am grateful to Dr. Tyrrell for this won- \ rae ) . - CANADA'S MUSIC WEEK "FROM APR. 21ST TO APR. 28TH EVERY EFFORT IS BEING MADE TO SUPPLY ALL MUSIC LOVERS WITH ALL KINDS OF MUSIC FOR CANADA'S MUSIC @)® P.O. Box178 --_ Phone 259w SMR DOUALA Pleasure in the home is There is a charm about fully by the presence of a perfect piano, HEINTZMA PIANO GARRETT'S - MUSIC - STORE increased wonder- the N & CO. Music! Music! Music! OF ALE DESCRIPTIONS PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS, ORGANS, PHONO. : GRAPHS AND, RECORDS, UKELELES;, GUITARS, VIOLINS, SHEET MU- SIC, ETC., ETC. We are prepared to supply * .all your needs, or i€ not in stock, then to secure what you may require, but be sure and place your order early to save disappointment. Bright Skies Ahead (Shoe and Leather Journal An old legend has it that an archangel was once sent to re strain the Devil from further tempting min from virlioua baths to primrose wave of evil }Satan pleaded that he inigat he permitted to retain at least one ef tis omuainy holds upon the fallen race, and that an insignifi- eantone, Being asked what that wight be. be replied, "Depres- sion." The prospects of ill re. culls seemed so remote that the lie ambassador ae ed fay, the request. On the angel's de- parture, Satan clapped his hands in glee aml exclaimed "Splendid! by one stroke 1 have gained all!" | Amongst the most insidious fand destroying influences in personal, basiness or national life are distrust and fear, De JPression as the tap root of dis- jorganiation and conflict, It i the soil in whieh bolshevism and anarehy flourish. It is the at- mosphere in which __ tradu crumbles and industry lags After every great war or polit. ical upheaval in the history of the world may be found « period of reaction. caused by the feas of change, that leads to depres- sion. After the Napoleonic wars there were strikes and bread [riots in England. With the repe: jof the Corn Laws and the intro. duction of Cobdenism in the last century, there were populay agitations and upheavals that seemed to threaten the very life of the State. It is said that the We ett Lehigh Valley An- thracite, the coal that satisfies. Buy it now, it will pay you. Prices for April only: Nut, Stove and Egg, $12.00 ton Pea, $10.50 ton W. GRACEY & SON ALLANDALE Terms, cash with order only. : APPENDICITIS OPER- ATIONS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY Internal Bathing Relieves the Cause Your physician will tell you that Appen- dicitis is an inflamed condition of the little wack called the Appendix at the lower right hand corner of the Colon or large intestine. "By cleansing this Colon with |Duke of Wellington. the hero of purified warm water by the "JBL. Cat-|wWaterlon, shortly hefure his cade" this suck is cleansed and the inflam- | \y,4 i that he thanked God mn subsides. Hundreds of operations |'!°@th said that he thanked Gov have been avoided by using the warm wa-|he would not be alive to see the er cure for Appendicitis. Mr. Jas. Me-|wreck and ruin thal seemed to Laughlin, 91 Evanston street, Winnipeg, | he 1 ing Britain writes :-- e prpne , rest i "T' bave spent over fifty dala with |, TM" prgsent labour unreal in doctor: t-ying to cure Appendicitis, Fin, {he old land and in other lands ally the ductor said 1 must go to the hospi. | affected hy the war may be traced tal at once for an operstion. Your adver- |(0 the same psychological con- tisement interested me, T bought a 'J.B.L. |ditions that have led men to dex Cuscade,' which relieved me st once, and! pair of readjustment after every great national or international am now completely cured. Never felt Bee and Teac ea ee Mote i ciushande. the Only diitessna 7 is that the recent cataclysm was the mightiest and most wide- spread in its influenee of any that have ever visited mankind. With men's minds keyed as they have been for the past four and a half years of world war to a pitch reaching almost the breaking point, and their bodies given cver to a titanic struggle maintain the production of derful health giving invention." Ninety-five per cent. of all human. ills are caused by sccumuluted waste in the Coton. Internal Bathing with the 'JB.L. Cascade' keeps this large intestine as free from all waste and as clean ax nature de- mands it should be for perfect health. Ask 'Wm. Crossland, Druggist, Barrie, for book- et called "W of To-day is Only 50 Per Cent. Efficient." It is free. They will also be pleased to show and explain the "J.B.L. Cascade" to you. to ---------------------------------- WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS APEX VACUUM CLEANER __ We have a complete line of = ELECTRIC GRILLS, IRONS, TOASTERS, BATTERIES, READING LAMPS, ETC.. COMPLETE LINE ALSO OF New work and jobbing promptly attended to. LIVINGSTON & MOODIE | 127 Dunlop Street Phone 319 fabout ihand of sympathy and confidence, monthly "At war materials and necessaries ott life, it ix little wonder that the reaction should) be even more Vielent than it has ever been un- der similar cireumstances. The | * wonger is not that the revulsion | be ax mild thus far as it has Tt ie eoreeet to say that the |"! world is passing through a crisis," such as if has never before ox. |e we will weather the storm just] as onr anersturs have weathered .0! those whieh were to them auite| as great as (his one seems to the present generation. We shall come out again into sunshine, Tt is the wluty of every man these days to fight this evil of depression in m whatever present itself. Let us have 1 express confidence in those ur statesmen, our our future, Let us get rid of this questioning, hickering spirit that not only finds fault. but hunts for trouble form it us-- country and --commercial, military and na tional Above all let us fight the spirit, of sectionalism, whether manifested between agriculturist or manufacturer, labour and capital, or between one class in the community and another, Tt is a time for reaching out the not the grasp of self interest o1 the mailed fist of coercion. The Forward Movement Throughout the Presbyterian Church of Canada special meet- ings are heing held this year to inform the people concerning the Forward Movement which the Chureh has undertaken. Each congregation does this in the manner best suited to itself. Next week this special educational effort will be made in St. Andrew's church and addresses will be made covering different' phases of the movement. Prof. Kil- patrick and Principal Gandier will be two of the speakers and a prominent layman will eome to speak on "Stewardship." The week's programme is as follows: Sunday--Prof. Kilpatriek. op "The Idea of the Forward Move- ment" and "The Home Mission Situation." Monday -- "Penitence and Prayer," Rev. G. A. Brown. 'Tuesday --"The Foreign Mis- sion Situation," hy . Principal Gandier. & Wednesday--"Stewardship." 'Thursday--"The Challenge toi Womanhood," hy Mrs. Kipp. Friday Challenge to Youth." "Hard Times" Danoe last of the series 'of Homes" given by the students of Barrie Business The held in the Town Hall last Fri- day night. past, it. was a huge success, socially and financially. There was no indication. of "hard times," waltzed or two-stepped, more or donated to the War Veterans of Barrie, thus helping the boys who in the trenches of Flanders helped to from bumbs, bullets and: Bolshevikis. the college take this opportunity. of thanking merchants and others who donated coffee, sugar, cream, refresh: in any way to make the event a strocess. College duting the Avinter was Like those of the old and and yéung ess gracefully, to the popular ins of Mrs. Guilfoyle's music. The proceeds, amounting to The students and faculty of ents, or their assistance pneed. but it is alse just to) Mts: Manton. dower, sand still better ta believe, thar {duestion is whether a bequest of FAL ea eee eees that] 2.000 to bis daughter is in lieu Rev. A. H. Ranton's Estate The jate Hey. Angus Hugh Hanton, evangelist, who ied last October, left an estate valued at The courts ar asked to construe his will has oveurred. but that if has been {One of the questions to be pro! pounded ix whether the bequest certain money with enjoyment the house at 587 Palmerston eo during her life is in lieu of Another any interest spe may bave in the house after the death of her mother, A third point is whether the phrase "Any daughter, un- married of my brother, W. J. BUTCHER Hanton," would inelude widowed nieees) > e The ease came befory Chief justice Falconbridge at Osguade Hall on Monday and was enlarg- ed, ALT. Tassard appeared fo Mfs. J. Partridge, a sister of the testator. No. 11 Dunlop St. Cured Meats, Etc. SATISFACTION Read the advertisements, Buy advertised things. Phone 51 DRESS Society Brand Clothes CARHARTT OVERALLS $3.00 STEPHENS 22 Dunlop St., Barrie FOR PARKER'S DYE WORKS R. A. AGENTS UP THIS SPRING War time is over. Clothing sacrifices are no longer neces- sary. The reaction of victori- ous peace is conducive to the Dress Up spirit. This store has always 'been relied upon by the best dressed men in Barrie to take care of their needs in smart wearing apparel. We can truthfully say that we have done our ut- most to supply a_ stock of spring top coats, suits, furni- shings and hats that will in- crease this reputation. The Society Brand Clothes we are offering this spring dis- play an unusually fine selec- tion of models and fabrics tai- lored in their usual painstaking way with additional features which we should like to show you. Topcoats, $8.00 up to $25.00 Suits, $10.00 up to $45.00 OTHER THINGS THAT YOU ARE POSSIBLY IN NEED OF Spring hats in new grays, browns, greens and mixed sha- des are ready for your appro- val, $1.75 and up. Also stiff hats for those who desire them, $2.25 up; and caps for the young fellow, $1.00 up. New silk and matiras shirts in pleasing colors and stripe effects. Harmonious and con- trasting neckwear, sox, etc., to complete your Spring ward- robe. We give the same care- . ful attention to our excellent . furnishing goods department as we do to our ang. You will be pleased wit item offered. sd M. J. BRENNAN Dealer in Fresh, Cooked and GUARANTEED. Terms Cash