| { | | _CHOCOLATES Fresh new packages of the celebrated Willard's Fork- Dipt Chocolates at' 15¢, 30c, 50c, 60c, 80c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.. Drop in and see them. MORGAN'S RESTORATIVE " Bright Spring days invite you and your Kodak to enjoy the beauties of Nature. Let us furnish you with good tresh films for your camera, or come} in and see our stock of Brown-| TONIC ies and Kodaks. The prices) Tone up and strengthen run from $2.15 to $16.00 your nerves and blood so the for Brownie Cameras and, change of season will not give $9.00 to $60.00 for Kodaks.|¥°U Spring Fever., Price $1.00 ne develop and print ae Dy, 57 WM. CROSSLAND DRUGGIST B { coMMENT OF THE WEEK J Pheee ish nich reem for argument as te whether ar not Maret mide A lady inspector ma right for city schools. says the Misten Herald. bat) ste would have a hard tine following Ine Lengo on ties J South Simeoe y do all a bromine exit mer near Allis ng. This w Deen dey milo whether at wd Last week at fon tat sane trips FA Wart protest te mate ly: the espe what he seek eattingwoed Bulletin agains! the Hstunca ouecianrcane wejpey HME In whieh pistes. en SERENE TEES Eee eel nesteried with oa stein of ating (othe qnather af delivery paae fee tamaron at PE NeES Ganneving letters regaciing im Ee, datit nto ae weer ne TARPS, A Tae Ul Brasilia AUER label : tien Wave filled an the farms te town Deliveries are iade On a Sete anid ian the best oof Heir knowledge such al oid s renfiiiionts correspanienes laaks Veevomich hike a reflection per herp letesty. save the Bulletin | Tn the ttle fawn of Petrolia, {Ont STP renibers recently goin fed the Chamber of Commerer Board Trade, and pant the anual fee of five hie members. Such enthits Fon the part of the townspeople and their country Teaghbors jShonhl be productive of good rey 'sults de town amd distriet \ = | For the consumer there is not Imuch ee in the coal out- look. as Fuel Controller Magrath soes if, except that there will be no shortage. Mr, Magrath says Ithat though there ix abundance of coal there is little likelihood of the customary spring drop. In other words the winter prices will continue with a further ad- vance of ten cents per month each inonth for five months during the coming summer ef that Algonquin Park wood won't be a bad thing to have around next winter after all. 'These Drugglsts Have It WM. CROSSLAND, BARRIE This week the Guelph Horti- cultural Society is holding -- its Jthird annual bird-house compe- tition in which prizes are given for bird houses, bird baths. and notebooks on the observation of birds. In the recent lecture by Mr. Hobson, great emphasis was May we invite you to. 7 ogN Inspect our Plant «Look us in the face and Letius share your difficulties? We tender you . '© Our'experienced Staff which is now Ready to devote itself to- your interests Kindly give us the opportunity. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Office: Bayfield St. Phone 109 P.S,--We are filling many orders for hardwood flooring | these days. How about yours? qfet hfe and enght te be utilized Mv Probably some laid upon the necessity of 'pro. tecting birds because of their wonderful work in destroying in- sect pests. Such competitions as that held by the Guelph Society awaken in both children and adults a. deeper interest in birds and do much to spread a wider knowledge of their habits and usefulness to humanity. It is said that a smooth sales- man recently sold in the farming district around Barrie over $4000 worth of stock~in a company concerning which the financial critic of Toronto Saturday Night reported very adversely. Before putting their money into any proposition: with which they are unfamiliar, people would do well to consult their bankers. .No representative of a bona fide eonecern can reasonably object to such a step and if an agent does-- n't want his stock to be subjected to a banker's scrutiny the person being canvassed may be sure thal evervthing is dol right with it. With tarvia costing, as Deputy- Reeve Lowe says, only two cents per gallon more 'than oil, the Council should see that it is generously used on the streets, particularly on the new mag. adam roadways constructed last year. Not only does if keep down dust, but it is an excellent: sur. face binder and preservative. An experienced road-buililer told the writer that the larger automo. biles, travelling over -- twenty miles an hour, will each carry off a yard of r mate hour. With the number oof mete highways if can easily be seen why the life af a) water-bound maradam toad is so shart, Can= crete: highways really needed" tn carey the heayy aytomobile Iraffie and the next best thing lam properly built and el owath such tar as farvia jal every sur tines seme Speaking im 'Porouty recently | on Education and Citeenship Ir Brittain ef the Barean oof Research, said: "In Torente are jiwely million dellacs' worth of school buidi | putelie sonsed in one short shift practieally only seven menths af the year and there should t freer ise made ef such boidings which are the property of the eifizens, Wis Nie fart that i mal bis iness men get the I possible use ent oef their phints fo keep down overhead expenses and {he same shaiht be applind te the schonts The toibhings are the natural centres for educatien iy enizens ship from beginning until theend! te the Himif as sich. The setool ought ta be the place wh men and women should be encouraged spend their leisure lime. which is the most valuable time in lifes' The is mueh truth in what Dr. Brittain says and one oof the questions the Board of Education might well consider is how ta make the fine new collegiate, centrally located with its assembly hall and = gym- nasium, of use to the citizens outside school hours. War Savings Meeting A meeting of the Ladies' Com- mittee of the War Savings y was held on Thursday, in the Poliee Court Judge Vanee was in The chairman briefly the chair. explained the need of the Gov- ernment for money and the dis- advantages of any scheme which would lessen the capital of the "Have I any wards assisting the Gov was a question, he said, that de- served the consideration of every citizon, Mrs. Creswieke empha, sized two points especially: Government the investors are lending it to themselves: sccond- ly, that by making the circle of vestors as wide and the amount sted as great as possible an important step was being taken in the direction of insuring in- ternal peace in these anxious times. At the close of the meeting a plan was organized for a house- to-house canvas of the town. Ladies are to be urged to ask the merchants of the town for their change in Thrift Stamps. moothly His Barrie friends will be pleased to read the following ap- preciation of A. C. Price's ser. vices, expressed by the New- market Express-Herald:-- "In the removal of A. C. Price to Midland to assume the man- agership of the Bell Telephone Company's branch there, New- market Toseyg splendid citizen. During esidence ih New- market, Mr. Price has identified himself with every movement that has had as its end the wel. fare of the community. He has been diligent in the service, and his' unfailing courtesy to the patrons of the company has kept THE BARRIE EXAMINER DEVLIN & MURCHISON Ws business PULL-OVER SWEATERS FOR LADIES AT $2.95 AND $5.00 EACH For $2.95 you can have a smart stylish pullover knitted in a fancy stitch with ribbing at the base. The neck is V shaped and collarless.- We have these in two shades only, namely: Coral body, with narrow band of sea-green around neck and waist and on the shoulder and Sea Green, White trimming. . For $5.00 you can have one in the same weave as above, but these have long sleeves and a brushed wool sailor collar of the same shade as the body of the Coat. These we have in solid colors such as Saxe Pink and Sea Green or Saxe Blue with Maize trimmed or Sea Green with White. x Hosiery--Ladies' Silk Ankle Stockings in White, Black, Leather, Gray and Sand for 75c and $1.00 per pair. Hosiery--Ladies' extra hea- vy quality -in Black Cotton Hose. These are Penman's seconds, were made for a 75c hose, special 47e pr. Cashmere Hose (seconds) in Black only. Regular value $1.00 per pair. Special 60c and 75c pr. . Cashmere Hose in Grey, Cream or Black, in a nice fine weave. Special per pair $1.25 CARPET SQUARES Our stock of Wiltons, Brus- sels and Tapestry squares is now complete. This season the designs are of the neatest and the colorings the most beautiful. Just such a com- bination of Colors that will go with the furnishings in any room. running rship in thes distriet." Huntsville Forester A smoothly | Trave: during his occupaney of the man. | Har mont -Baily, Booth as DEVLING MURCHISON for the . has left to tak tion at Barrie. 'apacity Chairman Raincoats for' April Showers Young "Men's_ Raincoats, Olive, Fawn, Parmatta Cloth, Trencher Model, _ all-round belt and Convertible Colar, sizes 36 to 40. Prices $13.50 and $15.00. Young Men's Trencher Mo- del Suits, in fine » tweeds or worsteds, belt all around with buckle, cuffs on trousers. Si- zes 34 to 38. Prices $18.00, $20.00, $23.00. . Young Men's :Suits; made from brown worsteds only. Coat has English, form-fitting back with seam all around waist. Slash pockets and cuffs on trousers. Prices $30. and $32. Boys' Suits-- We still have some old stock in boys' suits in some sizes.' These are all being sold at old prices. : p New Spring Suits for boys with slash or patch pockets, bet all round and bloomer pants. Prices $10.00 to $20.00 who has been with |local branch of the Soldiers' past' fow|Commission, has heen a posi A favorite style of walking boot worn by welt dressed women in all localities. Long vamp, medium narrow toe, military heel. Black or brown leathers. "Shoemakers to the Nation" A } year. Our factories are so equipped and our organization so effective that we LARGE part of the Canadian public depends upon this company for shoes, and the number of those who do so is increasing every are able to supply all of the normal requirements of the average family for footwear. is complete. Our range of styles for men, women, boys, girls and children In our six large branch warehouses, these lines' are carried in stock, within easy reach of any retailer in Canada. present use this quick-service to cover many of their requirements. Q Ames Holden McCready shoes are therefore easy to obtain in any section of Canada. Their reputation for goodness is a safe guide in buying. Particularly helpful in solving your shoe problem is our booklet, "How all charge on request to our home office HOLDEN McCREADY "Shoemakers to the to Buy Shoes." address, Montreal. 'AMES ST. JOHN MONTREAL When you buy Shoss look for-- It is sent free of , TORONTO 2) More than 5,000 retailers at Aid most assiduous in the performance of Mr. Baily, in hig}his duties, and his active help of the] will be sorely m Nation" = winnires 'ZDMONTON VANCOUVER | --this Trade-mork on every sole ; an