THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, April 3, 1919 Your Reading Needs Are Well Supplied i= Scott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money*to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT Phone 62 SS INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. AS] RELIEVED WITH OR MONEY REFUNDED, ASK ANY DRUGGIST of write Lyman-Knox Co., Montreal, P.0. PriceBSc.f - AVOID COUGHS ant COUGHERUY! {8 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Our sueceass as funeral directors Nas heen developed by our pat-! rons, and our best advertisement is word-of-mouth recommenda- tion. Som of our customers have been with us for years. We aim {o serve one and all, rich and poor, alike--to dest we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. PHONE C. BROWN aia FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD 'AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: m €or. Elizabeth and Small Streets The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streeta Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. 'We. carry in stock a large assortment of Rough snd Dremed Lumber, B.C. Shingles snd Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done ly. ce Pe de us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. Your banking every confidence Our facilities are disposal. Banking Service - wiped: hia forehead. Notwithstanding the fatigue in his face, there was a glint of tri- umph there, He laid his band upon Nikas-- shcakiee: a 'My friend," he said, "there's big proof coming of what I said to you the other day. You'll find that letter you carry will mean a different thing now. There's! requirements may MAUDE E. CLAXTON, LT.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In voeal work special attention is given to Voice Production, Pupils prepared for A.T.CM. degree in both piano and vocal; THEMARKETS # ; na Saturday Market be entrusted to this Bank with efficient service will be rendered. that careful and entirely at your news in the air.' some one to send me some coffee. come through from Washington, ere has been a great battle, per- haps?" Nikasti asked slowly. "All that is to be known you will hear before evening," Fischer replied. 'Tell T have T am tired." He sank a little abruptly into an easy- chair, took off his spectacles, and leaned his head back upon the cushions. In the THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE A render the very Barrie Branch Copyright, 1918, by Serial Publication rights The Pawns Count By E. Phillips Oppenheim through special arrangement with owners of copyright. L. F. Cross, Manager Little, Brown & Co. secured by The Examiner, & (Continued from last week) "Well, so it in," Lutchester insisted. "Who wants to give up a very agreeable profession and enter upon a career of blood. shed, 'abandon all one's habits, and lose most of one's friends? No, we are honest about thet, at any rate! Germany may be enjoying this war We aren't. "What was your profession?" inquired. "Diplomacy," Lutchester confided, "I intended to become an ambassador." "Do you think you have the requisite Pamela "What are they?" "Secrecy, subtlety, caution, and highly- developed intelligence,"" she replied. "How's that 2"" "All thoxe gifts." be ustured her. "'L possess." | She funned herelf for 4 moment and Nooked at him : "We are not a modest race ourselves," she suid, "but [ think you cum give us a lead. By the bye, were you playing golf with Senator Hamblin by uccident the other wfternoon ?"" "You mean the old Johnny Baltusrol _ jup wandering about by the professionals shed." "Did you talk polities with hint "We gasaed u bit about the war," Lut chester admitted cheerfully Pamela laughed. She leaned u little for [ward The buzz of conversation now war insistent all around them "Of you two," she whispered, "I prefer Fischer." Lutchester some time . "Well, there's no accounting for tastes, he said presently. "I shouldn't have thought him exactly your type." "He may not be," Pamela confessed. "but ut least he has the courage to speak what ix in his mind," Lurchester smiled. "So Fischer hax taken you into his con- fidence, has he? he murmured, "Well, "now, that seems queer to me. I should have thought your interests would have lain the other wa "As un individual an Americen."' . um not wholly convinced of that." "Come," he protested, "what ix the use of a friend from whom you are separated by an unnegotiable space?" "What unnegotiable space!" "The Atlantic". "And why is the Atlantic unnegotiable "Because of a little affair called the British fleet," Lutchester pointed. out "There is also," she reminded "him drily, man fleet, and they haven't met down at considered the matter for yet h! I had slmost forgotten there was such s thing," he murmured. 'Where do they keep it? i "You know. You aren't nearly so stupid as you pretend to be," she said, a little im- patiently. 'I should like you so much better if you would be frank with me. "What about those qualifications for my ambassadorial career?" he reminded her-- "Secrecy, subtlety, caution."' "The master of these,"' she whispered, rising to her feet in response to her hos- i "knows when ~to abandon Lutcheater changed his place to a vacant ebair by James Van Teyl's side. a "I was going to ask you, Mr. Van Teyl"', he inquired, "whether your Japanese ser- vant was altogether a success? I think T shall have to get a temporary servant while I am over here." "Nikasti was entirely Fischer's affair,'" Van Teyl replied, "and I can't say much about him as I bave given up my share of the apartments--at the Plaza, The fellow's all right,I dare say, but we had- n't the slightest'use for a valet. The man on the floor's good enough for any on "By the bye," Lutchester inquired, Fiacher atill in' New, York?" "No, he's in Washington," Van Teyl replied. "I believe he's expected back to. morrow... Say, can I ask you a ques- tion?" Lutchester imperceptably drew his chair 1 little closer. . "Of course you can," he assented "What I want to know," Van Teyl continued confidentially, "is how you get that long run on your cleek shots? I saw you play the sixteenth hole, and it looked to me as though the ball were never going to stop."" Lutchester smiled. "I have made a special study of that thot," he confided. 'Yes, I can tell you how done, but it needs a lot of practice. It's done in turning over the wrists sharply just at the moment of impact. You get everything there is to be gof into#the stroke that way, and you keep the ball Tow, too." "Gee, I must try that!" Van Teyl ob- served, 'making spasmodic movements with is wrists. "When could we have & day down at Bultusrol?" "It will have to be next week, I'm afraid, if you don't mind," Lutchester re 'plied. "I've a-good many appointments in New York, and I may huve to go to Waub- ington myself. By the bye, I thought our host lived there." "So he does,"" Van Teyl assented. "Now: adays, though, it seems to have become the fashion for politicians to own a house up in New York and do some entertaining here. They're after the financial interest, T suppose "In your uncle a "Keen us musterd,"' Van Teyl answered. "So's my aunt. She'd give her soul to have the old man nominated for the Presi- dency." | "Any chance of it?" "Not an earthly! He'll come a mucker, though, some day, trying. He'd take any outside chance. For a clever man hes jthe vainest thing I know." ' Lutchester smiled enigmuticully as he followed the example of the others and rose to hin feet "Even in America, then," he observed, your great mon have their weaknesses.""' een politician?" he asked coolly. "T picked hin | CHAPTER XXIII she hates hotels stand sunlight his face was almost ghastly. A queer sense of weakness had suddenly assailed him. His mind flitted back through a vista of sleepless nights, of strenuous days, of passions held in leash, excitement ground down, "Tam tired,"' be said. "Telephone down to the office, Nikasti, for a doctor."' Nikusti obeyed, and bis summons wus promptly answered. The doctof who arriv- ed was pleasantly but ominously grave. In the middle of his examination the telephone rang. Fischer, without ceremony, moved to the receiver. "It wax Van Teyl speaking. " sold your hundred thousand An- |glo-French,"" be announced. "It's done the |ebole market in, though--knocked thé bot- tom out of it They've fallen a point and a half, Shall I begin to buy buck for you? You'll make o bit." "Not a shure," Fischer answered fiercely "Wait!" "Have you any news you're keeping up your sleeve?" Van Tey! persist "ICT have, it's my own affair." was the curt reply, "und I don't tell news over the telephone, enyway. Watch the market, and go on selling where you can," "I shall do as you ordes," Van Teyl re- plied, "but you're ull agsinst the general tone here, By the hye, you got my let- ter?" "T haven't opened it yet'. Fischer anap- ped. "What's the matter?" "Pamela and T have taken litle flat in Fiftyceighth Street, Seema a little ab- Tupt, but she didn't want to be alone, and We felt sure you'd under- "Yeu, 1 "Good-bye! The doctor completed hin examination. When he had finshed he mentioned his fee, understand," Fischer said. Tm busy | "You work too hurd, and you live in| fn atmosphere of too grent strain. 'The natural consequences are already beginning | ye Witiy WT give you medi- yy to show themselves cine, it will only encourage you to kee on wasting yourself, but you can have medicine if you like."" "Send me something to take for the next fortnight."" Fischer replied, "After that, Tl take my cbunce." The doctor wrote « prescription und took his leave. Fischer leaned buck in hin chair and closed his eyes buck throvgh these Inter days of | hix His mind travelled | Reeta, bavket, Although the market building was filled also elementary exams, of Toronto Conser- with people on Saturday morning it was mostly buyers, those selling produce being few in number. Perhaps the good weather for making maple syrup kept some from coming in. What syrup was marketed was quoted $3.00 gallon, maple sugar was 10¢ to 50c a cake, Butter advanced stead- ily, 55 to 58 being the general price asked. Regarding butter the Weekly Sun says:-- A sensational increase in butter prices | youu tasted. f at Toronto has occurred since our lust pub- lication, and creamery butter, ac¢ording to Gunns, has jumped to 56¢ to 57¢ a pound un advance of Se in the week; with sep: tor butter at 47c to 480; dairy butter, 42c to 45c, and cooking butter, 35¢ per pound delivered at Toronto Thix sudden advance is a result of the heavy buying from the United States. Supplies scrom the line prove to be much shorter than was expec. ted ax a result of the large holdings on Government account, and international phone wires have beep kept bury with buy- ing orders. This has put auch strength into the market that in some cases butter is quoted ax high a 50¢ per pound, delivered at Toronto The only feur ix that the strength may suddenly ba removed from the murket ax the make increasex and foreign demand be- comes satisfied. In the meantime, more- over, the market presents one of the most sensational rallies for this season of the yeur, in its history. Eggs ulto showed an increase, us high as 380 being obtained. Not much change in other lines. Eggs, per doz Butter, Ib Chicken, dressed, I | Duck, ib., ea Milk onart Potatoes, bag ....... Turnips, bag .. . Onions, basket Squasb, cach Celery, 2 bunches Cabbage, each ..... Paranipe, Parsley, bunch, Sage, bunch . half pint bottle" le syrup, gallon ......... $2 $21.00. NEAR-BY MARKETS (March 27, 1019) Bradford--Wheat $2.08-82.13, barley 85- 88, outs 55-62c, pens $1.25.$1.50, hogs $18 00 cwt., butter 49-51c, eggs 35-380, chicken 25_32c. | Alliston Wheat $2.08-82.13, burley 90c, i vatory of music or University. exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical snd theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, Phone 510. 34y LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardisnship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. Money to loan. BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyuncers, Ete. Money to losn at lowest rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St, (in the premises for- merly occupied by the Bunk of Toronto! Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, KC, MP. D.C. Murchison _------------_ errr PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Officer; 707-8 Kent Building, Toronto, Ont. . W. Plaxton, G. Gordon Plaxtyo DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Burne, Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL ; BARRISTERS Solicitors forthe Supreme Court of Judi cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con-- veyuncers, ete, Money to'loun, Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. MEDIOAL OR. H. T. ARNALL 5c. | Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. _ OR. W. A. ROSS L.R.CS., Edinburgh; F.C.P., London, | Physiciun, Surgeon, etc. Office und Residence, Dunlop St., Barns. Telephone 165. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Fischer, exactly one week afier his noc- over-strenuoux life. In such minutes of turnal visit to Fourteenth Street, hurried reluxation, few of which he permitted him: out of the train at the Pennsylvania Stu- self, he realised with bitter completeness tion, almost tore the newspapers from the the catastrophe which had overtaken him-- outa O5¢, butter 35-40c, eggs 35c, potatoes Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and 80c-$1.00, | Bradford Sts, Barrie. Office hours 9 to Orillis--Wheat $2.08_82.13, oats 60-65c, | 10 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105. pews $1.25-$1.50, dressed chicken 28-30¢, |} ------------_________* butter 48-50c, eggs 35_38¢. W. A. LEWIS, M.0., C.M. one and threw them back, The attendant, Into hie life of grim purpose, of lofty | jnews stand, glanced through them one by him, Oscar Fischer, of ull men on earth openmouthed, ventured upon a mild pro- test. Fischer threw ,him a dollar bill, caught up his handbag, and made for the entrance. He wax the firwt passenger from the Washington Limited to reach the strect and spring into @ taxi "The Plaza Hotel," he ordered | along," They arrived at the Plaza in lesx than ten minutes. Mr. Fischer tipped the dri ver lavishly, suffered the hall porter to take his bag, returned his greeting mechan- ically, and walked with swift haste to the tape machine jkasti war in the sitting-room, arranging rome flowers to reply to his reverentiul greeting. "Where's Mr. Van Teyl?" he demanded. "Mr. Van Teyl has gone away, sir," was the calm reply. "He left here the day \before yesterday. There is a letter."" Fischer took no notice. gripping the telephone receiver. "breathless suspense. him, Soon « voice answered "That the office of Neville, Brooks and seemed less distinct than usual. . 'Yes! Put me conscious of n certain huzinesa of outline Colon or Large Intestine. Van Teyl?" he demanded. through to Mr. Van Teyl. Urgent!" | Another few seconds of waiting, then ,once more he bent over the instrument. j 'That you, Van Teyl? . . . .Yes, Fischer speaking. Oh, never mind about that! Listen, What 'price are Anglo-French? . . No, say about what? . . .Ninety-five? . Sell me a hundred thousand. . . .What's that? .. .What? . . .Of course it's a big deal! Never mind that. I'm good enough, aren't I? There'll be no rise that'll wipe | 'out half a million dollars, I've got that ly_| ing in cash at Guggenheimer' He held up the strips with only mean suffering. aking fingers, dropped them again, hur- stroke. jried to the lift, and entered his rooms. Ni- which was responsible for his present weak- | all his nerve power. If you need conscious that he was winning, the money, I'll bring it you in half an hour. office had regained ite ordinary appearance, | /Get out into the market and sell. Damn his pulee was beating more regularly. He 'you, what's it matter about news! Right! ba and yet narrow ambitions, of almost super- human tenacity, had crept the one weaken. | ing strain whose presence in other men he had always scoffed at and derided. There was 4 new und enervating glamour over the days, a new and hatefully powerful rival for "Get all his thoughts and dreams Ten years ago, he' reflected wadly, this might have made a different man of him, might have un- locked the gates into another, more peace. ful and beautiful world, visions of which; hid ometimes vaguely disturbed him in | his cold and selfish climb. Now it could Thin was the first Tt was the assertion of humanity | ness. How far might it not drag him Fischer did not even stop down? There should be s fight, st any rate, he told himself, as en hour or two later he made his way down-town. He paid sev. eral calle in the vicinity of Wall Street, and finished up in Van Teyl's offic He was already young man greeted him with a certain relief, 'You know the tone of the market's "982, Wall,"" he suid--"an urgent call."* till against you, Fischer," he warned him He stood waiting, his face an epitome of once more. { Fischer threw himself into the client's ecayychair. The furniture in the office He was in everything. Van Teyl's face, even, was shrouded in a little mist Then he suddenly found himself fighting fiercely, ighting . for his consciousness, fighting | insta wave of giddiness, a deadly sink- ing of the heart, a strange slackening of The young stock- broker rose hastily to his feet. "Anything wrong, old fellow?" he asked anxiously. "A glass of water," Fischer begged. He was conscious of drinking it, vaguely | Soon the once more the feeling of living--of [sick a di | Sorry, Jim. See you later." living, though in a minor key. Fischer put down the telephone and 4 "A touch of liver,"' he murmured. "What did you say about the markets?" "You look pretty rotten," Van Teyl remarked sympathetically. "Shall I send | ulers Figs Specifics for some brandy?" "Not for me,"' Fischer scoffed, "I don't need it. Removes What price are Anglo-French?" "Ninety-four. You've only done them in a point, fifter all, and that's nominal. I daresay I could get ten thoussnd back at that." "*Let them alone," was the calm reply. "T'll sell another fifty thousand at ninety- four." (To: be continued! 'An English Rival for New Ford Car Henry Ford and his new $250 car are not going to have matters all their own way. An English firm has made arrange- menta to put on the market » small, light car which will cost leas than the new Ferd (about 50 pounds or 60 pounds in the home market), 'The British car will be something quite new. Hardly any wood will be used in ite leonstruction, It will be made almost en. itirely of 8 new substance--a kind of con- crete, light but strong and durable, produced from waste material, such as slag, clinkere, \sawdust and so on, and covered with o metal solution, The present low price of this waste ~\material, which is a product of war, is one lof the 'sécrets: of the car's chespness Another secret is the method of construc- tion, The various parts, including the wheels and chassis, will be stamped out-- t | and mislead bad attacks pain or oper- For Sale st All Droggists Recommended fy We. rossiand Druggist, le, Ont. ---- To whom it may concern: This ix to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINI- MENT mycelf as well as prescribed it in my practice where « liniment was required and have never failed to get the desired ef- fect: C. A. KING, M.D -- A Clergyman's Wife Wants | Women to Know Advantages of Internal Bathing. If women"could only see the thousands of | letters Dr. Tyrrell has received"from grate- ful women in all parta of the world, thank- ing him for his wonderful invention for Internal Bathing, they would soon discard the medicine bottle and logk to the cause of their trouble. 95 per cent. of all human ills are due to accumulated waste in the Warm water, properly used with the "J.B.L. Cascade", will relieve the cause of your troubles and perfect health will follow. A Winnipeg clergyman writes. "My wife is naturally sensitive about having ber name appear in public print, yet is anxious that others should know what the 'J.B.L. Cascade' has done for her. It has really given-her o new lease of life. For years she had been doctoring for Constipatign, which became worse esch year. Since using the 'J.B.L. Cascade' first about four years ago, she has not been \d_has become robust and strong again. Should any person wish this letter confirmed, you are at liberty to give my name in privat The 'J.B.L. Cascade' in an invention per- fected by Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell of New York, and has done more during the past few years to restore health and lessen disease than all other means combined. The "'J.B.L. Cascade" is shown and ex- plained at Wm, Crosland's, Barrie, Ont. Aak for bpoklet explai about Inter: nal Bathing and what it has done for others. it is free. GRAND TRUN THE DOUBLE TRACK. ROUTE RAILWAY SYSTE , CHICAGO Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. . Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand [runk Ticket Agent or C. ¥, Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Jw. 'S81 ONTARIO each complete in one piece--by powerful machinery und simply fitted together. * J. €. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent : : : ¢ al Phone 6|W. A. Lowe & Son's.' SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY expecially. 56 Collier 8t., Barrie. DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduste of Trinity University, Torouto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Diseuses. of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta Office open until 8 p.m, daily. DR. MORTIMER, LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 92 Owen 8t., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nove and Throat, Consultution hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone Ne. 2. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Teronte J. F. Lawson, F.C.A. (Phone 171, Barrie} H. J. Welch. C.4." G. D, Campbell, CA. , T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department, Phone 61. | JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Aj For County of Simcoe. Prepared to con- duct Sales at reasonable rates, Satisfaction guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St, Phone 191. j Orders left at A.F.A. Malcomson's office will receive prompt attention. SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Deslers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best mater- ial used and first-class workmen employed. Brass Tablets sspecialty. Prices always right. PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. * Congoleum rug: sizes, at 43-0