Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1919, p. 11

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j ' t = pope Re \)/ THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, April 17, 1919 1. Reade S '¢ Steele Briags Seed TORONTO HAMILTON - WINNIPEG NOTHING LIKE INTER- NAL BATHING FOR CONSTIPATION Hf people only knew whut Internal Barh- ing ix doing for thousands of others there would be fewer Pills and Luxatives swal record for the Canadian sale ring. Dale's ji May won the Lieutenant-Governor's gold medal at the Calgary winter fair when ex- hibited by Duncan Marshall, Jr. Mr. Beeching paid in all $9,000 for seven head of stock at the Brandon sale. For the first time in history in, the Bri- tish Empire, » woman occupied the Mayor's chair, at n municipal council meeting, when Mayor Marshall of Culgary was absent and Ald. (Mrs.) W. J. Gale accepted the duties of the office of acting Mayor. Ald. Gale is the first woman in Canada to be elec- ted to the office of Alderman as « member of the municipal body und bus served for a year and a half, She hag been appoint ed acting Mayor. for a period of three months, which will, place on her the re: ponsibility of taking over the duties of Mayor on any absence of the Chief Magis- from the city 'Lethbridge district can boast of the lar- est_ponil of "pure bred "Romney March ch are owned [shortly be registered. Mr. Harvey's pure |the property. Ybred Romneys are now lambing and from {lambe, which is remarkable. ) ix jealously guarding the lamb crop of his it became unpleasant for them in Saal sheep' in North America, whi by R. C. Harvey. The band numbere over 400 which are all registered with the exception of this spring's lambs, which will 250 ewes he already hss 280 fine, healthy Mr. Harvey " The Mennonites of Saskatchewan are 'not a WESTERN NOTES taking kindly to the new. school sct, and _ = those of the old colonies adj to Ros- C, G. Beeching, a shorthorn breeder of |thearn, Swift. Current and have DeWinton, Alta, bought Dale's May, /united to fight the Saskatchewan school act = yearling sborthorn heifer, owned by Hon.|and the school attendance act. They will Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture| ask the courts for a legal definitiot of jn the Alberta Legislature, at the Brandon |their status in regard to compulsory st- sale a few days ago, for $3,100. Sbortly | tendsnce at public schools. A stated cage afterwards (be purchased Lady Lancaster |will be carried to the Supreme Court of XVI for $3,000, thereby establishing /Canada in the event of a reverse judgment the lower courts. 'The Calgary city 'charter has been amen- ded by the provincial legislature extending the five-year repayment of arrears privi- lege to taxpayers who have paid their taxes before the new sale date, April 22nd, provided they pay the current years' taxes and interest and éne-fifth of the arrears, The Lethbridge Chartet was amended to allow the rebonding of sinking fund de- bentures for five years, as they come due from time to time. 'The Alberta Cattle Breeders' Associa. tion have decided to have an exhibit of Alberta's best pure-bred beef steers at the International Livestock Exposition at Chi- cago this year. 'The locel branch of the Great War Vet- Jerans' Association of Nelson, B.C., is ur- | ging the Dominion Government to deport |the Doukhsbours of the province 'on the |grund that they had refused to abide by }the Inws of the cquntry. The ""Douks"" held a meeting at Brillieft, B.C., recent-| |ly ot which they offered to give their land |to the returned soldiers, if the latter |would assume the obligations still due on The "Douks" settled first a few years ago near Yorkton, Sask., un- der the leadership of Peter Veregrin. proved to be such undesirable settlers that pure-bred Romney ewes, for this year feet chewan and the main body followed Peter seeceart of un experiment which in sbout |to B.C, some settling at Cowley, Alto. lowed and very much less suffering from |1} years' time will see its culmination end | They refuse to have their children educated Constipation and the wecompanying Stora sch and Nervous troubles resalting from | it, Mrs. C. G. M. of Strathroy, Ont., writes: | "1am pleased to have this opportuhi'y of testifying to the merits of the "J.B.L Cus. cnde" Thave been zing it now fof » year with satisfactory results. T am an old wo- man, but my health is so improved that T ave a renewed lease of life. You il erty to give my address to anyone p who may desire to write 10 me regarding *he Caseade."* By the proper application of nature's cure, warm water, by means of the 'J.B L, Cascade," the lower intestines are kept free from all poisonous waste. Drugs force Navure. Internal Bathing sssivte her. Dr. Chas, A, Tyrell of New York, » specialist on Internal Bathing, invented and perfected the "J.B.L. Cascade," which has done More during the past 20 years i restoring health and lessening disease than all other means combined, Ask "Wm. Crosland, druggist, Barrie, for Booklet, "Why Man of To-day is Only 50 per cent Efficient." They will also be pleased to xhow and explain the J.B.L. Csscade to you, Wash That Itch Away 'There is absolutely no sufferer from e- zema who ever used the simple wash D.D.D. . and did not feel immediately that wonder- fully calm, cool sensation that comes when the itch is taken away. This soothing wash penetrates the pores, gives instant re- lief from the most distressing skin diseases. D. D. D. Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist, Barrie. 'AVOID COUGHS ana COUGHERS" 'Coughing INNISFIL COUNC! Council met in Lefroy on April 7, with all members present except Councillor Alla the Reeve in the chair. ' Communications and accounts were re- ceived from the following, viz., Repatri tion Committee, Dominion Road Machinery Co., Board of Railway Commissioners, Northern Advance Office, George Alpine, A. Hutchinson, Agricultural Representative, Sarnia Bridge Co., Levers Bros, J. Re Couse, Jno, Cowan and Bruce Cowan made op- plication for losn under Tile and, Stone Drainage Act und the clerk was instructed to have the matter in regard to the appli- 'cation commenced according to the Act 'as soon as possible. Communigation from the Board of Rail- way Commissioners was received approving of Plan No. 7601 for the erection of Station House at Vine; also approving of By-Law No. 515 granting the. Barrie-Angus Tele- phone Co. rights to use certain highways 'on the Township for the erection of poles, wire, etc. Coleman--Lestie--That the _Tressurer be instrupted to procure the necessary bank cheques he may require. Leslie--Martin--Thst the sum of $15.00 be paid J, B, Couse for goods supplied to Mary. Taylor, an indigent. * Coleman--Leelie--That we, the members and officials. of the Municipal Council of Innisfil, in' Council amembled beg leave to convey to Councillor Martin and family Gur sincere sympathy in their bereave- ment through the irreparable loss they have sustained in the death of their son and 'brother, but hope and trust that you will be able to bear the burden of grief that has fallen on you. and that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this reso- lution to Mr. Martin and family. 'The Roads and Bridge Committee recom- mapa payment of sccounta amounting to 40, Findace: Committee ordered payment of accounts ampunting to $50.75. Couneil adjourned to meet in Stroud on "Monday, April 28.1 R. M. McCONKEY, Clerk. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S sCASTORIA | | | the introduction of a new breed of sheep which will be registered under an entirely different name from any other breed now registered, and it will be a breed peculisrly fitted for the Alberta ranges with proper attention paid to both mutton and wool qualities. By 9 careful selection of the breeding ewes from the crossbreds of the Rambouillet ram and the Romney ewes, Mr. lib- | Harvey is breeding up the new type. Every two years will see a step taken in arriving at the new type. It will take six crosses to fix the new type,.eo that the whole pro- 'and charts all drawn, and in the animal husbandry department of agriculture at Ot- tawa a set of registration books is being opened to keep track of the various fami- lies of the new breed so that there-will be no in-breeding and so that the families will be kept straight, and at the end there will be no difficulty over registering the new breed Mr. Harvey has not yet decided on sgpane for the type. That the new breed wilh be strong in wool qualities is shown by the fact that wool from his Rom- ney-Rambouillet crossbreds last year brought the highest averageeprice on the 'American market, bis best wool selling for over 78e 8 pound. A Seattle desptach says that Frank Foy- ston and Bobby Rowe, two of the § hockey players well known in Barrie left the cont city for the summer. Frank will go to fix farm and Bobby Rowe to Feiter's Spring, in the Valley of the Moon. California, where be is the owner of siore. Both of these players participated in the Cunadian-Seattle Stanley Cup games which resulted in @ tie in the fourth game Owing to the Canadian players being strick en with the "flu" the deciding game was not played. Frank's forthcoming marriage to Miss Tuffley of Seattle is announced The majestic buffalos that once roamed the plains of Canada"are now having their bones made into fertilizer. Some twenty-six miles south of Calgary has been discovered 1a large deposit of these bones at the bottom of. great cliff, where the Indians in the early days drove them over in herds and slaughtered them simply to recover the tongues. @Nowegheir bones are being ex cavuted by the Chemical Fertilizing Com- pany of Calgary, and are being made into phosphoric acid for use as s fertilizer: Several Lethbridge boys built a bonfire und threw in a ,22 cartridge to see what would happen, 'The result was the ex- plosion of the shell, a portion of which lodged in the neck, close to the jugular vein, of one of the boys who was stooping over the fire. C. H. Werner, customs collector for the inland 'revenue 'department at Winnipeg, made the statement in the police court that the city was fairly reeking with home-made liquor and that there are so many stills the city that the situation, is getting be- yond control. Jor even taught English and the village coun- Jeil of Cowley are backing the G.W.V.A. in their effort to have them deported. David Peters, Jacob Wahl, David Fabr and John Neudorf of Wakebam school dis- |trict «in Manitaba, are Mennonites who re- |fused to obey the school laws by sending their children to school. They were fined by the police magistrate® at Morden and elected to go fo jail rather than pay the fines. After a few days in the calsboose, |they changed their minds, paid their fines land promised to send their children to loess will take 11 years. He bas his plens| oni in future. 'At the Dominion elections held in De- cember 1917, Fred Leschert presented him- self at the Pleasant Prairie, Alta., poll for | bullot, which was refused him by the ideputy returning officer, Alexander Knox, who claimed that Leschert was an alien. Leschert brought action for damages |through being deprived of his vote and the jease was heard recently before Judge Lees jat Wetaskiwin. The action was dismissed with coats. Chauffeurs applying for licenses in Cal- gary will require to have certificate of character from Chief of Polite Cuddy be- fore the license is granted. Hereafter few er of these fellows will figure in liquor cases. ) | Farmers in the Lethbridge district are of- fering $75 » month and board for farm hands and unable to get them. Civilians in considerable number prefer idling about poolrooms and hotel corridors to taking job on the land, The same conditions are reported from other points of the province. This wage is equivalent to $110 a month in_the city. | The Edmonton and Dunvegan Rail |which was built by J, D, McArthur of Win 'nipeg and has 500 miles in operation in the country north of Edmonton, is in fin- ancial difficulties and it is rumored that the Dominion Government has been asked to come to the rescue either with » cash |subsidy or by taking over the line. The 'bonds of the réad were guaranteed to the {extent of $200,000 a mile by the province of Alberta. If the Federal Government is not disposed to play the friend in need, Alberta may yet find iteelf saddled with thie road and all the charges connected there- | with, The Liquor Act of Alberta has been am- lended and henceforth the prices of liquor sold by druggists will be fixed by the Government, The price will be printed on the Inbel of each bottle and prescription blanks will be furnished to physicians with serial numbers. The bankers of the pro- vinee have been notified and it is thought that the reason for: this is to protect them from extending an unwarranted line of credit to. new firms entering the drug busi- ness, The Government vendor, may not sell liquor to an incorporated company, ostensibly carrying on business ax drug- gists or chemists unless the firm has been in business prior to January 1, 1919. Three Calgary avistors have brought a| Curtis plane to the city. They are Al: beria agents for this machine and are building an sirdrome in connection with their automobile garage. Finding it impossible to secure bousing in any way, many Calgary citizens are turning their attention to_ building. It is estimated that 200 bouses will be built this year. Alberta permite to the extent of $160,000 have been granted at the city val. SAV the Leather 2m! Telephone Applications | Mr, Ingram, Vice Chairman of the On- tario Railway and Municipal Board, and | Mr. Dugger, telephone expert of the Board, were in Barrie on Mar. 28, hearing applice tions from the Vespra and Stroud cou- paneer, Vespra's application to increase the an- nual charge from $13.25 to $15.00, due to increased charges by the Bell Telephone Co., was approved. In the case pf the Stroud Telephone Co., which asked confirmation of its toll rate) of five cents with Barrie, objection was made by some of the summer esidents, so the hearing was enlarged and will be taken up again in Toronto. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff It's the work of Comfort Soap-- for 25 years Canada's biggest seller. Its big chunky bar means. no waste--it's the biggest and best sogp for the money in Canada. There's no need to experiment--trust in -Comfort. '¢ It's All Rig id PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED TORONTO, ONT waa (0) @/ --

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