Page Sixteen THE BARRIE EXAMINER -SHANTY BAY 'The many friends of Rev. Duncan Cam- eron, an Oro "old boy" who has msde good in the West, will be pleased to read the following article taken from the Edmon- ton Journal: ; "The annual congregational meeting of the Ardapasan Methodist circuit comprising Hillsdale, Ardrossan and Brookville, was held in the church Monday evening, March 17th, The church was filled with 'enthus- instic representatives frog. the different points, The meeting was called to order by the pastor st 8.30, A short musical program was well rendered. An address by Mr. W..R. Bull of the Hilledale con- gregation, on "The place of the church in the community' was much appreciated by everyone, The pastor in the courte of his remarks reviewing the work of the church for the year showed that at the Ardrossan church there was a debt of $215, and made an earnest plea to have this amount reslized st once. A subscription list was passed snd this sum wus quickly made up after. which the audfence arose and impressively sang the Doxology. This meeting was made the occasion of presenting the Rev, and Mrs. Cameron with 'a handsome silver tea service and mahog- any tray engraved "Presented to Rev. ond Mrs. D. P. Cameron from Ardrossan, Hills- dule, the Brookville congregation, 1919." Mr. 'Everett Ball, in a short eulogistic sd- ress, told of the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs, Cameron were held, speaking arti- cularly of Mr, Cameron's bility in the pulpit, after which the presentation was made 'by Mr. C. W. Parker, the recording nteward. Mr. Cameron, although taken entirely by surprise, replied very ably, speaking feelingly of the associations with the people and of their kindness to Mrs. Cameron and himself" EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL There have been a number of severe cases of "flu" here lately, but nearly all are now convalescent Lieut. and Mrs, Morin were the guests of Mrs. F. Brewster last week Deep sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Martin on the death of their son, John, who died from pneuionis CREDIT SALES y, April 5.--Fred Ayerst, Vespra |, Barrie, horses, cattle, pigs and farm implements, Sale st 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. Monday, April 7--Frank O'Neill, lot 18, con. 3, Flos, farm stock and implements Sale ot 1 p.m. P. A. Coughlin, auction eer. Tuesday, April 15.--Arcbie Campbell, at est %4 lot 9, con, 7, Oro, farm stock and implements. Sule 'at 1 pn. W. A . auctioneer. April 16.--Thos, McKee, st con. 7 Vespra, farm stock' and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- Conkey, auctioneer. Thursduy, April 17---Robert Dicker, at lot 4, con. 4, Oro, farm stock and. imple ments, Sale at 1 pan. W, A, MeCon- ayctioneer April 18,--Thomas Hamlin, lot 21, + Vespra, farm stock ynd_ imple Sale at I pan. W. A McConkey, etioneer. Wednesday, April 23, Frank Latter, An- gus, household furniture, restaurant fix: tures, and 2 frame buildings, Sole at 1 pm. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Fall Wheat " + $2.10-$2.13 Spring Wheat . + $2.00-82.08 Oats... + 60c-65¢ Bare 85c-90¢ Rye $1.30681,40' Buckwheat 3 80c-90¢ Spring Chicken... «28-300 Spring chicken 25-300 Old fowl . 22.250 | Ducks . 22.246 Turkey . 40-420 Butter, Ib, 55-57¢ Eggs, doz. .. »-+ 35e-400 Potatoes ., . ee neces: 90 $23.00-825.00 . $11.00-$15.00 $17.00-$20.00 ay wahee oie Aisike Clover seed per bu: Red Clover Bran, ton Beef Hides, green . Beef Hides, cured Calf Hides THORNTON Apr. 1--Thornton has weleomed home four more of her heroes--Pte. John Scott, Bandsman Herbert Wright, Pte, Cecil Mor- ris and Pte. James Hindle. ' The two former arrived on Satyrday night; the others on Monday. / The friends of Mre. J. A. Patterson aro pleased that she is back among them and that she is improving in health. Frank Dutcher is spending a few weeks with friends in Elmvale and Crosland. 'The young women of the Thornton Meth- odist Mission Circle held a concert and pie social in the Temperance Hall. It was a de- cided success, proceeds amounting to $102. Miss Ada Spencer is spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. E. Ayerst of 'Toronto is visiting with his mother, Mra. A. E. Ayers. Mins Laura McLean is spending a few days at her home in Barrie. Mins Vernice Jamieson, has returned from Toronto. On Monday evening, Mar. 31, a very pleasant and sociable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Morris when their eldest son, Cecil Gordon, returned home after spending the Inst two years with the 8th Canadian Engineers Bn. in France. Mr. and Mrs, Morris entertained a few of their friends to a banquet in honor of their returned soldier boy. A rather unique feature of the occasion was that the topstory of Mrs, Morris' wedding cake (twenty-five years old), was on the teble, About thirty wat down to the festive board. Presentation to Mrs. Terry On Thursday afternoon, Mar. 27, there was 8 social gathering in St. Jude's school- room to bid good-bye to Mrs. Terry and her family. Advantage was taken of the occasion by the members of the W.A. and Sunday School workers to show their apprs- ciation of her labours for the past five years, Mrs. Terry was presented with an onyx ring, little Miss Audrey with a cameo jring, and' Muster Elliot with » Bible and |"'The Sky Pilot In No Man's Land," sc- companied by the following sddress: Dear Mrs. Terry:--The month of March lin, with us in Canada, » month of changing moods, it it uo a month of changing homes und places of abode, We have met jthis afternoon to spend few pleasant and sociable hours together, previous to the de- parture of you and your children for your 'new home in the West, Av teacher in the Sunday School perhaps most of all your | presence will be missed, where your efforts with the Beginner's Class were alwayd ap- preciated. We trust that much of the seed sown in the young minds at an impression- able age may have fallen on good ground, and will bring forth fruit. But the result will not be known until the day when He maketh up His jewels, It is not easy |to estimate what Sunday Schools owe to 'the instruction and example of faithful teachers. Those who know not what it in to labour, know not what it is to. enjoy. The sctive only have the true relish of life. That you may long be spared to con- tinue in the Master's service in your new home is the prayer both of those gathered around you toduy as members of the WA and as co-worker« in the Sumday School Meanwhile, the members ¢f St Jude's congregation wish to take gdvan: tage of this occasion to. show their friend: ship und appreciation 'Wf the work you have taken up in this parish, and would ask you to accept these gifts accompanied by good wishes for your future prosperity We hope that you may carry to, and re- tain in your distant home, kindly thbughts |and sentiments towards your many friends jin Thornton, the familiar scenes, incidents, [fees and words of whieh will often recur to you. (Signed! Mrs, W. A. Jamieson, President W. A.; Mrs. W, T. Hodgson, Sec'y-Treas,, W.A.; Ella Sproule, Sec'y: Treas, SS.; James A. Jamieson, Supt. Sun- day School The address was read by Mra. Jamew A. Jamieson and the presentation made by Miss Sproule, Mrs. Terry acknowledged jthe gifts and expressions of good will in a few words characterized by deep feeling. A short _musical program was contribu- ted, the Rector, Rev Dew, _pre- siding at the organ. The President of the )W.A. gave a short address of encourage- ment, and counselled all teachers to realize their opportunities and responsibilities, and yto take their duties seriously, All" pre- 'sent sat down to a dainty supper and the guthering was most sociuble und pleasant throughout. Wolves having destroyed approximately THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES Department This is the bid our Men's Wear makes for your, for Spring wear. See these:-- wide, in Navy weight for Suits enaranter and wide, large range, many inches wide, Myrtle gundy, lovely You'll soon start your Fine All Wool Botany Serge, 54 inches and Black. Yard .... Fine Frenoh Dyed Broadcloth, 54 inches splendid for Coats or Suits, in Reindevr, Navy and Taupe. Full Yard Wide Novelty Silke for Skirts in stripes, checks and plaids, in a very Jengths, exclusive to this Store's sells ing. Yard $1.75, $2.76, $3.25, $3.50 and $4.00 Special Silk Faille wf the better grade, 38 finish a Belgium, Navy, Plum, Bur- nd, Taupe. Steel, Pearl, Ivory, Seal, Tan, Corn, Pink and Sky. NREE spenacess vow wna 3 HOUSECLEANING TIME ISNEAR . may want new Draperies, some New Curtains or per- Vickers) The Store of Efficient} Viekers and Courteous Service MERCHANDISE OF THE QUALITY THAT IS UP TO THE STANDARD AT THE FAIREST PRICES A SUPERB COLLECTION OF NEW MILLINERY There is a large number of hats--every one is a beaulty--in our Display All of the Newest Style Features are shown aad every woman can get a becoming hal at a very reasonable price in the morning--Misses Marshall and 1.awlor, SILKS AND DRESSGOODS This Store has always aimed lo lead in value giving ang our showing of Dress Goods and Silks is complete with all the wanted materials for spring wear An exagdlent Skirts. Color i $5.00 value at Y medium w finish and Yard $5.60 * Yard .... very Pure Silk. in individual and in Bla Oyster, Iv Do not Novelty, spring housecleaning and ith Miss McCall, Chief Trimmer Fine Imported Pure Wool Serge Suiting in Grey, Plum and Burgundy, full 5 inches wide, a marked for quick selling. SOME NUMBERS IN HOSIERY MUCH IN GOOD GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES Tt is an advantage to come Beod cloth and extra BPD soo. eign syage arnse epersiniance $5.75 Black 8Iik Duchess, full 36 inches side, eight, reliable dye, beautiful goud wearing quality. ' erases woase wag cnesecgatiatee $2.76 NEW SILK JERSEY CLOTH--Absolutely A novelty that i very much in demand and becoming searee. It is of Pure Thread Silk w Cloth Weave, is mediun weight with a lovely sheen, ft is selling in from %6.50 to ha Jersey (0 inches wide Fashion's centres at 89.00. It comes in vory, Goat, Steel and black, Yard $5.60 q miss seeing this .Attractive PaLnOnNEES. die ak B ' haps new Coverings for your Blouse of Bout Boxes, DEMAND road stocks 8 ; : m aes sae s wiilé Sange OF Chairs, ete. We've a splendid collection of Chintzes, Shirts-- Underwear and. Neck.) ACC Draperies and Art Sateens that are extremely pretty Brown caihmersite Hose, sign RE wear, and Extra Value in Hosiery. | @ 4 reasonably priced. Come in and look them over, Mis ' ». 68 Ey little helps. our Values | Il is worth your while. Prices............ 400 to 980 Balileshio Grey Cashmere pore ' Su wn er] a in a Saving 1 Speclal--ii) pieves Art Sateens and Chintz in Hight T sik tose with Lisl Tip. it tome on in and See. colorings, ile > rters: Cushions i a ho Lisle Toy 1 R. MALCOMSON, Mgr srlanines. uitable for Comforters, Cushions and Box Beaver and Navy, pair, $1.26 Hf you are a returned soldier Black Cat Pure Thread Silk Hose we will allow you 10% new civilian outfit at y from Stock. | NEWS FROM THE J. C. Service of Walkerville has been apending a few days in town, | S.OE. meet on Friday at sharp in the Orange Hall. Mrs, H. Norton has returned from a vit- it with relatives in Meaford. Services in the Methodist Church will be held by the new time. €. A. Harvey returned to Guslph on Monday for further treatment at the hos: | pital Mrs, H. White has returned home after 4 pleasant visit to ber mother uad sisters in Strathroy, W. J. Hallett of Hamilton came up to attend the official visit of the Grand Mas- ter to the Barrie Masonic lodges. 8.00 p.m the B. of L.E. will be held in the men's Hall, on Wed., Apr. 9, at 2.30 p.m. The progressive euchre and dance, held in the Orange Hall, last week by the B. much enjoyed. Barrie Distributors for Victor Victrolas and Records, and Accessories. ywe call a real friend, 'character we have re The regular meeting of the G.LA. to"of inspiration in our work '8in- We are going to miss you ve only your Choose with reinfe Black and White, pair. .$1.50 Geo. Vickers | toes and heel-, RAILWAY WARD ~ Mr. and Mry. Jos. Richardson, who went presented Mrs, L. Webb with a club bag and faithful services with the Aid. Mrs. thanked the ladies suitably is as follows Dear Friend,--We, th€ members of the Ladies' Aid of Burton avenue Methodist Church, learn with regret that you are soon to leave us. We are therefore desirous of showing our appreciation of your work und interest umong us. You have beer long | associated with this church, took an uc tive part in the building of it, and contri buted in every way possible to its devel- opment and strength; you have been what By your life and ized in you @ source d undertakings. y much in our The address midst, you to accept this club bag, as you have. of LF, was largely attended and very helped us so may it be a comfort to you. Our prayers are thut God's blessing may! of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Warnica last week jin honor of Cpl. Geo. Richardson, son of overseas with the Second Contingent and and an address in recognition of her long Yow oil Sight agen ate Rhoulder oon Webb was quite taken by surprise, but Mena bere presented a gold watch to the returned hero, who made suitable acknowledgment. Games and amusements rounded out the evening very pleasantly. Mrs. Bridget Carr, who had in her arms her ; twelfth child. PAINSWICK Pte. Dulton Lennox has returned home. A large gathering was held at the home An address was -read by tz snd Miss Gladys Lennox A Full Train Mrs, Norah Mulvaney met her old friend there ye are wid another little Carr in your arms, "Another it is, Mrs.' Mulvaney," replied. her friend, '*an' it's me that's hopin' 'tis the cuboose."' 25¢ Bu; TOOKE & CO. BOOK STORE Allandale Books - - Stationery Magazines - - Toys a Thrift Stamp. 'Arrab, now. Bridget," ssid Norah, "an' Picture Framing - Daily Papers. Sovwwernoe? Farm Tractors Kips... $10,000 worth of live stock and becoming Tallow, Ib. more numerous and bold in their deprada- Horse Hides tions a five-day hunt was inaugurated at Horse Hair ... Glenwood, Ark., und the drive covered' an Lamb Skins . area of more than 40 square miles, Twenty- Wool, unwashed . (0c |two wolves and numerous wildcats were Wool, washed . killed. SEED CORN We quote the following prices for Seed Corn: Wisconsin No. 7 $3.25 per Bus. Selected Red Cob..... 4 Peale Seue . $2.75 per Bus> Mammoth Southern Sweet . . +++. $2.75 per Bus. White Cap Dent .............. ++. $3.25 per Bus. Golden-Glow ..............0+++.°$3:25 per Bus. Improved Leaming,.............'... $3.25 per Bus. Leaming Fodder, .................. $2.75 per Bus. Compton's Early . North Dakota ............ Longfellow ........: The above varieties all of good quality and germination. BROWN & CO. A. G, Walker has purchased the residence rest upon you and your friends, and that 'of Robt. Jack, Burton avenue, who hus your new wequaintances will quickly come bought s house on John street, now occu- to appreciate your genial spirit; and when pied by W. Colpitts, you get wee bit lonesome, don't forget A. Lines, Jr., is back at work on the that there will always be a warm welcome Can, Express after taking treatment in Tor- for you at Allandale, Signed, Mrs. TT. onto for his foot, which was severely hurt Lougheed, Pres.; Mrs, W. W. Cullen, Sec'y whilst in the army. -- L. Lines, W. Lapene and W. Looker! have secured positions on the boats run- | ning out of Midland this summer and left' In chatting with a Brant farmer the foe" thet! 'town: last, week? other day, the Telescope asked: "What kind In his address lest Friday night at the of » crowd did Mr. So-and-So have at his Masonic gathering the Grand Secretary in- auction sule?"" The reply was "He had a cidentally remarked that the Allandale rea- {real big crowd, you know the sale was well taurant was one of the best he had run 'advertised'. Farmers everywhere are find-, across ip his. touvels: ing out the value of newspaper publicit Beeton World--Mr. Howe, who has been |A few years ago it was the custom to get in the employ of the G.T.R. at the local ® big bunch of sale bills printed. To- station for some time, left on Monday for dsy conditions have changed. The far- Allandale, whither he has been transferred mer has rural mail and telephone, He does- by the company; and Mr. Hilliard of Utter- nt spend so much time at the hotela and son bas since been filling the position us blacksmith ehops. The way to reach him 'day: operator. here. is through the local newspapers. And far- 'A public meeting of the Indies of Al- mers have found that publishing their full landale wil be held in St. George's Memor- -sale lists in the local papers costs only s i Me "Well Advertised'* ia 'on Friday afternoon at 4.30 this few dollar but puts them in touch with a . Members of the War Savings So- score of interested buyers for every one cigty of Barrie will be present to sdvo- reached by the bills----Walkerton Telescope. " the use of ig ra? and WSS. peek A meeting is hoy for. Very gratifying: response has been made! What's the Matter With Beeton ? to the, appeal for funds to wipe off the (Beeton World) $1500 indebtedness on the Burton avenue| There are three éhurches in our town. Methodist Church. Not only has this |Evidently they are being forgotten. How amount been subscribed but there will be !nice a thing it is to attend divine service sufficient surplus to re-decorate the church ;onee a week at least. Some go there to and make some other improvements. isleep, others to see the other folks' wear- s jing apparel, and there are those who are A Presentation there from a social or business standpoint ; i 18, ebout 'and, we are sorry to chronicle, the minority twenty he adn of 1 Ladies 'Aid 'of Bur- in all cases are there solely to meet in ton avenue Methodist Church met at the|worship and enjoy the service from be- home of Mm, John Belton, Allandale, and ginning to end. ' For Sal Owing to the cessation of hostilities, the Ontario Department of Agriculture will not operate farm trac- tors again this year. The following tractors which have been overhauled and repaired are offered' for sale at very greatly reduced prices:-- 1 CASE 10-20 TRACTOR 3 CASE 9-18 TRACTORS 1 TITAN 10-20 TRACTOR : (stored at Schomberg) ALSO 6 COCKSHUTT PLOWS 1 COCKSHUTT DISC HARROW TERMS CASH: F. O. B. Shipping Point. Tractors stored at Barrie. The number available are limited and those wish- ing to take advantage of this opportunity should act immediately. For further particulars apply to ~ ALLAN HUTCHINSON, Dept. of, Agriculture, : Collingwood, Ontario. 4 t