$4.95 ws in to 44, elay. , $6.00 gher. 79¢ s0yS or re soft, y them 39¢ brown | men's ir laps. of 50c. JRCH d, 'Viear. 1919. * ind Intercession ference y d Sermon. Bible Classes. | Sermon. ices, Cupt. the nl, Vicar |ARCE DAIRY ure Milk liness and unt 2 --___--+ IST. OF | fl SOLVED iation and Save ur living expen- ation, Write or <OFF Phone 307 T ONCE ILLINERY USINESS HAM ° firm of. fin- ers in Bar- respondents of strong in Toronto. to. 1 arid Co. ers, ronto, Ont. +4 a "! THE BARRIE EXAMINER News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our GUTHRIE 11.--Miss Barbara McCusig from visiting her mother for s couple of weeks. Miss Lena Crawford has returned from visting her sister, Mrs. Rowell, of Barrie. Tir. Archie Gilchrist of Kamloops, B.C., returned home to his father's in a very serious condition. Miss Belle McCuaig is visiting her niece, Mrs. Rose, of Toronto Gordon Bryson, one of our soldier boys, has returned to his home in Toronto after s week's visit with friends here. 1 am pleased to report that Aylmer Cald- well, who was operated on for appendicitis, is progressing favorably; also Neil Sine! one of our returned boys, whose home i now in the West, who took sick while veeiting friends here 'Alex. Gilehrist celebrated his 78th birth- dsy by giving » dinner party to several of his old friends and neighbors and a very pleasant time was spent by all | A reception for the returned soldiers was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E Reex last Thursday evening st which al- most the whole surrounding neighborhood wae present. After an address of welcome by the Rev. N. Campbell and a very suit- able program of music by "'the boys" and others, games and amusements were partici- pated in, followed by luncheon, Crought the pleasant evening to a close. The Willing Workers, who have decided to continue sewing for the French Relief for some time have returned the following for Jan. Red Cross: six grey flannel shirts, 2 quilts. French Relief: 10 women's yockets, 6 men's shirts, 2 quilts und {juantity:of used clothing for refugees. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Neil Merrison's on Feb. 12 The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs, T. E. Rossin January and large gathering, pleasant time and much sewing 'ove for the French Relief was the result IVY Feb. 10,---On Saturday. a fine baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr, and Mre. Jasaes Gilpin. Mrs. Carrol of Tottenham is spending s days with her sisters, Mrs, R Lewery snd Mra, W. A. Thompson 4 very pleasant time was spent in the "pasement of the Presbyterian Church last Welnesday evening when the congregation guthered to honor and welcome one of their yer from France, in the person of Sergt. P. Kennard. 'A fowl supper was werved by the ladies of the eburch, after Which there wax a program of readings. songs, music und addresses. 'The church wos tastefully decorated with Union Jacke "other flags. One of the attracnve things on the tuble were two French shells picked up after the battle of Ypres and st over to friends here They were filled w flowers. Sergt. Kennard went: over ch the 157th Bn. and has been in hos several. times sale at James 4 lurge crowd attended t Gopin's last Frida sell us there were lots of bidders Pte, Juck Culunder returned lust week and ix a little lame Several members of Ivy Farmers' Club ent to Thornton to visit their club on day evening Mrs. W. E. Banting and Mra L. Bant ee are spending, » few days in Barrie with their grandparents, Mr. and Mr. James Sens 'A number from here attended the box social at Baxter on Tuesday evening and renort « good time. ~ HOLLY eb 10.-Mr. and Mrs, H. Lougheed = vend at her home bere which | He hus been wounded in the | Correspondents MIDHURST | Feb. 11.--Mr. and Mrs, L. Hundy "of Ferndale spent Sunday at J. Handy's Miss Beatrice Wallwin of the 7th Line is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. E. Wallwin. Some of the people around here are busily engaged in drawing loge to R handlen's mill. . Mr. E. Cuff and Master Harry of Barrie spent Sunday with friends here. "Wm. Dunn, who has been on the sick | list, is recovering. H. Bertram's are on the sick list Pte. W. Cumeron, who hss been over-| seas and in France for some time, returned | home on Feb, 10; also Pte. J. Monteith. ) The boys, although huving been wounded, | look well. | Miss Margaret Fieldhouse spent the week: 1 Mr. und Mrs. D, M. Coutts of Dalston | | visited friends in the village one day last | weel | Mrs. A. Shanacy has returned home after spending some time with friends in Toronto and Barrie, BELLE EWART Feb. 12.--The work at the ice is going | steadily forward, About two hundred men are employed with the different companies. The ice is now about 14 inches and the moderate weather conditions make it |plensant work for the men, Ocessionally 'a man {ally into the channel and to see |him quick march for home and dry clothes jyou'd think he was doing piece-work instead jof_working by the day Several Toronto people motored here on Sunday and spent the day in town. The young people are thoroughly enjoy ling the skating on the lake. It is under- | |stood there is to be» Valentine skating party on Friday night, that is, if there is no more snow ' Mrs. H. Bible and son have arrived from | Englund and are the guests of Mrx Cook | Miss Audrey Traviss spent the week-end | with Ene Whan 'A fow people motored to the Island on ¢ Sunday und report good ice all the way ORO STATION | Feb. 10--P. W. McLean of Barrie spent the week-end with Ernie Crawford The Women's Institute ure having a sewing tex on Wednesday for French Relir at Mrs. Geo, Crawford's The Farmers Club and Women's Insti tute met at the home of Richard Crawford A. goodly number attended te lively debate, ~ Thit Reading structive than Travelling', in which the affirmative side won by nine pe Mrs. M. J who bus been visiting her mother, Mrs A, McMinn, left on Mon day for Detroit, where she will spend ow few days with her sisters, Mrs F Junker jand B MeMinn, before gomg en to her home in Homewood. Manitoba Quite w number of young men huve their fish rhanties out an the ice and all report jthat the fish are plentiful GRENFEL | Feb 12. Fred Harris met with a genious lucerdent on Monday night and fe lying a eniticul condition, While pulping turn | with a gasolene engine he in some way got bis hand caught in the pulper knife retiutiy away, February the 9th, 1918, | lard the first finger wax torn off at the |nuckle joint, Mr. Harris shut the engine jdown and got to the top step st the Jhouse when he fainted and fell backwards striking his head with grest force on the _BYRNES--At Owen Sound on Wed. Feb. BORN yr DEAN--In Vancouver, on Feb. 2, 1919, 'sl 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Dean (nee Mune Addison) 3 daughter. HUNTER--In Oro, on Jan. 17, 1919, to! Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hunter, of Port' McNichol, a daughter. | McCLUNG--On 2nd Line, Flos, Feb. 6, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClung, | twins, son and daughter. SIMPSON--In Barrie, WELLS--At Wellesley Hospital, on Feb. of the bride, Oro, Ont., on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1919, by the Rev. W. 8. Invin of Dalston, Edna Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bertram, to Mr. George 'Watkins of Craighurst, Ont | DIED BLACKMORE--In Toronto, on Feb. 8, 1919, Norwood Blackmore, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Blackmore: Interment at | St. Paul's, Fonisfil, on Feb. 10. 12, 1919, Mary Ann Byrnes, widow of the late George Byrnes (formerly of Barrie) in her 76th year. Funeral on Saturday | to St. Mary's B.C. Cemetery COCKBURN--In Edgar, on Tues., Jan. 28, | 1919, James Bruce McCallum Cockburn, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs, James H. Cockburn, aged 17 years and 3 mos. LITTLE--On Sat. Feb. 8, 1919, infant daughter of Mr. und Mre. W. D, Little, Allandale. TRACEY--On Wednesday, Feb, 12, 1919, Jot 21, con, 1, Julis Tracey, wife of Jno. + Albert' Tracey, aged 38 years, 10 months Funeral at Elmvale, Sat. Feb. 15 'on Tuesday, Feb. 11,' to Dr. and Mrs, L. J, Simpeon, Collier | street, a daughter. ("6 1919, to Mr. und Mrs, Gordon A. | Wells, 142 Spadina road, Toronto, a Sel daughter. : BEATTIE--SINCLAIR--On Wednesday, ' Bert Yout, whe bid! béei around Craig. | Feb. 5, at Maple Hill Farm, Sterne, but and' 'Hiledale for some time, bas| omy, daughter of Mr. and Mr JL Serna tee cna | Sinclair, to Isaue E. Beattie, Eaq., eon of Old 'man "flu" is visiting friends on| Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beattie, ! the Second Line. | WATKINS--BERTRAM--At the home | | IN MEMORIAM In proud snd loving memory of Lieut. Tom. M, Armstrong, M.M., died of wounds somewhere in France, Feb. 18th, 1918 "Fuithful unto death." -FAMILY IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear daughter, Emily Armstrong, who died Feb, 15, 1916. 'Three years have passed since that sud day Goi called the one I loved away Forget her- no I never will As years roll on I love her still Never a day but her name is spoken ver an hour but she is in my thoughts. A link in our family's chain is broken, She ix gone from our home but not from our thoughts MOTHER. | IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of my Enuly Arno who died Feb 15 dewr sister, 1916. T watched her suffer day by lay Tt enused me bitter grief To see her slowly pine away ; HERE AS USUAL YOU WILL FIND AFEW OF THE WONDERFUL BAR- GAINS THAT MAY BE HAD BY TRADING AT THIS STORE. WITH GOODS AT THE VERY HIGH PRICE THEY ARE TO-DAY AND NO INDICATION OF PRICES BECOMING EASIER FOR A LONG TIME, IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK THIS SPACE OVER EVERY WEEK AS WE ADVERTISE OUR WON- DERFUL VALUES IN THIS WAY AND YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SOME- THING HERE TO HELP KEEP THE HIGH PRICE OF MERCHANDISE AND LIVING AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. A VERY SPECIAL OFFERING IN BRUSHED WOOL CAPS IN ALL COLORS WERE PRICED UP TO $1.25 10 ONLY LADIES' COATS in good materials. All sizes - $5.00 A few only Ladies' Tweed Suits, excellent cloths. These toclearat... «+++ $5.00 CREAM CASHMERETTE LADIES' FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR HOSE 3 extra fine quality, good wear: White and Natural, good value at $1.25. Our price 89¢ per ing, strong cotton yarn for garment. 69¢ A special Table of Ladies' AND $1.50 Skirts in Navy and Brown DON'T MISS Serge and Tweed mixtures, all THESE AT 69¢ | to clear at ......--- $2.50 E. T. MAKE CORSET Our special $1.25 Corset can- not be excelled. Powell & Co. And could not give relief Not lost but gone before She lives with me in memory sul And will for evermore STER IN MEMORIAM In and but loving memory of Marion Ivene, infant daughter of Charles E, and Nellie E. Bush, Angus, Ont., who passed aged 1 year and 16 days. To part with our dear child was w trial severe, Although sbe is better in yonder than bere. seriously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Handy, in Toronto, is now much improved. \ J. H, Readman has bought out a buteher business in Barrie und will take possession jee March 3. 'A reception for Pte. John Robbins, Pte. E, Fildey and Cadet E. A. Creswick was given in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. Chas. Flynn visited with friends at Stayner on Sunday, _Arthur Robinson of St, Catharines visited Alsike and Sweet Clover his brother, William Robinson, recently. Toronto Globe.--Alsike and sweet clover 'Wm. Carr, who has been in the employ | are two important lines in South Simcoe. NEWS ~ OF COORSTOWN 'The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be hunded or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to thix paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. | Migs Cole, who is attending Barrie Busi 'ness College, spent u few days lust week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Cole. Our low is her gain, she is an angel above Johnson has sold his gravel pit And drinks perfect bliss ot the fountain and outfit to some Toronto firm, Jno. of love Hockridge also sold twenty acres of gravel Oh, may our dear child be # link in the to the seme people G Getting up the summer wood is taking |That will bind ux to heaven till we meet up most of our farmers' time at present her ag ---- A little flower trudsplanted in the garden CLOWES | of heaven. ; Feb, 10.--Mr, and Mrs, Will Harriton and Mama, Daddy and Grandma, two little daughters of Brock, Sask., wha | a are spending the winter in Ontario, called Farmers! Meetings on friends hero this week, Under the auspices of the Centre Simeoe Mint "Gravestone of Victoria Harbor is |Board of Agriculture, meetings will be held visiting with her aunt, Mrs, Calvert lat Minesing on Feb. 17, and 2nd Line, Mra'. Partridge was in Toronto for a|Flos, on Feb. 19. Separate meetings for few days last week. the men and women will be held at 2 p.m., "Vack Beardaall had the misfortune to cut | with joint meetings at 7.30. The speakers hig foot last week while working in the jwill be W. C. Shearer of Bright, A. Hut- bush. chinson, District Representative, und Mre. Quite a number from here attended the |A. P. Thomas of Beamsville carnival at Coulson on Friday night. BARRIE MARKETS - souited Mr, and Mrs, H. Reynolds wt Knock ier, tly. no, Mrs. T. Campbell is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Beelby of Barrie. Miss Mary Lougheed spent = few days «th friends in Allandale | Thos. Wiley is still improving. | 'On Sunday, Feb. 16, the regular Mission- | sey dervices will be beld in the Holly Meth- | cist Church at 2.30 p.m. | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robson of Shanty Say spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs, Chas. Congratulations to Miss Edna Bertram 'and Mr. George Watkins, who were married on, Tuesday. 'They ure spending their honéymoon in Toronto. THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Fal) Wheat cove $2.10-82.12 SIXTH LINE VESPRA [spring Wheat $2.00.$2.08 | Mrs, E. Switzer spent last week with her |Qats ...... 55-600 sister, Mrs, Edgerton, at Coulson, also call- |Barley 65-70 ing on ietentn is Oni. ai Rye ... 90-95¢ : Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harrison, who have |Buckwheat .... "90.986 She knows. that Wisdom's |been staying with Mrs. Caron, went on | Alsike Clover seed per bus. .- {$11.00-$15.00 best val-|Tburedey to Anten Mills to visit with Mrs. [Red Clo is $20.00-821.00 i i s ; ver " $21. Baking Powder is the best val- | Fare. Be Oe Eyre) ge in town at 25 cents for a| 'The funeral st a Inte Mow, Kish 2 wai |Spring chicken 25-300 1 ti held from the home of C. M. ing, |Old fowl 22-25¢ po tin. Thursday Inst. A large number of friends | Ducks, & Our customers were SO well {and neighbors gathered to show their es- 3 + teem for of Vespra's oldest and most | Butter, Ib. pleased with our Orange Sale teem for ane erand Mea. Cooper of Baer - of two weeks ago that we are Bellville and Mr, MeiGinnon, Toronto, also |Hay jeati i Re p of Sturgeon came to 8t- | Potatoes repeating it on Saturday, and |B, Kiskop otal Pots as before, will sell the 5Qc, Beef Hee Gra pe and 75c sizes at 49¢ per. NOTICE TO CREDITORS cat Hides Ze 7 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the |'Tallow, Ib. Choice Head Lettuce at 2| rusts Act that all pemons having slime Horve Hides inst the Estate of James Keast, Iate|Horse Hair for 25c. of the Township af Vospre in the County of | Wool, unwashed jimeoe, Farmer, deceased, who on oF | W: shed Large Oregon Apples and |Simooe, Fetwenticth day of January, 1919, Weck ee California Russet Pears. 'are requested to send particulars of their jac lelaims to the undersigned on or before Fancy Canned Cranberries, |tr "tise day of March, 1919, after which The Weather per tin, 30c. date the Executrix will ci distrib ate the amet Low High 'of the-estate among t! entitled thereto, | |. fi We have the new Sprustex |? ire eee only. to the claims of which | Feh- 6-- 18 2 Dust Mop in the large size at|they shall then have notice, and that : they will not be responsible to any person 15 27 $1.00. fo, the = ng in sue claims 9 10 16 x 'not then have been received. '2, yeti 8 was 'Wisdom's a rn er itor for recutrix, 22 31 0.7.1 --W. H. BUTTERY: ALLANDALE | Mrs. Asaph of Stayner was the guest of |Mrs. Frank Leeson last week The Davidson Quartette furnished the 'music at the Newton Robinson Anniversary 'on Sunday. . Miss Alice Nevils of Barrie spent the week-end at her home here. William Arnold has sold his farm to Ernest Gilroy. Pte. John Robbins, who returned from overseas last week, is with his daughter, Mrs. Finlay Bain, in West Gwillimbury. Ollie Readman of Orillia spent Monday {with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Read- jman. Mrs, Watson and Harold McCague, both of Stayner, spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Thos. Gollop. Fisher' are now offering exceptionally ues in men's and women's boots. | of Glass & Dunwoody, will commence farming for himself, having leased Alf. Hounsome's farm in West Gwillimbury. Rev. W.-N. Chantler of Toronto will conduct the anniversary services in the Methodist church here next Sunday. 'Miss Gibbs of Greenock visited with her niece, Mrs. Wm. Carr, last week. Miss McFadden of Elmvale, who bas been spending the past three weeks with her 'uncles, Jos. and Chas. McFadden, returned. to her' home on Monday. {Svat "Around Beeton there was hardly a farm who did not grow some alsike last year," ssid District. Representative Hutchinson. "One farmer, and a tenant at that, grew $2,500 worth on some 40 acres of his head: alsike is about Beeton, sweet clover is in the triangle formed by Craig- vale, Lefroy and Churchill. In the latter section nine farmers produced over 900 bushels of sweet clover seed lust year. The largest producer was Mr. R. A. Sutherland, near Stroud, who is credited with s crop The Cookstown Epworth league enter- of 200 bi ; a Cink Ce eailbsie tod Newton Robinsos yar tie weree Harb. Neca pd 60 Dee Leagues on Monda: 'Nurse Readman of Toronto is now spend- ; | Latest Designs in Agents for the famous ALIAN HAT, the hat that will outwear two hats of any other make. We also car- ry the King Hats, Christy' besides many other American FURS BUY YOUR FURS DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE 25 per cent. to 50 per cent. off original prices, and in many cases lower than the present wholesale prices. Buy your furs now. You will save considerable. "HATS, COATS and FURS WE WANT YOUR RAW FURS HIGHEST CASH PRICES SIMMONS & CO. ing « vecation at her home. Rev. W. Creswick was in Barrie on | Tuesday. 'Miss Margaret Thompson, who has been dian makes. | Hats for Spring '19 all the newest colors. BORSALINO IT- 's English Hats, and Cana- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. 9