Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1919, p. 3

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'i B _ heavy head, sick stomach, Thursday, April 10, 1919 GRENFEL Apr. 8---One of our old and esteemed neighbours in the person of Jno. Hartt passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Finlay Hawkins, in Barrie on Satur- bis boat ready. He is first engineer on the day, April 5, Mr. Hartt lived in this neigh- _ borhood for'many years and was of 6 quiet and reserved disposition but a good neigh- bor and much respected by all whose privi Iege it wus 10 know him. Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Bishop have moved back to the farm 'after spending the win- ter in Barrie 'A reception for one more of our returned heroes, Pte. Hamilton Orr, who returned on Saturday, wus held Monday night, Apr. 7, at the home of hie mother, Mrs. Jas. Brumb; 1917, with » draft of the 27th Bn, Winni- peg, and went overseas on Sept, 20. He left England for France on Feb. 10, 1918, and was drafted into the 78th Bn.. Pte. Orr saw much fighting and went over the} top on five different occasions. He was sly wounded in the hip at Cambrai 'on Sept. 29, wax sent buck to Exeter Hoe- pital, then to hospitals xt Epsom, Seaford and Rill, He embarked for Canada on March 24. All pleased to see "Ham" Jooking so well and apparently fully recov- ered, Pie, Jno, McFudden, another of our boys who went to defend hix country, returned on March 29, and is looking real well. Pte McFadden went overseas in August and while a little Inte to wee much actual eer- vice nevertheless was right on the job if he had been needed and John says there are worse jobs than soldiering. A recep- tion was held for him at the home of his sister, Mrs, Jos, Tiffin, Colwell, on the 7th inst. KNOCK Apr. 7.--Mits Lillian Reid of Toronto is spending a week at her home here accom: panied by her friend, Miss Morrison Wilson Hurst. motored up from Toronto lust Sunday and paid a flying visit to his suster, Mrs. Harry Reynolds T am pleased to report that Mise Wilda Martin is well on the way to recovery af ter being so ill with the 'flu" at the home of her uncle, Jno, Leonard About sixty of the friends of Pte. Clif- ford Lockhart met at the home of his fa- ther, Wm. Lockhart, Friday evening, Mar. 28, 'to welcome him on his return' from 'overseas, A sociable evening was spent in music, games 'ete., during which an add- ress was read and o presentation made toj him of @ beautiful leather club bag with | toilet accessories. News from Neighboring Townships OO As Told by Our Correspondents Pte. Orr signed up June 5,, | CRAIGHURST entertaining a little son. Jus. Rendman has gone to Toronto to get Toronto, which sails from Toronto to Pres- cott. ' Mrs, John Spence is visiting in Colling- | wood, Pte. Colin McK. Kiel arrived hoine on Fri- dey night. He was met st the station by the band and citizens, After the usual formalities of welcome, the band sccom- panied him to hig honie, where » supper was served and a social time enjoyed. Pte. Kiel visited Edinburgh, London-and Dublin, and wid in France and Germany. He in- tends revuming his profession of teaching school, at Easter. Your correspondent hopes 'to have a fuller account tater. I. Addison has sold his store to R. Tur- ner of the 2nd con., Flos. Pte. Keats of the Bantams, arrived home on Saturday noon, ufter being overseas two yours. He was met at the station by wife and son, the citizens and band, nda number of brother Orangemen. He was carried on the shoulders of two stal- warts while the band played and the citi- zens welcomed him. He waa chen placed in a cur, provided by the citizens, and dri- ven to his home. Your correspondent hopes to have a fuller account of Pte. Keats' soldier life next issue. Pte. Geo. Vollick arrived home unan- nounced one night last week. He ha some difficulty finding his people, who had moved. It is hoped to have the' pleas- ure of giving him a reception at a later date, MINESING The locul hockey players again defeated a Barrie Jeam last Monday night, the score being 22 to 5 Alfred Armstrong, Jr., and family, are spending a few days in Toronto. Mire Mabel Graham of Aurora in visit: ing her sister, Mrs. R. Plowright 'A number of the young people of the Sunday School spent & very enjoyable eve- ning at the bome of Mr. und Mra, Irvin Johnston last Friday' Mrs, J. Russell is under the doctor's care again The young people enjoyed what is expect: eri to be the last skute of the aeaon, lust Saturday evening Another of our boys to return home lant week was Gunner Bert E. Foyston, son of Mr, und Mrv. Alf Foyston, Minexing En: lining 1j b a Guelph Battery in the fall of 1915, Re went to France the following Knock school has heen closed for the past week owing to the teacher, Miss Andrew, | being comewhat indixposed, i News of the death of John C, Martin, ron | of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Martin, Tuewlay morning. April 1, after an illness of only fone week of "flu" and pneumonia, came ak a great shock to the neighborhood He was born 23 years ago in the home in which he died. Being of a kind and xoci- able disposition he made many friends by whom his early passing will be much re- Rretted and who extend their heartfelt sympathy to his parents and other mem- bers of the family in their great loss. He was a member of the Orange order and also | of the Free Masons under whose direction the funeral was conducted on Thursday afternoon to St. Payl's Cemetery. The Rev. T, J. Dew of Ivy conducted services at the house and gra all sizes, at! 43-tt Congoleum rug WA. Lowe & Son's. When | Your Liver is out of Order You know the signs--a bad 'taste in the mouth, latent dyspepsia. Pay strict attention to these symptoms | and get prompt relief by using Beecham's Pills. A few doses will stimulate the liver, help the stomach, reg- ulate the .bowels and make a great difference in your general feeling. Nothing will pat you on your feet so quickly as a dose or two of BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of any Medicine in the W. "Sild averywhere: In bosse, aha Capital and Regerve, Total Asset: [for # number of yea summer and from then on took part in all the principal battles from the Somme to the final enpture of Mons. Hie many friends are glud to have him home again. IVY Apr. 7-- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hatton en tertained a number of young people on Friday evening. All report » good time Sorry to report that Mre, W. C. Speers is very ill at time of writing _R. Kenmer of Toronto, snd J Laugh lin of Brentwood attended the funeral of the late T. Jénnett Mrs, Cunnings' little son, Ronald, went through un operation in Barre for dis eused tonsils, S, Burton had a very severe hemorr- huge of the nose to-dsy: Misa Bessie DeHart of Barrie spent the week-end with her friend, Mins Bessie Hat- ton. * Howard Pearson hax returned home from Barrie. Word has been received here that Max: well Ellis of the West has passed to the Greut Beyond. Mr, Ellis was well known in this part of the country, having lived here GILFORD cApr, 3.--Mrs, Simmons of Humboldt, Sask., is spending a few days here with her aunt, Mre. John Dale. Mrs. Geo. Monteil has returned from St. Michael's Hospitul, Toronto, where she has been undergoing special treatment for some time. Wim. Robinson and family left here lust week to reside in the city where Mr. Robin- son has secured a position in the Iurris Abbatoir. Herman Mattenly has sold Wm. Scott and will move with his tumily to the city. On Friday evening lust a logge number of neighbors and well-wishers met and presented Mr. and Mrs, Muttenly with a couple of handsome chairs and an address. Mr. Mattenly made a feeling and suitable reply. ' ANGUS -- Apr. 7--Wm, Groves of Collingwood spent over Sunday with Miss Esther Groves. Mrs. Bert Willoughby returned home from Barrie on Saturday ufter spending a week with Mrs, AIC Rayner. Mrs. (Rey. A. Shepherd is' attending the Provincial Convention of the W.M.S. at Guelph Capt, nnd Mra. J. Legge left for Midland on Saturday for a few days' visit with ~ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA $8,600,000 , Nov. 30th, 1918, over $153,000,000 Prosperity Often Hides the fact that it is necessary to prepare for the Jean years that may come. You never can tell. Safety lies in saving. and let your money Ongn a savings account earn money for you. Husband and wife often open a joint savings account, Ask for particulars, UNION BANK OF "BARRIE CH, - coo! BRAN' THORNTON BRANCH, CANADA W. T. HODGSO} April 7--Mr. and Mrs. E. Mowforth are tarm to) * THE BARRIE EXAMINER ECONOMY 18 the roud to wealth, Vickers' paves the way--every quarter saved is 8 stepping stone to wealth--wealth means a {deal of comfort later on--shop at this store nd-save, We sell thrift stamps, too. | --GEO. VICKERS. WE ARK BUILDING UP A NICE TRADE Jin the boot and shoe business by giving you a square deal. A big stock is carried | of Shoes for all the family. Try us owt. Buy at Home--THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. IT 1S OUR AIM to carry a full line of Dry Goods und Ladies' Clothing and sell at! Prices that will be convincing, You can do better with us than any out of town con cern, --POWELL & CO. IF YOU WILL GIVE US A CHANCE first on your Furniture needs you will find we jean not only beat the Mail Order House, but save you money on all kinds of House 'Furnishing. Try us out. id | --W, A. LOWE & SON Interested in Prosperi (Copyright,1917,Weatern Newspaper Union) Taxes are always heavy--to the man who has to pay them--but taxes in some com- munities are much higher than in others. If you have ever stopped to investigate the matter you have discovered that the lowest tax rates are found in the most prosperous communities. And there's a Feason. The prosperous community has the low- WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and est taxes because there is a large amount carry full line of imported and domestic of wealth in the community against which |woolens. If we make that suit for you, you the taxes may be assessed. There are pros- are sure of Furnishings. We are Boosters for Barrie. --ALEX, MILNE & SON. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING in Furs and Hats bas been established. You can always rely on the standard of all our goods and do a whole lot better by buy~ ing right here in Barrie, and from us. --SIMMONS & CO. A WORD ABOUT HARDWARE, Ii eve: upon which taxee are levied. -- Property values ure high and there are thriving industries which pay large proportion of «the taxes. fone would atop and consider the advance | that hes been made in all kinds of goods, they would be convinced we cannot only Property beat Mail Order Houses, but give you better service--OTTON HARDWARE CO, LTO. BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNITURE, All Furniture looks the same in pictures. Buy where ygu are sure of a square deal and you are taki no chances, Big line of Furniture for every room in the house. --DOUGALL BROS. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE in o dead town, patronize mail order Howes. If you want bur town 10 grow and prosper, do your trading at Home. See us for your Hard- ware and save money, to 0. --MERRILL & HUBBARD NOW IS THE TIME to look up your needs in Wall papers. Our new Books of the latest patterns of wall paper are here. Come in and get one. Big line of Paints, Oils ete We carry largest stock in Barrie. --JOHNSTON & WARREN THE EDISON DIAMOND DISC Phono- graph is considered the best phonograph on the market, We are ole agents for them in Barrie and will be pleased to demonstrate it to you. All the latest Re- jeords on band, including the Amberola | J. G. KEENAN, Music and Book Store. |OF COURSE YOU ALL KNOW I handle the Ford, the universal car; besides I also am agent for the Dodge and Eight-Cylin- | der Oldsmobile. Get in your order for your cars early. Big lines of accessories and : supplies. --T. R. HUXTABLE | The higher the property values and the greater the wealth of the community the lower ure the tax levies, for a lower tax fou each hundred dollar of valuation is required to produce the necessury revenue for the udministration of the city and coun- |. ty governments, \ Other Taxes are Raised | On the other hand, teke # dead town, values are low. Merchant' stocks are small and they have little money in the bank. Industries which ordinarily pay a large part of the taxes of a communi- ty have closed down. There sre vacant store buildings which were formerly filled with stocks of merchundise upon which the owners paid heavy taxes. Who pays the taxes that were once paid by the mer- chants, the manufacturers, the bankers and the men who had large holdings of high- priced property? The taxes to conduct the city and county governments, to maintain the schools, to build and repair the roade ust be collected from someone. Who pays them' The man who owns his little homie or the vacant lot or two upon which he has been planning to build his home must pay double or triple the amount which he puid in the times when the town wox prosperous, to make up for the taxes which are not paid now by the merchants, the bankers, the manufyeturers and the big property owners who bore the heaviest burdens of taxation when timex were good The farmers in the country surrounding the town are nlso among the heaviest suf- ferers from the ebbing of the town's pros: perity, A certain amount of moey must be raised by taxation to provide for the ex- penses of the county, Roads must be built and kept in repair. Bridges must be built IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT 'WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? 'THE DOLLAR YOU. SPEND IN BARRIE WILL "COME HOME TO BOOST" The Examiner "BUY- Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads. are here. They will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Barrie. T OME" TAXES RAISED BY HARD TIMES --_--_--_--_--_--_- Burden Is Lightest in Communities Boasting Live and Thriving Towns--Farmer Feels The Effect Is Inclined to Forget, at Times, That He is Most Vitally ity of Near-By Towns. jund maintained. Jeers must be paid. County institutions for the care of the sick and the poor must be [maintained In counties which contain one or more thriving towns, a large propor. tion of the taxes for the county are paid by the towns, The greater the wealth of Salaries of county offi- the towns and the higher the property valuations, the lower the tax levy for the entire community. When the tax levy is ad the burden placed upon the farmer is ight. Burden Falls on Farmer | When the county contains nq prosper- tion. Big Stock of Men's perous merchants with stocks of goods ous und wealthy towns, the greater part of the burden of taxation for the county falls on the farmer, The value of the far- mer's property does not fall in proportion to the value of the property in the town and the higher tax levy that results from the lower property values in the towns makes his taxes higher. The farmer forgets at times that be is vitally interested in the prosperity of "his town." He thinks that it ia up to the town to take care of jteelf and that( it is up to him to take cafe of himself and be over- looks that fact that the prosperity of thé town means as much to him as it does to those who live in it, The farmer who igp inclined to overlook this fact has only to think of the matter of taxes and be is likely to change his point of view for taxes are one thing whith neither he nor any- one else can eecape, and the in which the farmer ordinarily takes very' lively interest, | How Farmer Can Help There in just one way in which the far- mer can best promote prosperity in the town near which he lives and that is by spending his money in that town instead of sending it away to the far-distant city. Every time the farmer sends an order to a mail order house he helps destroy the prosperity of his own community, und to boost his own taxes, When he sends o dol- lar away from home he gets none of. it back. When he spends a dollar at home, a part of that dollar comes back to him in come way. It helps the town where it is apent to provide a profitable market for his products and it helps the town pay a large part of his taxes, The farmer is the one man in the com- munity, above all others, who should have no love forsthe mail order houses for they are doing more to add to his troubles than any other one agency. Ce eee aE IIEInIE INSEE EEEEIERSEEEESEIRIN NOW, ALTOGETHER, let us cultivate the Habit of Buying at Home and make Barrie a better town. making prices on dry goods and Ladies' Wear an object lesson on Buying at Home. --J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS 1F PRICES 'anything a D QUALITY COUNT for it to our store will convince 'will surely be an object to every close buyer. Try us out. --SARJEANT & KING, Limited Campaign WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending out-of-town for Dry Gooda, as our prices are lower than out-of-town concerns. Get posted. Get our prices first and be sure, Big Stock of all kinds of La- dies' goods. --MOORE & ARMSTRONG --------------_-------------- GET OUR ESTIMATES on your Heating and Plumbing. Have your plumbing done in a sanitary way. It will save doctors' bills, If we do it yoo are sure it will be done right. Buy at Home. It pays. --G. W. RAYMES, Plumber --------_-------- OUR STORE IS FULLY STOCKED with an up-to-date line of Clothing und nifty 4 stock of Genta' furnishings. Get our prices first, it will be w big lewon on Buying at Home every time. _--R, A. STEPHENS MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCER- HES. Come in or get, us on the phone and get our prices, We buy close and sell close, Everything always fresh and wholesome, Buy at Home--eee the difference "_--HINDS BROS, WHEN IT COMES TO DRY GOODS we just will not be undersold, either in or out of town. Make us prove it. Get our prices first, Big stock of all kinda of Ladies' Goods carried. --DEVLIN & MURCHISON WE ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST to display the latest creations in Ladies' Hate and | Millinery. Keep in touch with the latest fashions and shapes. Big stock of ready- ,to-wear Hats in stock. --V. 8. BROWNLEE POOR PLUMBING is dear ut any price. Alll our help are thorough mechanics. If we do that job of plumbing or heating you can rest assured it is done right. Get our esti- first MOFFATT & PARR ---- WE ARE READY FOR YOU with our spring line of Clothing. You will find just what you want in our stock. Call and see our immense stock before you buy. It will pay you. --THE W. C. HUNTER CLOTHING CO. you deal with us. Big lines of ull kinds of Jewelry to choose from--W. L. REEVE HOW ABOUT THAT SPRING Have it made to order. We muke a epec- inlty of Ladies' Tailoring ux wel us Men's, If we make it, you can be eure of a perfect fit. Come in and see us 4. TWISS THERE IS NOTHING IN THE DRUG LINE you cannot find at our «tore, all 100 per cent. pure. Big line of Proprietary med- icines, Toilet articles, Sick-rocm supplies, It will be to your advantage to trade he PATTERSON'S, The Rexall Store, Alland IT 1S OUR AIM to sell all kinds of grocer- ies and Provisions at clore prices, We have made a success with this system and propose \to stick to it. us out and Buy at |Home. --J. D. WISDOM & CO, Allandale, | f RESIDENTS OF ALLANDALE clo not need to look further for Dry Goode or clothing. We will do our share by anyone we carry the stock and our prices) You will find just what you want at our store in big variety, at prices that are much lower than other Stores. Try out, --JOHN WEBB 1 = 'DON'T LIVE IN DARKNESS. Have your YE QLDE FIRME--HEINTZMAN & CO. |MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR HOME for House wired for Electricity. Get our esti- |mate. Big line of Fixtures. We do every- ig but furnish the Juice, Call us up-- we are prompt. We do Plumbing and Heating also. --LIVINGSTON & MOODIE has a one-price aystem all over Canada. You get just as good service at our store as in Toronto, not only in pianos but in all lines of music. --GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE, Phone 2590. P. 0. Box 176 | your auto. If it needs repairing I can do |it quick. "Big line of 'accessories and tires, oils, grease, gasoline, Run your car in 'and we will do the rest --WALTER TURTON'S GARAGE MAIL ORDER HOUSES do not hurt our business, but we are in line with anything that helpe our town and merchants. We jdo Undertaking in all up-to-date methods. Buying at home is a good idea. --E, J, BYRNE, Undertaker. WHEN YOU WANT TEA, BUY AT HOME. We are selling Black tea at 50c per Pound, that has no equal at the price. If you have never tried it, ask for a sample. b | | --MERRICK & LITSTER, the latter's brother, Harry Sargeant. Pte. H. Truax returned home last week from France. I am sorry to report that Fred Coulxon was seized with n paralytic stroke on Sun- "day, April 6. Mx Hurlburt of Toronto has purchased the Palace Thentre from the Canada Am- usement Co, and is busy tearing it down, STROUD | Apr. 7--Wm. Carlyle, of Toronto visit- Jed Mr. and Mrs, E. T. McConkey this week. Miss Mary Duncan spent lust week with Mrs, Higgins at Painswick. Miss Grace Irving of Alliston visited Miss Jessie Webb last week. Mrs, Cane of Sturgeon Falls visited her aunt, Mrs, Johnson Black, last week. Miss~Hunt spent over Sunday with Mr. and: Mpé. O)\Peters, Allandale. Mr. (Burton (who has recently returned from overseas) is spending a few days with his uncle, Wm. Wright. Miss Beckie Forbes spent a few da: week in Toronto. Miss Lillian Reid is at her home here for a few da last CUNDLES oe nig Gt Leadon. Ont, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Irvine, and her sister, Maud. . . Mrs, Wallsce Brown returned home o1 Saturday from Toronto, presenting a little daughter to Mr. Brown for the first time. Mr. and! Mrs. Ferguson an: art and the merchant tailor who is proficient in this art ix bound to get the preference, Try us for your next suit. Big lines of woolens to choose from --F. J. LOWER CUTTING AND FITTING OF CLOTHES is iF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING or} repairing, seus for all kinds of lumber or building 'mate¥ial. Bills cut to order on 'short notice. Big stock Lath, Lumber, shingles, etc |. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LTD. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND a big variety of all kinds of heavy 'and shelf Hardware tinware, Stoves, Kitchen' utensils, farmera and mechanics' tools at lower prices at our jetore. Don't send ont of towp' Buy at Home! ALLANDALE*HARDWARE CO. / --J. 8, BRUNTON {CALL UP PHONE 164 and we will attend Ito your Grocery orslers. When you trade 'here 'you axe sure' of getting the best of {pure food supplics at close triews, Ruy at A. FLEETHAM, Allandale, |Home. BOYS, IT WILL SOON BE TIME FOR 'IF YOU ARE NOT BUYING your Boots | KEEPIN TOUCH WITH US in the Jewel- YOUR BICYCLES. bring it to me and have it ready. Big line of auto accessories and sporting goods on nd, Buying at Home is s good wea --WALTER URRY, 36 Bayfield St. school was closed lust week, but re-opened again on Monday: 'A petition to the Hydro Electric Co. ix largely signed to have electric lights at Cundles. To. Kill Sprouts on Stumps The Australian Forestry Journal is au- thority for the following method of killing sprouts which persist in growing from stumps after the removal of trees. The method, it is claimed, is effective: "Procure 1 pound of arsenic, 1 pound of washing soda or one-bulf pound of caustic soda, one half-pound of whiting, and four gallons of water. Dissolve the soda (either form) in a convenient amount of water, using heat, if desirable, to assist and has- ten it; then'slowly add the arsenic, pre- viously made into a thin paste, stirring all the time; place on a strong fire, and after it has come to a boil, allow it to re- main boiling for st least balf an hour; stir from time to time, and be careful to stand away from the fumes, which are poisonous and spt to cause sickness. It is advisable to do this boiling out-of-doors, When the arsenic is thoroughly dissolved, the solution may*be made up to the requir- ed bulk by adding the remainder of the water either hot or cold, The whiting is added merely to serve as an indicator of the trees treated, as it turns white on drying." 'Although the sprouts can be killed at any season of the year with the poison,~the best results are obtained by using yit i the winter months. | Farmers' Sun on Col. Currie 'money. Big stock of Ladies' Shoes, up- to-date styles. Shoes for the Kiddies in big varieties. Buy at Home --H. B. MYERS side came from that doughty hero, Col. J. A. Currie, who adopted an attitude of fat defiance to the farmers, promised uncom. promising resistance to their demands and warned the Unionist Government that if they yielded to Mr, Maharg und his tribe the Conservative party would be at once revived to defend the tariff. Col. Currie is a gond speaker but a poor economist and, if the facts do not agree with his pre- Teonceived notions, it is a black outlook for the facts, He had all the stock pro- tectionist arguments and a few new ones to boot. He painted a gloomy picture of the vast store of manufactured goods which Germany was prepared to dump upon Cana- BOUGHT, SOLD 71 Bay st, STOCKS BOUGHT {VICTORY "AT BEST MARKET PRICES . Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for information. " " BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange EXCHANGES \ ( If it wanta, repairing, }and Shoes from us we are both losing |ry line. I enrry a big stock of aljRinds of ing on xhért notice, 'atch Inspector for GT. 1. 1 mwue Marriage Licenses. --W. B. WEBB. Allanda' | Jowelry | Railroad. da in the near future. In point of fact, all geports agree that Germany m starving, |andbhas neither food or clothes for her own ggonle.. There is not the remoteet pore. bility of her export trade reviving for many months, Col. Currie hus a strong body lof supporters in the House, and his speech revealed the fact that the old protectionist gung has learned nothing and still clings to the idea that it, must control the des tinies of the people of Canada. | Read the advertisements, | Buy advertise? things, | Save by the W. S. 8. plan. BONDS OR EXCHANGED TORONTO. AND SOLD ON ALL, y

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