av. FARM FOR SALE--North half, lot 12, Page Eight THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will 'be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- tlenal charge of 10c. will be made. The Yoregoing rates are for CASH. When not pais for before the paper is issued, an ad- ditional charge of 10c. will be made on all 'adiets less than one dollar, PAI EEA LOCAL NEWS . A BA "Buy advertised things. --Pictures framed to order at Dougall Bros. 8-14 'Tuesday night's heavy snow- fall showed that there is still some kiek in Old Winter. Have you tried Minto tea, a FURS REMODELLED and Re; M. McArthur, King Block, jired. Miss 37-tfe silver teaspoon in every pack- age. Get iLat Merrick & Litster's HOLSTEIN COW for sale--Coming three years old. Milking. Apply to this cite, -10p | BOARDERS WANTED--Apply to 22 Wors- ley street. 8-130 FOR SALE--House with 5 acres or less at 28 Donald street. Apply on premises. B-tfe COAL, all sizes, nut, stove and egg. Also all kinds of hard and soft wood. Apply to W. Gracey & Son, Allandale, phone 404 5-tfe. BOARDERS WANTED--Apply Mrs. Mayne, 10-1 137 Collier street." BOARDERS WANTED--all conveniences. 44 Worsley street 10-15p rE LADY CLERK WANTED--Apply Ed. Bry- son's Confectionery 10-10 HOME-MADE BAKING ON SALE--At Gruham Restaurant, 20 Mulcaster street. Meals or lunch served at all hours. Prices lowest 8-13p, CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look ike new by Harry Twirs, Rox Block, Dealop St. FURS WANTED--Higest prices paid for all kinds of raw furs, Satisfaction guaran- tweed. Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield street, Barrie 3-16p | | WANTED--An experienced general. Apply Mrs, Harold Dyment, Btfe. WANTED--Man to work on farm in Oro. | Apply Examiner Office. 10-11p WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day. Ap- ply to Box 291, Barrie. 10-10p, LOST--On Dunlop street, a black crocheted shawl, Please leave ut this office. 10-10p BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE on easy terms. Misses Bell, 59 Mary street.10-11p TO RENT OR FOR SALE--Business prop erty, residence and stables, corner Eliz- abeth and Mary Sts. Apply R. H. Webb, Barrie. 38-the FOR SALE OR RENT--2%; acres in Barrie, drick houre, good barn, town wi astern; convenient to market, Price right, caxy terms. Enquire Examiner office FUNERAL DESIGNS. Wedding Bouquets, fresh cut roves, car- 7-120 |FOR SALE--Span of mares, H.D,, young and sound, Apply R. E. Coulter, Thorn: ton, 10-11p |FARM FOR SALE--East 14 lot 27, con. 2, | Oro. Apply Mrs. H. L. Hart, 74 Worsley stree! 10-10p |WANTED AT ONCE--Good general ser vant. Apply to Mrs. Wismer, 74 Mulcus ter street. 10-10 SHORTHORN BULL calf, 8 months old hana fe flowers always; for sale. Apply Duncan Bros, Shanty E, A. Harris, y, RB, 10-11p florist 8138p oT . WANTED--Millinery Preparer and uppren tice by Murch Ist. Miss V. Brownlee, FARM FOR SALE: -50 acres at edge of 1 buildingy and four acres young 20 eres mixed bush, never- jailing -spring, Apply Ed. McLaughlin, West) Kad. 6-1lp FARM FOR SALE, lot 2. con, 5, Innisfil good clay loam; good frame barn with basement stsb- Apply to Mrs 51-tf . liege er-failing well. Thornton HOUSE FOR SALE New brick house, 11 Bradford street, Barrie, just opposite new colleginte. Every modern convenience. Garage for two cars, Apply, Wesley Mar- tin, R.R.3, Thornton. 9-tfe. ART CL drawing from life, oil and water colour painting. Suturday and by appointment, Mrs. F, § « Paris aud London', 2 Phone 391 GIRL WANTED Relishle, industrious girl for light housework Plenty of spare tune Woges, twenty dollars and up, scvording to age and experience. Mra 'Dr ROD Collier, Phelpston, -- 9-10e 100 ACRFS FARM FOR SALE--In Oro Township, good' buildings, 3 acres fruit orchard, 10 acres bushy lots of water. For further purticulars, write Mrs, Mary J. Turk, Shanty Bay, RR. No. 2, Ont, 6-11p R SALE. One of the best properties in town, 14 roomed house. all conveniences, stable, gurden and orchard, on one of best strecis in Barrie. Will sell cheap. Owner ix leaving town. Apply Box 1011, Barrie Btfe SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE--Year- | olds. These are high- id will be sold at reduced prices for immediate sale. See them be, fore buying elsewhere, Don't overlook this chance. H. M, Dyment, Barrie, Ont. Bethe ings and two-y ly bred bulls ARM FOR SALE OR RENT-~Lot 17, can. 2, Flos, 100 acres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable "aouxe, bank barn 40x60, driving «hed and 'outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919 with plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston. 25rf. SS WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to take full charge of farm home with a baby boy ten months old. No outside work to do. A good. comfort- able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Apply stating partic. ulars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O, or phone. Itfe concession 7, consisting of 100 ucres, clay loam, in good state of cultivation. On this property are a good brick house, bank barn, hog pen, driving house, chick: en house. Convenient to churches, schools and markets. For further par- ticulars apply to J. C. McGinnis, RR, Elmyale, Ont. 14p A LARGE PACKING HOUSE requires the services of a real live progressive sales- man 23 to 28 years old for country ter- Fitories. Good opportunity for one who thas initiative and selling ability. Reply im own handwriting, stating age, experi- rence, salary expected and personal des- cription, To H. H. D. Sim, 43 Kenneth Ave, Toronto, Ont. 9-108c, HOR SALE--Double house, Worsley street, 5-minute walk from P.O. Solid white brick, sir space in outside walls, brick di iding wall. Stone foundation and divid- ing wall in cellar, cément floors, Hecla furnaces, Eight rooms and bath, all con- yeniences, soft water in kitchen, unfin- 'ished attic. Bargain, as owner is non- resident. Phone 555, or Box 586. 9-14¢ ROR SALE--Good Brick House, well loca- \ted in Barrie, with town water and light, -well and cistern, two pumps, large wood- 30, HELP WANTED phoue 432 S-tfe Hot water Incubator, . cheap. 261 Bayfield 10-10p, BEAGLE HOUND disappeared from my premises, Feb. 8, Reward for return. E, Shear, Allundale 10:10¢ FOR SALE--House, lot (about 2% acres) and stable at 56 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises 6-14p FOR SALE~ Two fresh cows und calf. Ap: ply at Dyment Farm, Allandale L. B. Lainson, Phone 896. 10-10p For one morning's wash ing « week; motor washing machine. Mrs. LR. Ord, 133 Blake street. 10:10c ANYONE WISHING Young man to assist mn taking curload of stock out West, apply for particulars to Examiner office, 10-10p UMBRELLA LOST--Left in Allandale jit: ney, Tuesday night, Mar. 4, Finder pleuse return to 104 Bradford St. 10-10p INCUBATOR AND BROODER. also kit | chen range, nearly new ; first prize brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. Tuck's store, 10-10p WOOD CUTTING--In town or country, by the cord or by the hour. Charges reasonable, Phone 798. Prompt atten- tion. 8tfo PUBLIC ATTENTION--Auto, carriage and sign painting done at Huxtable's garage. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. Halliday, Painter FOR SALE--6-year-old Holstein Cow, milking. Due to freshen April 4th. R. W. George, Tiffin street, Allandale, near W. Brooks. 10-10p PARCELS MISPLACED--In Barrie, Mar. 1, three parcels were placed in wrong buggy. Will finder please leave at Lowe's fur- niture store 10-10p FOR SALE--Barred Rock Cockerels and Rhode Island Red Cockerels, good strong birds. Apply, J. E. Sutcliffe, 169 Bay- field street. , 10-10p WANTED--Reliable single man for farm, would hire for seven months, year. State wages in first letter to Box"*B" Examiner office, . 10tfe WANTED--Strong, honest boy or young man to drive horse in town. Steady job and good pay for such will be given. Ap- ply Box 59, Barrie, 10-10p FIVE MEN WANTED--$35 month and board experience with axes and horses. Apply by mail to M. Wozny, Midhurst, or D. Jamieson, Barrie. 9-11p DRESSMAKING APARTMENTS--Fully equipped, heated and lighted will be given, free of charge to a first-class dress- maker. Devlin & Murchison. FOR SALE--One Durham cow, 7 years old, due Mar. 16. Also one driving mare, 6 years old. Apply to James Belfry, Craig- vale P.O., Phone Stroud Central. '10-10p FOUR-YEAR-OLD Clydesdale gelding for sale. Dam and sire imported, weighs 1550 Ibs. and is well broken both single end double. Apply to Geo. Raikes, Bar- tie 9-10p FOR SALE--A seven-roomed, rough-cast house, with water and bath newly install- ed, garden, side driveway. Close to Cath- olic Church. Mrs. Culverwell, 93 Owen street. 9-tfe FOR SALE--Rough cast house in Village of Craighurst, six rooms, almost new. Good woodshed and garden. Water at THE BARRIE EXAMINER Examiner Adlets bring prompt returns. One cent a word. --A. F. Garrett is doing an extra good business in Heintz- man & Co, pianos since the New Year. Rey. Kenneth McLean of Stayner and Hev. Neil Campbell of Oro will exchange pulpits next Sunday. --Wall Paper! Wall Paper! New stock just arrived. Some elegant designs. See them at Dougall Bros. 8-11 Rev. H. Moore will give the address at the preparatory service in St. Andrew's chureh, tomorrow night. J. J. Neelands has sold his residence in Sophia St. to John Powell, Jr., and will probably build on his Blake St. lot. It is expected that Rev. Wallace Jolinson of Shallow Lake will be inducted into the Innisfil Pres. byterian field on March 20. The James Quinlan farm at Crown Hill has been sold to Geo. Edgerton of Coulson, 'The price paid was in the neighborhood of $1540 Gi. Camer worth of s12.000 last shipped and hogs $5.60 per running yd., 4 yd. wid Cheaper than 'Toronto prices Look up catalogue and be con- vineed, then buy from Dougall Bros, B-11 Mrs. 'fodd of Orillia, a leading worker in the Women's Institutes hot |View-Presilent of the new Feder, ation of Women's Institutes of Canada Mrs, KR Milbee, Blake St. happened with a very unfortunate last Saturday evening Jwhen she fell on the ice and broke her right deg. She as in the RY, Hospital The direrters of Barri Fair mu Hest "Phesday afternoon te Jrevise the prize lista plans fur this year's shaw, whieh Mois hoped te make the biggest success vet Orillia Hockey teans is coming next Monday night to play Ra dame This will be a benefit gan proeeeds to buy suitable presents for the toys. Let there bea large turn-out "My XPerien fama' is the subject of a ler to be coven at Ovenden on Salare day, Mareh Sth at 8 o'eloek. 'The leoture will te given by De, Redster, late RAM. ME this nents nieeting of the Board ef "Frade. ta be held on Mareh oft, the annual Hien of officers will take place Woseveral iinpertant questions: avenbent td consider ture will come ap fer disenssion WD. Hobson is a master af | Woederaft aml possessed of a marvellous ett for imitating the jealls and songs of all the birds" Mail and Empire r him at rinity Parish Hall, Tues., Mar. i 10-100 The Salvation" Army Young Peuple's annual and presentation 4:)of prizes will be held on March 10. at 8 pan, A service of xong en litled "Home Sweet Home" will be rendered hy the Young People. All are welenine. Lastaveek W ed the executo' class Siberian Hunter attend- sale of high hares owned by the late Mr. King of Milton, and purchased a number of these pedigreed rabbits. Mr. King, it will be remembered, sold one doe at Guelph Winter Fair for $500. There seems to be a great demand these days for black Siberians "Squib" Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore, has been doing fine work in goal for the Athen- aeums of Toronto. In reporting the match against the Beaches, Tuesday night. the Mail and Em- pire sdid: "Moore, the former Barrie net minder, played in that position for the losers and it i ie 'ehiefly to his excellence t he score was so close." door, Will> sell at right price. W. H. Morrison, Craighurst. 10-100 r cen shed, garage, pens for 150 fowls, with outside wired runs, Orchard, strawber- ica, ies, three acres of good well fenoed. 00d condition. A nice home. Fait payment down, good terms on . Pi . iiner Office or Phone 387. Stfo lot 88 Clapperton street, Barrie, 10-140 Mrs, W: M. Harvey is visiting in Scranton, Pa. Mrs. W. Rayner friends in Toronto. Miss T. Sproule spent over the week-end in Toronto. R. A. Stephens was in 'Montreal on business this week. Allan Harvey leaves this week for his home in Edmonton. Mrs. Herbert Lawrence is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Rita Lount left last Sat- urday to visit friends in Van- couver, B.C, ' W. Jacobs of Toronto -spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jacobs. is visiting with friends'at Midland. week 's prices. of hogs range between $16.50 and $17.00 ewt i If weather permits, Barrie and Bradford hockey teanis may play home 2 and. home exhibition kames. The Athenaeums of 'Tos ronlo alse wanl a mateh. --Special Sale of Linoteum st Simcoe, has been elected] BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN|' You can buy a good many "War Saving Stamps" with the money you will save by buying your Footwear here. Our stock of fine shoes and heavy working boots for Men is the largest we have ever shown. ' As to values, well you know the reputation of this store for value giving, and this season we are able to excell our past reputation. Fine Boots for Men range in price from $4.00 up with particularly good values at $5.00 and $5.50. Work Boots for men range in price from $4.25 up Special Values in Urus Caif and Grain Leather at $4.50 and $5.00. ! We stock the kind with the dressy ap. MISSES pearance that will give astifoctory went We have values in Footwear that you Whether they are made of Patent leuther, cannot afford to overlook. They are honest Box Calf, or heavy grain leathers, each ly made of real leather and will give satis- pair is the best that can be had in thut factory wear. We have all sizes in Box particular line, and we know our prices Calf, Dongoles and Patent Leathers, both cannot be beaten, value considered. luce and buttons. 'The prices of the verious sizes start ax Sizes 4 to 7 -$1.00 and $1.25 follows :-- Sizes 5 to 714 $1.75 and up Little Gents, 8 to 104 , $2.25 and up Sizes 8 to 10% 22+ $2.25 up Youths, 11 to 13 $2.50 and up Sizes 11 to 2 $2.50 up Boys, 1 to 5... +.» $3.00 and up STOCKINGS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS ° __ Our values in these lines are exceptional, in fact they are just a little better than you will find in most stores. This store is noted for having the best Hosiery Values in town. Black Worsted Stockings 79c "Wearwell" Stockings 45c¢ A heavy all-wool stocking suitable for Strong 1x1 Rib Cotton stockings, fast Women or Boys' or Girls' wear, All sizes black, specially made for boys, but suit- up to 10 in stock. These sre well worth able for girls and women All sizes up to $1.00 per puir, 10 in stock. Nigger Brown Stockings "Penman's" Cashmere Stockings Wo have thie popular colored stocking, For Women and Girl, fine plain knit in Cashmerette and Cashmere in sizes 81, fast black, made of soft warm wool, at to 10 at per pair. : Hie mere hall present prices. Sizes Ms per puir. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 75c, $1.00, $1.40 Black Ribbed Stockings 35c Women's Stockings 50c A serviceable mbbed cotton stocking thut Cashmerette, Fleece Lined and heavy ives very satisfactory wear at a very rea isle in black, white, grey and brown, sites sonable price, at sizes up to 10, 8% to 10, all extra good value. We have a full range of fine rib stockings for infante, girls and misses, in black, cream, tan, brown, cardinal, pink and pele blue, st prices much below,the present' murket WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, y i ji 4 fr N . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dyon of Chicago h been with the Misses King during the week, Mes. E. H. Dumouchelle and daughter of Sturgeon Falls were guests of Mrs. A. W. Smith last week. Mrs, Fred Moore has returned to her home in Elmvale after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Charles, Pickering News--Rey. 'Thomas Dew of Ivy was the guest of John and Mrs. Draper for a couple of days last week, Mrs. Leigh and son, returned to London this week after a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Lewis. Mrs. H. 8, Anderson of Toron- (o(formerly Miss Minme Turner visited her unele and aunt, Mr, | and Mrs. 8. E, Turner, thix week, Melville Naylor of Owen Sound who has recently returned from ! overseas is visiting 'his aunts, Aubre Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart and Mrs. Frank Hill. Miss Lois Knox of Colling- wood, who recently qualified for notary public, is said to be the only qualified woman notary public in the province. j Mrs. P. A. Williams (nee Miss Lenore Gallagher) sails for Kngland on March 7, from St.) John, N.B., to rejoin her husband. Capt. P. A. Williams, of the C.A.| MA. Capt. G. C. Coles, organizer for the Navy League of Canada dur- ing the past year, has resigned that position and will devdte himself to his regular business in Collingwood. i On Thursday, Feb. 27, the 0.B.} U. class of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mis Tula Gill, in-the form of a mas- querade party, and gave her a very pleasant surprise of a mis) cellaneous shower. Orillia Nows - Letter -- Mrs. Laidman of Batre will ba the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Croxall over the week-end. She will sing at both services in the Methodist ing. TP GO EOPL E TRADE _ MUTUAL CONFIDENCE FOSTERS SUCCESS Mutual confidence is essential between two parties if the best results are to be ebtained from their business relations, Many businesses ave been assisted to success because the firms or individuals took the bank into their fullest confidence and profited by the advice obtained. Ta your business transactions you would be well advised to consult our local manager. He will be glad to help you with his counsel. 267 UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE, BARRIE BRANCH, ° COOKSTOWN BRANCH, THORNTON BRANCH, Fish for Lent Lent opened March 5 (Ash Wednesday) and there is sure to be a big demand for fish. AT WISDOM'S YOU WILL FIND Choice British Columbia Salmon, sliced just the way you like it, per Ib. . ' vee 17e White Fish, Lake Superior, Winter Caught, dressad, about three pounds each, per Ib. .......... 17¢ Choice Haddie Fillets, per Ib. ................ 23¢ Finnan Haddies, per Ib. ...............2..06.,. 16 Mephisto Brand Lobsters, per tin ..... Kippered Herrings in Tomato Sauce, per tin . Sunset, California Sardines, per tin ..... Nootka Pilchards, per tin ...... Sardines in Tomato Sauce, per tin . DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF TOWN Phone 117 to|, Miss Birdie Rhinehart has re-|Church nevt Sunday, and at the s ' turned from a two weeks' visit/Men's Bantuet on Monday even-,| nn ry Read the advertisements. Buy advertised things. \ | 1 ;