Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1919, p. 16

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6 ae | * Page Sixteen [news FROM THE TEL Gee Harry Goodwin spent Easter in Toronto. \ Mrs. Frank Hill is spending a few days in Allistoo. . Mrs, C. Danvers paid s short visit to Toronto this week. . John Gibbons visited with his parents | at London lust week, Mrs, Alex Patterson spent the holiday with relatives in Penetang. i James Brunton spent a few days visiting friends in Toropto this week. Mrs, Robt, Frame has returned home from Toronto efter s lengthy visit Mrs. J. Pulford -and children spent the holiday with friends in Toronto, Mra, D. Gilchrist and daughter, Agnes, visiting in Toronto lust wel ire Geo Gates and Mrs. 'Thos. Blair are visiting friends in Beeton this week Mrs. B. Stone ix home again after spend- ing the winter with friends in Thornton, Miss Edna Snider of "Toronto is visiting with Mr. aod Mrs. Wm, Carson, Tiffin street. : Allan Brunton of London spent the Ens: "ter boliduys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. 8, Brunton. Wm. Gracey & Son's saw mill is now running full blast, with quite « stock of logs to be cut Mr. and Mrs, McDougall of Guelph are guests of Mr. and Mm. D. E. MeLuughlin, Cumberland street. * Wm, Payne of Midland, a returned ,sol- dier, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 8. J." Me: Morran over the Easter holidays. I. Vanderburg has been placed in charge of the Concord section on the G.TR. and moved his family there thi week. Robt, Atkinson hus sold his house in John street to Mr. Lloyd and has moved family to Midland where he hus » posi- Mr. and Mrs RJ. Conway and Miss Stella Hornby of Toronto were holiday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Nighols, | Cumberland street . Owing to traffic sluckness the GTR. on Tuesday reduced seven engineers to fire- men and laid off seven of the youngest until such time at business picks curpet bowling tournament last Friday night with Meer. E. Shear and W. B. Webb as captains, Mr. Webb's team scored 7 points to 2 . Look out for "The Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" coming to Burton avenue Methodist Chureh, Thursday evening, May 1. A musical play to be given by the GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES Call and get our prices before buying your new range. We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended to. J. J. NEELANDS To Coi-Manel By these simple operations anyone can appl church choir, assisted by the Barrie Orches- tra; a sparkling und amusing entertainment, Keep this date open. " Baksr--Semrgee very pretty but quiet wedding took place in' Barrie on Wednesday afternoon, Apr. 23, when Miss Emma Bemroge of Bar. rie was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. Russell Baker of Colling;. wood, by the Rev. R. J. Fallis. The happy couple spent a few hours at the home of Mrs. D. E. McLaughlin, Allandale, where lunch was served with a few friends pre- sent, including Mm, Elmer White, Miss White, Miss Brown, Mr. and Mrs, D. B. McDougall, Mr. A. Fraser and Mr. Bem- rose, brother of the bride, Mr. and Mr. Baker then left on the five o'clock train for Toronto;\where they will spend their honeymoon, } THORNTON 7 Apr. 23.--Miss Mildred Henry is spend- ing a week in Toronto. Miss Irene Irving spent over the Easter holiday with her aunt, Mrs. R. D. Henry. Miss Ethel Corbett is home for the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. J T. Corbett. Seeding is the order of the day. Miss Paton is spending the Easter holi-! day at ber home in Hamilton The concert under the auspices of the W. A. of St. Jude's last Monday night was a decided success, There is proposition on foot to hav skating rink built in Thornton. Who wil be the first to have his nume on the sub- scription list? Miss Mamie Henry is home for the holi day, J.D. Stewart has purchased » new Chev. rolet cur. "Mr. and Mri W. Hodgson motored to Flesherton to visit friends Albert Stewart of Kapuskasing is spend- ing few days with his mother. Frank Sinclair sold his driver to R. Sutherland, Stroud. Mr. and Mra. George Wilson of Allis- ton are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Grey. STROUD "Apr. 22.--Miss Hunt, teacher, has gone to spend East®F holidays at her home near Owen Sound; Bert and Blythe McConkey left for the West lust Thursday Miss C. Webb of Big Bay Point is visiting | her grandmother, Mrs. Young. Roy McCullough of Toronto spent over | the holiday with Mra. Galloway. Mus Eva Spring spent over Sunday with her cousin, Mrs, I. Spring, Mr. and Mrv. Bert, Pratt and Miss Alice | Pratt were Sunday 'visitors at their home here Lome Martin is visiting Mr, and Mrs Geo. Constable Mrs, Wm, Duncan and Miss Mary Dun- can are visiting Mrs. Alex Constable. Mi Mnbel Wright, Margaret Borclay and Irene Constable spent over the holiday at their respective homes. Miss Margaret McConkey is visiting friends at Lefroy. E McConkey loaded 9 car of | cattle and hogs this week. Mr. and Mrs, John- Hughes are visiting friends in the city Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Shapter and fam- ily motored to Campbellford this week to visit friends. The deepest syrifPathy of the community goes out to the Rector of Innisfil, Rev. R. J. W. Perry, in the death of his wife. Her early demise-will be felt as a keen per- sanal loss not only by the congregation but also by the community in which she | RAINED} 'y beautiful hardwood effects over old soft wood or previously finished floors, doors, woodwork and furniture. Washable; heelproof; looks and wears like real hardwood finish, Costs about 3 cents per square foot. Directions on each can, Learn to grain in § minutes at THE CHI-NAMEL STORE IN YOUR LOCALITY RG IES ote The home, all made of selftevd service and caver for amateurs te THE OHIO VARNISH Com wt and will find Chi-Namel quality-finia cer-proof, Chinese Oil by our secret pros for everything ia ranted for PANY. CLEVELAND, 0. beautiful hatdwood grain and no muss, you can a) hardwood floor finish: Qyer previously painted fixtures too. Don't miss old surfaces, We are the FINISHES for Floors, lls, Porches, Autos, laps or brush marks. 3: tility, lhe. Car Picture Frames, Bric-a-brac, ete. teurs can 80 successfully apply We Will Teach You to Grain in 5 Minutes It is so easy, even little children quickly learn to imitate 8 with the patented Chi-Namel Graining Tool. No matter how.old, rough, uneven, dirty and discolored the floor, in a short time, at trifling expense pply this exquisite, fashionable floor, doors, woodwork, and this grand opportunity to avail yourself Of this easy, inexpensive method of beautifying Chi-Namel Store and cordially invite you to and learn about these beautiful WATERPROOF, SELF-LEVELING CHINESE OIL Furniture, Woodwork, Doors, iages, elaborately braided effect: models, and all are perfec} minute with everything assortments and the utmo: Some good numb or per It's all a com AS allowe civie o Points in Judging Adaptability for Bird Inmate Architectural Design Neatness in Execution the property of this Store. IVY April 16.--Another of eur boys to re tura home was gunner Carol Lennox, son of Bandmaster and Mrs, Lennox of Ivy. En- listing with a Toronto Battery in the com- mencement of the war, he went to France the following summer and from then on! took part in all the principal battles from: the Somme to the final capture of Mons.' Strange to say be returned home without a scratch. The Union band met him at the station and played a number of patriotic airs under the lesder of Bandmaster Dew. 'Apr. 22.--J. Rutledge of Elmvale is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Speers. Miss Laura Carruthers of Toronto is holidaying with Ivy friends. A. Walker of Barrie spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lowrie. W. C. Speers has sold his farm and lot in the village to Mr. Lynn. The Bachelors Club held a dance in the Hall. on Tuesday evening. - _ Harry Brown is under the doctor's care. Bunday morning. of Penetang, will pre: 4 | sie Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, I. [Speers on the arrival of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Burton of Barrie Sundayed Jwith Mr. and Mrs, Reginald' Arnold. Miss Elsie Speers of Hamilton is spen- fing the Easter vacation with ber paren Mr. and Mra.- Boyd Davis of Qrilli visited friends last week. . Rev, Mr. Dew is pending few days in Toronto. Mrs, Cunnings and her family and her brother, Harry Ellis, left on Friday for Major, 'Sask. Mr. ond Mrs, Jas. spent Easter with friends here. 7 joulter returned to her home in of Barrie NF Mrs. My ee, -q| Toronto. on . $ a 5 bie of Lashburn, Sask., are Co., Limited! .2ooe, ie tats a THE NEW SPRING SUITS ARE HANDSOME _ AND STOCK IS NOW AT ITS BEST There are Suits of fine Mannish Serge, Gabardine and Wool Poplin, featuring both strictly tailored and prices asked for such beautiful Headwear, Misses Marshall and Lawlor--Miss McCall, Chief Trimmer. goes with every purchase--or also you get your money back. pendable cloths and a very fine choice in Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, etc. +10 Points cise» 10 Points .-. 10 Points The Prize-winning Bitd House to become s in belted and box coat t fitting. Prices range from - + $22.50 to $53.00 time with that is New. We invite you IF YOU NEED STOCKINGS TRY THIS STORE We can supply your every need in Hosiery. steady increase in our Hosiery sales tells the story o It's St in satisfaction to customers. ers you should see: Devon Cashmere Hose for Holeproof Hosiery vf wiict Women's Fine Silk Thread Women is a fine Heather we are Barrie's represent Hose in) the celebrated Mixed Cashmere with alive. Vhs: Stele eis 'Black Cat' Make is a union toe and heel Qe well known and ur heantiful ostucking: and Novelly Hose that is uni- Assortment is complete wane rine ee versally popular. Shades See the t8)9 Sik line fine Lisle heel and. le of Beaver, Steel and Rem which comes im Beaver, remforeed sole, in Black Posizes Bh ole ta Sand, White, Champaznur, and White Sizes BA to Sea SRUOTRETA $1.50 Black. In all sizes 10. Pair ........ $1.80 Parr $1.65 Grey Cashmere Hose iif Hin. Women's "Cordovan" Hose British make, pure wool | Women's Fibre silk Hose <a ond wearing stock. Women's silk ,Hose with and seamless, Comfort. with liste top, te and ing in a dark leather garter well, Kisle toe and able and a splenlid ma foo, A neat filling stork dhaub, a ie made of a heel, Perfect filling and for the much warn 6 Ing aNd wives teal serview fine grade of Cotton and good wearing, in the new Leather and Cloth Grey. Brawn, Black and has seamless foot. Sizes Beaver xhade, Navy, Ligtt hans, Siz te to White. Sizes 9 to 1p are 84,9, 94 and 10, and ia ere y ite, res Pair $1.40 Pair . 850 Pair - 500 th Ree $1.25 MEN THE BOSTON ENGLISH OPERA CO. You may want a good suit of | Will pla 4 fs Clothes or you may want a Raincoat, ill play an Engagement of One Night Only in the haps an odd pair of Trousers. the same, the same satisfaction We have plete range of clothes of de- pecial Discount of 10 per cent. d all returned soldiers on their utfits. Come on in and see. R, Malcomson, Mgr. Saturday, April 26th, is the last day for Boys to make their entry in our Bird House Competition. Several Citizens have asked us if the Bird Houses entered and who have not been' awarded a prize, are for Sale. Boys, it's up to you. If you want to sell them, here is your chance for some sure money, We'll sell them for you if you wish. The Rules of the Competition. \ There are no restrictions a to entries, make as many as you like. All entries .must be accompanied with a Sales Check, showing that 8 purchase of one pair of Stockings or Socks has been ninde at this Store. are visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Wateon. The citizens of Ivy and district are giving social welcome to the returned boys. A number from here took part in the concert ut Thorton: on Monday night. f Extra Worth. 'performance of "II Trovatore." Misses Elsmere, Miss M. White, Miss 8, Hill, all of Toronto, College, Barrie, spent Euster with the for-| Wuality and mer's parents at the Rectory, we are showing for Spring and) Summer wear. Let DISTINCTIVE STYLES IN NEW SPRING us. show you these lovely garments before the assort- COATS That smartness of style that particular women ment is broken. Only one of each style............ demand in their clothes is a notable feature of the Coats feeb e tee teense eee eee ee nates + $22.00 to $45.00 A SPECIAL SHOWING OF NEW SPRING STYLES IN MILLINERY This Spring Showing of Millinery is made up of of finding in this display styles which mark the newest and most popular fancies. You are sure each advance of Dame Fashion and right up to the to see our exhibit and also to note the reasonable our specialty and the Complete Grand Opera House on Tuesday, May Sth, giving a We have a complete stock of Victor Records from this Opera. Come in and let us play them for you. Some of them: Anvil Chorus,.....,,Pryor's Band. --Victor Male Chorus Tempest of the Heart.......,' Turner Forge in the Forest ...Pryor's Band Miserere --Kiline, McDonough and Chorus Home to Our Moutitains .. ones --Dunlop and McDonough Toreador Song .... Turner be heard on April 29th hearing thom. The May Records ean Du net mi Entries must be all in on or be- fore Saturday the 26th of April. Not more than One prize will be awarded to Any One Boy, » Bird Houses for competition must delivered to the Store on or be- When you order your- job printing at The Examiner you get ice. No better equipped office in Simcoe County. Miss Herman and Miss Hill of Ovenden PAINSWICK Much symputhy is felt by the many friends of the Rev. R. J. W. Perry, Rector of Innisfil, in the unexpected death of his 'wife at the early age of 29 years. She died in Barrie Hospital, » victim of influ- enza. Mra Perry was much beloved by ! a wide circle of friends. She was most a0- tive in training the choir, in teaching in the Sunday School and in the work of the 'Woman's Auxiliary, of which she was! President, She was 'also a life member of the Diocesan W.A. The service in St; Paul's, Innisfil, was conducted by Reverend Messrs. Raymond, Dew and Taylor, Rectors of Barrie, Ivy and Allandale, respectively. The chi mourners, beside the husband, were a ter, Mise Harper, Mrs, Wm, McKinley, Arch- deacon Perry, Mears Wm. Perry and Robt. Perry. 'She was laid to rest on Good Friday in Mount Forest cemetery, by the Rev. W. G. O. Thompson, the Rector. | Eight men of the congregation sccom- | panied Mr. Perry to Mount Forest, CRAIGHURST i Apr. 22.--Mrs. Atkinson has moved to Newmarket. 1 The Orangemen held a box social and | dance on Monday night. . | Miss Williams of Beeton is the guest of | Mrs. Geo. Snider. | Bert Caston-is recovering from an attack of the mumps. * . i Visitors' during Easter holidays were the isees Hart, Mise Emery, Telford Emery, bf us ea ea h PA ORT Ne ee rie PRG ERSTE hh OEE BEL ee Oe ne ENON PC ee re RR RS ae Wood Wood DRY HEMLOCK SLABS AND NO. 1 DRY HARD MAPLE AND BEECH. THIS WOOD IS BONE DRY AND SOUND This is being bought and shipped, in at greatly teduced prices. You will find our large Box Load of cut and split wood the best value in town, just try a load and be ' convinced. Cut any length to suit your requirements and de-, livered in large or small quantities. The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. Phone 88 and 94. 4 { | | 5s SPE Meee LS Boe ys tS a \ | | | |

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