uch better you y your sluggish ag regular as of its m | the, best take for. bill indigestion It in sold, gu: ended by your URED, UT DRUGS" | RELIEVES THE E. here is always some ng with drugs. Ner- . Relieve the cause ~ p will be the result ¢ right if the Colon kept clean and free Bathe internally if ' d City, Man,, writes suffered from [nk ity, Insomnia and uppetite and doctors 'live throughout the jerested me and T-got * ix p perfected ap- sathing, invented by w York, and has heen g thousands to ner- wn and explained bx ict, Barrie, who will 1 an interesting book The Why, The Way n recque: k for it. ile Strest 0, Oat. ct Fumily and ote! just off and one block ent Buildings. n Plan $1.50up inte und verve Thursday, Pebruary 13, 1919 IN WOMAN'S REALM - THE ARTISTRY Cf BEING WELL DRESSED 'The American Woman Appreciates That | Smartness is Not Overdressing NEW YORK, February 4, 1918. To look really smart is e huge problem that the average woman is just beginning to solve. The Parisian, by a natural instinct, 'chooses her clothes correctly and wisely, and 'Sways looks chi. But the American woman in the past has been inclined to lavish upon herself finery that was neither well chosen nor becoming. To sttain that height of charm that the Parisian wes not a matter for a few moment' thought and then dismissal. It required 0 study of one's own personality, attractions, and detrdctions, and then the search for the exact lines in dress that accentuated the at- tractions and artfully hid the defects. Having found the suitable lines, the barmony of the costume must be consid- ony, for instance, between hat fod suit, and shoes and suit; and then, of fourse, harmony in the color scheme.) 80 women carelessly wear the hat wear at the matinee, when they walk in the morning. The time nd place mpust be given consideration, for How JF you wereto hire the best~ soap maker in the world and gave him unlimited scope in materials and facil- ities, be could tura out nothing better or purer for you than Sunlight The incomparable Tea: always obtainable from an infusion, has given it a prestige sesse by.no other tea on out-draws and out-classes: all other teas. "This is no idle claim' ---- sale, ' pump. 'Theee are | will outwear patent rather old-looking For street or walking, dark brown or ma- hogany colored oxiords with the military Bé00e~ to wear a dressy hat 8751 6723 Sophistication in Simple Lines costume is» failure, even though each part in iteelf is pleasing. The discordant combin- ation has a distasteful effect. Quantity Small, But Quality Excellent. Perhaps the biggest factor in the de- velopment of a perfect costume is the ma- terial. The material must be good, for though the lines be perfect and the fit above | the slightest criticism, if the material is of inferior quality tbe time and Isbor have been spent in vain. An expensive ma- terial will outlast the cheaper material and for thst very reason everyone ought to 'exert extensive efforts to buy the best ma- terial. 'Affaire ore gradually becoming normal and very soon the market will lower the prices of woolen goods--fot\se low se the pre-war prices, however, for market con- ditiona are never the shme after n war os before. And with the material cheaper, no 'one will have thé slightest excuse for not being s smart and well-dressed person. The Consideration of Shoes Thanks to the sensible buyers, and, I must say, sensible women, the demand for novelty shoes bas decreased and they sre dependent upon the color of the gown. if there is doubt as to whet color will best harmonize with the frock, it is always safe to wear silver cloth. ete of the costume. The long slim lines have proved #o desirable that they will not , cs slip away after just one season. Many little t with o mannish walk-| changes are seen, such at novelty sleeves ing costume. If thet hat'is dressy the suit !4nd: collars. This attractive frock of serge of coat must be dressy and the shoes must 'and satin for Mises has a very unusual be of a rather dainty Inst. If one does not ¢ollar, having one end extend down to properly complement the other, the entire shout the knee, 'The other has # rather Odd-shaped tunic which gracefully rounds 'at the center-front seam. the following report for January :--Central Behool--552 inspections. Defects reported; throat trouble 15, skin trouble 1, carious teeth 28, pediculosus 1, eye trouble 2,~ throat trouble, 17; eye trouble, 1; skin trouble, 1; ear trouble, 3. throat trouble, 15; ear trouble, 1; carious teeth, 21; pedigulosus, minor, and would not require the attention of 0 physiciun; one has been operated upon for diseased tonsila, while others have deferred operative trestment until the Eas- ter vapation, and many are receiving treat- ment. sche for a number of children. two children who showed evidence of com- municable skin trouble, were referred to the principals for exclusion until furnished with 'a doctor's certificate for re-admission. Primary Department in Ahe King Block, where one case of scarlet fever was Te. the rooms put in fumigation under the su- pervision of Dr. Little, M.H.O. examine the children from rooms in whieh scarlet fever had been reported, regarding | subdued shades of at a ressonable are very smart, Evening Little Change in Silhouette = Spring brings us no change in the silhou- «Schoo! Nurse's Report Mine MacNab, the school nurse, bas made 'West Ward School--Inspections 432; 'Bast' Ward School--Inspections, 53-- throat trouble, 3; carious teeth, 8; pedicu- osus, 1 (new pupil). Burton Avenue (Inspections, 360)-- gulosus, 1, (new pupil) 'A number of these throat cases were Did minor dressings and relieved tooth- T bave made frequent class inspections; Re inspections in Central School and ported--the clases were dismissed and {visit the school every morning and auses, vomiting, sore throat, fever symp: toms, 'ete. 1 encourage thd children to care for their mouths and throate fre- quently, to cleanse the hair, and beth daily if poasible Have inspected frequently those who have and those who have zhad pediculosus 'and find they are being cared for as directed, and cases reported are pupils who have been admitted to school recently. ist, --_----_+--_ Barrie Branch, U.C. Bible 'Society The past year has been the best yet in Barrie's history of the givings to the above Society, the contributions amount ing to $418.65. The follwing is the list, namely -- , $20.00--Miss N. FE. Ardagh. $10.00--Mrs. M. L. Ardggh, Mr, and Mrs, A. Hay. 36,00--The Misees Ginn. | $5.00--W. A. Boys, Donald Ross, Mrs Rainford, Mrs. Wanless, Mrs. Wm. Aird, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, C. A. Shepard, Dr. W. A. Lewis, Rev. G. A, Brown. $4.00--Miss K. A. Stevenson. $3.00_Rev. H. Moore, 'Rev. J. Watt, Mrs. Wm. Boys, Mrs. R. 'J. Sprott, A. J. Sarjeant, Miss S, Black, Mrs. A. B. McPhee. $2.00--Mrs. D. R. Murchison, Mrs. H. Wright, Mrs. A. S. Burton, Rev, H. D. Raymond, Dr. and Mrs. Brereton, Mrs. Stev- enson, the Misses King, Miss G. Ardagh, Mrs, E. J. Carson} Mrs. K. Cameron, Mrs. Hutchings, Mrs. Pue, A. F. Garrett, H. E. Jory, W. J. Justice, Mrs. V. Knight, Mrs. 'Wm. Little, Rev. W. H. Wallace, Dr. A. T. Ardagh, Geo. WT 50--C. ©. Rom, Mt . C, Ross, Mrs. Tompkins. $1.25--Mrs. F. E. Shaw. $1.00--Mrs. 8. Smith, Rev. J.B. Lamb, Dr. Hunter, Mra. F. R. Porritt, B. A. Little, M. Stewart, Miss " Richer, Mie Mtanaen Mn oe Bihari, Mes gle 'A: B. Patterson; Mrs. sgh , juries alleged to have been occasioned by|she came into tho store entirely for her 1 have made 19 home visits to explain | his shop, which occupied to parents how detrimental carious teeth |Court at Belleville Wednesday. | The plain- ted diseused tonsils and adenoids are to|tiff went into the defendant's chop in July |entitled the proper mental and physical develop- blast to look at boots and on leaving the | dangers, seat of their children, and advised them |store forgot a loaf of bread and in doing |gers ss to consult their family physician and dent-}eo fell on the floor, breaking her arm in|it was injuring ber knee, side and other | floors. She claimed it was| tiff (COME and take a glance inside McCormick's snow-white. interior and uniforms of ting her bread--sbe must ~ Biscuit Palace, the finest in America. See the the spic-and-span white the employees. Look at the immense windows through which the sunshine streams in. Note the perfect ventilation--how pure and fres| the air. See the white-enameled ovens--the wonderful mixingmachines, and soon. The more you look around the greater your ad- miration--and you certainly will enjoy McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas after seeing where and how they are made. Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. Ce act Soe Re 9 ormucKs Jersey Cream Sodas at_Montreal, Calgary, Factory at LONDON, Canada. Branch Crswe, Hamilton, Kingston, Winn Port Arthur, St. John, 5 Canada Food Board Licenses 1-003, 14-166 ©