Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1919, p. 16

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* of friends. The very deep sympatl " circle of friends here, where abe was born Page Sixteen ALLANDALE NEWS SSSS--_--_--______====EB=E--___E__ ian --Stunning Suits and Coats---AT VICKERS' Mre, Geo, Dewar has gone to Guelph for a abort holiday. Mrs. M. J. Kenny of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Flaberty, Bradford street, for a, week a Mrs. E. H. Firmao, Jr, is visiting friends in Ningara Falls, N.Y., for » few days. Mr M. J. York and ber son, Marshall 'York, are visiting ber daughter in Detroit for a couple of weeks. . Mrs, H. M. Hooker of Newmarket is visiting her parents, Mr. und Mre, W, Met- calf, Victoria street Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton are bome afier visiting Montreal, Quebec snd Atlan: tic City 'Mr, and Mrs. Perdue, sfter an extended | visit at R, Cannon's, have returned to their home in Caledon East. Geo, Smithson, formerly on the staff of the railway restaurant here, has been sp- pointed manager at Palmerston. Capt. (Rev.) E. C. Earp of Toronto, late of Regina, will preach in St. George's Ghurch next Sunday morning. He is but ently returned from France. recently Willer, formerly with the G.TR. | bere, is visiting Allandale friends after three years of war-time activities overseas. Tuesday morning rome tur near the Y.M. GA. took fire and it looked as though the building might take fire so the brigade wus called. Fortunately the "Y" was not damaged. A Waliiniauity) meeting was held last Thursday to arrange for the organization af a St George's Athletic Club. Another feeting will be held next Monday eve- ning in the Memorial Hall 'On Sunday night, Pte. Geo. Firman ar- rived at the home of his mother, Mrs. E Firman and is looking fine, When only seventeen he signed up with s Lindsay unit and saw much active service. "Thos. Parr, having sold his home in, Baldwin. street to Mr, Hutebings, has | bought §. J. Coulter's property in Cum. berland street, Norman Liscumb has Al posed of bis house in Burton avenue to L. G, Plowman of Stayner | 'The final games in the bowling tourna: | iment were ph Friday night snd re: sulted as followe Sovernment, 4; Muni ment, giv: on Friday nigbt to celebrate the Muni- cipal victory i Death of Mrs. I, Ambrose \ To the inany friends of Mes, Isaac Am- hrese the sad news of her death on Satur: day morning came us 9 great ebock, Mrs. Ambrose had been suffering with goitre which had developed to such a degree that a Toronty specialist advised an opera- tion if her life was to be prolonged. The operation was performed inthe Toronto ci Lospitul on Saturday morning but the patient died under the anaesthetic | Mrs. Ambrose was the youngest daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drury, Barrie, and was exactly 37 year of age, her death | occurring on the anniversary of her birth. | Fifteen years go she married Mr. Ambrose and to bles their union four sons and three daughters were given, all of whom | survive Deceased ix also survived by her par- ents, two brothers and two sisters, viz., vronto, Henry Drury Stegeles of Midland ». Garvin of Chicago. Mm. Ambrose was a woman of many estimable qualities and had a large circle felt for her family so suddenly and sorely be- reft_ was indicated by profusion of beau- siful floral tributes. eral took place on Tuesday af- | ternoon to, the Union Cemetery from the | 75 Burton avenue, eu fomily residence, 75 rervices being conducted by Rev. W. Watt of the Presbyterian Chureh of which | deceased wos a member, | A Watch for Pte. Allen 'On Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. | and Mrs, George Leslie, Allandale, met 4 number of friends und acquaintances | of Pte, Stanley Allen, who bas just re-| turned from the field of battle Pte, Allen left Canada with the 157th" Bn, but was later transferred to the 116th. | During his long period of fighting, Pte. | Allen wax gassed once, but not enough to give him "Blighty", "Other than this in- jury he escaped murvellously, und the gen- | rral remark passed is --'"How well he looks!" The early part of the evening enjoyed at | Mr. Leslie's was spent in playing progres: sive euchre, after which a short but inter- esting programme was given. E, A. Little weted as chairman and guve a speech of , warm welcome to the four returned boys | who were present At the close of the programme and be- events of the evening be- cing uildrese was read by | Mist Aileen Srigley, ond Miss L, Cochrane presented to Pte Allen a gold watch and chain :-- | y We, your friends and rel utives of this «urrounding neighbourhood, | assemble this evening to try to show, to! our trifling extent, "the gladness of our hearts in weleoming your safe retiirn to | ais. As one of our youthful hero represen: | tatives you faced death and bravely took your stand to defend Liberty and Right, and to beat the tyranny of Prussianism, from holding sway over us.. "Your bit," you have done, and for your services we ask you to accept this slight token of our regard. For them whove life-blood bought our Pesce and Freedom, we feel assured that a great reward awaits them in the Land where war is not. Signed on behalf of your friends, Wmr Kell, C. Mf. Srigley. The Late Mrs. Drysdale Meaford Express.--The eudden death of Blanche McInnes, beloved wife of R. W. Dryedale of Barrie, took place on Mar, 23, after a few hours illness from convulsions, The sad news of her sudden death wan re. ceived with profound regret by a Jorge { ' and raised to womanhood, On Saturd evening she was down town at Barrie and was in the. best of health and spirite and on Sunday morning she went into con- vulsions and never regained conseiousnear, death following 2 few hours later, 7 The late Mrs. Drysdale was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector. Melnnes of Meaford, who very recently left here to reside st Edmonton, Alberta, Prior to her marriage, seven years ogo, deceased resided here and was a favorite umong ber girl friends and associates. Since her mar- riage the late Mrs."Drysdale lived at Elm. Vale and later at Barrie. Besides her husband and daughter, five years of age. deceased is survived by her parents, two sisters and one brother. Pte. George McInnes, who is at present" over- wens, , AT VICKERS' Thursday, April 10, 1919 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Beautiful Millinery, Pretty Waists and Skirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Silks, Gloves, and Other Dainty Requisites Are here in the widest and most attractive assortments presented in this District and in our pricing of these fresh and beautiful arrivals we again illustrate the matchless economy which this Store provides for its customers. A WORD OF ADVICE--Do your Easter shopping early; avojd the rush and nervous hustle of Easter Week Shopping. Your shopping will thus be more pleasant and your purchases more satisfactory. Reduced Price in Black Silk trous finish. It is our regular $1.85 Silk, Ester Sale only ivcee $139: As u Special Easter Offering we place on sale one yiece (88 yds.) Fine Black Puillette Silk, 36 inches wide, of splendid weight, for Dresses und Waists, warranted first dye, of a nich, lus THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is of noteworthy interest with its numerous examples of the w ver's art and our aystem of close prices on such lovely materials makes your visit to this Store doubly interesting, These are worth your while: FINE ALL WOOL BOTANY SERGE, 54 inches wide, in Navy and Black. An excellent weight for Suits and Sitrts, Color guar- anteed. Yard $5.00 FINE FRENCH DYED BROADCLOTH, 54 inches wide, splendid for Coata or Suits, in Reindeer, Navy and Taupe. Yard . $5.50 FULL YARD WIDE NOVELTY SILKS FOR SKIRTS in stripes, checks and plaids, in a very large range, many in individual lengths, exclusive to this Store's selling. Yard $1.75, $2.75, $3.00, $3.15, $3.25, $3.50 and $4.00 SPECIAL SILK FAILLE of the better grade, 36 inches wide, lovely finish in Black, Myrtle, Belgium, Navy, Plum, Burgundy, Sand, Taupe, Steel, Pearl, Ivory, Seal, Tan, Corn, Pink and Sky. Yard * . tinea aeaecetg erase $2.00 FINE IMPORTED PURE WOOL SERGE SUITING in Grey, Plum and Burgundy, full 54 inches wide, » good cloth and extra value st Yard . . ' seed $5.75 BLACK SILK DUCHESS, full 36 inches wide, medium weight, reliable dye, bewutiful finish und good wearing quality Yard 2... : é - $2.75 NEW SILK JERSEY CLOTH--Absolutely Pure Silk, A novelty that is very much in demand and becoming scarce. It is of Pure Thread Silk with u Jersey Cloth Weave, is medium weight with a lovely sheen. It is 40 inches wide and selling in Fashion's centres at from $6.50 to $9.00, It comes in Oyster, Ivory, Gout, Steel und Black, marked for quick selling. Yard... $5.50 Do tot miss seeing this Attractive Novelty WINSOME SUITS AND COATS We have plenty of them here; youthful styles por- traying youthful lines full of grace and beauty and be- coming styles for elderly and stout women, cut and mo- delled by specialists, and priced to meet with your ap- proval. Coats ..... Suits . se eeeeee s+ $21.00, $32.50, $38.75 ...+ $26.75, $35.00, $40.00 to 53.00 DAINTY DRESSES To buy Dresses without seeing these first or last will be an ill advised move and possibly a source of later regret, and we should add--that you will like the prices just as you will love the Dresses. $12.95, $16.50 to $25.00 ASPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHARMING SILK AND COTTON WAISTS is here for your selection. More Styles--Better Styles-- Prettier Styles--than we have ever shown. Such a di- versity. Here are the smart and simple effects as well as the more elaborate styles, in Vestings, Voiles, Habutai Silks and Crepe de Chene and Georgette Crepe. There's no scarcity. Prices from............. $1.50 to $8.50 INDIVIDUAL BECOMINGNESS, EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND CHARACTERISTIC QUALITY ARE FEATURES OF OUR NEW EASTER MILLINERY--- You'll find here many Hats that_will_admirably suit _you. Hats that will seem to have been designed and created especially for your personality, and that are individually becoming, and you need not worry about being confronted by a score of duplicates of the Hat you buy here, because the styles are exclusive and real Vickers' Values--every one. Come and See. _Miss Marshall, Miss Lawlor--Miss McCall, Chief Trimmer VICKERS' STOCKING VALUES In us few words as posible this Store wishes to make it known that it is prepared to supply all of your Hosiery Needs for Spring and Summer Wear. You know our reputation for Stocking Values and this season's offerings fully maintain our position and justify our claim as Barrie's Prenuer Stocking Store. Resad--Mark your Needs--Come and Compare. WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE in Battleship Grey, Pure Wool. seamless foot, much in demand, sizes 8% to 10. Pair ... $140 CHILDREN'S IX! RIB CASHMERE HOSE, in Bluck und White and Tun, elustic rib, and seamless foot Sizes diy, 5, 54%, 6, 614, 7, 7, 8, Prices 50c, 50¢. 55c. 60c. 65c. 75c. 80c. BOC. 90c. WOMEN'S PURE SILK THREAD STOCKINGS, Black Cat Brand, Lisle toe and heel, spliced sole, grand value, in Black, White and Grey. Sizes 8% to 10, Pair ceveeee ee SL WOMEN'S SILK HOSE WITH COTTON TOP, reinforced Heels and Toes, a splendid stocking in the New Beaver, Navy, Light Grey, Tan, White and Black. Sizes 8% to 10. Rare Value Pair gocsvess a siacuece $1.25 WOMEN'S MACO STOCKINGS, very fine grade, with seamless foot und gurter top, shapely, comfortable and good wearing, in Black and the new Cordovan (Brown shade). Sizes 81% tc 1 Pai . jie, SOR CHILDREN'S WHITE AND BLACK IX! RIB in a fine Maco Stocking, perfect fitting, strong wear sod seamless foot, Extra worth, Sizes . <.:+5, 5%, 6, 6%, 7, 7%, 8, BY Prices................456, 50e, 58¢, 55c. 60c. 65e. 70c. 75c. SPECIAL SALE OF SAMPLE HOSE, comprising Plain Silk, Plain und Ribbed Lisle, in Women's und Children's sizes. Light and Dark Grey, Brown, Tan, Cordovan, Nuvy and other colorings; slo Black. These sre manufacturer' Samples, absolutely per- fect goods, no flaws and in the best condition' Bought at a reduction of one-third off regular price and pawed on to you on the sume terms. Tuke advantage. Come and See them be- fore the choice is limited, Pair . .25e up to 90c CORSETS FOR THE r@ NEW APPAREL =| Women realize that the Corset is one of the most important factors in their Dress. It is necessary to s perfect fitting Dress that the Conet eball also fit the figure. Our line of the New Spring Corsets con- tains the best of the standard makes, in a full range of sizes and styles. They will help you attain the relaxed, graceful poise and slim figure demanded by this season's fashions, ' We sell Cfompton's D. & A., Nemo and the] celebrated 'Gossard' Corset, the Queen of /all Front-Lacing Corsets. Comets in every grade from 75c ta, $8.00 Consult our Corseti@rre--Mies Nash. WE SELL VICTROLAS We are distributors for Barrie District for Victrolas and all of "Hix Master's Voice' Productions, Before you invest your money, come in and see and hear the Victor Victrola, as only by comparison can you be convinced of the superiority of the Vic- trola over other makes. rds from Stock . 8, 8%! THE MOST POPULAR KID GLOVES Are contuined in the 'Tref These are shown in Putty shades, Pan and Br and White and Black, and priees are based on a contract' made ned 15 months ae ao- ire $1,75, $2.00 and $2.50. All fi French Produetion In Silk Gloves we show the celebr in Black, Grey, Pongee 1 White. Pri Pair. ou et GA ie "Niagara Maid" » for the best grade, See ee ee $1.25 BRAND NEW PRINTS AT LESS Nearly 000 yards of New Prints, direet from our own tanadian Makers, in light and medium colorings. Th Mill Ends, perfeet goods and fresh from the Printers, y come in lengths of from i yds. to 15 y and consequent of their being of short lengths were offered to us at a sub- reduction On Sale Now at 'Yard...... 270 'This is a Bargain--do not Miss it. This Is for Boys It is said than he finds "A wise man will make more opportunities This is applicable to Boys just as well as the grown ups. And may be ire so because the habit gathers as it grows and is sure te result in greater achieve- ments later on. You can create a demand atid make money by building Bird Houses. There I soon be a call for neat and attractive Bird Houses of all kinds and the Boy who will profit, most is he who first gets busy, Get in on the ground flour--try it---you'll be surprised with the results. BIRD HOUSE COMPETITION y for the Best 5 Bird Houses by any Boy of 19 years and of Simeoe We will give Prizes in Mon made and shown at this 8 under, living in the Count Regulations-- 1 'There are no restrictions as to entries, make as many as you like, 2°) All entries must be aecompanic theck, showing that a purehase of one pair of 8' Socks has been made at this Store 3 Entries must be all in on or before Saturday the 26th of April. 4 Not more than One Prize will be awarded to Any One Boy (5) Bird Houses for competition must be delivered to the Store on or before Saturday, 26th uf April. Points In Judging-- i with a, Sales ckings or Architectural Design .. 10 Points Neatness in Execution ee . 10 Points Adaptability for the Bird Inmate 19 Points ist Prize $4.50 in Cash 2nd Prize... .. . . wees ee ee ee ee ee ee £3.50 In Cash Srd Prize .. 1. ee ee ee ee ee ee $2.50 in Cash Ath Prize .. $1.50 in Cash 5th Prize diel 65 Wale, Wave: ie: os ew vie LOOT Galati The Prize-winning Bird House to become the property of this Store. ; Make Your Entry Early. Cut out and use this form : VICKERS' STORE: Please enter my name as a competitor in your Bird House Competition. 1 prom- ise to bring my entry to your fore on or before Saturday, 27th pril, Name Address A fair deal--a square denl--that's what you get when you come here for,your Suits and other wearables, The mun whose 'suit comes from this Store is certain of the satisfuction that sccom- panies the knowledge of being neatly and stylish- ly attired. Every Suit is stylish, durable and sure to be satisfactory. We also show complete assort- ments in Shirts, Socks, Underwear, Ties and Collars, 'As we have just said--It's a Square Deal if you shop Here. Come on in and See. | R. MALCOMSON, Mgr. § If you are one of those brave boys who sérved your country "Over There'--you're the stuff-- 10 per cent. off the price of all your "Civie" Outfit. SAVING MEANS WEALTH With the odd quarter dollars you save' you can buy a Thrift Stamp; when you have saved 16 of these you can exchange it for » War Sav- ing Certificate which pays you 4% per cent, in- terest. compounded every 6 months, Shop here and Save and buy your Thrift Stamps at our Office. Start To-day. .

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