' THE -BARRIE - EXAMINER | SiSYAn" + 3625 COPIES | commit theft, one of the most serious of crimes, The offence in hix case wax far worse than re ceiving from adults. "You were not dealing with Imposed Upon A. J. Tuck by|men. but with boys," said the Judge. "You were, as one mighi Judge Vance on Wednesday say, the ringleader and you gol . these boys "to commit these crimes for your benefit." ---- A fine of £100 and costs and "I feel that you must be Christopher Wren (not the de- ane month in jail wax the pun-|very much pained at. the signer of St. Paul's Cathedral: 'shinent meted out yesterday by} trouble to which you have/appeared in Barrie police court His Honor Judge Vance to A. J.| brought yourself," continued His to answer two charges of forg. Tuck, whi wax found guilty alHonor. "In looking around for ing pay cheques. pleaded guilty Week previous on three charges |an excuse the only thing ane can and was remanded a week fur of receiving stolen goods 'hink of is that you have allow-| sentence. Om behalf of the pfisoner there {ed yourself to drift into a con-| On. Feb, 28, while Fred A. was presented a petition with dition where you have no othe, Hodgson was on the North Bay 150 signatures including those of [eed "except money, You havelrun, Wren presented himself at four-fifths of the businessmen.|overlooked the fact that human |the pay car and asked for Hode- Leniency was asked on the {nature is weak and if false gods | son's cheque. Not knowing the eround that he had already been|are permitted to take hold they |difference the Paymaster handed weverely punished by the disgrace |will eventually overcome you. Mr.lit out and Wren cashed it later and business loss resulting there-|Bell has pul forward a strong land used the 855.04 it called for fren: Ht was also urged that the/plea for von which Iam bound|Ag this worked all right, he tr conviction alone was sufficient to}ta pay heed to and also to the: the same. trick again, on Mareh perve as a warning to others|petition from your fellow citi! 34, the eheque in this case being having dealings with bays. W [zens for T fee] that they have) one of 856.02 for W. Grahain A. te Bell, his lawyer, stated that}the same interest in upholding |Ax the G. T. R, detective was on 'Puck had recently bought heavily Taw and arder that I have. Thope the watoh for a repetition of (he frau the Munitions Board and) when signing each considered} artence, Wrea was soon in the had horrewed $1600 to handle| his responsibility and was nod| faite WHese purelitses, Mr Rell said /influenced by motives other than Te the magistrate he said he his echent at the time did nog/merey and what is right jis 29 years of age, married wilh think Tew clase tie wad sailing! While it was nul itenal ta tiie lone child of two years, He was fe the wind and the setious effect nose fines for such offences, the la shoemaker in Lincaln, Nebras Homight have on the boys, but idge {if only seemed right ka and came to Toronto six yoare Ms he filly realizes now. Wis (that same of the il ellen gains ake. For a couple af years he exper > wend have al des | stout he taken from the offend. (Was engaged making munitions jarrent! effect wel only upon Taek ior, The imprisonment dates fen tand eame to Allandale last No bal tpen all others dealing with |the day of his eunvielion, Apr. 2.) vember since whieh time he w hows | eens Tongaged as fireman on the Grand Before passing sentence, His] 'The Woolworth store te elosed) Trank, Hener spoke at sume length. Theltnday owing lo the death of the! This Morning Wren was sen- Away included theft, he/head ot the campany, F. W.ileneed on each of the two charges ndoothe omuch gr of bringing thers to] New York on T ler) Woolworth, whe passed' away insta three months in jail, dating morning. )from April 3, the sentences to |rin coneurrently Scottish Rite Reunion Barrie Seottish Rite Masons swere much ¢ days last week, when a Re-union of the Valley of Barrie. that altracted over one hundred out- side menibers, was held. In the attendance were representatives The Farmer's Financial ifrom Cobalt, Parry Sound. Sun. Friend ie: tit |Beeton, Newmarket and We have large resources and places the vast experience of 87 years al 7.80 him. on' Tuesday, ean to draw upon to serve you; but oceupied all the evening. Next : morning it was resimed and con- we have something even more tinued all day till 6.30 when ad- important--we have the earnest |ionrnment was made to St. Ana desire to do so, drew's schnolroom where a very dainty and appetizing supper was Weeash your produce and personal cheques, collect your drafts--all by mail if required--and 'spread by the Ladies' Aid. Aftor n supper there was a short pro- gladly give you impartial advice on any financial or business matter. gramme whieh included ve --THE pleasing solos by Frank Oldfigld Bank of Nova Scotia of Toronto and Walter Bates of |Collingwood and addresses by M. B. Tudhope of Orillia, Fred Marr, Jos. Edgar of Sundridge and A. E. Bryson of Cobalt, closing with thanks to the ladies, voiced hy AGE CEELEAN Mayor Sprott and acknowledge: mi aniee h; . Cowan on behalf of the ciate " |Ladies' "Aid. From the supper. roam the gathering moved on to the opera house, where a special programme had been secured fo , them. In this enjoyment the wives of the Barrie members were included. hursday morning the oonfer id-up Capital 6,500,000 Reserves Find 18000000 Resources - - 150,000,000 upied for several! Work in the lodge room hegaif| 5) 4 _sr0 Ph varia Stvanee) the" ite-anon "eoneiuding at ¢ GeA-Ry BRAKEMAN Madge ! * Barrie merchants are contem. SHOT BY A TRAMP Plating holding one or more big Dollar Days at the beginning of May. Definite announcement re. Norris"Webb Had Close Call garding the mata nn' be made next week. Simil: e1 at Colwell Last Night-Three |ji-2, "yy , Similar events have Fi pe id recently with great @ vengeance in New York, Boston, ial success in Simcoe, Oshawa and c VY Sudbury. Philadelphia and Chicago. Norris Webb, a Barrie brake- The Boston Company with Ed_| man. had an exciting experience tnd 'Gurney, Perey Jennings lat Colwell laxt night that might and Jeon Gordon as three Eng- easily have ended fatally, when Fommies are to be Our la tramp fired three shots at him awn, The Better "Ole" is alone of which grazed his leg. haven of mirth with merry tink-[ "4. an extra freight bound for es ae a Paes Midland, in charge of Conductor play with musie from tthe in. | DF abOrae are moneeelt tenaely {uniy plelures which won} on Cas noticed clinging to 'the ame for Captain Bairnsfather [140 a car; When thé trate taiteet Men adteiceae stopped, brakeman Norris Webb k went to investigate and ag he difficulties. But its makers just took the humor of the trenches [@PProached the stranger whipped fut a revolver and fired three jand there is now no denying that : 7 [ene ef 3 <-j*hots at the trainman in quick fearful as have been the ox. succession. One of the bullets periences of the soldiers in the : e allen: ania grazed the brakeman's left leg muddy alleys under ground, the | Era he was cable' to pimenna' hardships served to bring out ~ $ I e | Midland. Considering the close [the more generous share of range it is a wonder he escaped without much more serious ine ------___ A Boston Company "The Better Ole," which 1s be- ing sent to Barri Saturday, Apr. 19, has been making good with We are now making deliveries by motor truck and with a thorough. ly competent driver are in a posi. tion lo give the publie a more efficient service than ever, Our garden: seeds are all here, also splendid firm Duteh set onions conway. | jury 3 Ladies Golf Club His assailant made a rapid tao ih, gr ne erga onions at * Aunual Meeting of the )disappearance after he fired hia! 13° pnd we are taking orders for bulbs, shrubs, roses, trees, ete. from one of the most re. Hable growers in Canada. Have a look at our catulogues, THIS WEEK Real Estate Changes McLaren's fresh, appetising peas Recent 'sales made by We G,|nut butter, in bulk. per Ib. 800. Thompson & Son are as follows of the Wheat, a. pure House ang lot on Charlotte St, | white wheat cerehl in' bulk at Barrie, owned by A. Hay, sold to |3 IB8-for 260, Mr. Moulds of Newmarket, Pork and Beans in tall tins at 4, _, House and lot on Cumberland j saiteon Oysters, per jar, 660 St.. formerly owned by Engineer McBride, sold to Mr. Holstead of SATURDAY Burton Ave. Canned Tomalnes 180, 2 for 350 Farm owned by T. F, J gerald. soid to Wm, John Toronto. Ladies' Gelf Club was held inthe} third shot and special officers Police Gourt Chambers on Sat- 'are hunting for him, He is urday last. "The following com! thonght to he a tramp whu was THT tees Were chosen :--Gen trying to beat his way to Midland fonmmittees Mrs. Leslie (ehai man. Mrs. Galderwood view. chairman Miss Wa. Creswick sevretary , Mrs. EK. Morton, Mrs, |Harold Dyment. Mrs, Laidman and. Miss Palling. -- Handicap Committee: Mrs. Cross (captain Miss Lawson and Miss Creswieke: The annual fee for lady mem. 5.00 and is now payable asurer of Barrie Golf ' | Filz- ""! Wisdom's Pasteurization Plant Tordif! Bros, have 'just' in. stalled a pasteurization equip-|8 ment in their creamery, whie will enable them to maintain-- amd even improve--the present high standard of their output. By (his process any germs that might be in the eream are de. stroyed, any objectionable odors removed and the keeping quality of the butter is improved. | } ) Notice re Change in Banking Hours GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES Call and get our prices before buying your new range. We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for-Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended' to. J. J. NEELANDS Dunlop St. _--__ On and, after Saturday, Sth April, the Banks: in Barrie will remain open for business on Saturday after- noons until 3 o'clock, but will close at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesdays--new (daylight saving) time to govern. BANKING HOURS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS ' 9.30 a.m.--2.30 p.m., except on Wednesdays and Sat- urdays. 9.30 a.m.--12 noon on Wednesdays. 9.30 a.m.--3 p.m. on Saturday: a 10 Per Cent. Reduction to Returned Soldiers This Store welcomes the returned Soldier, rejoices in their glorious achievement and offers them its best service. A complete stock of Gents' furnishings and Ready-made clothing is here, bought at lowest Prices. We solicit your patronage and have in addition to Ready-made stock samples for made-to-measure clothes from three of the best houses in Canada. Compare prices and we shall get your order. MILLINERY THE EASTER MILLINERY SHOWING: OF TRIMMED HATS Is Smart to an unusual degree, breathes the atmos-. phere of Spring time, is touched, with individuality and finally prices are very yeasonable, Flowers are back to'their own and are being used , freely in many alluring ways. and guaranteed to wear, . Special showing of untrimmed hats at attractive EASTER HOSE, the right prices this week. Cotton, wonderful value Sample Suits to We expect a special purchase of the-minute as they are copies of New York's latest novelti Gloves for everybody, S: $2.50--Perrin's Kid Gloves EASTER GLOVES IN GREAT VARIETY men, Kid Gloves for Women and Children, and great variety of Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves now in stock. hand, all guaranteed, from ........ $2.00 to $2.50 Silk Gloves, pure Silk, Single or Double in all sizes, Chamoisette Gloves in Black, White or Grey, good cloth BEAUTIFUL DRESS FABRICS FOR SPRING With Silks strongly inthe lead ; , The sales of the Dress Goods Section are phehom- enal thus far this season: We have anticipated your needs so largely that our stock is very complete with every novelty. ; . Fancy Taffetas, 36 inches wide very newest shadings,. -50 to $3.50 per yard. Plain Duchesse Satin in all shades, a very dependable Silk, @ per yard ..........000...0.,... $3.00 Silk Faille, the popular Silk fabric in every shade you desire, special @ tte e beens eee eens. $200 Tamoria Silk, a new silk material, heavy weight, very pretty, on Sale at ................5,. $2.25 imited ilk Gloves for Men and Wo- in Black and Tan. Just to- 75¢ to $1.50 only... ae .. $1.00 shade, and in Silk, Lisle or for Ladies or Gents. Clearance of Children's Cash- 7 mere and Cotton Hose, size 414 to 71, this week 29c.