JA. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------ THE( BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING PAGES 9 TO 16 CANADA, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance), No. 17° SEEDING TIME ' We quote the following prices for Seed Corn: Wisconsin No. 7 .... ....+. $3.25 per Bus. Selected Red Cob ..... $2.75 per Bus. Mammoth Southern Sweet ... $2.75 per Bus. White Cap Dent . . ... $3.25 per Bus. Golden Glow .. $3.25 per Bus. Improved. Leaming .+.. $3.25 per Bus, Leaming Fodder, .. . ... $2.75 per Bus. Compton's Early .... .. $4.50 per Bus. North Dakota ......... tis Longfellow ...........20. sss. $4.25 per Bus. The above varieties all of good quality and germination. Marquis and Goose Spring Wheat, per bush. $2.50 Irish Cobbler and Delaware Potatoes for Seed. O.A.C* Seed Barley and Oats, and Spring Rye. BROWN & CO. BARRIE. $10.00 per Week for Good Maid .... $4.00 per Bus. [NOT GUILTY OF iMARKS MADE BY THEFT OF CATTLE| B.C.L STUDENTS |Wm. Gallagher of Tossorontio Standing of the Lower School Acquitted by Judge Vance; Pupils for First Term of Yesterday. 1919. : A complicated cattle eme, in which | The reports of standing obtained on term thirty witnesses were examined, occupied examinations from January to Easter wore |the atiention of His Honor Judge Vance given out lust Thuraday, und it is remes on Tueedsy and Wednesday of this week. ted that parents and guardians examine It wae a crimipal uction in which Wai. and sign them so that they inay be rox |Gullagher, a Tossorontio farmer, was char- ed to the Principal on the opening da: ged with the theft of u yarling steer and April 28th & yeurling heifer. At the end of May, marks in each subject taken, average marke 1918, two yearlings answering the descrip: for class, highest mark obtained, percentage, jtion of those in dispute, strayed away from rank in class, and opinion of the staff ae te the farm of Mra. Fields, one belonging to 'character of work. her and the other to a man named Drury. The two head which caused all the trouble ed together and the rank and. percentage strayed upon the premises of a Mr. Milne, obtained were ss follows:-- jtwho took them in charge and advertised 'Rank Neme of Student them os required by law. In response to an the advertisement, Gallagher went to Mile 3° {8M Cowan. °. ne's, described the cattle and, though they 3° (ile! Ross... were at nother farm, wax 'satisfied that |} Grant Robi |they were bis. He paid for the advertise. 3° Arnott Wice | Jment and arranged with Milne to pasture}: Grace Beattie [Shes fet a fost "wales | 7 Jean Goodfellow | Gallagher then went to ® cattle desler 6. 7 8, Myrtle Ci h |named 'Nicol and offered to sell the to §' Margaret Maleonscn 10. 1. yhead. Together they went to the farm 19 pus Ciouhloy where the cuttle were pasturing and Nicol 1)" ative paneren bought 'the pair and took them home, Sub- 15° Gy C. y 12. Churles_ O'Connor sequently Mrs. Fields and Drury saw the 43° pie. Bigelow eattle at Nicol's and were positive that 1] yin, UigCOw, y were hich had strayed }3 |they were the pair w yee 15. Funny Rosenfeldt ney ; both 18 Robert Sinclair Very positive evidence was given on both 16° Hurcid Smith wiles "that the parties who claimed the 19° Freq' Billingsley jeattle had animals exactly like those sold 99° Norman Stoddart to Nicol. After weighing all the evidenee 5)" jyorthy Sort 'His Honor found that the Crown had fuiled Vera Carter to establish its case and he acquitted Gal. Kuthleen Harvey lugher of the charge that had been laid 34° pityrn Harvey against him. Marie McK: |W. A.J. Bell, KC. conducted the de. 3% Mare McKnight fence, while the Crown ease was in ebarge 3° Ty ube Lath 8 of Mr. Cotter. Kathleen Murphy . 68.8 5 2 Vernon Cameron ... 68.5 of Mra, Jno. MeDonough, Sanford street, 34 Vere Ble <0 last Thursday night. Forty hens and a P E 0 8.2 Apply MRS. DIGNAM, 40 Sophia St. number of small chicks were destroved, 39° fy yuan bed besides the damage to the building The 3, jj0u#ls* Bewtty 00. ee \firemen were called and kept the fire from 37 }arcld "henton ee Hepreading, Anna McBride bee 66.1 a ' Qver two hundred people greatly enjoy ares Chenee ee Killed in An Elevator and one childi» Mis Agnes Stafford of ed the dance given in the Town Hall, 30 ycma On hae! Ernest Edward Stafford, brother of Mrs.|Detroit 1s u sister of the deceased. Easter Monday night, by the Barrie Athiet- 3° beey Urry. oe M. J. Rivard, Barrie, was fatally injured ee ie Club, Muric by' Strathdee's Orchestra 9) Chasiet Etewart oe on Apr. 13, while working in the elevator Many Chickens Burned was the best local dancers have bad for a 1) play" (Cr ted of, the Crescent Creamery Co., Winnipeg.| By the explosion of u lamp in an in- long time and repeated encores were insist- 4) eo He was 34 years of age and leaves a wife| cubstor a fire was started in the hen house ed. upon, @1 Mabel Findley 61.9 Hilda Ferris 80.7 Constance Fisher . 80.6 7. Ruth Grant 80.5 Leota Buughmun er) Agnes Lyall ... + 58, POWELL & CO. Printed Voilesand Fancy | Summer Dress Goods ' Now is the time to choose your new summer dress when the stocks are most complete. yam ..... w --./ Voiles in the newest colorings and designs are most , appropriate. BOYS' BLACK STOCKING SPECIAL Extra heavy 1-1 Rib Cotton Hose, strong even yarn, good value at 65c. This week ......,. 50c per Pair GIRLS' AFRICAN BROWN HOSE Very scarce goods, sizes 8 to 914, very fine Moco EXTRA SPECIAL HOUSE DRESS Good large sizes, strong print in dark colors, made with a belt, and pockets, all sizes up to 44 for... .$1.98 Morley Livingstone 30 Marguret_ Myers Jumes MeDonald Hazel Trish . Alma Quinlan Arthur Brennan Arthur Walker Bowman Aflen Elwyn Davis - Rita Brennan | Mary: Guest... . Britton. Dunsmore Stella Murphy . Bessie Hatton . Morley Somer ., Ruth Jamieson ., Conrad Loyd . » Tessie McLean . Catherine Pearsall . Hazel Chappell ..... . Leatie Wiles Rachel Whittaker . Murray Ronald Mabel Hickling Lucy Swartt ..... ses. . Gordon Sutherland . 76. Willie Taylor ... 77. Elsie Jenner 78. Florence Gray 79. Harry Shannon 80. Clarence Brown 81. James . 82. Elmer Black .... 83. Lloyd Blackmore 84. Joseph Black . 85. Emmett McVeigh From this list, it is evident percentage of the students in Form I. must do much better between now and the 27th of June if they expect to be promoted to Form Il. next September. In Form I, there are two divisions, and the standing for the whole form is as follows :-- Rank Name of Student 1, Hartley Grafton 2. Jack Sinclair 3. Evab Leigh . 4. Percy Vivian 5. Genevieve Jamieson 6 7 8 Percent: § . Dorothy Sloan + Charlie McMartin LASSSSSSASSSSsa Ns sstaAsswB DOmMnOMo DRO DMR ROMS WINNS ON saseeaeene Each report shows student's | YOUR WOODWORK, FLOORS OR FURNITURE: BY USING LOWE BROTHERS' Vernicol Ready for use, easily applied and very durable. A FREE DEMONSTRATION on how to use it will be given by an expert demonstrator For Form I. the three divisions are group: | { Percentage esos Sle at our store. ~ FRI. AND SAT., APRIL 25 AND 26 Don't fail to attend. Merrill & Hubbard HARDWARE, PAINTS, ETC. © Gladys Srigley . Winnifred Young . Gertrude Lennox Bruce Stephens Annie Addison eaten Mabel McEachren 2.0.2... Edith Crawford Isobel Hobley Clarence Armstrong Gwendolyn Huriburt : William Sutherland... 46. Olive Thomas ... teeeeee ee . 47. Aileen Srigley ..... ce nee 48.5) The Examiner has presented the school with copies of the first four issues of Vox Collegii, which will be placed on our library shelves. With the opening of the new school, one of the first steps taken should be the reyival of the Literary So- ciety. For over two years and a half there has been no place for the Society to hold ite meetings, but now we sbull have u magnificent Assembly Hall in which to hold meetings. Through the agency of open meetings of the Literary Society and | 2 illustrated lectures of various kinds, the public should be brought into close touch with the Collegiate and made to feel it has 4 vital interest in the school. Several weeks ago, Inspector I, M. Le- van notified the Principal of his intention to visit the B.C.I. in the near future, but, at the request of the Principal, has de ferred his visit until some time in May; EVERYTHING IN SEEDS so that he may see us to better advantage} Fine Dutch set onions, per by, and give us the benefit of his advice re-| 29: {0 Ibs, 81.80, garding equipment, and sdvisability of ex. | ~ af THIS WEEK AT THE ALLANDALE CASH GROCERY California seedless grapefruit, large size, at 2 25e. Florida grapefruit, large, 2 for- Smaller size at 3 for 25e h asparagus, per bunch 200, Firm, ripe tomatoes, per Ib. 300 Swift's boneless smoked ham, in half or whole, at 50¢.1b. Fresh green -- onions, bunch,, 5¢ per : ' kfordy "giant mixed Sweet. tending the work 'along certain lines that B have been contemplated for some time. » in hulk.eper ounce 200, SATURDAY ONLY Moderator to Visit Oro 18 Ibs. fresh Rolled Oats for 8% The Rev. Colin Fletcher, D.D., Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will preach to the Oro congregations next Sabbath. This com- memorates the twenty-fifth year of the Rev, N. Campbell as minister of these congregations. The services are as follows: | Guthrie, 11 am.; Central, 230; St. Andrew's, 7 o'clock. Thank-offerings are to be taken at all these services, i, On Monday evening a concert and tea Ist Sunday after Easter will be held in Central Church, the three] §.30--Holy Communion. churches uniting. Donald C. McGregor of | 11 00--Morning Prayer, Litany and Sern Toronto, one of Canada's noted singers, will! mon--"Bternal Life™." furnish the music, asisted by St. Andrew's | 3.09Sunday School and Bible Classes, Male Quartette. "The Moderator of Pres-| 7.99 Evening Prayer and Sermon--'The 's Day". Wisdom's TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, April 27. bytery, Rev. M. F. Cree, will preside. Alp number of the members of Presbytery will | Lord be present, also local clergy. Buy advertised things. Advertising paye--both the advertiser and the purchaser. 2 cc TS 87 Years of Growth Ever since 1832 this Bank has been serving the Canadian public. Its steady growth in assets and de- Posits is as mucha tribute to public _confidence in its integrity as to its own efforts, Your savings account would be gladly re- ceived--and the regular interest and ultimate benefits will-be decidedly welcome to you as time goes on. --THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Poad-* 19.000°900 + 150,000,000 AG. MACLELLAN Resources + Pare neem 1 i f 4 '