcoming of constipation and its re- sulting evils in women, Nujol is not a drug--does' not act like any drug, "It's Either a 'Dunlop' or an Imitation!" That phrase came into dealers' minds through the coming of other bicycle tires. As' Dunlop" were the basic tires, naturally other tires had to be more or less patterned after the original, But_no man living can make a pattern of Quality. You can still get the "original" tire with its wealth of unmatchable features. Why buy the imitation --the experimental tire? DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS CO., LIMITED Head Office and Factories: TORONTO Branches in the Leading Ci Sem ngmendan ds Tires for all Purpos s, Mechanical Rubber Products, and General Rubber Specialties. Par | nthe gh MEN WITH RIG Group-units to vecure foreign trade have been formed at the suggestion of the Can- a miian Commission in several industries. | Wanted to sell Rawleigh Products, ~Eatab ead Jones, This means they can compete with Amer. lished demand, Large profite, healthy, MES ican and European firms to get the orders pleasant, peynanent. Give age, ocel |and then redistribute them umong their|tion, references. W. T. RAWLEIGH supa | Hy co, own factories jLtd., Dept. 19, Toronto, Ont. Equal Rights for Women . Every woman has the right to be as healthy, vigorous Nujol acts by bringing about a readjustment of the mech- anism provided and in- tended by Nature for the removal of food waste from the body. Nujol is effective at any age, under any conditions, especially during those pe- riods and conditions in which the use of purgatives, cathartic or laxative medi- cines is not only harmful, but dangerous. Nujol is safe, pleasant to take, sensi- ble, agreeable in effects, never forms a bad habit. Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today, and send coupon for free book- let, "Thirty Feet of Danger."' iy + Nujol is sold only Warning : renee bearing the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes, efficient as her hus- Nature intended But, unfor- habit. Taking pur; cathartic, or laxative icines to force the Nujol is particularly Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) '50 Broadway, New York Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broad- way, New York. Please send mz free booklet '* Thirty Feet of Le Danger"--constipation and auto-intoxication in adults.

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