Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Feb 1919, p. 2

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"ot THE BARRIE EXAMINER THICK NECK Morgan's Goitre Ointment will quickly cure this troublesome complaint Does not stain or blister Price 50c a jar. CORNS Crossland's Liquid Corn Cure removes soft or bard corns without pain or trouble. Price 25¢. COUGHS 'A mixture of Menthol Eucalyptus and White Pine Compound, called Pinol is highly re- commended Price 25¢ and 50c COLDS Gold in the head or throat can quickly and surely be cured with Nyal Laxacolds. No harmful ingredients and easy to take--gen- rally cure n cold in twenty-four hour Price 25¢ a box. Headache and Neuralgia are almost instantly relieved by Crossland's Headache and Neuralgia Powders. Anyone auffering from these complaints should keep » box on hand, 12 in a box 25¢ Collingwood Presbyterians At the unnual meeting of the Colling- wood Presbyterian Church, the treasurer, H. A. Currie, reported receipts by envelopes for musivus and current expenditures as $8,055.52. Of this amount over one-third, or $2,524.26, was given to missions, The report of the Women's Missionary Society showed receipts of the year, $424- 36, which were devoted to missionary work The Young Ladies' Mision Band report- the Sunday echool Association $335.- 548, und Adult The Munagers' report reviewed the work of the pust year ut some length The As senibly budget of $2,000 for generul schemes of the chureb hud been met in full, while | the congregation had met the additionul ex pense entaled by ussunane the NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Pasquale Guerra, late of the Town of Borne, am the County of Simeve, Laborer, decent NOTICE given pursuant to RSO. 1914, per ants agains! vho died on or about the fourth day of November, 1918, at the town of Burrie, in the County af Snucoc, are required on oF before the third day of Murch, 1919, to send by post prepuid or to deliver to the undersigned, solfei'or= for the Administrator of | the estate of the said) Pasquale Guerra, their ames und addresses) and full particulars in sriting of their claims and statements of their nccounts, and the nature of the seeurities, if any, held by them, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the third day of Murch, 1919, the said Administrator mill proceed to distribute the assets of the sud deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have bod notice, and the said Administrator will not be able for the suid assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claims he shall aot then have received notice DATED AT BARRIB, this third day of February, 1919 STEWART & STEWART, Solicitors for Administrator, 59 Barrie, Ontario rend I Qa Lh oie WM. CROSSLAND mission | DO YOU KODAK? If so you have pictures of friends, relatives and beautiful scenes, or at least you have 'good negatives from hich good pictures or enlargements can be made. We make en- \largements of all sizes from 'the best negatives. Now is the time to test our ability to make enlargements. We have 'plenty of time at present to jtake all the necessary time | with your photo orders. Bring | them in before the Spring and 'Summer rush comes. We are certain you will be pleased with our work. Our best ef- | forts are none too good for our | customers. | Druggist BARRIE Schools, Presiding examiners, &e WHERE CO. MONEY <- WENT LAST YEAR Details of $691,134.02 Hand- led by County Treasurer Quinlan. ! ABSTRACT STATEMENT Receipts Bal. from last audit $ 2478 97 so easily a boy of Crown Witnesses, Auditors, & Division Court Jury Fuo Redemption os Miscellaneous wee Miscellaneous Grants Municipal Government Roads & Bridges... Gaol ..... bees Office Fees... Loans, Current House of Refuge Public Schools Schools, continuution classes Schools, poor _ st Rural School Libraries Good Roads General uc. Receipts re Good Roads cbarges of Craigleith, St, Andrew's and West Collingwood. This meant between $700 and $1000 additional The recommendation that the congrega: |tion proceed to instal a memorial organ for our fallen soldiers was endorsed. The salary of the pastor was increased , $100 There is no marked change in the totul imenibership, The year began with 618, 18 names were removed by certificate and 9 by death, reducing the membership to 591 Against this reduction there was an increase of $8 new members, leaving the roll 679, ja net increase of 61. | The minister officiated at 24 weddings and at 32 funerals during the year 1 INNISFIL COUNCIL \ ; Coaneil met in Lefroy on 3rd February | All menibers present except Deputy Reeve \ Coleman, the Reeve in the chair Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion were confirmed Commumeations and accounts were re: ceived from the following: George Cowan the Rural Municipal Association of Ontario | dno. Neill, Manager Union Bunk Thornton, BL. MeLean, Mayor Town of Lindsay, Fuel Administrator of Ontar, Municipal World Office Qn f Courteillors and veral documents before the council were referred to their respective committees Allan--Martin--That the report of the auditors be received and that they be paid the salary attached to the office and that the clerk be instructed to huve 200 copies printed for distribution, Leslie -Allun--Thut Thos. Allan be paid the sum of $6.00 for cleaning out the ditch on Mrs. C. Grey's property Allan--Lestie--That Reeve Todd and Councillor Martin be a committee to pur- chase » safe for the clerk and one for the Treasurer Leslie---Martin--That Mrs, Sam'l Lount be refunded the sum of $3.00 for statute labor charged on collector's roll, the said statute lubor being performed. ; On recommendation of Finance conimittee | uecounts to the amount of $76.60 were | ordered to be paid | Council adjourned to meet in Stroud on Monday, Murch 3, at 1 o'clock. \ R. M. MeCONKEY, Clerk we Insurance Head Office, oe Shows: and Epidemic Claims. inclusive of the paid-up Capital fer 1919. ® | ondon Life The Annual Report for 1918 The highest record in New Business. The lowest in Expense Ratio in bcth Branches. An increased Rate of Intergst Earned--6.82%. 90% of total Business on 3% Reserve Basis. Progress Table 390g ets 818 Insurance in Force... $12,152,949 $27,118,375 $59,804,430 Insurance Issued...... 3,654,272 8,828,189 16,433,580 Total Assets... 2,663,994 4,645,695 9,189,658 Policy Reserves 2,424,777 4,226,152 8,448,469 Inceme. - 652,732 1,295,840 2,782,540 The Policy Reserve; Investment Reserve and Reserve for accruing profits were maintained on the Company's usual high standard, notwithstanding payment of $330,000 War All Military Service restrictions in pre-war policies were voluntarily waived by the Company. 'The surplus on the Government basis exceeds $1,000,000, Increased five-year dividend distributions are authorized Company London, Ontario of $50,000. Payments County Debentures 10686 55 Coupon Interest 3489 66 Licenses 34 00 Registry Office 1251 48 Surrogate Office & County Court Clerk's Office 7 Rouds & Bridges... Admin. of Jus., Clerk of Peace Admin, of Jus, County Attorney Sheriff Crier Jurors Crown Witnesses Examination of Lunuties Constables Coroner's Inquests Gaol Mun. Gov't Co. Council Mun, Gov Prinung Station County Property Div. Court Jury Fund Reulemption of lands Mixcelluneous Grants 5786 65 Mirecllaneous Grants, Putmotic, 195000 00 Miscellaneous 885 03 Miscelluneous, Children's Aid 2141 f1 Wat Tax OTIS O4 Igterest™ 4388 97 Loans, current House of Refuge Alliston High School Penetang High School Bacrie Collegiate Institute Collingwond Collegiate Institute Orillin Collegiate Institute Bradford High School Midland High School Public Schools School Inspectors' Saluries Schools, Continuation Classes Schonl Teachers' Association School Sationery Schools Presiding examiners Schools poor Rural School libraries Good Roads Non-resident taxes Refund discount Stayner levy « Bulance = 001134 02 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES | Assets (available) Cush fon hend ....... .. 5401 91 Levies unpaid 85481 23 Registry Office : + 1500 00 Division Court Jury Fund .... 50 Provincial Treas. Crim. Jus.... 4000 Provincial Treas. Highways 17000 Overdrafts re Good Roads 119816 (non available) Agricultural stock ............ 300 00 Court House Reg. Office Guol and lands .o...........6, 88000 00 House of Refuge bldg. & lands. ; 37000 00 : 10000 90 2000 00 + 257116 72 Total Assets .... : Liabilities Dis. Health Officers 'Sim, Share' 1859 79 | Ac. Interest on debentures. 1000 00 'Admin. of Justice, Dee. Qr... Roads & Bridges grants unpaid 4400 00 House of Refuge Dec. qr. ,...., 5000 00 Due Municipalities re good roads _ 6265 99 Due Ont. Gov't re War Tax ... 50854 52 71680 60 Debentures outstanding . 68943 Excess of Assets over Liab. 116492 41 | 257116 72 Current Assets and Lisbilities Assets 119816 72 Linbilities. 71680 60 Surplus . 48136 12 Market Prices at Alliston Alliston Herald.--There has been a ser- fous break in prices of grain "and live stock during the past week. Hogs are this (Tuesday) afternoon an unl quali- tity. The drovers will be adi tonight what the price for the week will be. Cattle have dropped from around 12c a few weeks | ago to 8c and-Ov at the present time and owing to the unsettled condition of the 'market buyers are not anxious to make any purchases even at that price. Wheat is still standing at the government price of $2.13 for fall and $2.08 for spring, but the! 'buyers are not accepting wheat at all and | will not buy any. Oats have dropped in two weeks from 65¢ to 55c; barley from 83c to 63c and peas from $1.25 to 90c. Alliston Fair 'The treasurer's report of the Alliston Fair for 1918 showed. balanee inthe of $47. The total receipts of the 'year; Levy 1917 .. 28238 79 Levy 1918 124009 73 Patriotic Levy 1917 30744 94 Patriotic Levy 1918 . 163637 07 War Tax 1917 . 12693. 75 War Tax 1918 | 30773 94 School Levy 1917 758 29 School Levy 1918 1960 11] Interest on levies . 879 88 4431 45, 800 1624 56 28% 24 00). |Total for all purposes 2500 00 'that all difficulties had been straightened, 71 {at a loss to know what cou N.B.--These machines can be used with Gasoline power on the farm where electricity is not availabl The Red Star Washer makes wash day welcome. It works 6 cap. run it when loaded. It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day. Does the work in half the time it takes to do it by hand. si The Red Staf Washer 1s easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets of ball beanngs. The fly wheel is large. The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dashar from the clothes before you open the lid, so the clothes will not come up with it or tear, The mechanism 1s very simple and compact, and so strong that the Red Star will last a generation and always run as well as when new. Phone and have us send one up, or call and see tiem on our flo H. M. Stewart Implement Shop Dunlop St. Orillis Presbyterians | The Treasurers statement for the gen-! eral fund, presented at the annual meeting | of the Orillia Presbyterian Church, showed | total receipts, $8,685.94, and expenditures | sume amount, with neither balance nor | deficit. The principal items of expenditure | were pulpit supply $2,500; musical service, | $809.37 ; curctaker, § ; fuel, $1,006.11; | interest, $1,655.37; steam heating and other | irs in 8, 8. building, $455.78; weekly ibution envelopes, und print: | tuxes, $175.84; insurance, jeneral Hospital, $23.34; other items, $674.33. There is, 'however, a liubility not shown in statement of un. paid bills, chiefly for coul burned in 1918, amounting to about $700. The Building Fund statenient showed re 2,498.72, which ineluded balance, of 882.84 from previous year The debt had been reduced by $2,400, and there was a baluuce of $77.22 on hund at end of year The total indebtedness is now $23,400 In the Sabbath School there was an en- ent of 595 with an average attend- of 356. ' The following statement shows the | amount contributed for all purposes during | the year, 1918, and excludes all cash bal- ances brought forward from 1917 General Fund - $8,685 94 Missions, env. contributions 3,334 23 Building Fund ie 2,465 88 Subbuth Sch. and Bibie Classes. 1,315 44 Women's Missionary Society 671 16 Ladies'«Aid Society... Young Women's Miss. Society Bright Sunbeums Miss, Bund... Flower Miss. Com... wes The Choir Special Dr. Martin Hospital Relief Fund oo... Lord's Day Alliance $17200 38 Rey. Dr, Andrew S, Grant, chairman Na- tional Service Commission,' wrote as fol- lows: "Capt. Anderson has applied for his discharge, but I have just received word from the Director of Chaplain Ser- vices at Ottawi that he cannot be released | at the present time, and is required for duty, and T have been asked to notify the Orillix congregation accordingly." Capt, Anderson was asked to speak, and briefly reviewed his relations with the con- | gregution from the time he received the call to become Chaplain of the 157th Bat- talion. He left with the hearty encourage- ment and support of the congregation in June, 1916, but while he was away condi- tions had arisen of which he knew nothing d was ata loss to understand when sd- sed of them last year. He returned recently and met the Board and the hearty | resolution then paseed led bim to believe and he had planned to enter upon his work here early in*February. Since his visit here last week, however, he had learned that there were.still conditions that would make his work here exceedingly difficult, and while very much worried, he had been The way had been provident for him, however, by the intimation in Dr. Grant's letter, that be could not be released from Military duties at the present time. He had, therefore, tendered hi resignation to the Presbytery, asking that he be released from the pastorate of the Orillia congregation at the earliest possible date. A resolution of regret and apprecistion was passed on motion of W. 8. Frost and E. B. Alport. In expressing his thanks for the resolu- tion, Capt. Anderson said that while be could not say definitely what the plans of the authorities were, it had been inti- mated to him that he would probably be sent to the west, within a few days with special duty regarding the demobilization of the forces. Collingwood Anglicans At the: annual vestry meeting of All Saints, Collingwood, the Church' Wardens' report, which covered a period of nine months, showed total collections of $3638.78 of which $496.74 was for missions. The expenditure which covered some $400 car- ried forward from last year left a deficit of $258.85. ' The Sunday School report showed an treasury jenrollment of 392 and a shortage of teach- het been $1669.40 and the expenses $1251.- W.. R. Patterson; Lay Delegates--F. L. Good Records are Indispensable to every lover of Good Music. When purchasing records don't merely specify the title, but ask for "His Master's Voice" Records (Same Price as before the War) Then you ere assured of the very best recordings of the world's best music. 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Bluebiré--Waltz--and--Geraldine--Hesitation Waltz Miro's Band 216047 Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Ditie Melody-- Vernon Dalhart--and--The Pickaninny's Paradise Sterling Trio 18512 Have a Smile for Every One You Meet--Sterling Trio--and--Till We Meet Again Charles Hart-Lewis James 18518 The Navy Will Bring Them Back--and-- Good-bye France Peerless Quartet 18514 Can You Tame Wild Wimmen?--ond--The Worst is Yet to Come Billy Murray 18515 Hawaiian Waltz Medley--and--Kilima Waltz Lua-Keili, 17701 T Original Dixieland Jazz Band == 18513 Smiles--Fox Trot--and--Rose Room--Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 18473 Me-ow One-Step--end--Oh ! Frenchy--Medley One-Step Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 18511 $1.50 for 12-inch, double-sided Poet and Peasant Overture --Part _--and--Part It 'ictor Concert Orchestra. 35509 Missouri Waltz--and--Kiss Me Again Waltz Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 35663 Red Seal Records Boat Song. Geraldine Farrar 87289 La Capinera Gulli-Ourcl 64792 Could I Emilio de Gogorsa 64794 Moto Perpetuo Jascha Helfete 74581 Bring Back My Bonnie to Me -- Alma Gluck 64793 Vietrolas from $34 to $997 s(ecld on easy pay: ments, if desired), Ask for free copy of 620-page Musical Encyclopedia, liting over, 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records. Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer's Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited -@ Montreal 1940-uer GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR. BARRIE DISTRICT MaoG: The Rector's stipend was increased by| Minard's Liniment. Cures Colds, Ete. chen, W. A. Hamilton, C, W. Tobey; | $200.00 commensing "Wardens. elected are C. T, Stephens nnd {Alternative-R. W. 'Thom. a | from Jan. 4

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