savé oots of this ible to YS iressy ap- ry wear. t leather, ers, each 1 ig that ur 'prices red, ) start as 5 and up 0 and up 0 and up THE BARRIE WILL BE Phone 259 At the Top." So people describe the Heintzman & Co. Piano (Made by Ye Olde Firme ot Betnteman 4& Co., Limited) And it merits the highest praise. xcels any piano I have ever used.""--Albani. ---------------- GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE 2 blocks west of old stand "The House of Quality" Ce BORN DODD--In Barrie, on Wednesday, Mar. "5, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dodd, Eecies street, a son IRWIN---In the R. V. Hospital, on Tuesday, Mar. 4, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Irwin, Barrie, 8 son, LEE--In Barrie, on Sunday, Mar. 2, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, R. J. 'Lee, Elizabeth street, & daughter McADAM--In Toronto, Mar, 1, 1919, » son to Mr, and Mrs. Samuel McAdam. NORQUAY--At Coniston, on Feb. 20, 1919, to Mr. and Mra. James Norquay, nee Miss Mabel Plewis) » son MARRIED NEY--GILL--In St. Andrew's Church, on Tuesday, March 4, 1919, by Rev. G. A. Brown, 'Lula Franklin Gill of Barrie to Lorne Francis Ney of Minesing. PARR--ARMITAGR<On Tuesday, March 4, 1019, by Rev, Wm. Hipkin, Pearl Reatrice, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm 'Armitage, to Fred Parr, both of Barrie PATON--SMITH--At 98 Queen street, St. Catharines, on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 1919, by the Rev. Professor Richard Da- vidson, assisted by the Rev. R. D. Ham- iiton, Clara Crysler, daughter of "Mr.and Mrs. J. Suteliffe Smith, to the Rev David Gavin Paton, of Duntroon. DIED HARRISON--In Barrie, Mar. 5, 1019, 'Ada Jane Harrison, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison, aged 58 years, : MEGGISON--In Allandale, on Friday, Feb 28, 1919, Thomas Meggison, sged $3 years, REYNOLDS--On Mar, 1, 1919, at lot 21, con. 12, Innisfil, Maria Reynolds, 78 years. SHANAHAN--In Barrie, on Saturday, Mar. 1, 1919, Bridget Mary Shanabso. -- Card of Thanks _ Mr. and Mrs, J. Patton of Allend wich to thank the many friends who kindly Expressed their sympathies in 60 tangible manner during their bereavement. --__-- Card of Thanks Mrs. Vernon Rusk and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rusk and. family desire to thank their many friends for kindness snd tokens 'of sympathy in their recent bereavement. _---- Card of Thanks cn Smith wishes to thank her Ray ree, Sor 'Kindness and tokens of 'ympathy in her recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM, ing memoty of Pearl, beloved wife of Heckare Webb, who departed this life, March 2nd, 1916. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance will Oe AND: -------- IN MEMORIAM ea i ory of Albert, Teer eho passed away on March 8, Wbom God claimed two years ago. Gone but not {oreo rE, ee Collier St. Methodist Church Rev. R: J. Fallis, Pastor , Sunday, Mi 9. 11 am--Rev. T. Albert Moore, DD., Tor- onto. . 8. 8. Service. 3 On Rev. T. Albert Moore, DD. ee 'TRINITY CHURCH First "Sunday in Lent 830--Holy Communion.» ; ing Prayer, Communion and Sermon. Bubjet, "Is There « Life Be- yond?" 7,00--Evening prayer and Sermon, "'The Draught of Fishes.".. YOUR NEXT PHONOGRAPH | « FIND OUT WHY™ CALL TO-DAY. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE Corner of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. jOf her family of five daughters and three | 'kerville, Aurora; Mrs. | Reynolds, Big Bay Point, The funeral took ! {John Reynolds, Vine; S. H. Reynolds, A BRUNSWICK SILK AND WOOL CREPE POPLIN 36 in. wide, all colors, at P.O. Box 178 $2.25 per yard AMASKEAG GINGHAMS Suitable for Summer dresses, extra good wash- ing and wearing material ° at 50c per yard BIG BAY POINT On Saturday evening, Mar. 1, there passed away at the home of her son, Samuel Rey- nolds, con, 12, Innisfil, Mrs. Maria Rey- nolds, widow of the late Bowman Reynolds, Death terminated two months of suffering which was borne with great patience. De- ceased, whose maiden name was Bennett, was born on Yonge street, near Newmarket, 78 years ogo. At the age of twenty-four she married Bowman Reynolds and settled on con. 5, Innisfil, where they lived for a number of years before moving to Craig- vale. After the death. of her husband, 18 years ago, Mrs. Reynolds went to live with her son Sumuel. She was of an industrious nature und kind disposition and made many friends. Some two years ago she lost her | sight, but an operation last fall restored-her vision for which she was very thankful. SPECIAL 9-4 HEAVY SHEETING extra strong cotton at 50c yd. sons the following survive; Mrs. J. Bas- C.' Drury, Maple Creek, Sask.; Mra, Wm. Armstrong, Allan dale Wm. Reynolds, Thornton; Samuel place on Tuesday last. to St. Paul's Church and Cemetery. The bearers of the bier were six nephews, Sam'l J. Reynolds, Stroud; Knock; Silvester Reynolda, Barrie; Thos. Bowman, Vine; und Wm, Woneh, Killy- leagh. A large number of her friends and neighbors attended the funeral to pay the last tribute of respect. The Rev. R. J. W. Perry, rector, conducted the service. OPIA a.m. Cupt. Lambert was chaplain to Can tae Aan, Milt of Badin fare of Cnualty, Clea. Station 'T. Berthelotte and family have moved to |No. 1 France, and speak uae the house recently vacated by J, Walton, [ection of the Methodist tomy te J, Resdman, who has purchased F. Wise. |Board. His experiences with the, "aus man's batuln Lininee ie Bartle, called on {when under fire in France and Flanders, davasal thtigcs bere Vauterday,." enable him to speak with knowledge and ' Mr. R, McQuay of Sunnidale returned to | interest. er home on Monday, after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. W. Miller, Se CREDIT SALES Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather | Friday, March 7--Chas. E. Bush, last 34 a few Utopia young people attended the) Jor 26, con. 3, Koss, horees, cattle and tant ngus lest nig pigs. Bale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. CHURCHILL Tussday, March 11.--R, G. Kendall, lot 13, A farewell party was given to Mr. and} con. 5, Innisfil, farm stock and imple- Mrs, W. Lamb and family who leave for| ments. Sele at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, the West shortly. auctioneer. . Perey Browning and Walter Fountain| Tues. Mar. 11--L, M, Rutledge, lot 3, con are spending a week in Newmarket 12, West Gwillimbury, farm stock and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bell and family moved| implements. Sale at 1 p.m, H_ A. Grose, to the farm lately vacated by R. Bateman. | _ suctioneer Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Reid have moved to| Wednesday, March 12.--Wm. Maley, E%4 the farm of John Marshall lot 8, con. 9, Easa, farm stock and im- 'The Guild of St. Peter's Church held a| Plements. Sale at 1 p.m. David Ross, social at the home of 8. W. Watt on Thurs- | _ Clerk, H. A. Grose, auctioneer. by all present. half lot 8, con, 9, Essa, farm stock and | : Ld | I All Welcome. ~ Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar: Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. Church next Sunday, March 9th, at 10.30 day night which was very much enjoyed | Wednesday, March 12 --Wm. Maley, east R: ll Stand . EXAMINER We have in stock a beautiful- collection of WHITE VOILE WAISTS ranging in price from $2.25 to $5.00 The styles are extreme- ly fetching and the quali- ty of cloth is of the best. ALSO SILK AND GEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES, AND HABU- TAI SILKS in all colors that are from the best makers, at all pri- ces. Come in and see them. NOTICE WE HAVE OPENED A Shoe Repairing Department in connection with our Store, with a first- class repair man, MR. A. E. WHITBY, JR. in cherge. All repairs promptly and neatly done. Prices moderate. Best of material and workmanship. |The HURLBURT SHOE CO., "32 Dunlop St. Barrie, 10-180 | BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES |Fall Whest .... $2.10-82.13 'Spring Wheat . - Oats. Alsike Clover implements. Sale at 1 p.m. D. Ross, | Moor ' clerk. H. A. Grose, auctioneer. | 4 Mar. tin OLE te ove. | Sees awh ew Partridge, | Spring Chick «Beso ing friends in Toronto and Hamilton, lot og pan Joos oes Hill, farm 'Spring chicken' 25-800 Soot taather: 'Mise 'Hale; spent Bunday| site 4g¢,Unplemenly; Sele. et. 3 Pm.) old. fowl 22-250 wid Tey feeoe Faedey, March foe Sem Praskorn; bt Dosey * toase i Blais jay, March 183--Sam Frankcom, lot ) Turkey : vent FowR of Midland in visiting be ee ee ee ey me naey aoe Thomas Wiley is daily improving. Nurse] Plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mo-|Eggs, doi + 400 Goddard returned to Barrie Inst week. Conkey, auctioneer. | Hay $25.00 Se Friday evening last the Ladies' Aid [Tuesday March 18.--Milton Broley, N.E. | Potatoes 75-800 held concert and tea if the church.| quarter lot 19, con. 10, Ease, farm stock, |Beef Hides, green 16-170 'The program was of a varied nature. The iopanents ion Bale at 1 pm. W. A.|Beef Hides, cured 17-180 F delight | _ MeCon! ioneer. Call Hi 25-800 selections were delightful. Proceeds amoun- | wednesday 19---Fred Elliott, lot 1y|Kips ~ 208 " gon. 18, Tania, known as "The Mortoa| Tallow, i - sft Farm", farm stgck and implements. Horse Hides 00-87. THORNTON aT pm 'W. A. MeConkey, auctioneer. |Hloree Hair 26-280 'The wonderful story of the Chaplain over- | Wed. Mar. 26.--Herb. Griffin, lot 10, con, | Wool, unwashed + 40-500 seas service will be told by Captain the Rev.| 6, Essa, farm stock and implements. H..| Wool, washed 60-750 R. K. Lambert, in Thornton Methodist| A, Grose, auctioneer. Lamb Skins $1.00-92.00 LADIES' SUITS AND SPRING COATS WE ARE NOW SHOWING and we have a wonderful collection of styles and cloths. Quality ? Compare "Comfort" with any other soap--"Comfort" the test' That's a big claim to make, but our: 25 year's record of the largest sale of any soap in Canada is the best proof of its truth. Why experiment? You know "Comfort". "It's All Right" ,PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED is again busy and we will be pleased to show you the styles, that haye won favor at the openings in Toronto. Our prices are, as usual, most moderate, and the workmanship .on any priced hat cannot be improved upon. \ CHECK PONGEE in Skirt lengths, Big checks, are very much in vogue. NEW VOILES AND are here and indeed they are beautiful, ranging in price from 75c to $1.50 per yd. We have a few of our special SILK at $1.75 per yd. 'CREPES SPECIAL PRINT HOUSE DRESSES AT $1.49 Simmons & Co. LADIES' SPRING COATS MEN'S SPRING HATS MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY HATS, FURS, COATS. RAW FURS--We 'want 5000 MUSKRAT. Will pay the HIGHEST PRICES. splendid blend-with a wonderful, rich, mellow flavor, TRY IT. Sold only in 1 Ib. and 34 Ib. sealed tins. (IDENTIFIED BY THIS MARK OF QUALITY COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, MUSTARD DRESSING, EXTRACTS: DALLEY CORPORATIONS Limited, HAMILTON, CANADA Every Test Weight P TORONTO, ONT. Shape ? stands