a ii 4 iiusday, March 20, 1919, 100% Value , 100% Sealed Packets Only. Pure IN WOMANS REALM wood; Miss Ruth- Maley, baby's boote, k Ladies' Sew- Gifts to Children's Aid i; The Executive Committee of the Simeoe stockings and rubbers; County Children's Aid Society wish to grate- ing Circle, 2 quilts, 4 pes. underwear, 5! fully acknowledge the following donations large night dresses, 6 small night dresses; received at the Shelter during February. Mrs. Robert Bothwell, clothing; John Jamie- : son, 1 doz. oranges; T. N. Hobley, 1 Ib. From the Ball Planing Mill Co., 1 losd of {23 'Trinity Church Sunday School, cake 1 quilt and bale of clothing; Miss Leonard, 1 dress, 1 hat; Trainmen's Association, cakes; Lady Foresters, cake; Railway Ap- prentices, cakes; Mrs. Cooper, clothing; Mrs. W. J. and Mrs, W. H. Durnford and Mrs. | mitts; Mrs. Donald Ross, clothing; a Friend, 11 bag potatoes, 1 bag of turnips, Mrs. Hea- !ley, 1 loaf of, bread, 1 doz. buns; Baptist Sunday School, cake; Presbyterian church, sandwiches; Miss Ids Walker, Toronto, | $1.00, treat for children; Mrs. Joseph Both- jam, toys and clothing; C. T. Thompson, fich; Mrs, T, T. Young, clothing; Walter Thoinpson, fish. | The following gifts of money have heen 'received. by the Inspector since January Ist -- | Miss M. Tooke, $1.00; Mr. Houghton, | $2.00; the Misses' Gunn, $2.00. , f f 4 f , a AS f air' Apert fviog dba ood sing. Is not "8 sised bottles at all 'Selle realy to ee. Palo Hay Oo Newark. N-. FS AF NAF OS Oh: jand pie; Mitchell Square Women's Inst., | J. Gill, Coldwater, 6 prs. stockings, 2 prs. | "What Phonograph Shall I Buy?" How many times, when the subject-of purchasing a phonograph or talking machine has come up, have you asked yourself this question | A The Edison tone test answers it\for you, completely, convincingly. : Over two million music lovers have been present when this test was being made; and they have realized, as you will realize; that the New Edison _ alone can actually re-create the human voice and the music of human-played instruments. "It is all-important that you hear The NEW EDISON- "The Phonograph with a Soul'? because it is the only instrument that re-creates the singer's voice 10 faithfully that the human ear cannot distinguish the rendition of the artist from that of the New Edison, . "The wise way to choose your phonograph is to Have the several makes of phonographs and talking machines sent to your Yome on trial, where you can make direct comparisons among them, and then decide which one you would like to keepwhich one you think you would enjoy hearing as much five years from now as you doto-day. ' Be your own salesmen. Sell a phonograph to yourself, We will gladly send a New Edison to your home for the purpose, without obligation on your part. < ' 72 - James G. Keenan, - Barrie, Ont. }) worl welfare of the country. 'The experience of Grest Britain and the. United States has shown that neither ef- ,fort can cover the whole field. 'The Thrift Stamp makes a special appeal to the wage earner and is more adapted to older boys and girls who are not so likely to lose the stamps. The Penny Bank is| Jan educational institution and fills need' in the Public Schools which cannot be met | by any stamp system, 'The purchaser of a thrift stamp is buy- ing a bond and if be holds it he will get 0 bond rate of interest. A depositor in the Penny Bank gets the same of interest as the depositor in any savings bank. The thrif- s'amp encourages investment. The Penny Bank encourages thrift and de~ velops the savings-bank habit which should | leud to the habit of making investments. HERBERT B. AMES, HAMILTON CASSELS, President The Penny Bank. "Cinderella" Returning | "Ginderelia"', a fanciful musical version of the famous fairy story, in pantomime form, will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House for a return engégement on Saturday, March 29. The production, which is now on a tri- umphant tour of Canada and the U.S. is under the management of F. Stuart-Whyte, whose previous offerings here have estab- lished & clientele of "'panto" enthusiasts who will undoubtedly accord ~tim and his "Cinderella's hearty welcome when they come to the Grand Saturday. | Many of the favorites of other years are who will play the role of Prince Charming. The name part this season being in the ca- pable hands of Miss Sue Perker, a dainty little ingenue of winsome personality who has slready won a pluce: among the elect | of Broadway, having appeared in three mu- ical successes in as many years, John V. Barrett-Lennard, the elongated comedian who supplied the principal mirth in "Reb- jnson Crusoe'" as Abanazar, will be the chief funster in "Cinderella", playing the role of the Baron. The two ugly step-sisters will be played by Harry Hoyland and Herbert Sydney, while she dight comedy part of | Blewie, the Buron's Page, will be taken | by T, Clifden Corless, whose lust sppear- Jance in America was with 'The Bluebird" lf the cat. The other characters are all in experienced hands und the chorus is com~ posed of really pretty girls Former Oroite Died in Calgary (Calgury Herald) * The funeral of Mrs. Agnes Campbell was held Friday afternoon st 2 o'clock from the chapel of Graham, McCall & Ruttle, the services being conducted by the Rev. Alex. Esler, of Grace church, and attended by 3 great many friends and relatives. The deceased was born in Oro township, Simeoe county, Ontario, Oct. 30, 1838, and (was married Jan, 1, 1861, to Daniel Camp- bell, of Nottawasaga (formerly of Paisley, Scotland). Together they had lived in the |homestead which they had carved out of the forest near Duntroon, until about twen- ty yeurs ago, when Mrs, Campbell came west to Pinchet' Creek, and later to Calgary, where ahe made her home at the residence of her son, Robert Campbell, 727 Sixth avenue west. For the last few weeks she had been visiting st the home of her son, George, where she passed away on March 3. Her husband pre-deceased ber in 1895. . Mre, Campbell leaves to mourn ber loss four daughters and five sons--Mre. A. Z. Jessop, of Nanton, Alta.; Robert, of Sunny- Mrs, J. Boyes, of Stratford, \Ont.; Elizabeth, of Calgary, (former- hy of the West African Mission in Angola, AB.CFM.) ; Peter, Nashville, Tenn.; Wm., 'at the old homestead in Onterio; Mrs. 8. King, of Point du Chene, N.B.; George D., of Calgary, and Fred, of Twin Butte, Alta; also two brothers, George Beveridge, of Pincher Creek; John, of St. Ignace, Mich., and a sister, Mrs. Inabella Burns, of Pincher Creek. The Silver \Cross of Sacrifice for Next-of~ . Kin of Dead A "Silver Cross of Setvice" will be issued {by the Canadian Government to the widows and mothers of soldiers who gave their lives in the war, Hon. 8, C. Mewburn, Min- ister of Militie, in bjs speech in the Com- {mons regently announced that the Govern- 'ment proposed to confer such decorations lin memory of the men who had fallen and in recognition of the heroic part of Cana- dian women in the great conflict. The preliminaries to, the issue of the cross sre in fact, being worked out, Designs have 'been prepared and are now being consider- led with « view to the selection of the most suitable and it is hoped that before long arrangements will be completed for the manufacture and distribution of the' ém- blem. In addition the next of kin of sol 'diers who have lost their lives will receive 'a memorial placque of bronze being issued by the British Government. Stroud Women's Institute The meeting of the W. I. was held home of Mrs. A. Neelanda, but owing to weather aid road' conditions the attendance, was not so large as it would otherwise have been. Thirteen members and five visitors were present. Mrs, A. 'Martin, delegate to the Provincial Conven= tion gave her report, and Miss Dorothy Har- per recited "'A Lady Sold st Auction". Chairman National War Savings Committee] High Prices At Sales the owner at'a sale several years ago for $5 Coldwater Planet-=R. A. Walker is con- |sold for $43. Almost any kind of a cow sells ducting © number of very successful sales |for $100 and-common hens bring $1 each. these days and high prices are being ob- tained, for example at one of these sales a farm implement that was purchased by Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S ' CASTORIA Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at . A. Lowe & Son's. 43-tf A motion brought before the meeting re 'the signing of the petitions to the Senate and House of Commons, asking that the temporary - temperance legislation might be made permanent and complete, was un-- animously 'carried Work done in: February was, as follows: 10 shirts, 4 1 child's dress, 1 quilt. ------ > Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff a delicious satisfying healthful meal! HIS week we are offering our high-grade line of Pork and Beans at specially reduced prices--giv- ing our customers the opportunity to purchase for a few cents an article of 'food at once delicious and sustaining and one which makes a most welcome meal at any time. Davies at Pork and 'Beans ° - --are a real treat to eat--made from choice white, sound, hand-picked beans, cooked to perfection, with a tasty piece of selected pork to make them nicer still! They're flesh-forming and-body-build- ing--probably one of the most inex- pensive pure food products you can buy to-day. Everybody likes them-- particularly the children. A few cents will provide Plain or With Tomato Sauce Here is one of the cheapest and most appetising food products, you can place upon your table. sae tsi ae 'We sell them in 1l-oz, 16-oz. and 20-oz. tins--plain or with tomato sauce. Make up your mind to buy some to-day. Serve them for lunch or supper, and give the family a real treat! Don't buy "just atin." Order several tins Keep a few in the house--ready for emergencies. They'rej easily and quickly served -- and/ wonderfully good value! Order. from your dealer. The William Davies. Company, Limited . Toronto and Montreal Canada Food Board: Pockers! License Nos. 13:50 and 1354 \ 6