Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1919, p. 12

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é ae Ps Page Twelve THE ADLET COLUMN "The cost of advertising in this column Is QNE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will tiven for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addl- Yional charge of 10¢. will be made. The Goregeing rates ace for CASH. When not rid for before the paper is issued, an ad- Gitional charge of 0c. will be made on all ediets less than one dollar. -------- EURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Mirs "M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfe FOR SALE--House with 5 scres ot less at | 28 Donald street. Apply on premises. 8-17p FOR SALE--House, lot (about 2% scres) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. | Enquire on premises 15-20p FOR SALE--Cedar posts, all sizes and Jengths. Apply W. 0. Partridge, 261 Bay- | field street, Barne. 15:the | TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, all modern conveniences. Essay terms, 'Ap- ply to Mrs. Smith, 60 Mary street. 11-16p | Brick House, Worsley street, Good Apply at this office. 14-106. | FOR 8ALE--3-Picoe Walnut Parlor Suite. Apply G. G. Smith's Storage. 15-tfe MAN WITH TEAM would plough etc. Apply 11 Florence street. 13-15p 44 Worsley atrett. $6.00 per week. 10-15p WARDROBE WANTED--About six feet | lor Box "C" Examiner office. 12tfe FURNISHED ROOM--For Rent, central lo- | cation, one or two persons. Phone 549. { 15-17p COLT FOR SALE--Hesvy draft, four years old, bright bay. Apply at this office. 15-15p WANTED--A Ford Touring car, must be in | good condition. Apply' to 'this office | 14-150 WANTED--Good general se Apply Mrs. R. A. Stephens, 123 Collier street, 12-tfo TO LET--Rooms and apartments for light 45, Bar- | lat Barrie, The thunder and lightning of last night was a bit early-for this season. G. Love & Son, Mitchell Square groceries, drygoods, hardware, cte., ete, 15-15¢ It is rumored that the Royal Bank is considering establishing a braneh in Barrie. A. W. Laidman left for the West last week taking with him a fine car of horses. #12,000 worth of hogs and cattle were shipped last Saturday Hogs brought 819.25 per ewt. Tames Vair bought two ear. loads of potatoes last week for shipment to Toronto, paying 95 cents per bag. Love & Son take over the xeneral store al Mitchell Square next week and will carry a full line of up-to-date goods. 15-15¢ Hot Cross Buns. The best, Please give your order early to 50 one of our drivers or phone Storekee Means much more to us making profit. . First and foremost in our merchandise. Next to that the right Behind both, good service. To make sure of the reliability, we sell clothes of proven merit, such as Bengard Bengard Clothes Good , we put reliability ping than merely prices. first feature-- housekeeping. Apply P.O. Box 5: Toei7p Brown's Bakery, We will ON FOR MUSKRATS, |_e SP Hliver early Friday morning, April pay highest prices. | 18th WANTED--Gardener and general outdoor | | 8th Bayfield street. phone 384 man, Apply Mr, Lawson, 87 Blake| Owen A, Smily or Taranty. the WilGe| oie 16-18¢ popular entertainer. will be. the -18e | 14 ° entertainer we the 5 i Five acres i i ~ {chief attraction at the big eon. FON aie eee pare a ere ET ae deal lone ais a ig St tae w --a standard of quality in every way wor- 0. or phone 440. R. B. Ae | Noo , 14-15 | i Thoralans Monday: pril 2 thy of our confidence--and yours. Ben- $$ ----_--__@ this chon draw a crowded | i saIehy ; EGGS FOR HATCHING --White Leghorns, |PROF. D. E. WEIR--Teacher of Piano and | hivuse 1ba1 gard suits are essentially stylish. At every the kind that pay, $1.00 'per setting 2| Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street,! 'The Simone (iy, Bee-keopers price they offer full value in appearance, for $150, H. [). Atherton, Barrie, phone | Barrie. 12-17 J will meet in vention om the workmanship, fit and finish. In all that 15-17 | YORKSHIRE SOW (young) for sale, from | pee saat fe inaates 's vans constitutes full value for every dollar you 3, ered stock ly 8. V. Jones, Oro 1 Sal rdlay, April Ui. a 7 ay, i 5, FOR SALE--1 bay Gelding, 4 years old,| teimtered stock, Apply ede iH. G. Sibhatd, a practical hee. pay, Bengard Clothes will measure up. general purpose, 1 aged mare; Prices mo- derute, J. V Brown, Burton Farm, Al- Keeper, of Toronto, will be pre. Let us demonstrate--Look through Tandale ' 12-tfe FOR SALE--100 Bushela Choice Seed Peas, jsent and deliver an address Spri ac 2 Apply W. D. Cochrane, R. BR. No. 2,! He Manel : f tnely OUT Spring assortments. FOR SALE--Two Brick houses, large gar-| Allandale TGR svuintuelitene bitten! tee Gace The prices are right--$19.00 to ft giecty ee eer ce alsiOw FoR SALE--Hawaiian' Guiter, complete, (Branch was the serong largest $42.50. Cundles 11-16p | Pe pation book. Also good rae lin its history. exceeding 837.000 Phone 520, ©. T. Grafton, the Distriel Mane CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old |W vceppapenenced arm hand for HHT. has the howe af heading | WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, fur uu overeat canbe mia ta lnk Oe aa ar year Ainly J. Ds Raines Ml" Owlaria thie Noll af over] WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE ee 'Auten. Mills 13-lgp. 75 preducing agents | -- Included in the car of horses EURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all WANTED Experienced farm hand Fl Nipped last week Oy 1 wt kinds of raw furs. Satisfaction guaran- Tied Free house and garden, ApPIY ii af Heal, WHS a teed, Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfisld 8! this ofice 1515p . ' tel Harry fy sery fine lean bought frei Robt : : P BICYCLE FOR SALE--Cleveland, almost Hell 'These were a registered WANTED --Reliable single man for farm, good ne new. Price, $40. Apply 27 mare weighing 1650 Ibs and a would hire for seven months, or a year. Maple avenue. 1515p) pelding Of L750 Ibs.----the heavi. State wages in first letter to Box ""B™ eh a Jest gelding ever weighed on the! Peaniner affic WHITE WYANDOTTE RGGS for sule-- jj) BUICIDE : Examiner office Jovfe TN $L.00 per setting of 15. G. Hi. Curtm 65 | Harrie weigh scales y WANTED Hore, weight ten to twelve John. street west 13-18p Phe farmers will find at tol hundred, not purticular ubout soundness, jtheir own tuterest be sell their €| but must be serviceable. Apply to Box FOR SALE--Bnick house, eight roome jive stock through the meditnn = \ A "D" this office © _15-15p bath, electric light and water, Apply wt iy the PEG. Cucnperative Ca RT oe eee PE FOR SALE CHEAP--1 vet of platform G ped AU Bart ohilice aa | oR complete, slmant ae ngood | HOUSE FOR SALE--9-room solid brick, /Made by A.W. Partridge, shipper) ie wood stave water tank, about lot 66ftx132. Apply on premises, 49 al Barrie. Present phone mums capacity, W. How, phone' Gowan «treet, Allandale. © 1318p ier, 224aRh. Further announey Ate SOW SALE "Eecdlon'Molorcgale and side BALE ior 'Motoreyale and eidk Tment next week 1$-lde : SALE--Excelsior Motoreycle and side : ' a Card of Th FOR SALE--A seven-roomed, "rough-cast | £9". Al. condition. Cheap for cash. Ap-| Friday afternoon, alithe corner, sci, DORN Me, lanse Arties pas to express Ee Merce house, with water and bath newly taal ply to Examiner Office 15-10p nt i Meabeth af an Maple Mn COUGHEY--to Barre, on Thuraday, Apr. natty to fiends, and ethers for 'heavy Township of Vespra pas dis 1 Cah. a Chin longing to the) 10, 1919, sod ' ' lie Chorch. Mm, Culverwell, 93. Owen { [4 ST---Crank for Overland Car, either on|ilizabeth St. laundry was knock. Harry Coughey, .|#ympathy shown him in the bereavement | Notice is hereby given that a by-law j sT---Cr | y wos é q of his wife. | was passed by the Municipal Council of the street. 9-tfe Worsley or Sophia street. Return to this ed sewn by Ed, Bingham's auto- CLELAND--In Barrie, on Friday, April 4, | Townshi fo Ve he 17th d office und receive reward. 15-15¢ hile and had" his face cut and 1819, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cleland, 9 | -------ee eS March, 1019, rovidiog te he THER day Of FOR SALE--Rougheast house in village of [mobile and had' his face cut ane daughter. TRINITY CHURCH larch, }, providing for the issue of de- Seana mort new. Good |HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar-(1? atm broken. 'The Chinaman qNAPP-Ip the R. V, Hospital, on Satur- bentures to 'the amount of $1,000.00, for "woodsbed 'and garden. Water at door, | age, fireplace, furnace, sleeping balcony, |dlarted cut fram behind a Waxon) dey, Apel & 101. to Mi, und Mr Bid: Sunday, April 13. the purpose of defraying the cost of con- Will well at right price,' W. H. Morison, | $1500.00 108 Peel atveet I-tfe! and ran right in front of the car,! ney Knapp, Barrie, 8 son... Sunday before Easter struction of certain extensions to the Ves- 'Cage, ages | ------$--_-- | xn bt could be attached to LAWR--At the Wellesley Hospital, Toron-| 30 Holy! Commun pra Municipal Telephone System, and that raighurst 16 | aur 5 No blame could be attached te to, ca Monday Marek, $i: 101900 ME a.m.--Holy Communion. such by-law was registered in the ,registry 'WHITE WYANDOTTE BGCS--iot Bar| train (Kennedy's) $200" for 15, 37 ae) (Uy, "uivet and Mrs, Waldon Lawr, 89 Orchard View 118---Moming Prayer and Sermon. office of the County of Simeoe on the 22nd ie Fair Cock and a grand cocker | Worn eee caper FA] OH. T. McLeod. chiet enginear | pr Mr Weldon Laws, 3.00--Sunday Schoo! and Bible Classes. |day of March, 1919. Any motion to quash Had tae pennies fons Piso hee bee lapperton. M6 yon the Str, Ziesing, was in OWN MATHERSIn the Royal Vietoria Hospi-| 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon, or set aside the same or any part thereof ers, Try them. $150 per 13. AFA - yesterday and today takes his | tal, Barrie, Apr. 3, 1919, to Capt. and Rev. H. D, Reymond, Vicar. must be made within three months after the "Maicomson, Barrie. 14-216 | arched ane earnished oF une oat out of Port McNicoll for the! Mm. J. A Mathers, » son. ee == j firm publication of this notice, and cannot cARM F L Veapea. House. Pb . Md6p.{ first trip of the season, He came PRICE--In the R.V. Hospital, on Saturday, | . . er. FARM FOR SALE, lot 2, con. 5, Inniafil, | one TE SJ iver from Cleveland. on Satur| APS, 1018, to Mr. and Mx, Wm. Price, ge Rang iain "euate Township. of Vesprs * Wal forced, good clay loem: good frame | FOR SALE--Four stockers, rising 2 yrs.!day on the special train of 13/_Barre, # ton. a aks, April Face Dated the 7th day of April, 1919. 18-17¢ thee weve tain fet rreciae - and 4 calves, 1 yr. Have no pasture. chartered by the Pittsburg 11 am.--The Pastor, mi _--oOo "Dutcher 'Thornton ery greet | GW: Atkinson, phone 997r81- 15-15 | Steamship Gu. to bring its 500 MARRIED | 7 pm.--The Pastor. Subject--'Typee df! Sixteen pages this week: Local men to the boats which wintered, GREEN--BARNES--At Central Methodist Men Whom Christ Has Called." (No, 3) |news on every page. no t ry pag ART--Mri, Iswbella Day, teacher of China decorating, former Art Teacher a Alberta Ladies' College, Edmonton, Alta. Firing personally attended to, Studio, 33 Louisa street, after April 15, 1L-I5p. EGGS FOR HATCHING--Bred to Lay, S.C. W. Leghorns, Cypher's-Barron strain. $1.00 per 13. Also baby chicks, 20c each, | Lieut. Newall, Budd Farm, Barrie. Or-| ders may be left at Brown & Co.'s. i 14-16p anne n tenner ere eee hc! "BACK from the front and in business again --well boring and digging, pumps, re- pairs wire fencing and roofing, galvan- ized ironwork of all kinds, cement work. Coment for sale. Estimates free. C. W. Gentleman, Phone Belle Ewart. 14-19p i ie cM oto 'WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keener, to take full charge of farm home with s buby boy 13 months' old. . No -ou'aide work to do. A good, comfort~ "able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Apply stating partic. ulars to Benjamin Wehb, Stroud P. or phone. 1 ------ OR SALE--Strictly modern brick house, on west Gi Burton avenue, full 'basement with attic, all modern conveni- rences, with hot-water heating, good gar- 'den and poultry house, good cistern and swammer kitchen, Will sell at a bargain, vmaall payment down and bslance like creo. J. E. Morrison, Phone 427, 52 Holgate, Allandale. 11-176 [i i FOR SALE--No. 1 Spring Wheat for seéd, grown on one of the cleanest farms in 'Ontario. Also one Wheelock engine, 50 THLP. in good condition. 1 stand of rolls '9x18 for crushing grain; 1 set of scnles, "3000 Ibs.;-1 smoke stack, quantity of 'ahafting and iron and wood pulleys. "ply, J. A. Shaw, Hawkestone Mill. . Ap- 13-160 |WANTED--Medium sized house to rent, or to purchase. All conveniences. An-| drew Hay, 21 Charlotte street. 15-15p ST--On Sunday night, between Collier sfreet Church and Post Office, gold bar pin, Finder please notify Box 431. Re-! ward. 15-15p STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Parson's Beauty, Glen Mary, Senator Dunlop and Arnott. 50 cents per 100. Apply A. Finlay, Mid- burst. ~ 1817p SEED PEAS, Ontario Vine, also a few bushels red clover seed. No. 1 for puri- ty. $20.00 per bushel. D. W. Lennox, Stroud, 15-15¢ LOST--In Barrie, on Saturday, 'April 5, brooch set with' stones. Valued us-keep- wake. Reward on retufning to 61 Don- ald street, 15-15¢ Jat Port Me coll. GENERAL MAID WANTED--Easy place. #. Mac- No children, Apply to Mra, D. 14-15¢ Laren. BLACK ORPINGTONS, very large Breed, eggs for sale, $1.00 per setting of 15. John Dougall, 117 Wor street. 15-15¢ 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--In Oro, brick house, bank barn, driving shed, etc., 3 scres fruit orchard, quantity bush, soft' and hard water. Apply Mrs. Mary J. Turk, Shanty Bay, R.R2. 15-20p WANTED--Policeman for night duty in Ward Six. Applications stating salary required will be received by the under- signed up till noon on Thursday, April 17. A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. | '15-15¢ LOST--Persian Lamb Stole, between Grand | Opera House and Vickers' Store, on Sat- urday evening last. Finder pledsevleave at this office, Reward, 15-150 FOR SALE--Modern Brick house, 6 rooms and bathroom, furnace, electric light. This house will be sold at o bargain. Enquire, The Sargeant Co. Ltd. 15-160 FOR SALE--A hundred acre pasture Jot, with a never-failing creek running through the corner. 9 miles north of SALE--Three Hundred Acres good rich) clay loam farm. En bloc or portion. | hs. Large bank barns, water service, stables, McKINNON--At the home of her father, brick house, furnace, splendid 'locality, near railways and county town. Posses- | sion at once, Investigate, Frank Quants, owner, Barrie. "Teowtt ! PRIZE WING STOOE Coreen Judges ssy my Single Com! je Is- land Reds sre among the best. Won First for everything shown at Barrie; also Guelph winner. Heavy winter Iay- Pen 1 for 13 W. C. Hun- 18-150 WANTED--Experienced Carriage and Au- tomobile Painters, coloring and color var- nishing bodies, upholsterers, trimmers and a catratee mel mad for various Chevrolet Motor Car Co. of Ont 15-17 partments. Canads, Limited, Osh: ELLIS--In Lockwood, Sask., HICKLING--At Wellesley Hospital, Tor- 6, 1919, Laura McKinnon, aged 43 years. wish to thank their bourse for kindness and sympathy shown | ithem in their recent bereavement. DYER--In proud and loving . Chas. C. killed in setion at' Vimy Ridge, 'Apri 9, 1917. - In the morning of life be was taken, Parsonage, on Friday, Apr. 4, 1919, by Rev. H. Moore, Roy Edward Green to Bessie Beatrice Barnes, both of Barrie, DIED AMBROSE--In Toronto General Hospital, on Saturday, Apr. 5, 1919, Annie Maud Drury, wife of Isasc 8. Ambrose, aged 37_yeara on Friday, Apr. 4, 1919, Maxwell Ellis, 1919, Eliza Harris, aged 80 years, months, Funeral on Apr. 10, at Grenfel. | HART--At the home of his laughter, Mrs, F, Hawkins, John street, Barrie, Sunday Apr. 6, 1919, John Hart, aged 80 years, onto, on Tuesday, Apr. 8, 1919, Ewart Elton Hickling, son of Mr. und Mrs, G. W. L. Hickling, Dalston, aged 21 years, 7 mont! Thos Teasdale, Vespra, on Sunday, Apr. Card of Thanks and Mrs. W. H. Martin, Knock, yy friends and neigh- Mr, IN MEMORIAM memory of Pee. . er, MR. Bi killed in sction at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Dyer, Holly, Ontario, 'Asleep us", IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Pte. T. R. Sperm, Before the noon-day sun, + " aged 68 years. HARRIS--At Con. 14, Veepra, on Apr. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BARRIE SATURDAY, APRIL 19 The Original Boston Company Direct From Its Record Break- ing Engagement in Montreal NOT A MOVING PICTURE --BUT -- A COMEDY WITH MUSIC AND GIRLS The Beiter' Ole By Captain Bairnsfather and Captain Elliot | { LEON GORDON PERCY JENNINGS 2 Years in London--Now Playing in New York : (6 Months) Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c; Gallery 25c. Plan at Malcomson's office, jWed. Apr. 16. C 4

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