Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1919, p. 12

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(Gina Page Twelve THE ADLET COLUMN FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Bartie. 37-tfe * BOR SALE--House with 5 sores or less at 28 Donald street. Apply on premises. 7p FOR BALE--House, lot (about 2% screa) fand stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premiaes. 15-20p =--_eseeeens TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, all modern conveniences. Easy terms Ap: ply to Mrs, Smith, 60 Mary street. 11-16p Maid Wanted MAID WANTED--Best' wages. Come in morning and go at night, if possible. Ap- | ply Mra. Diguam, 40 Sophi . Phone 454, 16-tfe GOOD COOK WANTED--Apply at Hospital. GARDEN GROUND fo rent. Apply 100 Owen street. 15-tfe R. Vv. 15-160 WANTED--A housekeeper, W. B, Sloan, Churchill P.O. |HOUSE TO LET--101 Mulcaster. Apply to C. T. Devin. 16-tfe FOR SALF--Brick House, Worsley street, % room, gas, ¢lectric and water, G garden nad stable. Apply at this office 14-190. ener NOW IS THE SEASON FOR MUSKRATS. T want them, Will pay highest prices. H. Levit, Bayfield street, phone 384 11-16p ---- FOR SALE--Five acres in town of Barrie, suit market gardener. Easy terms. Box 571, P.O. or phone 440. R. B. Ander- son 12-17p es EGGS FOR HATCHING--White Leghorns, the kind tbat pay, $1.00 per setting, 2 for $1.50. H. D. Atherton, Barrie, phone 580B 13-17p ns STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Parson's Beauty, Glen Mary, Senator Dunlop and Arnott 50 cents jer 100. Apply A. Finlay, Mid: hurwt 15-17p ee ee FOR SALE--1 bay Gelding, 4 yeam old, general purpose; 1 aged mare; Prices mo- derate. J, V Brown, Burton Farm, Al- Inndalo 12-tfe FOR SALE--Two Brick houses, large gat dens, plenty fruit, good out-buildings. Terms to suit. Enquire Stephen Pra Cundles 11-16p LEANING AND PRESSING--Your old wut aud avercout can be made to look tke new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop St es FURS WANTED Iighest prices paid forall kins of raw furs, Satisfaction guaran. teed Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie 3-16p ne re WANTED--Relinble single man for farm, for seven months, or a yer, in first letter to Box ""B" Exanuner office 1otfe FOR SALI--Modern Brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, furnace, electric light. This bouse will be sold at a bargain. Enquire, The Sargeant Co., Ltd. 15-160 ee "FOR SALE CHEAP--I set of platform Grey 'eprings. complete, almost as good as new; one wood stave water tank, about 25 bbl capacity, W. C. How, phone '798. 11-tfe a OR SALE--Rougheast house in village of Craighurst, six rooms, almost new. Good woodshed and garden, Water at door, Will xell at right price. W. H. Morrison, Craighurst 12-166 ll WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--Ist Bar- tie Fair Cock and s grand cockerel, Head two pens nice females. Proven lay- om. Try them. $1.00 per 13. AFA Maleomxon, Barrie. 14-21e #, lot 2, con. 5, Innisfil. FARM FOR SAL Well fene: foam ; good frame home ith basement <tab- fing, arver-failing well. Apply to Mrs, Duteher 3i-tf GGS KOR HATCHING --Byed to Lay, S.C. W Leghorns, Cypher's-Barron strain. $1.00 per 13. Also baby chicks, 20c each. | Lieut. Newall, Budd Farm, Barrie, Or- ders muy be left st Brown & Co.'s. 14-16p | BLACK MINORCA EGGS for Hatching 'The kind that lay the big white exes, 32 to 84 or, 'o the dos, Heavy layers! and non-actters. Order early, 13 for $1.50. A. M. Hunter, 184 Owen street 16-16p | BACK from the front and in business again ~-well boring and digging, pumps, re- pairs wire fencing and roofing, galvan- ized 'ironwork of all kinds, cement work. "Cement for sule. Estimates free. C. W. Gentleman, Phone Belle Ewart. 14-19p | WANTED AT ONCE-- A cai | keener, to take full charge of with a baby boy 13 months' old. No outside work to do. A good, comfort- | 'able convenient home, one half mile from | village of Stroud. Anply stating pat ulare to Benjamin Wehb, Stroud P.O., | 'or phone. 13-tfe "WANTED--Experienced Carriage and Au-| tomobile Painters, coloring and color var- | nishing bodies, upholsterers, trimmers and | top builders, fitters and assemblers; fi- nal assemblers: woodworking machine hands and handy men for various de. partments, Chevrolet' Motor Car Co, of | 'Canada, Limited, Oshawa, Ont. 15-17c FOR SALE--Strictly modern brick house, on west side of Burton) avenue, full basement with attic, all modern conveni- ences, with hot water heating, good gar-) summer kitchen, Will sell at 'small payment "down and bi 'rent. J. E. Morrison, Phone 427, 52 Holgate, Allandale. WOR SALE--No. 1 Spring Wheat for seed, grown on one of the cleanest farms in 'Ontario. Also one Wheellock engine, 50 LP. in. good condition. 1 stand of rolls 9x18 for crushing grain; 1 set of scales, 3000 Ibs.; 1 amoke stack, quantity of shafting and iron and wood pulleys. Ap- ply, J. A. Shaw, Hawkestone Mill. 13-160 February 224 eggs, in March 277..Com- pare your tally sdisatisfied try a netting of these. You will be, pleased with the resulta, ca few more settings to/ "31.50. W. O. Partridge, Box 1011, 261 Bayfield street, Barrie. | l4tfe. es House Wanted to Buy WILL PAY ALL CASH FOR HOUSE 'WITH GOODSIZED LOT,House must have nine or -ten rooms, with all con- veniences, and in good) repair. 'Phone 454, Bartie, (ite t £ E E FOR SALE--3-Piece Walout Parlor Suite, Apply G. G. Smith's Storage. 15-tfe EXPERIENCED MAN WANTED--For farm. Apply at this office. 16-16 WANTED--Experienced cook' general. Ap- ply Mrs. Cecil, 55 Peel street. 16-16¢ WARDROBE WANTED--About six -fget long. Box "C' Examiner office. 12tfo BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Esy terms. Mises Bell, 59 Mary street. 16-17¢ --_------ FURNISHED ROOM--For Rent, central lo- cation, one gy two persons. Phone 54% . 15-17p | -------- |WANTED--Good general servant. Apply Mrs, R. A. Stephens, 123 Collier streot, 12-tfe TO LET--Rooms and apartments for light housekeeping. Apply P.O. Box 545, Bar- rie. 12-17p COCKERELS--Two fine 1918 White Wyan- dottes for sale. Enquire at 26 Elizabeth street 16-16c | PROF. D, E, WEIR--Teacher of Pisno and | Violin, Piano 'Tuner. 6 Owen street, Barri 12-17p |FOR SALE--100 Bushels Choice Seed Peas | Apply W. D, Cochrane, R. R. No. 2 Allundale. 11-16p FOR SALE--Hawaiian Guitar, complete. with instruetion book, $10.00. Also good canoe. Phone 529. 15-20p WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS for sale-- $1.00 per setting of 15 G. H. Curtis 66 John street west 13-18p FOR SALE--Cedar posts, all sizes and lengths, Apply W. O. Partridge, 261 Bay- field street, Barrie. 15-tfe WANTED--Good general servant, sn derly woman Preferred. Apply to Rev. H. Berry, Shanty Bay. 16-16¢ HOUSE FOR SALE--9-room solid brick, | lot 66ftx1. Gowan street, Allandale Apply on premises, 49 13-18p FOR SALE--Excelsior Motorcycle and side car, A.l, condition, Cheap for cash. Ap- ply to Examiner Office. 15-16p HOUSE FOR SALE--Btick, 8 rooms, gar- age. fireplace, furnuce, sleeping balcony, | $1500.00 108 Peel street. 11-tfe GOLDEN CAMPINE EFGGS--Fine laying strain (Kennedy's) $2.00 for 15. J. A. Wolfenden, 94 Clapperton 11-16 HEATED ROOMS to Let furnished or un- furnished. Apply at what is known aa Vespra House, Phone 753. 11-16p. FOR SALE--A 35-HP. Crooker-Wheeler Motor, hax never been unerated. Apply Fisher Flour Mills, Barrie 16-160 HOUSEMAID WANTED--Four in fnmily. No young children good wages. Apply Theresa street."&Phone 134. 16-16p FOR SALE--One rubber-tired buggy, fit. ted with lamps,-mohair top and auto segt, nearly new. Apply to C. H. Beelby 16-176 LAST--In B: , on Ssturday, April 5, bro-ch set with stones. Valued as "keep- sake, Reward on returning to 51 Don- ald street 16-16p FOR SALE--Residence. Central location, hardweod floors, electric light, gas, sun- room. Price reasonable. J. F. Jack- son, Barrie. 16-17p FOR S3LE--Brick house, eight rooms, bath, 'electric light und water. Apply to Miss Swan, care Sutcliffe and Sons, or 117 Bayfield street 16-16p FOR SALE--A hundred acre pasture lot, with a never-failing creek running through the corner. 9 miles north of Barrie, . All cleared. The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. 15-100 WANTED TO RENT. comfortable seven or eight roomed house, AY conveniences. five to ten minutes' walk, from flour mills, No children, Box "!W", Exam- iner. ' 16-16¢ |FOR SALE--In the Village of Ivy, %& acre of land with good shop and a quan- tity of blacksmith's tool, Can be sold separate to suit purchaser. Apply to 8. Burton, Ivy. 16-16¢ FOR SALE--One golden onk bedroom suite, one dresser, one stand, one rock- ing chair, one bed and springs, All in golden oak. Mrs. W. J. Piggott, Ross street, Barrie 15-1 FOR SALE--7-Roomed Brick House on Bayfield street, all conveniences, nice gar- den, garage. "Hardwood floors down stairs; handy to station. Apply at Exa- miner Office. 15-tfe. FOR SALE--White Leghorns with our ex- perience of twenty. years' breeding, are the kind to give results, $1 setting. Al- 50 McLeod's White Wyandottes at same rate. C, W. Nash, Cundles. 6p ")|100-ACRE. FARM FOR SALE--h Oro, brick house, bank bam, driving ched, etc., 3' acres fruit orchard, quantity bush, soft and bard water. Apply Mra. Mary J, Turk, Shanty Bay, R.R.2. ° 15-20p 'TOURING CAR FOR SALE--7 passenger, 6 cylinder, run 2 seasons, Engine in first class 'running order, body in excel- jon, 4 nearly new tires, with fubes ind tro extra in, This ear equal to new car. x geet bargain ter oferel fara ex, for L", Examiner. 16-160 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Buy advertised goods. It pays. For a happy home use Fisher's Star flour. 16-200 Sixteen pages, Local news on every page. April 18 lo 25 is "music week" throughout Ontario. During Saturday night the ice disappeared from the bay Schools close today for holidays and re-open on Apr. 28. Robt. Miller last week sold his pair of houses in Mary st. to Andrew Hay and A. G. Habbick. | The Culverwell residence on James St. has been sold to R. J. Gamble of Innisfil, who is moving to town, Wm. Hughes is claiming $100 from Innisfil Council for the losy of a horse on the 2nd line a few wheks ago. W. Bro. Wisdom of Kerr Lodge and his officers put on the First {Degree at the John Ross Roberts son Lodge, 'Toronto, 'Tuesday night Phe Silver Thimble and Trinket nd has again been opened. Mr. craig hus kindly consented tu aguin receive contributions until May 1. A spectal meeting of the Town Couneil tonight will deal with the Hoard of Education's application for si5on for fle Burton Ave 'Seho Mrs. Laidman and Miss Ger. trude Reeve will sing at St. An jlrew's big wight of fun amt music en May i. Over Xin chorus and orehestra 16-160 On Monday the A.V. Hospitat Board let the next season's coat contract to bowls & Cg. the hard ant soft) coal ametnting slightly aver $1900 Wok MeManus has resigned Ios position as janitor for the Bank of Toronta, after 17 years' jserviee. in order to fake over the new B.C. 1. building he Ladies' Aid of Congre- ional Chureh, Rdgar, purpose parlor secial in the April 21. Good pros furam. Silver eollvetion. 16-186 | Owing to the strike of the Canadian Express employees no goods were sived by express on the GTR. for several days. A number of merchants had koods shipped by the CG. PLR. to Midhurst Ob ye lovers of Sweet Pras-- }We have for you all the choice named varieties in separate aekets, also by the ouner, Sow early ter geod results. To ON ables, Phe Hub and Cotfee Hous 16-166 St George's Suetely will hold their aunual divine service in St, George's. Allandale, at 8 pam. on April 28, when Capte Applevard of Wrodstack will speak, This jwill be fellowen bea hanquet in the Memorial Hall | None of the Barrie students succeeded in getting a prize in the provincial Vielory Bond essay competition, Miss Erie Whan of Belle Fwart wax in the highly commended class. Her composi- tion appeared in 'The Examiner a couple of months age. 'Two youths from Port Arthur, about {7 years of age. were arrested on suspieion of being mixed up in the shooting al well a week ago, bul the trai inen were satisfied that neither was the one who did the shooting. The following pupils of Barrie Bus. College recently accepted office positions: In Toronto, F Watson. H. Carter, G. S. A. Williams; in Bar! kinson, Ford Garage Crown Life: A. Offic Moodie, plumbers. WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH--Monday or Tuesdiy of each week. Apply Mra. W. J. Piggott, Ross street. 16-tfe IDEAL GRAMAPHONE, Perfect Tone, 'nearly new, also about twenty records. Must be sold at once. Box 853, Barrie. 17-176 FOR SALE--Nice 5% scre farm in Barrie, large fruit orchard in full bearing, com- fortable house, good farm buildings, town water, electric light. Levi Gledhill, 32 Penetang street, Barri 16-2 80 | WANTED-2By May 15, experienced maid, or working housekeeper for family of three adulta, No epring cleaning. Ap- ply Mra. (Dr.) Morren, 70 Collier street. 16-160 |APPLICATIONS for the position of Organ- ist at Trinity Church, Barrie, will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 15th of May. State qualifications and salary. Geo, Vickers. 16-16 FOR SALE--Attractive, Substantial, com- modious Beek hones, all oo three 5 Varietion it, ' Siraenett trees. Woodshed, barn, age, eight minutes' walk to post office. Free, discomfort of noise, smoke, smell, hest; lower street. about half cost of buildings new. Particulars. D. W. Eastman, Box 94, 16-17p House Wanted to Rent HOUSE WANTED--Highest rent for suit- able property. Must have at least six bedrooms. Apply Op | Brand flour as good as ever. ASK 'of Barrie and the valuable dwelling houses £8 | welcomed home this week. 'PLACE SORT IF YOU WEAR THE STYLISH You can select the model eminently well suited to your own personality if you wear BENGARD CLOTHES You can keep within the limits of your pocket- book, yet secure garments that are tip top in style and good service if you wear these handsomely tailored gar- ments. \ Clothes Value is determined by several things-- Style, durability, shapeliness, workmanship, and fit. ; By all these features Bengard Clothes may be judged. Prices $19.00, $20.00, $23.50, $25.00, $29.00, $33.50, $42.50. We have a line of good Tweed Suits at $15.00, $16.50, $17.00, $18.00. We will give to Returned'Soldiers 10 per cent. off Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Shirts and Underwear, which means something to you, and is a very small way in which we can show our appreciation of what you have done. , en wraramm mm) ( BIG VALUE IN, ! BOYS' SUITS Good quality, extra val- ue, easy priced at $6.75, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00, $11.00, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00. Sizes Special Men's Working | 25 to 35. Boot: Big Value $4.25 Special $3.49, Black or Tan. You should see these Suits. ere WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR 4, CK WHERE MOST P (i Recent sales by W Thomp-|times and was with the 18th Bn. son X Sen include a house and]in Franee, reached home on lot on MeDonald St. owned by | Wednesday. H. Otton, sold to John Bell of| A number of the foronto: also house and lot} trainmen who did owned by FR. Pe Frederick and Robert Allandale such good tt, cor. of lwork with the railway troops in " Bar-| France, reached home during the rie, sold to Frank past week, These included W. Barron of London, Ont. Barnard, Ceeil Morton, J. John- W.S. Robb (late 10758 Sergt.} san, Geo, y. Jack Law- Shoemaker ith Bn.), Hand sewn roft. Arthur work our specialty, Why send] 'Taylor, Chas. ngton and your repairs te Toronto when you! pie, Drake, also f Allandale, can get the Right Material, right| pte. Worsop of Colwell and Pte. workmanship, the right prices} fF. Wharram were others to en- here in Barvie? Special attention] joy the happy experiences of paid to children's shoes. Nota ing. the address, 14 Mutcaster St.,|Uome-comine: Ba 16-166 --Thie farmers will find it tol, Ineir own interest to all theig| 228 Stamps and let it work. live stock through the medium| Buy advertised goods. of the C.F. 0. Cooperative Co, | ----_--_$--_--_--_------------ Orders booked and shipments |EXECUTOR'S SALE OF TWO VALUABLE made by A. W, Partridge, shipper| DWELLING HOUSES AND PREMISES at Bara, Peasant House phona IN THE TOWN OF BARRIE. number 223R4. Office over Bank] : ak 7 f Toronto after Easter, phone ursuant to the powers of sale contain 628, Olfier -hours 9 ta 12 am. [3% inp eg i dpe ep nag hyo bike ail = = tM Tron, there will be offered for y Pu except shipping day 16-164 lic 'Auction at the Barrie Inn in the Town The Fisher Flour Mills are now of Barrie on Saturday, the 3rd day of May, running up to full capacity with |1919, at 1 o'clock, by W. A. McConkey, good orders ahead, Farmers and | 4uetionerr. ee Bad Cesirable: teiek ree ie citi in de , the pro sai Barrie citizens can again depend itextator, consisting of Lot No. 31 on the on getting the reliable Star orth side of Durlop Street in the Town Put your money into War Sav- your grocer fer it. It you cannot (eecre a4 i ie 'i get it from him, ring up the mili! said lot are erected two large anc office and it will be delivered 'commodious brick residences, benutifully Brainptly. Pleuty of good clean sitited on a quiet and residential quar- 5 ye 3 ' \ter of the town, overlooking the bay, and ran and Shorts and Grain Of within a short and convenient distance all kinds in stock. Help the town from the business part of the town. by patronizing this home indus-' This sale offers a rare chance of scquir- try. ing valuable residential property on reason- able terms. HOME-OCOMING SOLDIERS 'Should the property when put up in one Ipt not reach the upset price the lands ---- will be offered for sale in two separate . Sergt. Chas. Fraser, who was! parcel, each parcel having one of the one of the bunch of crack ssid residences thereon. sergeants with the 157th, was -- Terms of Sale--Ten Per Cent. down and je baer in one month from the day of | without interest. Pte. H. H. Brown,.voungest 80n'g |mmediste possession, if required, can be of Mr. and Mrs. E. D! Brown, given on very ressonable terms. Blake St.. arrived home on Sun» Further particulars and 'conditions bi YOUR CLOTHES WILL RE DIFFERENT FROM THE COMMON- Bengard Clothes WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE Ve --EE OPLE TRADE Thursday, April 17, 1919. You should see our Easter Ties. They are special val- ue and choice patterns; prices 50c, 75¢ and $1.00. PREMIUM COUNTER, CREDIT SALES Apr, 19.--W. H. Martin, at Mar- rin's Yards, Barrie, sale of 21 cows, W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer, Mondey, fret Lait aarp, W % Lot 1," con, eepra, farm stock, imple- ments and household effects at 'Oundies. Monday, Apr. 21.--R. W. McPhaden, lot 9, con. 8, Vespra, (at Minesing Station) farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1.30 p.m. P. A. Co , auctioneer. Wednesday, April 23, Frank Latter, An- gus, household furniture, restaurant fix- tures, and 2 frame buildings, Sale at 1 pm. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. Thursday, April 24--Thos. McKee, at lot 20, con. 7, Vespra, postponed sale of farm stock and implemenjs. W. A. Mc- Conkey, auctioneer. | Satur ON MEN'S "8 FINE CLOTHING, E.G. HACHBORN & CO. | 50 YORK STREET, TORONTO. goes YOU WANT TO LEARN A TRADE AND HAVE STEADY EMPLOYMENT? RETURN! )LD) LEARN TAILORING AND OBTAIN STEADY . PRESSING, OPERATING, TAILORING, ON MEN'S FINE CLOTHING. APPLY AT ONCE, E. G. HACHBORN & CO., 50 YORK STREET, TORONTO. day night. Pte. Brown went over sale will be made known at the time o i ; i sale, and can be had meantime on appli- Ay duly, 1917, and was with the cation rs i undeigned. fine Pte. Manuel Hebner, who man- cent ince Baseroh, . aged to get across the ocean af- William J. Piggott, ter being turned down several 17-190 Executors of Dr. B. Patterson. tario, Niagara District. Seat Toers mill and ther ge to them they p Those filled minder the s Tuer pulled the bags wi to be seoop Carrying ou tron bags a the sleigh fl and made t venire by They reach where abou! put the then being | went home, Mr. Agnes ewear positi sar Tuer w Thornton. minutely~ab could not a bat did sw LET Us Lot and gutters f siily with ¥ damage eith MOFF! Sole Agents Plumbers, Our old route and we v as new Pp for butte

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