Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1919, p. 8

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} aa / youngest and only surviving son, Charles, Apr. 23.--Chas. Johns of Midland spent! the holiday with his parents here. Mr. and :Mrs. Fred Brown spent Easter in Midland. ' Miss Carmetta Srigley entertained a few friends one evening last week. Mrs. Wm. Lockhart and' son, Clifford, have been visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson of Barrie visited at L. Bloxham's recently. A large number of friends and sequain- tances of Pte. Clifford Lockhart met to- gether at Wm. Lockbart's on Thursday, ' April 10, the occasion being the welcom: ing back of Clifford, who had been over- seas two years. During the évening a splendid programme was given, which *con;) sisted of violin selections by Torrance Hun- ter and Herbert Somers; solos, by Arthur Dyer, Lottie Cochrane and Mrs. C. Camp- bell; recitations by the Misses Jago; our Italian band gave a selection, this being their second gppearance in public, Several speeches were mude. Pte. Edward Hubbert who left here with Clifford, but was return- ed-some time ago, gave a splendid speech. After the programme was completed, Reggie Srigley reud the following address and El- mer Dyer made the presentation of s gold watch to Pte. Clifford Lockhart Dear Friend,--It is with feelings of great pleasure that we, your friends and neigh- bors, have met here this evening to wel- come you home. We fully appreciate the great sacrifice made by you in leaving home and friends and courageously fucing all the dangers of the battlefield, but we rejoice that you have been spared to return home safely and in good health We know that you have suffered many hardships on the field of battle, but we are proud of the faet you have had some share in winning the great vietory which hes been achieved. As 8 alight token of the esteem in which you are held, we would ask you to accept, this watch and chain and trust that its use may ever call to mind kind und pleasant mem- ories Signed on behalf of your friends, H. Mf. Lougheed, Chas. Cumpbell, Fred "Brown, Arthur Dyer. CUNDLES Apr. 21.--Miss Greta Daley, who has been uttending the Normal school at North Buy, returned home to spend the holidays - on Friday. Mre, McCrue returned home to Toronto after visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Irvine, Mr. Jukes of Parry Sound wus visiting huis aunt, Mrs. Purr, for a week and hus 'returned ome. % Master Hugh Plowman and Miss Reta Malkin, both of Toronto, ure home at pre- sent, Stephen Pratt goes to Hamilton for this week on business in real estate and to visit his two sons; he will also visit friends in Toronto ut the week-end. | . MITCHELL: SQUARE Mrs, Chesney of Mitchell Square received word at the end of last week that ber . i CC | | F | 1 ioe : : zi weenie = | o : a A a ag aside 0 SSS Ee Barrie Style Store - Ifyou buy, Ready'to-Wear Garments it | Gloves And Hosiery Bought Here Repte-, READ THIS LIST was killed, He leaves a wife and one child, He war living for some time in Vancouver, |50 Early Cabbage Plants 40c MINESING Prepaid, shipped successfully everywhere. have been received. Much sympa:hy is | Ask for Vegetable Plant Price List. Agents fom id extended to Mrs, Chesney in her great| wanted. Herold's Farms, Fruitland, On-| Mises Bertha and Katharine Wood of grief and sorrow, tario, Niagara District, 16-280 | Aurora were holiday visitors with friends and was employed in connection with an electrical works. No particulars READ THIS LIST - BUY YOUR THRIFT STAMPS AT OUR OFFICE Children's Blaok\ Umbrellas pay you to buy them here. The larg- . sent Satisfactory Values Ladies' 'and Misses' B: in two sizes. .......... est\ and best assorted stock in Barrie. We buy: reliable goods only and invite 500, 590, 750, $1.00 +++ +/$1.00 and $1.26 each \ Garments for all. comparison of our prices on all standard lines. and $1.50 pr. Ficor, Mtge in. wee PA TL Costes #18 to $50 _Coate $1.75 to. 940 Kaysur and Niagara Maid Silk Gloves in the | Children's Rubber Pants, 3 direct from Japan, spec! Dresses 81.39 lo 833 Skirts 84.50 to $13.98 alin that are desirable for Spring wear. . saving ae 750 ially prteed 5 Rajncoats and Capes 83 Pas Be, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.59 pair Ladies' Sleeve! Pull- : Kimonae 6( favnably known and which are sold in cig | SYee, all, wool, Brown, Blouses 81. 3 role ose and Pink. Combina- Large Tapestry Curtains fur | Unceeatite toe ep' aL 81-25. Our price $1.00 tion trimmed. , $8.50 aa. Browns, Reds'and Blues, | Colton and Silk Undergarments at all prices | Special Fee et eae res untmarted at Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hosiery heavily 'fringed. ........ 'Tea, Band and Byngalow Aprons 15c to 81.29 al this price os: al . sizes 6 to 10 "- - $8.50:to $11.50-pr. Heavy Striped Tickings; very Camisoles in splendid array 98¢ to $3.50 4 e BO 'rench Kid Gloves in Ria Tan, and other lors, all selling at less than present value, reasonably priced ...... We invite you to visit this Dept. often -- Flo wean $1.26, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 for summer wear is hare +++, 400, 450 and B0c yd. Something different every week. Hosiery, Hoslery and Hosiery.. We shall in good colors, regular New Ginghams in splendiil Salesgiris devoting their whole time to Geren aaainiee ee reer mmention the BENG. FOR cs 880 yd. idx and checks, very at now | Pure Linen Table Cloths, pale poi ee the study of apparel can give you authentic here.. See them at the Hosiery Counter and 2x 2b yale, ofeeh 350} 400, 500, and Gbo-yd. | formation. compare them. $9.00 and $9.75 ea. White Cotton, "nice quality, 36 inches wide ..200 yd. Factory Cotton Mill Ends\, 40 inches wide.,.200 yd. The New Wash Goods for Summer Dresses, Skirts, NOTE this week attending the Millinery what is authentic for Summer Hoad Milliner has been in Toronto EVERYBODY WILL COME Very Special Value in this Pure Linen Hemstitehed Table Cloth, 70 x 88 inch size, Rose Design and well Openings and brings back with - of Butterick Patterns. Get But- worth $15.00, One only her Metropolitan ideas as to TO BARRIE ON MAY 9 terick Delineator here, Butterick lo sel see... .. $12.00 Quarterly Style Book and any | Ladies' Print House Dresses ele., ure now here Hat Styles. AND 10 Sc pattern. 25 in all sizes .... $1.89 ea. 10 pieces onl: ' 7 . ~ G Pi "ne 4 HOUSE CLEANING TIME Merchants are Co-operating and BARRIE'S SILK STORE Genuine Edge 'rum' " s Store is we epared to ae ' sie . . ii 8 No supply vou with Curtaing and Draper joining in an endeavor to make 'ieee Licata ree Git Linerand Standard jes that will he quite up to yuur ex. . DMO Bay cent aeltice Chan cat, the Sprig China, . peetations these two days surpass all previous present and when purchasing here | - English prints ay THE van you aera of satisfaction, imported Genuine Chintzs, Shwlow Cloths, Madras, Merchandising events. Spe a mitten it kl tee a | direct from . Valles, Marauisetles Ms, Sune ehene 46 to 10 inche® wide, suit . the Manufac- Indigo d: fast, Repps and Sateens, Cretonne 'Th da; ill be desi f rare igo dye fs ' pps and Sa ail aii pees ese two days wil lesigna- fi penn ling or lene! anparel ' ni turers, . nikon BEE i 4 a fabric in whieh you have both and a READY-MADE CURTAINS ted as Dollar Days, and you may appearance eg ae Bross c anar de novel : = from England | isn lait vel und iit | depend that some remarkable val- | Plan and rancy site wvici tonne | moe shew' in rom England eauliful lace edgings and in- ues will be offered by M & ings that in our jqlement would | the Basement now: would _ fertions « $2.50 to $5.60 offered by a he suitable for our customers, -- Department. have to be Nottingham ani Swi tae Curtaing Armstrong. Remember the dites, Beautiful Quaiity silk Poplin ames in 'ups, Saucers ld display will compare favorably wilh P value at 200 per vant £"" | Plates, Plat- sold at 60c any past season, ....$1.00 to $7.60 | Friday and Saturday, May 9 and 10 This week $1.75 yd. | ters, etc., in Yard. ~~ fact, whole sets can be xi | MOORE & ARMSTRONG "E40? | mtr 35c Yd. x GUELPH the lines. 3 Apr. 23.-Miss May McKinley returned from Midland where she bas been for 'here. 3. W. Ward has been renewing old ac- e e attended, the chureh being filled to cap- acity, Ten was served in the basement after {hich s programme was given in the au- In the course of our business we have&taken a num. |||/men were: Bert Foyston, Wilbert Arm- ber of used organs in exchange which have been thor- Maw. 'Joreph and Ronald Orchard," Bight oughly overhauled and are now offered at special pri- |fother returned men, who had formerly ces. Here are a few of them:-- form. These men huve served in many Two 5-octave Dominion Organs, 8 stops. OT ater interesting event of the evening One 5-octave Dominion Organ, 11 stops yee the, _prementaton)to Ma: i Young 0f 6 Oia hacia Spend Ong stems lento eee ear ge Two 6-octave Doherty Organs, 13 stops |dent of that Society. | Speakers for ee If you are interested, come in and look them over. {Hickling 'Rev. J., A. iLeect'cocupled thé ) Special prices for Cash 'or Easy terms. in e . ' Apr. 23--Mrs. Martha Ferrier passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. | R. "Colgan, on Easter Sunday evening, at OPP. POST OFFICE Mr. Harris and Miss Harris' epent their quaintance here. | The reception for returned men held in jthe Methodist Church last night was well ditorium. During the course of the eve- jning seven returned men were called to the front; an address was read by Chas. Par- ker, and euch man presented with a purse of '$25, by young ladies. The returned strong, Rex Chappel, Elden Adams, Fred {been tendered receptions were on the plat- jdifferent branches of the British Army and levening were Rev. A. Shepherd of Angus, Rev. Herman of Craighurst, und C. M. chair." The speakers all paid the luable work done by our men in dri- ving back the Hun. BELLE EWART the age of 89 years. Interment at Stroud Cemetery on Tues., April 22. Easter holidays at their cottage here. he. Own Your Own Garage 'Miss Sybil Willoughby is spending a few days at Island Grove. Mrs. H. Shepherd is visiting for a few days in Toronto. ; Mr. and Mrs, Irving Moore have returned {to their home here for s short time. Mr. and Mrs. Reddick spent the week- end here. Miss Vera Whan of Toronto was home for the Easter holidays. Mrs. A. Trombley is visiting friends at |Guelph. A. Trombley and his son, Vital, motored to Orillia on Tuesday, Mr. Fischer and family have moved to Mrs. Dickenson's farm on the 6th Line. DALSTON Apr, 22.--Some farmers in this vicinity are cultivating their land for seeding. 'Misses Rilla 'and Isabel Watson of Tor- We can supply you with garages--wood or metal. Easily erected. Prices from $75 up. We put them up at small cost if desired. Prompt service. THE BALL PLANING' MILL CO., - we r a Barrie's Big Dollar. Days-- May 9 and 10. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, MON. APR. 28 . THE FAST, FLIPPANT, FARCICAL FROLIC AHWOODS 22ccavzs HERE | 25c 50c¢ 75¢ $1.00 BOX SEATS $1.50 Absolutely NO HIGHER ANEW TALEOFA WAYSIDE INN PARLOR. 2. BEDROOM manswn AND BATH A RIOT OF LAUGHTER --TAKE THIS TIP -- THIS ENGAGEMENT WILL UNDOUBTEDLY BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST FARCE COMEDY SUCCESSES IN THE HISTORY OF BARRIE.THEATRICALS --ELABORATELY STAGED AND COSTUMED AND GUARANTEED TO BE 'RIGHT-UP-TO-THE-MINUTE. YOU_LAUGH----CANNOT HELP IT ,, DONT MISS THIS TREAT x | | | |

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