Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1919, p. 14

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Bh a ia Page Fourteen "IT HAS " ford by W. L. Campbell, in Stroud NO EQUAL' by Chantler Bros., in' Craighurst THE SUNDAY SAYS ED. HO! by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury » 2 & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A. SCHOOL LESSON ¥ No Medicine Did Him Any Zrombley & Co., Jn Mt. Bt Louls =; {! 7 y E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon-|apRit, 13:CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR. ino, } Good Till He Took: Tanlac.| stone by J. B. Sykes, and in View [TRE 134 ve = vi toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.--| GOLDEN TEXT--"For God ¢o loved the | I "Tanlac has convinced me that | Advertisement, world, that he gave his only begotten Son, | } it has nd equal for people in the | that whosoever believeth in him should not condition I was in, for it has Why Do Hons Lay? Caer but 'bave everlasting life."" --Jno. made me feel like a different] Hens do not lay for the pleasure of it, TIME = -\ person," said Edward Hooper, of neither do oy lay for the ome of fe By the pre eaed A.D. 27. PLACE. , 2 Sc Ave. To |ereasing our bank account. one wi 7 : / < 2062, ft. Clair" Ave., Toronto, bas noticed a hen oo the nest in the 'act EXPOSITION.--I. Beholding Jesus, 35, Mt ee of laying or who has seen her as she stood | °°: a i For four years." he com | here staining 4 discharge an egg or who me oa enting Intently neon Jose 8 tinued, "1 suffere from an | has seen these eggs bloodstained from son® walked: CH. Ye:v that made' Joho | eae ki . - burst forth into this exultant and meaning. awful ea of stomach trouble, pinternal hemmorhage must realize that the ful ery. If we fix our eyen upon Him wo| My appetite failed and the little [hen does not lay for the amusement of the | "4, ery, the same, unlean alan our eye oe, dexsn hurt me, 1 felt {thing Every living thing desires to re- |i) OY "O Andrew, O John, lock 'he| . roduce its kind. Man hus selected and |"shtless. te bec eee Be there was a lump right ony /P cries, "'there goes the Lamb of God, the red und stimulated thia instinct in the . 4 the jut wfomy s ch and Was then until abe reproduces' lamb of God's own providing (Gen, 22:8), | wrodnote from twenty toate lark thet takes coer) cari oe constantly belehing up sour, inl fifty times what the original of her kind |e mb that takes away all man's guilt, i ' 7 | the lamb typified in the Passover and every | Aigested fut, 1 would get sa ldid, 'That is, they bred them for laying OF, "amrifiee" (Heh, 020) Tae ey | zzy that T woul aliiost fall, |and this work is still being carried on. The |? dala tea) MOR: Oa0Isy Thad dull headaches and felt un. {day a chiek leaves the shell it is endowed | 1. Following Jesus, 37, 38. | fit for work, 1 felt Twas getting [ib ll the yolks or eggs that it ean ever | The result of John's testimony was start | : ; {lay and several thousand more. No amount jling but delightful; Jobn and Andrew at HE ibe", TENE 1 (OU [oP ieeding ao epstern of housing, no meth-|once turned their backs on John and fol. Plup much longer od of care, however good it may be, will /lowed Jesus. John, great man, was Pleased | "have taken four Walttes of fudd one more yolk tothe number already |to be thus reserted' (ine 3: 36-300 ene Tanlac now. and am fecling fine. [provided by Nature. 'The method of feed: |stepe of Christian experience thes herrdy My appetite is great, and || ing, housing, breeding and care, deter- |they looked, they followed. Other steps | haven't heen troubled with indi. /™ines largely the umber of tiny yolks |eome shortly. We too must first look at i : "oT staring [Shieh any hen will be able to develop |Jesus as the Lamb if we would follow gestion or gas since started) |into full-size eggs. Breeding has more in. Him as our Ey nple. It is by the look, | 3 {fluence over this than any other one thing, not by the following, that we are acved gone, the and don't ever get the idea that you feed | (Isa. 45: 22; Jno, 3: 14, 15; ef. Nu, 21:91.) >] left me and 1 aety [a hen to feed yokes und eggs into her/We must first believe in what Jesus HAS ~ a different person body. You feed her for the purpose of en-|DONE (Jno. 19:30; Rom. 3:251, before |Abling «ber to develop the yolks which |we usk, "what would Jesus do?" 'and try Nature and breeding have already provided. |to imitate it. But it is by following thet | 5 1. |Man hus taken the jungle fowl, which only |we demonstrate that we really have Inoked | in Elmvale by W. aid a few eggs in the Spring, and he has and are anved (Murk 10: 52; 1 Jno. 2-6). | 4. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. 'bred and improved the wild fowl until we| II Abiding with Jean 38, 30 | Tanlac is sold "Tdon't think I can go, Jessie, for I just feel wretched" Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West, |now have hens Isying 300 eggs in a year.| From following Jesus the two men go on in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, [Nature never intended that any hen should |to abiding with Him, As soon us they be-| * shene by Ge n Bay {lay 200 to 800 eggs in a year, then by in-/gan to follow, Jesus turned und gused at . - " A . ' fe ¥ subau hene by ; ria my creasing production to many' times what hem a they followed, What look it was, | 6 H, I'm go sorry, for I did so want like you are, Jessie, I would give any- pay Nicoll hy 2 A. 'Battie in Allis. | Be "id fowl Isid annuslly, man has short-}so penetrating, so tender, so full of en you to be there." thing. ing 3 Dy : + in AIliS-| ened the life. Mod thods have not t. "One of th t nev ' 7 : " i ; fon hy E. B. Schell, in Lisle hy [only increased the production of a lifetime [force nen pQhe them oat least never I hate to disappoint you, dear, You never will be unless you try, and pas fis as iM Plait Mig ec bee ta I do not think you would be di ited Robt. E. Little, im Gilford by! but we are also forcing the overworked hen the very phraseology employed reproduces but you know how miserable I have been ith D: hi ¥ F ei Seppoin' James A. Blain, in Tottenhain by |to deliver her 15 to 20 year' supply in 'it. 'Then there cones a agen es lately." with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It is not Chas. Weaver, in Penetang-|two or three years. {ching as the look, "What seek ye?" They 'ately. only my case, but there are so many other uishene by Chas. A. Nettleton, nase ena Sbemesives: hut. vee "Yes, but I thought you were better." gine swe know who have been benefitted in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, i deep yeurnings e a : . y it. in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, Children Cry ee os mer ee oo b as eee days, and then I just "Will you get me a box at the drug : 3a Could water by C. Millard, in c |satisfy, 'They want to know Him better, bate arias a Fer} ile ear ag 80 store, Jessie, and I will start right in Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- ASTORIA She timidly ask, "Teacher, where do you e not teel able to stir. to-day? If this will only give me an appe- --- -- ~ - ----_. -- je late 4 anne, to enbblnatly, | "What is the trouble ?" tite and make the blood rich and red, so | w ye 5 n seek au Various thingy when they start to follow "The doctor says I am anaemic. He that me: get bome strength and color, I Jesus, pardon for sin, heuling for the body, Says the blood is thin and watery, and | Will be a 'appy girl. a ' jlesves: an Tne arp the man sho do not get the good of the food' I eat. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ig so gentle in Josta'" tacky WEIL det meals the bees | Goodness knows I do not eat much, either, action, and yet so potent as a restorative, : 2 gs te Haan ' ite." that it is a great favorite with women of 'of the question, but to their heart's desire, for I have no appetite. all ages. It seems to be adwivaty ees "Come, und ye shall see." What a moment | "why , 'SN a . It ser admirably suite of joy it was when Jesus suid thet. And Why not try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food? to the needs of their delicate nervous Be saying it lesley: toveegty sone iS "Would that help me, do you think?" systems, and on this account it has come wishes to come to 'ome fe " ; ive L says (Jno 6 37; Rew Mat, 11.28% I do not see why it should not. You '° fae Py ued as a means of IV. Bringing others to Jesus, 41-57. | remember how pale and weak I used to €S oring Vigor and energy to a rundown, No sooner had Agdrew really found Je be. Well, it was nothing else than Dr. ReTVous system. 50 cents a box, 6 for sus, hut he started: right off und gt his Chase's Nerve Food that $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & a heath d brought him to Jesus, The ase s Nerve Food that cured me. And own brother and brought him to Jesus, 'The T am not looki though I needed Co., Ltd., Toronto. On every box of the clear implication of the text is that John aT ooking as thougl needed any enuine you will find th 2 -s did the same This was just ae it whould medicine now, am I?" ia oY a W Ghus tsar und sig- -- he; ae soon ux we find Jesus we should "« r . Ww. e, M.D., the famous ko right off and bring some one ele, und If I could only be strong and healthy Receipt Book author. . ' the best one to begin with is our own BY brother. Apdrew did a great work in bring : ing rather to Jens, for i wan thi : hrother who iireachnil the great sermon on tses of the supporting braces was not In that case it is a! day of Pentecon drew's testimony present the writer 'is feeding crushed ote re ee ie eae eres tenllmony taney Io lusty ite wesesment to the "lay or bust."" But in the ease of your Pree hopper, open in The afternoon, ight 10 nt ned it for varmaen the owners of the lund breeding stock, it is fertile, hatchable eggs an the Messiah, Tt was his personal con- used it for various Purposes, It was, how- und strong, liveable chicks 'that you desire, versation with Jesus that had settled his ever, held that the city may aasesx the so we force the breedng stock to take 6 jmmind on this point, A season of personal uetual value of the hillbourds and for a lot of exercise by throwing all grain in| communion with Jesus is worth tons of business tax take in also the value of the deep litter, Feed sparingly all highly con- | apologetic literature Andrew did not stop Jand uctually eovered by the billboard, centrated foods, as Green bone, meat scraps, I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MIN- with giving his testimony, "he brought un average of about # foot in depth. The mixed mashes und foreing tonics, Compel ARD'S LINIMENT. him to Jesus." Never stop short of that. wugament will therefore be reduced by Pos: them to exercise for all their food, and Buy of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL. Jesus looked Peter through and through. sibly two-thirds, feed them principally on hard grains and I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MIN. He saw what he now was and said "Thou) Ax the judgment will doubtless be taken green food, The tendency at the present ARD'S LINIMENT. . jart Simon the son of Jonah." He She 2dvantuge of by Toronto und other cities, time is to feed dry mashes, and to use no: Springhill, N.S. WM. DANIELS, You may be able to defend yourself from a frontal |whut he was to become, "Thou shalt be!it is likely that a further appeal will be wet mash fodds. Mash foods tend to' I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by attack, but how about it if you are held up from galled Cephas" (rockman). It was faith /teken by the billboard compunice growth, and possibly egg 'production, but MINARD'S LINIMENT. the rear? Jin the Rock that was ip, triaatirn poe -- -- do not' tend to produce the best eggs for Albert Co., N.B, GEO. TINGLEY Y. A {ory Simon into extraordinary Rock-man Of Interest to Poultry Raisers hatching purposes, that is to say the mash : our body has to fight constantly against disease. (1 Cor. 10:4; Mat. 16: 16-18; 1 Jno, 5: 5). : j | on, ; neape Ss rea j Hen-Ry. is more or less of a forcing food. At| It isn't always a fair fight, because constipation is deme finder Philips, He: ent to (Gal Feeding the Breeding Stock | : a treacherous enemy that you usually don't re- een Piel Agr tbat purpose: Tt-wes. marth perioral a ! rosa: -- i ie eognize until too late |while. Short was the summons, "follow! Bear in mind that you must make u dif- ai og . ° ; 'i |me."' Philip did not know all it 'involved, |ference in the method of feeding and haut. NR Tevight---:. Stagnating, oison-forming food waste in your |but he obeyed. The influence of his towns- ling your breeding stock from the method So a . PI y 5 nm large intestines, helps disease to attack you and jmen, Andrew. and Peter, may 'have had | use in handling the laying ben Tomorrow Feel Right hinders you from'defending yourself Such self- much to do with the prompt response. Phil-| tn the ease of laying hens it is lurge " eae isoning ' ip was ® student of O.T. scripture and an | numbers of ey gs that is desired, and you Get a25¢ Box You mer be held ha, oe of pumas ilncss Gract man (v. 45). Philip t once bunte OP feed. the binds'all the rich foods you cam a g ? |. Everybody on who i constipation, trying vainly to free yee is found destx seemed te go at'nct for aang AMAL them to eat, and free production WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST ator I i ; one else, Nathanael was decidedly skepti- taking castor oi. pill, setts mineral waters, etc., cal about Jesus being the Christ... Indeed in order to force the bowels to move. Not only he did not believe He could be any good, will the constipation grow worse with the con- coming from Nuzereth. But he was sin- e tinuance of such remedies but you will be less cere (v, 47) and when Philip enters able to defend yourself against the attack whee bo argument, but rays, ome and ae", 1 e e . . i e came--and saw, athanael's skepticism Z ncomes. 5 ended in hearty faith. All honest skepticism Ny On the other hand, Nujol overcomes constipation ends that way. Jesus read Nathanael and brings about the habit of easy, thorough through and through instantly and Nathan- ' CO 4 ' bowel. evacuation at regular intervals. It acts sel saw "that Jesus thoroughly understood : Ws. 'gently and harmlessly, at all ages under any im and therotiy knew that Jesus was 'the : KB . y nditions. Son of God", "the king of Israel. ° H Told th f=. - Tek Nujol and angel had been "under the big treo", pray- Are Here To! e Best Rem iy ake tipati ; ing, asking God to reveal the truth to him * , | you and cripple you when you leest serene todd Jesus saw him there. How (eh. 2-281, for Their Troubles, Get a bottle of Nujol 4 So when Jesus told him He had seen him Freemont, O.--"'I was et a bottle of Nujol from your druggist today there in that deepest moment of his life iod of life, betng f and write for free booklet "Thirty Feet of *|Nathanael knew at once that he was fuce je symptoms inci Danger." to face with etc. (v. 49). 3 Billboards Can Be Assessed | . (Ottawa Citizen). | The right of a municipality to collect , {busines and property tax on billboarde hus : : n confirmed by the Ontario Railway and Nujol Laboratories Fa ee eee ee STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) | make 'shee bach ble Compound restored my calth after every' 50 Broadway, New York The 'billboards were assessed t had failed when passing through change of life. 'There fagovon: the: batiavch the soteal walecer toe {s nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms." . boards for property taxation and the value "Mra, Fuommuoe Isrts, Box 197, North Haven, Conn, F of the boards and the fand occupied for the business assessment. The assessment de- . z partment for the land occupied took : not only fhe Ind actually covered by the billboard (but the Jand between the braces atthe rear of the board. Last year the assessment for the property was Z $11,503 and for businesss $75,827, making a total of $87,330, ; The Williams-Thomas Company appealed to the court of revision against the assess: ; Nujol Laboratories, § ment and Iater to the county judge. One| , . 30 Broadey NewYork. Pletae send fae hres bouhisr sree?) Blache raceme of the to. Judge ' en ' Hipsalasrana facTavish was in assess: CES 'eet of Danger"--constipation and auto-intaxication in adults, porate Afede bein a was carried to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board which hus new given a ] decision confirming the assessment with slight. arendmenta, f 'The board held that the occupation of re ; the land between the bi '

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