latest styles will give the t a rule never erial there is overcoats for Is, and navy mmed and in ale price to- oung Men's s. per garment bm $5.00 to THE accounts by cheque. BANK or TORONTO We invite you to open a deposit account at our Barrie or Allandale Branch. Your surplus money is always safe and available, dnd you can then pay your A bank account is a valuable re- cord of your receipts and disbursements. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES, (Incorporated 1855) H. A. SIMS, Manager News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Cortespondents HAWKESTONE Feb. 25.--On Thursday evening last, 1 welcome home" entertainment was held for the returned soldiers of the neighbor. hood. Ruthven. MacDonald, the celebrated entertainer, was engaged for the evening, and the large nudience was delighted with hin anadas Sieutect Seed f 1 Ouse" PLANT For Sale Everywhere Send for € atalog Steele Briggs Seed | TORONTO selections, Mise Terry of Toronto, @ very secomplisheti pianist, accompanied him. T A. Btone occupied the chair, Addresses were given by Rev. R. Johnson and Rev. A. A. Jenner, Miss Beatrice Barnhardt und Jimmy MacKay sang, end Pearl Joslyn recited Admirers of Ruthven MacDonald were pres- ent from a long distance. The arrangements committee are to be congratulated on the success of the entertainment. The finan- cial balance is put away for future use on behalf of the boys. Quite a large number attended the skating curnivel on Wednesday last Edward Leigh is home from the war und is at Aurora, '| LEFROY Feb 25.--Mr. Coulter of Thornton, who is soon leaving on a trip to the West, spent the week-end visiting friends here Miss Eleanor Ralston, who is gaining stingth after her illness, has gone to the city for a few days. Mrs. Will Chopin is visiting relatives in "the city, Miss Jessie Allan spent several days last week in Barrie, the guest of Mr. and Mrx James Allan Miss Marjorie Willson has been kept at home from Newmarket wchool this week by a very sore foot Nosh Grose has returned from a short visit in Toronto. | Mild weather is hard on the ice but the / companied are still harvesting The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Me Cuilough gathered at their home on Mon day evening and presented them with two chuirs, "Mr. and Mrs. McCullough are soon friends 'regret' their re from this very mi 'A number of ladies and gentlemen from this ection attended the joe races at Gil fo RE. pW eitepood called this week on three-months' visit with Simcoe 'oronto and Sudbury friends, Fred brother, 'N. C., who is early expected home from' the front. Feb, 25.--On Friday Feb. 21, a most en- joyable evening was spent at the Town Hall when a grand supper and entertainment w: given for the returned soldier boys. After tea, an excellent programme was rendered. Then a presentution was made to the boys of a purse of money, The Town Hall was well filled and all seemed to enjoy them- selves. Walter Halbert of Barrie spent the week- end with friends here. Mrs, J. Cameron of Orangeville has re- turned home after spending a few days here with friends. Pte. W. Cameron, also Pte. J. Monteith, have gone to Toronto to get their discharge from the army. A. Cochrane is busily engaged in assess- ing the Township, : A. and F Bell of Oro Station were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearsall last week. Miss Lillian Schandlen of Tormnto is spending few weeks at her home 'A. Lucock of Cookstown xpent the week end wich friends in the village Mrs, A. Cochrane has returned home af- ter spending » week with ber daughter, Mrs. J. T. Cameron of Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs, David Cochrane and child- ren are viniting friends in Craigvale Harold Finlay of Toronto is the guest of D. D. Coutts HOLLY Feb 24--Meny Holly friends ure very pleused to welcome Pte. John Kell, who returned home lust week from overseas. Miss Amy Wylie of Burrie spent = few days ut the home of her unele, Thos. Wylie Miss Flory Dyer visited friends at Stroud and St. Paul's last week. Mr, Lot Webb of Allandale is visit ing her sister, Mrs, Thos. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Levi Pratt and Miss Irene, spent Sunday at G. W. Dyer's Mr. and Mrs John Ferguson und family of Stroud visited at Chas, Campbell's on Sunday. A large number of friendyand acquain tances attended the memorial service on Sunday of Sapper Wm. Bloxham. The pastor, Rev.A.E.Owen, delivered un eloquent message, based on Acta 26:28. The choir rendered suitable music. Much sympathy was extended to the sorrowing friends by the sympathetic handclasp. ORO STATION Feb, 24.--Miss Mary MacLelland is home STROUD her sister, Mrs. Chester McConkey, at Orillia. Miss Laura Hunt spent over Sunday with her sister in Toronto. Mrs RM. Ness and Max~Ness spent last week with her sister, Mrs, R, M. Me- Conkey. M week with Mrs, John Todd of Lefroy. Elwood Fagan (who has recently returned from overseas), is visiting friends and rela- tives here. Tam glad to report that Mrs. E. T. McConkey is improving, though «lowly. Sproule is visiting friends Miss Mabel Wright spent over Sunday at her home here. in Meaford Feb. 25.--Mrs. Walter Watson has re- DALSTON turned home after a visit to her sister in The F F. DALLEY Feb. 25.--Mra, Elmer Robins is visiting | J. Hughes spent a few daye last | is on the package-- and thus be sure of the finest Pure Food Products, The name has stood for quality since 1848. CORPORATIONS Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Pure Food Products When buying COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, MUSTARD DRESSING and EXTRACT S, see that the word VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT BEST MARKET PRICES Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for information. Page Three aN BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange 71 Bay st., TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON_ALL HAMILTON - WINNIPEG othier p markets of from 20 to S. reference. Even |, where a_wee le, a generous home paper will owards helping Work of adver- town and adve- sks But the tinue to swallow is going as long raze for buying stores endures jes continue ty" and semi-rural NR Today -- Keeps the Doctor Away To i body to improve rnitation, a food, petract all the nou Sppetite, 'reetlate your A a 'tone up kidney ac~ a ig out iture's Remedy (NR Tablets) is not is leazant tn r leven fer ing the dose all the time, do_you a lot of harm. Stop dosing yourself with such things dust Ing enon +h to give Nature's Rem- | and just edy (NR Tablets) a trial, an ry way. t 1 'y results show the difference. NR Tal night for a week. lots are not mere bowel movers, their rey merge never felt better in your purpose is to correct the.condition that NR' is sold, guaranteed and [1i0ees eSastipadon and give you real, |, recommendeq by, your ture's Remedy (NR Tabiets) ee how much better you feel Get a 250 box todas Syn: Tomorrow Feel Right Get a25- Box WE ARE AGENTS FOR 'THE FAMOUS APEX VACUUM CLEANER . We have 'a complete line of ELECTRIC GRILLS, IRONS, TOASTERS, BATTERIES, READING LAMPS, ETC. g. promptly attended. to. x CST Pee leaving to reside in Barrie and their many from the hospital and is improving rapidly. Mrs, F. A. Bell is on the sick list Mrs. D. McCunig visited her daughter, Mrs. A. Graham of Hawkestone, last week. Quite a number from here attended the reception and concert in Hawkestone last' week for the returned soldiers, Mrs, Poole is visiting friends in Barrie. Frank Bell, from the West, is visiting his brother, Arthur Bell Miss Marguerite McArthur gave a birth: day party to her little girl friends. Feb, 25.--The Methodist Sunday School gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Graham wns a very pleasant affair. The house was filled and after a programme and refreshments were served. Some ganies, splendid selections were given on R. Bell's Viotrola ~ GRENFEL Feb. 25.--Miss Madge Clarke and Master Buster Clarke of Barrie spent over Sunday with Miss Ross ; Violet, the little six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seadon, is ill. I am glad to report that Fred. Harris is slightly improved. The stork visited Mr and Mrs, Frank Orr with a fine baby boy, on 20th inst. 'The United Farmers of Ontario are to or- ganize a Farmers' Club here, on Thursday night. The farmers are starting to look alive in earnest at last Little Dorothy Trucey is under the doctor's care. : Wm. Wilson gf Toronto spent over Sun- day with W. J. Gole STAYNER Feb, 25.--Mre. J. Wiggins of Severn spent a few days last week with friends here. Mrs, McGillivray of New Lowell spent over Sunday-with her brother, Mr Mathewa The revival services are still being con- ducted in the Mennonite church with Mr. Fawcett of Thornbury as evangelist. Quite. lot of property in town has been changing hands in the last week. Will Cau- thers has bought Harry McAteer's house on ® |Ontario street; Robt. McKay has sold his fine residence on Sunnidale street and has bought S. McBeth's house, Sol. McBeth having bought J. Kitson's farm. Mrs, A, Evans 'and childen are spending a few days in Kitchener. EDGAR Feb, 25.--Ice-drawing is the order of the The Congregational Sunday School held their regular monthly business meeting in the hall last Friday night. A spelling match was the evening's entertainment and was yatly enjoyed by all. . aed TudMope has returned to Midland 'after spending some time with her eister, Mrs, Jas. Cockburn. I regret to report the illness of Miss 'Theresa Brandon, who has undergone an operation for appendicitis in the R.V.H. Miss Kathleen Cockburn has returned home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Robson, of Crown Hill. EXCHANGES -------------------------- Mr. J. W. i i 1 Newmarket and her daughter in Toronto. | Mrs. Waller of Penetang bas come to keep house for her brother, John Tracey. On Feb. 14 8 son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Beath, Sonaratalations, A postage stamp of 13-cent de-| special delivery letters and regis ;nomination will be used for|tered mail in the U.S. Mrs. Cook of Medonte is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Key. 'STOP! LOOK! READ! FOR TEN DAYS ONLY, BEGINNING SATURDAY MAR. 1, 9 A.M. The entire stock of Bright & Son, of Grand Valley, together with the stock of the Ontario Clothing Co., consisting of high grade Clothing, Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Dress Goods, Silks, Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, etc., etc., was purchased by the Acme Clothing Co., at 57c on the dollar, and will be placed on Sale for 10 Days Only. . Fares Will Be Paid up to 26 Miles to Pur- chasers of Goods Amounting to $15 or Over at Sale. Our prices mupetitors sit up and When you consider the prices of goods today and how hard it is to obtain merchandise Don't miss this r this Sale will m: of any kind, the value this Sale Event offers to the people of Barrie and vicinity is little take notice. Come atyanee to the most short-of marvellous, Merchandise of all kinds | pendous sale ever offfred to the public has been steadily increasing in price since | Barrie and vicinity. Competitors will sit up the heginning of the war. Prices on all lines | and take notice gains--but, with full at we must dispose of these goads, we ignore their ery for merey entirely. Our only object is to' dispose of these goods and save expense of moving them away. are bound (o make another substantial ad- | realization of tt vance. yet the prices of nany lines offered in this Sale will he found to be even less than before the wa READ! REALIZE! AND REAP THE BENEFIT OF THIS BIG MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY "+ FREE! FREE! FREE! A VALUABLE PRESENT WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EACH PURCHASE 'OF A $100 OR OVER ON THE OPENING SALE. There are hundreds of dollars' worth of desirable goods at the lowest prices ever offered in Barrie. Come and be convinced. : Every man and woman who attends this Sale will share in special values, which they will remember for many a day. Thousands of specials, embracing' all lines. Some of the biggest 'values are in limited quantities, therefore we; Have not adver- 1 d'them at all, but they will be displayed on'special tables for quick and easy sel- ection. 'Don't miss this great sale. Come and save from 30 to 50 per cent. on up- to-date goods. 4 a In your own interests we ask you to'stock up for yourself and family for fINESING STATION stake mcacend dh bar hoa herd at ome mre Onchanl of Minering: took chagge was very z es' Aid of Minesing met at Hist" Taesday., afternoon. ting for. some. time, has returned to 's, where she intends staying months and mohths'to'come. Do it 'now while this Sale progress. The wise e Here in thousands when this storé opens-on Saturday next at 9 a.m. ; This Sale:will be in progress for 10 Days Only.