Page Twelve THE ADLET COLU The cost of advertising in this column ts ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will 'be given for the price of four. Whore re- plies are directed to this. Office an addi- tional charge of 10c. will be made. The Geregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for befote the paper is issued, an ad- ditional charge of 0c. will be made on all adiets less than one doll FURS REMODELLED an: M. McArthur, King Bloc! FOR SALE--House with 5 acres or less at 28 Donald street. Apply on premises. 8-17p ee SHORTHORN BULL calf, 8 months old for sale. Apply Duncan Bros, Shanty Bay, RR. 10-L1p FIVE MEN WANTED--$35 s month and board experience with axes and horses. Apply by mail to M. Wosny, Midhurst, or D. Jamieson, Barrie. O-11p Repaired. Miss Barrie. 37-tfe CALF FOR SALE--606 ring 33. lle ERS WANTED--Apply to 22 Wore ley street. BOARDERS WANTED--All conveniences. 44 Worsley street. 10-15p WANTED--Man to work on farm in Oro. Apply Examiner Office 10-ip without 11-llp FURNISHED ROOMS, with or board, Apply 14 Grove street. LO8T--On Dunlop street, a black crocheted 1. Please le this office. 10-10p BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE am easy terms. Misses Bell, 59 Mary street.10-11p GIRL WANTED--For housework. Apply Mrs. D. Powell, 48 Clapperton street. 1l-Ile EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL Want- ed. Apply Mrs. Cecil, 55 Peel street. 11-12p DRESSMAKING Fully equipped, heated and lighted will be given, free of charge to a first-class dress- maker. Devlin & Murchison. GOAL, all sizes, nut, stove and egg Also all kinds of hard and soft wood. Apply to W. Gracey & Son, Allandale, phone 404 B-tfe. HOME-MADE BAKING ON SALE--At Graham Restaurant, 20 Mulcaster street. Mealsvor lunch served at all hours. Prices lowest. 8-18p. CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Hurry Twiss, Ross Block, Duntop St. FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all kinds of raw furs, Satisfaction guaran- teed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie. 3-16p | TO RENT OR FOR SALE--Business prop- erty, residence and stables, corner Eliz- abeth and Mary Sts. Apply R. H. 'Webb, Barrie. 38-tfo FOR SALE--Spsn. of mares, HD. young and sound. Apply R. E. Coulter, Thorn- ton. 10-11p WANTED--Experienced farm hand. Free house and garden. Apply Examiner Of- fice. 11-11p. |FOR SALE--100 Bushela Choice Seed Peas. 'Apply W. D. Cochrane, R. R. No. 2, Allandale. 11-16p WANTED--At dace, smart boy for general work around Dry Goods Store. Moore & Armstrong. l-le FOR SALE--House, lot (sbout 2% sores) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises. 6-14p HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, seven rooms, electric light and water. Apply on prem- ises, 113 Burton avenue. 11-13p FOR SALE or Exchange--For a dpe, good Siberian buck rabbit 9 months old. 80 Sanford street, Barrie. 11-12p HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- age, fireplace, furnace, sleeping balcony, FOR SALE OR RENT--2% acres in Barrie, | $1500.00 108 Peel street. L1-tfe brick house, good barn, town water, | -- ---------- ----------___* cistern; convenient to market, Price| LARGE BRICK HOUSE to Let--All con- right, eaxy terms. Enquire Examiner| veniences. Furnished or unfurnished. office 7-12¢| Apply to 135 Collier street. L-Ip FUNERAL DESIGNS, Wedding Bouquets, HEATED ROOMS to Let furnished or un- artistically arranged, fresh cut roses, car. | nations, other seaxonable flowers always | Phone 713, E. A. Harris, 8-13p on. hand. florist. FOR SALE--A seven-roomed, rough-caat house, with water and bath newly install- ed, garden, side driveway. Close to Cath- olic Church, Mrs, Culverwell, 93 Owen street. 8-tfe FARM FOR SALE--50 acres at edge of town, good buildings and four acres young furnished. Apply at what is known ea Vespra House. Phone 753. 11-16p. GOLDEN CAMPINE EGGS--Fine laying | strain (Kennedy's! $2.00 for 15. J. A. Wolfenden, 94 Clapperton, TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, sll modern conveniences. Easy terms, Ap- ply to Mrs, Smith, 60 Mary street. 11-16p FOR SALE--Sawing Machine with Fair- bunks Morse engine, magneto, all com: WANTED--An experienced general. Apply | Daj Mrs. Harold Dyment. Btfo. 11-6 | Next Mongay is St. Patrick's y. WANTED -- 5000 SPRING MUSKRAT. HIGHEST CASH PRICE. SIMMONS & CO. --Don't forget the masquerade ball in the Town Hall, next Mon> day, St. Patrick's night. Tickets, $1.00 per couple. --Miss V. §. Brownlee announces a special suowing of spring millinery ou Monday and Tuesday, March 17 and 18. Geo. Cameron shipped hogs and 65 head of cattle on Monday. Fo. hogs ewl. was paid. The shovel brigade was much in evidence on Sunday and Mon- day, these days bringing the heaviest snowfall of the winter. E. Jamieson, Reeve of Nottawa- sage, was, last week, elected a director of the Ontatio Good Roads Association --Costumes for the Oddfellows' Masquerade Ball supplied by Alex. Milne & Son, A large choice for both ladies and men. Order early, A lantern service entitied "Ben Hur" will be given in the Saiva- tion Army Citadel, on Thursday, March 20, at 8 p.m., by Ensign F. Riches of Midland. In the recent exhibition hockey match which Woodstock played in Parry Sound the home team's stars, were Laird and Woods, who were members of the Stayner O H. A. Leam this season --Special Sale of Linoleum. $5.60 per running yd., 4 yd. wide. Cheaper than Toronto prices. Took up catalogue and be con- vinced, then buy from Dougall Bros B11 Seott Bros. have a large num- ber of ice orders for Hamilton and other places. A special arrangement for loading several cars simultaneously hax heen erected near the station. St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid will hold a sale of home-made baking and also will serve afternoon tea in the basement ef the chureh on Saturday afternoon, Mar. 15 public is invited W. Firth has tak |well's Dyeing and opposite Barrie Hotel and wiil be pleased Lo welcome old customers and new, All kinds of repairing 75 The orchard, 20 acres mixed bush, never- , . fl * 'J plete, on wheels. Chas, Kelly, Allandale. also dane, itfe feling "sirteg: Apply, Hai Meleughlin, atl Me) Gs Hill's big musical comedy West End 6-11p | ! | Bom | Now Is THE SEARON SkRars | "Uecess "Bringing Up Father At FARM FOR SAL 2, con, 5 Innis. | TT then Will por higher mre, | me." will hold the board al Well fenced, good clay loam; good frame . ¥ 2 et 0 ihe Grand on Monday, Mar.24 | H. Levit, Bayfield street. phone 384, house, large barn with basement atab- iniep Waten fur the huge display ad ling, never-failing well. Apply to Mrs. | ii Gi WHER Ines BE' thik Dutcher, Thorn.on HOUSE FOR SALE--New brick house, 11 Bradford street, Barrie, just opposite new | collegiate. Every modern convenience. Garage for two cars. Apply, Wesley Mar- tin, R.R3, Thornton. v- ART CLASSES: drawing from life, oil and water colour painting, Saturday and by appointment. Mrs. F, 8. Williams, (diploma Paris and London), 261 Dun- lop street, Phone 391 8-13p 00 ACRES FARM FOR SALE--In Ore | Township, good buildings, 3 acres fruit orchard, 10 acres bush, lots of water. For further particulars, write Mra. Mary , J. Turk, Shanty Bay, R.R, No. 2, Ont. 6-11p FOR SALE--One of the best properties in town, 14 roomed house, all conveniences, stable, garden and orchard, on one of best tree' in Barrie, Will sell cheap. "Owner is leaving town, Apply Box 1011, Barrie. 8tfe SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE--Year- lings whd two-year-olds. These are high- ly bred bulls and will be sold at reduced | prices for immediate sale, See them be- fore buying elsewhere. Don't overlook this chance. H. BM. Dyment, Barrie, Ont. 8-tfe ae ESET 'FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17. | con. 2, Fins, 100 acres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, | with plowing privileges. "P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston 25, "WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to take full charge of farm home with « baby boy ten months old. No outside work to do. A good, comfort- . able convenient home, one half mile from : village of Stroud. Apply stating partic- | ulars to Benjamin Wehb, Stroud ro. or phone, FARM FOR SALE--North half, lot 12, Flos, consisting of 100 acres, good. state of cultiva his property are a good brick house, 'bank barn, hog pen, driving house, chick- 'en house. Convenient to churches, 'ehools and markets. For further pa iwulars apply to J. C. McGinnis, RR, 'Ehnvale, Ont, 8-14p FOR BALE--Double' house: Worley street, S-minute walk from P.O. Solid white brick, air space in outside walls, brick div. 'idipg' wall. Stone foundation and divi ing wall in-cellar, cement floors, Hecla furnaces, Eight rooms and bath, all con- veniences, soft water in kitchen, unfin- ished attic. Bargain, as owner is non- _resident, Phone 555, or Box 586. 9-14e "BOR SALE--Good Brick House, well loca- |- "ted in Barrie, with town water and light, lc. | dens, plenty Terms to suit Cundles. 100 MEN WANTED--We want 100 men immediately to help load ice at Barrie. WAGES $3.00. Scott Bros. Apply to J. i SG Scott's office, Ross Block. fruit, good out-buildings Enquire Stephen Pratt, 11-16p \PRIVATE SALE of Household Furniture, Can be seen wny afternoon or evening during next week. Apply Mr. J. J. Neelands, 36 Sophia street. 1Le PUBLIC ATTENTION--Auto, carriage and sign painting done at Huxtable's garage. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. Hallidi Painter 8-14. WANTED--Reliable single man for farm, | would hire for seven months, or a year. State wages in first letter to Box "'B" Examiner, office. 10tfe ters for automobile eolor varnishing and also' woodworking machine hands. Mec- Laughlin Motor Car Co,, Ltd., Oshawa. 11-12me WANTED TO RENT--At onee, or by Ap- ril Ist, six- or seven-room brick house, hardwood floors, sll conveniences. Apply to Metropolitan Insurance Uo. Office. Phone 559. 11-11p ART--Mrs. Isnbella Day, teacher of Chit decorating, former Art Teacher at Albe Ladies' College, Edmonton, Alta. --Firin personally attended to. Studio, 33 Louisa street, after April 15. 11-15p. PARCELS TAKEN--Will the pergonwho took home parcels put in his buggy by mistake on Mar, Ist, return them imme- diately to Lowe's furniture store and save trouble. Alp FOR SALE CHEAP-One Swing Sawing frame, suitable for coal and wood yard; number of wood split pulleys, different sizes; one wood stave water tank, about 25 bbl. capacity. W. C. How, Phone 798. 11-tfe SALE--Three Hundred Acres good rich clay loam farm. En bloc or portion. Large bank barns, water service, stables, brick howe, furnace, eplendid 'locality, near railways and county town. Posses- sion at once. Investigate, Frank Quants, owner, Barrie. Teowtf AGENTS WANTED--(Spare time) to act for this Town & District for English Sporting Syndicate. Exceptional Oppor. tunity. Good yearly salary and commis> 'sion. No town or village is too small, Write to E. B., Box 353, care W. L. Er- wood, Ltd., 30' Fleet Street, E.C. : Parl don, England. IL FOR SALE--Strictly modern brick house, 'on west "side of Burton avenue, full basement with attic, all modern conveni- ences, with hot water heating, good gar- 1L-Me | MECHANICS WANTED--Experienced pain- | Bay. | $1-tf FOR SALE--Two Brick houses, large gar- | paper safard papers report the sali ty the Bank of Toronto of the Royal Hotel, Meaford, owned by Hunter Kennedy of Barrie, The price stated is $15,000, This will make three banks for Mea- ford. Orillia publie school teachers Jrecentiy presented an address and ja handsome armehair to H. Cgoke who was for many years chair- mgn of the hoard. The Barrio friends of Mr ke are glad to seo his services thus recognized Prof. A. H. F. Lefroy, K.C., af 'Toronto University, died on Fri- day after an illness of a few days. For many years Mr. Lefroy has had a summer residence on the south shore of Kempenfelt Edwin Hubbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hubbert, Grove St., had his left forearm almost com- pletely severed last Wednesda, While working at a sawing ma- chine his arm came in contact with the saw, H. L. Frost »* Hamilton died in New York last week from pneu- monia. It will that Mr. Frost was to have addressed the 'Barrie Board of Trade a year ago, but was un- avoidably prevented. At the last' meeting of the Quarterly Official Board of the Penetang Methodist Church, Rev. E. T. Douglas FOR SALE--Medium sized brick house. Modern conveniences, in good repair, cen- tral. Will be sold reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser, Inrge lot adjoining. 88 Clapperton street, Barrie. Apply Mrs. E. , 409 Markham street, Toronto. » 10-140 COMPANION WANTED--A young woman Or middle-aged lady, (school girl or in be remembered (formerly of the business) may secure a comfortable home STRAYED--from 248 Blake street on Mar. \'9, Airdale terrier dog, tag number on col- lar, 184. When last seen was in vicinity of Shanty Bay. His name is "Tip" and ia perfectly quiet. Any' person giving information as to his whereabouta will receive a cash reward. Leave word st this office or 248 Blake street. 11-lip WANTED--A thoroughly respectable girl around 17, seeking « nice-home in Toron- to, can secure s position with young couple, light housework. Good wages den and poultry 'house, good cistern fa summer kitchen. $17.00 ~per) season, showing that the pop- ularity of this company's imple. ments is still growing, Caw is the local representative and he in company with R. A, DeHart, general agent for this district, were in chargé of the arrangements for this week's des livery, Suggests Y. M. C. A. To the Editor of The Ixaminer, Sir:--In the last issue of your paper yon asked ius from your readers re, erection of a su'ta' for thé fallen heroes, fe In my opinion there could not be any- thing moreesuitable or appro- 7 ¥ The Wear and Weather, resisting -kind, made: of ' solid leather, and nothing but the best insoles, counters, etc.{ are used and. every boot is' sewn with the best waxed Linen thread. Made on.broad, perfect fitting lasfs, which.ensures comfort with durability. In Black, Tan and Brown Leathers, with and with- out toe-cap, sizes 6 to 11. Weare showing extra-s} eral values at per pair... .$4.25, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, - The "Greb Shoe"--there's no other just as good, nd no no other store has them. Without exception the best work boot made. Men's Black Mennonite Oil Grain, per pr.......$6.00 Men's Black American Elk, per pair ..........$6.25 Men's Smoked American Elk, per pair ....... .$6.50 Boys' Heavy Work Boots at Proportionately Lower Prices Reasonable Prices EXTRA VALUE Special Qualities For Good Shirts WORK SHIRTS In Work Shirts "Jess Willard' plain In plain dark blue, and Plain black drill and v vt blue, blue and white strip- black and white stripes. black and white mixture, es and black "and white These shirts are made full FF stripe in strong drill shirt- } Sized, ensuring freedom exia heavy, "ani istfong ing. Large roomy shirts of action without danger materials, worth much ' i ing. T i for the working man, all of ripping or ha i Ou more than we are asking. Fj " price is now less than the x 7 sizes from 14 to 18 in makers are asking for Just the shirt for spring these lines, at each same lines, each wear. $1.50 $1.25 $1.75 Each Sutcliffe's Special Mammoth Rolls. Taylor's Bath Tablet Laundry Soap aoe E eee Toilet Soap 5 Bi 0} 'or oe for 25¢ Much less than present 2. Tablets for 25¢ Now worth 7c bar value. It's cheap at 15c straight. WE GIVE A 5¢ COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE > 4 Dalston circuit was unanimous-|rooms, movie shows and restaur-| and young men génerally would ly "invited to remain for the ants where many of our young] be benefitted by it for years to fourth year, and his salary wa: men spend too much of their|come and wa would be serving advanced to 81500 jtime and money because there is|@ double purpose, that of honor- The Minister of Finance ha |no other place where they can|ing the dead and of helping the announced that a smaller cent ir ;meet their companions' and| living. fo replace the present copper © {friends to have a social time. --A Mother the Canadian currency. This will If there was a Y. M.C. A. ev t affect the value of | sa Y.M.C. A, even . cent (big or liltle' per word One puilding (the boys would not] Dougall Bros. 8-11 pay for advertising in our Adlet mind that) our returned heroes Read the advertisements. Column, Thousands will weleome tho | new 1919 Edition of "5000 Facts j \bout Canada," edited by Frank; e < 9 Yeigh, the well known writer and lecturer on the Dominion. Copies ' u ar S may be had from leading news- : dealers 'or*by sending 25 cents to the Canadian Facts Publishing, @ "| Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto. Barrie municipal woodyard is not the only one that has a supply = which exceeds the demand. Brant- 7 ford has over $15,000 worth of ; cordwood that it would be glad to dispose of. Hamilton and! , . other places are "in the same! - hox." Yet the public saving in| Wis fuel is far in excess of that, amount, thanks te the remark] CLOSES, SATURDAY, MAR. 15 able mild winter---a blessing far, beyond minor losses. | _ The annnal Massey-Harris de- Large numbers have availed themselves of the very livery was held yesterday fronp . . . : . the warerooms in Dunlop St. Ajf{f Special bargains listed in our last week's advt. These large number of binders, drills, ' ail ia 4 5 cultivators and manure spreaders |{{ bargains will still be on sale till Saturday night. have been sold for the coming! As a special finish to our very successful anniver- sary sale, we are going to give our customers, for cash purchases 10 PER CENT OFF ALL CLASSES OF GOODS xcept those listed in our advt. of last week, and gaso- lene. * You never had a better opportunity to supply. your hardware needs. Don't miss it. This offer is good only to Saturday night, Mar. 15. ' Yours for Efficient Service, priate or more needed than a Y. M. C. A. At the present time in Barrie where éan the young than spend his evenings 'and other spare time? We know there are the pool MERRILL & HUBBARD