Your Reading Needs Banking Your banking Are Well Supplied --at--' be entrusted to this Bank with Joc | Service requirements may The inspector produced his pocketbook. "Just want to. ask you some questions about your chauffeur, sir'. . Fischer glanced at the driver's seat of the car, as though aware of the maf's dis- appearance for the first time. iy "What's become of the fellow??' he in- 'Shot himself," the inspector replied, "after a deliberate attempt to murder this gentleman." Thursday, April 24, 1919 MAUDE €. CLAXTON, L.T.c.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. - Pupils prepared. for Studio: King Block. Phone 424. 1919, af auctione every confidence that careful and Mr. Fischer's composure was, admirable, " W. H. THRESHER "efficient service will, be rendered. Ae a tncane ae early' mingled sith Organist and Choiemuatar of St. Andrew's r a riaD jureh, Our facilities are entirely at your ae acsca opis Teacher of Voice Culture, Plano, Organ disposal. the fellow's only been diving for' me for efaminntion prea pandora : "That 807" the officer remarked, with q Wonka sr" ppotidence and Studio, wu Jas, Arnold |!) THE CANADIAN BANK |] -e7=:aeccice|| NE | ee es nf "As a matter of fact, I did not," Fischer re u from th Fire & Life Insurance Agent f niited frankly. "T dcharged my ehaut.| | Sackecia, Meenas 'Stet Btat"Ee Legal "Thi ; ' OF ¢ 'OM ERC E feur at » moment's notize, and this maa] It Byegaata' east. ALEXANDER COWAN ing valua Real mi to Loan wa 'appened to call just as I was wanting the Wold fer B00, & dex almost able te Hi Retate: and Money! car out this afternoon, He prone' (fo erecrwnere. Ed Should A number of Valuable Farms bring me references to-morrow from Mr. Jot not Gould and others. I engaged him on that will be tand Town Properties for Sale on . eet cod other, 1 engaged homo c the most heseonable tonne, Barrie Branch L. F. Cross, Manager vedertanding, He fold mp that big name ae aed BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING r sow short bie, except that ce was an Terms excellent driver. I am exceedingly sorry, MARKETS the balan ber le Mr, Lutchester," he 'went on, turning (0. THE BOYS & MURCHISON ie with G. 6, Smith & Co, SSS Fhe Pawns Count wards him, "'that this should have happen- ed."" "So you know one another, eh?"' the officer "observed "Oh, yeg, we know one snother!?* Lut- chenter adshitted drily. EASTER SATURDAY MARKET Easter calls forth visions of bunnies and eggs, maybap thqy are but candy. There Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Coa- veyancers, Etc. Money to loan ut lowest rates of interest, Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for- merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto) Brauch office, Elmvale, Ont. y i 5 ts cation. to Establistied 1809 By E. Phillips Oppenheim "'T shall have to nk you both for your |seemed no need of any but the real article, | W. A. Boys, K.C, MP Ly G, Murobiion Dated this UNDERTAKERS : . names und addresses,"" the official con- | however, judging from the overflowing bas. Copyright, 1918, by Little, Brown & Co. tinued, "'I think T won't ask you uny more 'keis of eggs which were marketed on Satur. PLAXTON & PLAXTON y , me . questions at present, | Seems 'to me brad: day, 40 the small one could compromise with| BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, ET ; oo : ; westions at present. Seems to me bred: day, s0 . STERS, SOLIC , BTC 17-19¢ Open Day and Night Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, suse had better take this on." bk jesty bunnies sod real eggs. | They went Officer: 707.8 Kent Building - < jal appre A A A "T shall be quite at your service," Lut-|dovn # couple of cents in price which wus . ---- Ch 1 through special arrangement with owners of COPYTIght. [I chester promised [encouraging to buyers. Butter also drop ©: W. Plaxton ee sed i Morgue and ape w The mun made a few more notes, wafd-!yee slightly, but was got hard to dipone| CW : : Gordaa Plat in connection | ted, aud took his leave. Fischer and Lut- of st 48 and 600 per Ib. A fresh run. of DONALD ROSS, LL.B. =, i ) only ' chester remuined for a}mom " iaple syrup brought few. m i EB. Bite d ---- (Continued from last week cay yore hls ene ctia with ce lina Hf moment upo: ad reat was Conk foil slag previa BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, £TC. | Notice ~i BARREL ONY, _F CHAPTER XXvI wrist and, wrenching himself free from the it wn Mangerous custom," Lutchester loty noticed and sold mostly at $3.00 gal Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. } Fas peeed Putchesier lft Sonia and the. Rite-Cerl- \cnces. which 'ling around him Mune Wier teuiarked "tr tien eee wie lon 'These three articles seemed to com. Money to loan. Township ton «few minutes before midnight, to find forcibly againet the railings which border. | ference jpos the entire murket offering, with a few Hech, 191 a great yellow moon overhead, which seem- ed the pavement. Lutehever paused for | "It will be a warning to me for the re-| (ve y few! chickens and the' usual vege- CRESWICKE & BELL prihageid t 3 Jed to hav a somewhere at the back of moment to recover his breath and. locked |) T of my life.' Fischer declared tab is d onions ut 2 Ibs for 25¢ were BARRISTERS ete I Central oR. 'The brdad thoroughfare up around. A man from the ether amie oe the |" "I. 190, have learnt something,"" Lut: |noti:ed, also aeverul lots of weed pean. It Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Jud)- pgrinnhy which be turned seemed to have developed street was running towards them, but no chester concluded, as he turned away {kus suid not to be too early for starting aeature of Ontario, Proctors, Noteriee, Gee ar byl Il Kinds Placed in }a New and unfamiliar beauty. The electric se " "3 of onions. v » ete. ' : LE COMPANIES _ | !mps shone with « pale and almost unnst- gio whieh had eu ast eae ii as CHAPTER XXVII Kige', per doz. Money to" 'a, offre of tb RELIAB ural glow. The flushing lighte of the suto- thon' thirty cecomte The cmusbed im low | But er, Ib Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. dy of Mar : . nan, us| Fischer, as he waited for Pamela the fol . : or eet side WE WRITE mobiles passing up and down were almost half-way across the. thorsupntate, ecdee Chitken, dressed, Ib. W. A. J. Bell, KC . . aim 5 Lutehestee walks d lowing afternoon in the sitting-room of her | . Bell. must be ma Farm Risks at the Old Rates | whimsically unnecessary 5: ty stopped short. He shouted » warning fiat on Fifty-eighth Street ah the al-{Creim, quart -_-- first publies jet! dowly up Fifth Avenue in the direction ro "[utchester, who swung arocndl is is at & tieal favre "of 'hat jee | Milk, quart c MEDICAL be mode YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED fof his hotel [ite assailant, who had been lying motiow | might be decided in other elects, vi | Pati toes. bag iis ta To Cover Everywhere Something--the beauty of the night, per- jes, had raised himself slightly, with 9 ree PUBMt be decided in other places, i y4 [Oniens, basket haps oF some faint aftermath of sentimen. volver clenehed in bis leltt herd, Lateher, Meee that its real climax would be reached (Cab) age, each jc OR. H. T. ARNALL b Wwer cle e utches: | Psimela herself wus to sentenee | : i he 71 A. F. A. MALCOMSON jst, bor or "Sonia's emotion "cempted 4er's spring on one side saved his life, for | upon him He wae feeling scarcely at hs | Beet', basket tad End Residence Comer of 'Toronto eee jhim during those few moments to relax. He threw aside his mask and breathed the freer for it. Once more he was a human be: ing, treading the streets of a real city, his feet very much upon the earth, his heart full of the simplest things. All the scheming of the last few days was forgotten, The Insurance Man, Barrie. huppenings--he thrust ull thoughta of these the bullet passed so close to his cheek that 'he felt the rush and heat of the air, The man in the center of the road was busy shouting an alarm vociferously, and other people on both sides of the thoroughfare were running up. Lutchester's eyes now never left the dark, doubled-up figure upon best. An examination in the courthouse, which he had imagined' would last only | few minutes, bud been protracted through- out the afternoon, The district attorney hud usked him » great many questions, some very awkward ones, and the inquiry. it- self had been almost grudgingly adjourned Part tips, basket ' Hon + Radish root, bunch ., . 'um ey, bunch 5 Sage bunch reer + Hor Radish, half pint bottle Mapl: ayrup, gallon ..... BY veececeee and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elisabeth St. Methodist Church, Telephose 167, DR. W. A. ROSS LRCS, | Edinburgh; FiCP,, London, _ _ Physiciun, Surgeon, ete. Office wud Residence, Dunlop St., Barris. 10 a.m,, 1 to 3 p.m, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 165, INSOM W the great inwar, the fine yet devious way the navement, His whois bevy eee oe : ---- Telephone 165. INTERNAL for a few hours. And here, in Pamela's + [tn even the depetaies Of the tations FE "fo spring in apon his eeulbe mee, REUME OM. the frst thingy wbich caught "laps iat inter DR. E. G. TURNBULL ity i dere Rene in upon his would-be mur- his eye were the headlines of one of the af. ' . fhe you do news from th Kerth Sea pamed ma. 2 derer. The mun's eyes seemed to be burn ietinae pepe me! the Br gor Wheat $2.08-$2.13, oats 62c, Graduate of MoGill University ewure, Don' Fete ene buman being, and he was ing in hia white face. He called out to! WEST $1.30-81.45, peas $1.25-81.60, hogs Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and 'vex can't con in love. It wan all so unpractical, 50 illus- [ii chest, Bosnedly, is » hay $25.00, butter 55-60c, eggs 41-| Bradford Sts, Barrie, Office hours 9 to and a good, jouary, and yet so real. Events, actual) "Don't move orf shall shoot"? TH Be. 2 The aysten a | He looked up and down the street. One| TAUB Collingwood--Whest $2.11, oatn 7c, = Seay dtm bis mind | Whet she night be! st the nearest of the hastening Tague oes ATTEMPTED: MURDER. AND ey S8:892, cree 40-41, potatoes Oe: W. A. LEWIS, M.D, GM, ores inte thinking of him at the moment he ig iceman: "He -tumned tha rote » , butter 60:65c, fowl 22-25c, nored. "He wa content to let is thoughts | Seyinat bu own temple oral potted the ing | LAST NIGHT. Alliston--Wheat $2.13, barley 90¢, onts| SURGERY Sra SinECOLogy oe ant bes Fest upon her, to whlk through the moon: | gos 0 Eeher put the newspaper impatiently | 70, butter 5358, eggs $8425, chicken 25+| phn gy 56 Collier St, Barr up EG 8 lit street, his brain and heart revelling in | Lutchester and a policeman walked slowly away, and, in the act of doing so, the door | 27e. - lier St., Barrie, --"For ne oe that subtle facility of the imagination 'hack' slong Fifth Avenue. 'Behind them, 'a was opened and Pamela entered. She came | > gestion, Ner which brought her so easily to his pres- ence. It was such a vividly real Pamela, ton, who spoke and walked and moved by his side. Hix memory failed him no- where, followed faithfully the kaleidoscop. 418 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ss as funeral directors little crowd was still gathered around the xpot from which the body of the dead man. had already been removed in an smbu- lance, "I really remember nothing," Lutchester towards him with outstretched hand. "Tse you are looking' ut the uccount of | your inisdeeds,"" she suid, us the seated her- self behind the tes tray. "Will you tell me why @ cautious man like but it is entirely in the realms of conjecture, is it no "Nof wholly," Fischer insisted? "At the praper time I should be prepared to bring you evidence that tentative propo: DR. VICTOR A. HART. Graduate of Trinity University, Torouto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Disesses of Stomach, Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta, Constipation, did not exped winter. You 0 JBL. Cas tuined remark ou . é ri developed by our pat- fie changes in her face and tone, showed told his companion, "until T heard the cnet? milartiog. 4 chaatteas whe nee, suls were made by Japan to both England Office open until 8 p.m. daily. per ay re nid our best advertisement |bim that even, long, grateful, _earching footsteps behind me, and. turning round, out to beg wonder and Frence, asking what would be 'their DR. MORTIMER LYON nie mar Hof-mouth renommenda- [Elance when their eyes niet in Van Teyl's gow the knife This is cmp ee rey u,b frowned irritably. sttitude, should she provide them with half a ' The "ISL Somne of our customers eng on aera' Geet timer when sion of mine--that he might Rave descend. cocttT,t hours," he complained, "sev-[# million men and undertake transport, i{|!22 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be. at 91 pliance for I have been with us for years, We [Be had shown clearly enough that she Ci'from the eur which passed me and eon; eral lawyers and 4 most inquisitive police | the conclusion of the war she desired a| Owen St., Barrie, every Saturcay, Dr. Chas. Tyre nave DI 7 i was anxious to understand, anxious to be t round the corner of that street."" captain have been asking me the 'same settlement with the United State The | ,, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 'he. sonar ot aim to serve one and all, rich and lieve in him, He clung to the memory of a chauffeur, right enough," the question ivy hunied thier. ways. Ten. [answer from France and England was the | Cousultation hours 11am. to 5 p.m. and feet health Poor, alike----to render the very |these; pushed into. the background that inspector remarked. "It don't seem to gaged the man becuuse I needed' clatt, [same that they could not countenance. an by appointment, 'Wm, Crowlan best we know how. faint impression he had had of her st the have been « chance jab, cither. Looks ma feur badly. He was to have brought his inimical attitude towards the Saeet Toronto Phone North 3326. be pleased to roof-garden. serene and proud, yet with ® though he meant doing you in. Got any references this morning, I was only trust.| "You are bound to admit then," Pam- Barrie Phone No, 2. called "The W. D. MINNIKIN faint look of somigthing like pain in her gnentes?™= ing him for a matter of a few hour cla remarked, "that England played the ROBERT D. COLLI of Internal Ba Phone 431 34 Mary St. |"srtled eyes "None that I koow of,!' Lutchester ans- "And during those few how," ehe{gime here' Off tod EKER, M.B.. M.D. CM, | "| A. large limousine passed him slowly, wered cautiously. "Why, the car's there observed, "he seems to have devel "The bribe was not big enough,"' Fis- ice and Surgery, Phelpston, Ont. ----« 2 doors south of our former location. {crawling up Fifth Avenue. Lutchester, "ered ya 'ihe ee Mss cher replieg drily. "England would seli | Office hours: 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 pm. : é a F still," he added, as they reached the cor- violent antipathy to Mr. Lutchester. iy ly. i eel + A is TI with all bis gifts of observation dormant joy, i "T do not understaod the affair at all,"*/her soul, but not for a mess of pottage. To |Special attention given to Maternity Calla, Ker fox no notice of its occupant, who leaned 'ang no chauffeur," the other' muttered. 'ay, Fischer declared, "and, if T may say to, | Proceed, however, Japan has practically |All "'Night Calls" promptly responded to F 'ie forward, raised the speaking-tube to his 'The officer searched the car and drew | am a little weary' T came here to | Kept out of the war. 'She is enjoying a pros- | either Elmvale or Minesing, 'phone lines. i teresting tins, and talked for « moment to his chaut- out 'g ficense from the flap pocket. The discuss another matter altogether,"" perity never known before, and for every ~% Times The chr glided round a side etreet PHONE C. BROWN 250 WOR THE BRST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD SROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD indstill against the vurb. ary passenger stepped quietly out and entered a restaurant. place, and followed Lutchester. it By chance the little throng of people '*. here became thicker for a few moments ted. The chauffeur og" the backed the car little, slipped from bis ""speeer fetch, thot gentleman to whom commissionaire from the restaurant ap- proached them, "Say, what are you doing with that demanded. ! belongs," the inspector directed. "What's up, anyway?"' the man persis- She leaned buck in her place "What have you come to discuss, Mr. Fischer?" jat depends so much upon you," he replied. "If you give me any encourage. ment, I.can put before you a great proposi- tion. If your prejudices, however, remain million pounds' worth of munitions she ex- Ports to Russia, she puta calmly on one side twenty-five per cent. to accumulate for her own use. At the conclusion of the war she will be in a position she has never occupied before, and while the reat of the world is still gasping, she will pro- 4s I think they always have been, on the /Céed to carry out what has been the dream $ ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge. 8t., Toronte J. F, Lawson, F.C.A. (Phone 171, Barrie) H. J. Welch, C. G._D. Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawl, C.A. question a, again becor the departs numbers to risen from in 1918, a % and then ceased. Lutchester drew a little '%: re told," was the sharp y of her life--the invasion of your Wess k i q AND A FULL LINE OF tigh of relief an he saw before him slmoet mine do as you're told,"' was the sharp eee England, why then I ean do Bo | Staten" ion of your Western | wy &, Hobbie, Production Engineer ei eae, PIES, CAKES and PASTRY |an etipty pavement. Then, just as be 7%. commissionsire disappeared, 'The "ft counted for anything" Pamela eid (To be continued) ager Cost & Efficiency Department, lessened st Bakery and Saleshop: was relapsing once more into thought, ! officer studied the license which be had ------_--_______ : supply; infl i Small Streets ome part of his subconscious instinet sud: | yaeet ul denly leaped into warning life. Without |? "I mean to say if it mattered to any one what my attitude was, I would start by ad-| SaeeeeeemeEEeEEee Cor. Elizabeth and due additior JAMES PATERSON L; With "What's the name?" Lufchester in- initting that my sympathies are somewhat | Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser exchange ; ned Sag etegreme) ¢mminead dees |e H. Fischer," he anid, "Hap. 0%, {8°° side of the Allies. On the other HOW 70 AVOID For County of Simeoe, Prepared to con- . is treated c Th B ° Pl . Mill =: Connected it with the soft footfall | ng, Regt, Fuchen'" be asid. "Hap- hand, my sympathies amoant to. nothing J duct Sales at reasonable rates, Satisfaction and the co le Darrie aning behind him, and swung round in time to | Eyep cron 'ht movable, He Stempel with my itteet ie the 7) ry guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St, Phone 191. that, if it w a i dly uplifted hand which seemed i i : Tectly. selfish on Goce Staten, I am pers Orders left at A.F.A. Malcomson's office fed money Corner Sophia and Mary Streets seize a deadly upli passed the license back again. They bath fectly selfish in that respect. \ will receive prompt attention. f: 'Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, |e ode comrummer of dull steel teece [turned arpund. Mr. Fischer had issued "then toy 'hav ac open mind to hear , in prices mi Flooring, Ceiling, Moulds, Water Trough [slant lung ace om Loneinaies fromthe restaurant; tsked hantty, RBSt 1 Bave' to say," Ficher' remarked, | NERVOUSNESS autuinn, as Fe crc ic tee smote tin ante hE 1] ugg Ae, a, Me hed hay. proce Of You encourage me to) ment mite Rough and Dresed Lumber, B.C. Suiogls |S" H fee. It was a matter of seconds | officer? STbAt is all very well" Pamela and, atir-| apoyey by Mrs. Lynch F and the sol sod Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and ring her ted, "'but I cannot help asking | s " ynch roms } dustrial life Kilo Drying @ Specialty. Dressing done once more why you come to me at all? Own' Experience, | slate promptly. S What have I to do with any proposition / production ¢ " Consult us with your building. . * om aay bere % oe --* | g.erovidance, R.L--"1 wee oll ron pu the at lust this," he explaine ave a ne % ° . ation 0 THOS. ROGERS Women Should Take serious and authentic proposition to" make | Svs ss noaltm Was nervous, bad bead- Your Family | will 'pravent eine; atfce 183, Relaerle a9 wih, Amercan Goverment. °1eanoot MUTT] ested il ee tae : consuimmati Ke it officially although it comes from | Was tired and Your Business This infle uy - esto! sources--for the miost - no ambition forany- ad 'SIMCOE MARBLE WorKs|. }| 'Poi! care to keep free from Dregelacig bac obvious remoos.. 'Te may seem beter: || hed tala Y F ita prices, 'Barri. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. Ro ache, 'constipation, weakness and dep! ion. worth listening to to-day, perhaps, than our Future return to a1 'Masiuel, Mer. Dealers in Granite end Moris For these recurring ailments and other condi- renee OO at you a cone raed. Th money suppl aphumpents and Tablets, 'Sai best mater- tions peculiar to women, m's Pills are a bility upon' the sea, I never did With an Annual Divi- level biel q first-class 'wo li saa : 'Tablets aspecialty. Prices alwaye nehe tested and remedy, 'They act gently " dend Policy in the have given eh 2 i and promptly on the stomach, Hrenand nore, government ; ana i etheni 2 sury bills 'WE WANT a Reliable Sales Agen and exert a tonic, ening effect on the f i treasury bill for Barrie,& surrounding alert bodily functions. "These famous pills are purely un e | ine putin of 'Good pay weekly, tree 'equip vegetable, on n no 'abip-formang drag, and. : ; shase of ma 'ment and exclusive selling rights produce-no disa; le after-effects, "Women - ict rete as, ertlisey. the world oyer, find seeded help and strength in © Fiche Ce} anada eer eee) ver acres of Nursery / ' ee! 4 - is 80 being turned sstock and the best assortment i, ei "ee: of what is happening. Ours, on the other da' i ant: -of fruit trees, flowering shrubs, f Hhand, is still marvellously good, and what Canada's Greatest Life mentialag, & 'roses, etc, -in Canada. igh T am going jto tell you is surely the truth. Insurance Co. chase of fur %y wriced fruit has created a splen- ' ._ [Japan is achumulating great wealth. She only way to/8 ¢ did demand for our. trees, | our *"Largest Sale of be saving het ships and men for one great D. J. REBURN, dt, in Meg by "the savin economy of tI zh dian people, ces will only ¢ + agencies are, tHerefore, valuable. to Pelham Phone 142. Dis. Mer. Write now for terms Nursery Co., Toronto, all sizes, at x nT abate -Wortha bi = spol by : 'Minaré's Liniment* Cures Burns, Ete. Fd