Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1919, p. 10

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Says He Feels As Well As|, He Ever Did. "If you had seen me before began taking Tanlac you would hardly believe me to be the same Almand, a merchant o 271-3 Peters street, Atlanta, Ga he well-known with stomach trouble. ing anything | would alwa: and woul constantly beleh up my sour, un. suffered wil! heartburn constantly and was ex [which the members could engage in. each. was and 1 was bilious, 1 felt languid and tired-out most and often fell so had thal T could hardly attend to my fe"Wconding Secretary, Mise L, Jonnaton, | business pronerly "T heard su many people pra taking fpiekea and eae ig r had |Deanery at their second annual Convention, gained nineteen pounds suffer now with hearthurn or in- digestion and am T was before and get up in the morning feel. and ready for 1 never nervous | sleep well a hard in Cookstown by W Lumber Co., uishene by in Hawkestone by Tho in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in a 0. Gerrie, in Brad-!pare a programme of missionary study for ford by W. L.. Campbell, in Stroud |the coming year. Thirty-five Letter Leaflets by Chantler Bros by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury in Belle Ewart by A. Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis « Son, in Moon- in Craighurst by E. J. Pete J toria Harbor Brown.-- Advertisement. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Never-Failing 1 Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidn: are often caused Gall Stone Colic appear, Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is ? Marlatt's Specific will cure witout pain or oper- For Sale at All: Druggi Recommended by Wa tne . MARI ONTARIO ST,¢ TOR Relieve Your - Rheumatism For 25c. There are three vital tet e, digestion of of nourishment i of the interfere with these processes: 'them bo interrupted or improperly certied on, and sickness, 'of some kind follows. to the regular outfit for Leons Ansey, articles presented at a shower when the bale was packed, Mias Cartwright, the Presi- ing that she could not visit' St. but hoped to in the near future. The report of the Pres, Mrs. Perry, surveyed the four- fold purpose of the W. A. , Prayer, Study, orcas and Financial, showing ways in There are 36,475 senior members of the W.A. The members of the Juniors, Girls and Little Helpers, the three other branch associations bringing the total to approxi- mately 60,000 in Canada. The report of \showed that there had' been 20 meetings {held, eight of which were Red Cross. The 'branches of St, Paul's and St. Peter's en- tertained the branches of South Simcoe when over 200 were present, addressed by Mrs, Donaldson and Rev. D. B. Langfotd of the Jewish mission, Toronto. Rev. H. D. Raymond preached at the opening service, which was addressed also by the Revs. T. J. Dew, Ivy, J H. Colelough, of Lioydtown, and P, W. A. Roberts of Alliston. The Pres- byterian W. M. entertained the members in |January, when the members of the W.A. Tanlac i& sold in Barrie by gave papers on.Jupan. The meetings were Geo. Monkinan, in Or' he H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. J. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. Ardill, in Slayner by N. B. West.ip 'M Garr showed an increasing interest 3. Mackay, |in an increasing number of the members in in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay mission study which also had « good effect Port Mc-,on the finances and in the departments y P. H. Beattie, in Allis-|Prayer and Dorcas B. Schell, in Lisle by} in Gilford by James A. Blain, in Tottenham by in Penetang- A. Nettleton, jeld in the basement during the summ from house to house in winter, three Indies |providing lunch each time. |" Literature and Cor. Sec'y report by Miss The branch entered three competitions set apart by the Diocesan officers and although jnot as in the past two years taking prizes yet took 95 per cent., 85 per cent. and 79 per cent. respectively. This year two com- petitions are being entered, viz,, "Life of A. Stone, 'Mohammed", and the answers to the ques- 'tions in the "Letter Leaflet". It was sug- gested that a committee be appointed to pre- were taken. The Treasurer, Mrs. T. Calder, reported receipts $116.45, with a balance of $35.77. $45.00 was the amount asked for the Dom- inion Board pledge, which will be paid Monthly envelopes are used by 33 membe: thank offering $7.00. The Dorcus Sec'y, Mrs. W. J. Leonard, reported two bales sent during the yesr to the Wabasco Indian school. The first contained 68 articles including $5.00 worth in shower; the second, sent in February, of 62 articles together with a number of the supplies, The value of bales is $65.00 and $58.00. The Little Helpers Sec'y, Mrs. Lewis Guest, reported un addition of four members making 24 in all and receipts of $7.07. 'The balloting of the officers nominated according to the requirements of the con: stitution two weeks previously resulted a= Sec'y, Mrs. L. Guest Delegates to the Annusl sre President Mrs. R. J. W. Perry, Misses E. M. Carr snd Laurema Johnston; substitutes, Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs, L. Guest Red Cros report showed splendid work had been done during the year, 536 ar- ticles had been made, viz 120 suite py- james, 20 shirts, 210 'prs. soxs, 2 ho buits, 111 property bags, 26 quilts, 1 pr. pillows, 45 refugee garments. 'After the business a missionary contest was engaged in which proved very inter- esting, bringing before the members the names of our missionaries in the foreign field, Linch was served and the meeting closed with the Doxology. Collingwood Loses Leading Merchant Bulletin.--CoJlingwood business _ circles have been called upon to lose one of their number, Robert T. Stephens, whose death occurred on Saturdsy afternoon at half past one o'clock at the family home, Pine street. He had been ill for a number of weeks, NR does it by improving and elimination ---- NR Today-- Relief or No Pay rheumatic, poison {8 allowed to re- main in body. in} taining enough to last twenty- five dcys;--must help you, must five, you brompt relief anit factory benefit' or cost nothing. And Nature's Fieiaad and - | headach jney-Liver Pills and be / liver trouble and conseq! ness Chase's Kidney-Livér Pills. Overeating is cause of ish liver action. lose your appetite, have distressing billous spells usually accompanied by headache and vomiting, the bowels become irregular, constipation looseness alternating, digestion is up- hearte € No treatment so quickly awakens this reason this fully popular and hi Mr. Charles R. Tait, 1 "I was nearly alwt writ to stop work for a day or two. I lost many @ night's sleep every month with bilious sick hi many other patent medicines, it was without success. When I had these I would vomit, and could nothing on my stomach. purchased a box of Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pills from G. M. Fal weather, druggist, of Sussex, N. after taking one box I was a I continued to tal \until I am now completely c advice to anyone suffering from sick headaches {is to try Dr. Chase's Kid- completely A. B Mace, J.P., endorses the statement, and says :--"This {5 to certify that I am personally ac- quainted with Charles R. Tait, and bdelieve his statement in every way to be true and correct." 'Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto, Substitutes will only dis appoint. Insist on getting what you ask for. SSS first with influenze, from which he so far recovered as to be able to be out, and again with kidney trouble, which terminated with his death. Mr. Stephens was widely known in Col- lingwood and the country. He was born in Streetsville in 1851 ant came to Colling- wood half a century ago. Almost since coming here be has been engaged in busi- nese, first as a member of C. Stephens & Co. and of late years of Stephens Store., Limit- ed, of which he was president. In this way he came into direct contact with the | public and especially with the farm com- munity from which he annually purchased Marge quantities of produce and grain for the extensive trade enjoyed by his firm, Mr. Stephens was always beld in the high- est respect, his straightforward business any dealing with him or his firm. Though of 8 quiet disposition he made many warm friends and throughout his long and use. ful life in town ever retained the complete confidence of the public. Mr, Stephens married Miss Minnie Cle- land, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Glelund, who survives, He also leaves three sons, Robert A. and H, M. of C. Stephens Co. Limited and Pte. Gordon, overseas. He also leaves one brother, Stephens, president of C. Stephens Co. Limited und one sister, Mrs, W. A. Cope- land. 'The funeral which took place on Monday afternoon to the Presbyterian Cemetery, was largely attended by the business men and friends of the family. The services were conducted by Rev. Samuel Farley, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of which the deceased was 8 member. Collingwood School Notes Following sre some items taken from the report of the last meeting of Collingwood Board of Education: 'The Principal of the Public Schools re- ported 1176 pupils on the roll with an aver- fage attendance of 960 and the average for each teacher 36. The Principal of the Collegiate reported 190 on the roll as compared with 202 for the same period last year. The average at- tendance was 168 'The school nurse reported 3725 inspee- tions, during which it was found the pupils were affected us follows: Defects of throat, 207, Defects of teeth, 174. Eyesight, 45. Defects of heir, 45. 'The attendance ut the industrial classes was quite disappointing for mechanical drawing and ship mathematics, the average @ressmaking 5 and cooking 8. chitecture, however, was a redeeming fea- tuse where the attendance was 13. commercial classes in stenography and fan average attendance of 21, but the prep: ratory classes only had an average of 2. The Board were offered lantern slides for a lecture 'on reforestry. This was ac- cepted, _ The'woinen a boitus of $75.00 to be in June 1919, also that the maximum and minimum sel- aries be increased. Dr, McFaul said they had last year got reports from various places the i ingwood and they were well up in the Scale. Board of Management Committee to re- to $800. New Fair Buildings for Midland pathmasters, fence-viewers, sheep: and poundkeepers for the year 1919. there is cure in the use of Dr. $74.90. the most common | lie, Councilor Allan was granted 'two 'OU months leave of absence. | Monday, April 7. and! v | set and you get irritable and down- with headaches, and would often have 2 aches, and although |and F. I tried doctors' medicines, and also Lowrie, supplies, $5.75; Union Bank, Home |ghip. methods being re¢ognized by all who had | C. | discerning its purpose. (are. The typewriting were fairly well attended with teachers of the Public Schools size of Col- 'He would move to refer the petition to the port, 'Mr. Brown thought it best to decide at 'oneé, some of the northern towns cited it was worth much more, to live in them. 'He was in favor of increasing the maximum Midland Agriculturdl Society has decided 0450; rex SZS5 2 By-Law. No, 519 was passed appointing valustors ox XS 252 on rox The Chairman of Finance recommended <= <x <x <x ox = <x 252 Standard Value Motorists judge price well within rea- all light cars 80M, but not one de- from the standard sirable feature sacri- which theGray-Dort _ficed. Aquiet, power-~ has established. ful motor; standard Some other cars are equipment; comfort On motion of Councillors Martin and Les- | <x << SSS ox z5 Council adjourned to eet in Lefroy on | << <> > M. McConkey, Clerk. ESSA COUNCIL | Essa Township Council met in Thornton <> ox <x ox = <> o <= <S hy % "sarwetahe ghd yard wir by lower-priced--but jnridingand driving; bY one ; 4 j ' - Went, MOH, $21.80; Eli Wore. bY against this they- on oto Tan oar Ky wy grin culvert and" ceda,) AY balance Gray-Dort vice; proud appe KY _M. Dinwoody, registering births, i Sint ind de EOE Wet Reren| Py quality. Sie tonsa car is $1245; the Hy L. White, 'auditors, $30; R. F.| RY Higher - pricéd} light Gray-Dort. Special -- the s 4 Bunk exchenge, $5.60; W. by cars give nothing vith edded erg x Bank exchange, $5 A. Murphy on! gi © Mitre equipment, is $136 extra; Ne <> <> 'The Auditor's report wes received and <x adopted and 150 copies ordered printed for % distribution. | price. bara bj The Couscil adjourned to meet in Thora-| PM) ' withpet nets ij ton on Monday, March 10; at 10 a.m kj You will recognize GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Ltd. 4 pinwoont | fy the balanced value |. (aitpa ware co. fy --. | KY of the Gray-Dort --a {°° runt, mich. % <= <= Memorial Hall for Nottawasa, At a largely attended meeting of Not- tawasaga ratepayers, held lust week to con- << << <> <x> ider the matter of a memorial for the sol-| diers, a great many suggestions were offered! DY 'e and proposition made ss to the form the! 'iq i memorial should take, but the meeting was ungnimous that something should be done by way of » memorial being built. Some of the propositions were A park in the central part of the Town: xX xx SS %> A monument in the central park and smell monuments placed in different sections of the township. A memorial hall. Watering troughs at the side of the rosd, Teblets placed at the approach of bridges, with the boys' names placed on them. The aaiatance of churches in having the boys' names placed on tablets in the chureh- es which they attended. The returned men objected to the monu- ment, saying that they did not want their names on marble slabs until after they had passed away. The proposition of having the boys' names on tablets in the churches was objected to. The memorial hall seemed to be the choice of the meeting from the! Hart. Rest Room for Huntsville Huntaville Forester--The establishment of a Rest Room in Huntsville for the con- venience of shoppers coming in from the country, is again mooted, and. there ap- pears to be a fair prospect that there will be some success back of the new effort. Suitable rooms have been offered, and it ig merely a matter of raising the necessary finance to carry out the ides. The several branches of the Women's Institutes through- out the northern' part of Muskoke, will co-operate and it is believed that the dif ferent municipalities will interest themselves Zealous women are at work in the' town: ships, and local Presentation to Rev. M. F. Cree igen Merwe verpeen ck peoviding Alliston Herald--The Presbyterian congre- |g comfortable place where women may stop gations of Knox, Alliston, and Burns, West | while in Hunteville shopping, and where, Essa, had a delightful family gathering in| without imposing upon either the hotel the school room of Knox church last Friday | keepers or the business men, they may feel evening. The function was. arranged by | ree to enjoy the comforts of heat and sani- members of the two congregations who had |tary conveniences without being under been instrumental in securing » handsome | compliment to enyone. testimonial to the minister, Rev. M. F. Cree, who had done excellent work on this | churge during the past five years. Mr, Cree was decoyed into a hearty approval of the suggestion and announced it from the pulpit with considerable emphasis without The attendance was 1 fact, the members of the two con- gregutions had not been together in such large numbers since Mr. Cree's induction. A program of musical and literary num- bers was given. A reading by F. N. Huret turned out to be an address of appreciation | to Mr. Cree for the progress he hgd ac: | complished und the work he is doing. The address, which was accompanied by 8 cheque, stated that the givers would like the mihister to use the cheque in the put chase of a car. Mr. Cree replied happily, returning his thanks and remarking that he had become suspicious of the object of the gathering and had been a little worried | lest his resignation was being sought. He put the cheque away in s pocket without looking at it and refused to do so during the evening. The ladies served refresh: | ments and & most enjoyable social evening | was spent. | Sold for 6c. a box and te be hed almost anywhest. The Noten Roop ppl How often has an attack of indigestion interfercd with your work or spoiled your pleasure? Good health is mostly a mattér of sound digestion. Whenever you are troubled by dyspepsia, flatulence, sour eructations, sick headache, biliousness or constipation, take Beech- am's Pills. They quickly and effectively correct digestive disturbances, stimulate the supply of gastric juice and Tone the Stomach Directions of Special Value to W. with Every Bom. Sold by drugguts throughout the world, "In boscs, 25e. Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations gq' Mrs. Etta Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says: "J suffered from female troubles which caused pie: cing paini like a knife through my back and side. I finally lost all my I to bed. an operation strength so I had to go to 'The doctor advise but I would not listen to it, I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve; table Compound and tried it. The first pottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. 'women who have female trouble of any kimd should try fydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound." How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation, Canton, Ohio.--'"T suffered from a female trouble which~ caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would! have to go through an operation before I could get wel "My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. Pink- ins Vexetable Compoun Mavised yas to try it be fore submitting to anoperation. It relieved mefrom my troubles so I can do my house work without any culty. I advise any woman who jsafilicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vege table Compound 'a trial and it will do as muc! 1__Mrs. Maxie Boy, 1421 5th Bt. -Every Sick Woman Shotid\T J \ _-- ------ 'ou'll feel Pp 7 ry ~ to proceed, in conjunction with the Curling een POS Te fried the 'with the construction of new build- medicines and doctors, now make tho Teal test, You'll get results this time, Curlers, 'The building will be for Agricul- tural Show pt ith the main floor adapted for a antennae eres part it is boped to have it ready for this year's Fall Fair. _ LYDIA E. PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND efore Submitting To An Operation LYDIA C.PINKHAM MEDICINE 'CO. LYNN MASS.

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