5 pe . FOR SALI Page Twelve THE BARRIE EXAMINER ,. Thursday, February. 13) 1919 THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Qffice an addi- tional charge of (0c. will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an ad- ional charge of 10c. will be made on all adlets less than one dollar. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--On ensy | terms. Misses Bell, 59 Mary street. 6-7p FURS REMODELLED and Repuired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, 37-tfe YORKSHIRE BOAR For Service--Andrew | King, lot 20, con. 5, Innisfil, Lefroy P.O. 6-9p HOLSTEIN COW for sale--Coming three years old. Milking. Apply to this office. 5-10p FARM FOR SALE--At Utopia. For par- ticulars apply to 49 Sanford street, Bar- PROF. D. FE. WEIR--Tescher of Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen street, Barrie. B8p TATLORING and "Dressmaking Miss E. Gosney, Adelaide Street, date 51-10e | RAW FURS Highest Cash price paid ter all kinds of raw fur, Simmons & Co, Furriers, Dunlop St 47-3mos FOR SALF House, lot (about 2% acres) | -- P LOCAL NEWS esisieoesin Friday is St. Valentine's Day. Don't fail to read the advts. They help to make your dollars go further. There is Buffalo ice from Barrie. $ carloads of stock were ship- ped frum Barrie stuckyards this some talk of a company shipping week. Hogs, were 315.50 Sixteen pages this week--store news and other news--something interesting on every page Collingwood hockeyists play the B.C. 1. lads at the local rink Fri night and Saturday morning Buyers or sellers of Victory Bonds should read Brouse itchell & Co's advertisoment. in other umn Seotly" Sutherland, who p| ed with Barrie Juniors last year, is a member of this year's Belle- Ville intermediate team A lost mackinaw coat adver- in last week's) Examiner edily restored to its owner throughoan Adlet Phe B. of R are holding a dance in the Town Hall on Wed- hesday, Feb. 19. Ivy Ore in-allendanee. Tickets 75 cents ch and stuble ut 56 Penetang street, Barrie Enquire on premises 6-14p | OR EXCHANGE--Registered Shropahire Ram, three shears. E,_V. 'Wilson, Shanty Bay 5-7e | FIRST CLASS BEEF AND PORK. By | quarter at wholesale price, at John Bing- bam & Son, Elizabeth St 2-7p | HOUSEKE a month Curtis, "PER WANTED-- Wages $60.00 'or particulars apply to G. H John street West 7-8p COAL, all sizes, nut, stove and egg. Also | all kinds af burd and soft wood, Apply to W Gracey & Son, Allandale, phone 404 5:tfe CLEANING suit and Overe Like new hy Dunlop 8¢ , AND PRESSING--Your old "can be made to look arry 'Twirs, Rose Block, FURS WANTED- Higest prices paid for all kinds af raw furs Sutisfaction guaran: Harry Levit, Phone 384, Bayfield Rarrie 3-16p TO RENT OR FOR LF -- Business erty, residence and stubles, corner abeth nl Mary Sts Apply ROH Webb, Barrie 38-the Ap: is desirous of ' music pupils ins d Theory term: inquire at 8H Mary street FARM FOR SALE 97) geres, adjoining Village of Ty, soit clay Ie Barn 40x 78, on stone foundation. house Apply to € FARM FOR SAL wt . 2M acres iixed bush, never: spring Apply Ed. McLaughlin, d 6p Speers, Ivy 4.9p nc BAY HORSE YED--to my premises, N%4 lot 4, con 9, Innisfil, about Jan, 21 Owner ean have same by proving proper- ty and paying expenses. Wm, Hopki Allandale. Bip WOOD CULTING --Having purebased Me- | Fadden's mischuwe, Tam prepared to saw wood an short i Chas Kelly at Wice's barber shop 3.8p STRAYED on to my premises, lot 6, con. 7. hiut Nov, 25, a red steer. Owner huve same by proving prop- erty and yuying expenses, W. Binnie, Anten Mills 6-8p | ALE, tot 2, con, 5, Innisfil. | good clay loam; good frame | 1 with basement stab- Apply. to. Mrs. 51-1! BARM For iurge ling, never Nvteher TI FARM FOR SALE---200 acres, north half lots 3 and 4, con. 10, Innisfil, Large brick house, basement, stable and acre ore' Apply to Mrs. Ceneth Gi van, RR.2, Allandale. 6-7p LOST--A hound, sinee Christmas, large, | white and black, with tan coarse head, white strenk on face, answering to the name of "Bugle." ly return to T.W. | Gosling, Barrie, Phone 361. Reward Stfc Good dwelling - Collegiate commencement. ex. ereises billed tor last night were postponed until tosnight ty avord aelash with the hockey he grain tearkel is very s hese days Most of the ele Vatars are full and there will be little movement antil shipments oy bunaience te the Ge Horse, Feulay: evenin the results of the H wo Samuel Leathertand, form Barrie vs Bradford. at the end {erly of nberg efoench pert Admission i6] Clarence Sloan ef Churchill! al Thoets Phe Barris ght sheds are pen eholy except Simtay, at the follawing Hotes ay te Brin slay Maan 12.00 neens 1 pom fe Sate gums Sabirday. X.000 a Hee DM pan Vie vest ot fivtie while stat tit > et Ihe be compared ts of hissing says tree Hagart Cob Denison fined a yeu nan S600 last week fu Ent ett Che street <= Miss Reta O'Connor is visiting friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Ray Flynn of Stayner has been spending a few days with friends in Barrie Francis spent the parents here Miss Lillian MeAule vale spent the we Barrie friends Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dyment of Hamilton were week-end guests al S. Dyment's Moore of Toronto week-end with his of Elm- end with GW. Gordon of Galt was a visitor at M. O'Connor's, Brad- ford St., reeently Miss F. Bonthron of Hensall is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. MeMartin, Small St Mrs. Andrew Campbell of Sarnia visited Mrs. H. M. Dy- ment during the past week Mrs, Jobn Dougall went to To- ronta on Saturday to visit: her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wells. Mrs. S. K. Lount left on Wed- sday for Waynesboro, Va. Capt. Lount is stationed. Misses Hazel Mare and Berta Scott left this week for the Sick Children's Hospital' where they will train for nurses Mrs. Blanchard and little daughter of Alliston and Mrs: Fair of Collingwood spent over Sunday with ther aunt, Mes. J Lestie and daugh- and J, C. Richardson f on have returned jhome afler spending a week with | Miss Fina Travers. | Dro and Mrs, Richardson were in Terente on Saturday ing the funeral of a brothe and Byron Bemerose of Bradford, | jboth recently returned fran Joverseas. were guests of their Jaunt, Mes. Trueman, thin week. } The Examiner tad a eall (his! week Trend Wo Tagks of Stroud. ! Vio darks ts convaleseing after} vis operations and! himself Ryne very promises soon ty be M | Clarence Ambler. pupil of Miss WWiela Riehsaredson, was snecessful | iv passing the Elementary Pine | len Wilh honors at the }Evantnat ri sy the Gran i ik tH UN CRETE ah Pitino RiTSERRAE ESS an cea tae Phe ummation spe eerap sere te a. Ei tospecial tel sraph Mt jes vert Carvelh at be Friday evening when the pestis] ike | SANA ay Wodhe Barrie Bradtert Hoekes pine is been sp aie "tate wall bes ateaieedt at the etl et mark periat af play. ade MHisston Ti aed Phoets A two-cow cream separator Burrie 6-7p FOR SALE--Good Cow, coming in soon, |! Apply 50 Blake street Tip CARETAK for Trainman' Hall, Allandale. Apply to J. Steele 7-Se FOR SALE -Hundsome square piano in condition, very cheup. Purticulary, . Barrie, 7-8p 'T--Sum of money in $5 und $10 de nomination, Finder suitably rewarded. J. Little, Allandale Tip FOR SALE or Exchunge--For a doe, a good Siberian buck rabbit 9 months old. 80 Sanford street, Barrie 17 LOST--In Barrie, Suturday, February 8, tun's coon cost. Finder please leave at 59 Mary street and receive reward. 7-7p HOUSE WANTED--With town convenien- ces. one to two acres of land' adjoining, Apply 121 Sophia street. Phone 772.7-7¢ WANTED--Young woman or girl for house- work, one who can do plain cooking pre- ferred. Apply to Mrs. Cecil, 55 Peel St. 7-8p FOR SALE--Two buildings, saw mill and chopping house. Timbers suitable for a barn. G. Finlay, Midhurst. Phone 602 r3h 7-8p FOR SALE--Good Rhode Island Red Cocks und cockerels, bred from one of Canada's best laying strains. Eurl Carson phone 606r11 Tip | 100 ACRES FARM FOR SALE--In Oro! Township, good buildings, 3 acres fruit | orherd, 10 acres bush, lots of water. | For further particulars, write Mrs. Mary J. Turk, Shanty Bay, RR. No. 2, Ont. -L1p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17. con. 2, Flos, 100 seres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x00, driving shed and outbuildiogs. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919 with plowing privileges. 'P. A. Cougblin. Phelpaton. '254 WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- keeper, to take full charge of farm home with a baby. boy ten months old. No outside work to do. A good, comfort-- able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Apply stating partic- "ulars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O. or phone. Itfe FARM FOR SALE--Part of lots 16 and 17. Con. 1, Oro, 150 acres, on Penetang road, 6 miles north of Barrie, 60 acres cultivated, 50 acres pasture, balance swamp. 'Large brick-clad house, barn 40x60 with cow stable in barn, horse stable -separate building, 2 good wells and orchard. Esay price and terms for quick sale. "Apply Executors Chas. Part- ridge Estate, Mrs. M. E, Parkhouse, Bar- rie, W. T. Partridge, Barrie RRA, A. W. Partridge, RR.1. Would,rent later if no sale, 796 CLOVER SEED BARGAIN=Mixture of Al- sike and Red Clover, excellent for hay. $15 per bushel for quick sale, J. W. Jacks, Stroud. 7-89 FOR RENT--Ten acres, 6-roomed house, small stable, hen house, near Camp Bor- den station, any reasonable offer, accey'- ted. Cullington, Afigus. Ip LOST--On Sunday, Feb. 9, gold broogh, be- tween Collier street Methodist Church' and Allandale, velued as keepsake. Finder please leave at this office. Tip FOR SALE OR RENT--2% acres in Barrie, brick house, good barn, town water, cistern; convenient to market. Price right, 'essy terms, Enquire Examiner office. -, « 7-120 SALE--Three Hundred Acres good rich clay lodm farm. En bloe or portion. Large bank barns, water.service, stables, brick house, furnace, splendid 'locality, near railways snd county town.. Posses- sion April. Investigate, Frank Quants, owner, Barrie. Teowtt LARGE PACKING HOUSE requires the services of a real, live, progressive sales- man, 23 to 28 'years old for country territaries. Good opportunity for one who has initiative and selling ability. Re- ply in own handwriting, stating age, ex- perience, salary expected, and personal description. Box "A", Examiner. 7-880 jth ter Miss Spry. De Cars aint Capt amd Mrs, Re Cameron alse spent Sunday wus Mrs Sprye= Alex Pruncese of Lethbridge Tis visting Is brother-in-law, D. Facebs alse tas daughter, Mrs. Ree oof Minesing and Mes.] Frank Hooes of New Lowell Mr Primrose ts inspector ef Western Homesteads, having secured that vet fine ag pesitian as | | Ingram--Pett | A qinet but) pretty wedding jwas solemnized at the Methodist Parsonage by the Rev, AL F Owen on Feb, 5, when Miss Mary Mina Pett became the bride of Mr. George Allan Ingram. 'The bride wore a gown of while crepe jde chene, with an overdress of Jombroilered French net and jearried a hoquel of roses, After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served at the home of the bride's mother, after which the |happy couple left for Toronto Detroit, Niagara and points East the bride travelling in a suit of brown with French hat to mateh, The esteem in whieh the bride is held was shown in the number of costly and beautiful gifts re- ceived, among which ix a eul jglass water set and kitehen shower from the Bell Telephone operators and a cut glass bowl! and marmalade jar from the D. YB. Glub.'af whieh she was a member. On their return, Mr and Mrs, Ingram will reside at 92 Clapperton SL. A Meeting on Missions Miss Cartwright, principal of St. Hilda's Trinity College, To. ronto; Mrs. Cale, Dorcas Con vener, and Mrs, Frank Evans, Orillia, for mission study, will talk to the women of Trinity church about their work, of Wednesday of next week at.8 p.m. in.the Parish Hall: Every bap- tized member of the Church of England being thereby a member the M.S.C,C,° that is the church as a whole organized as a missionary. society. A special effort is now being made throughout Canada to induce every woman to become a mem- ber of the women's auxiliary of the M.S.C.C. As. this does not tie anyone to attendance at the branch meetings it is hoped to have a 'large number present to. hear these speakers. Refresh- ments wil! be served and a col- lection taken to defray expenses. Have you bought your child 'Thrift Stamps. MEN'S UNTEARABLE TWEED PANTS This well known line is come in dark grey only, in were about one-half the regular price of $5.00 * AND DRAWERS Here is a snap you shou tage of. are long sleeve and high with men who require a strong garment that will withstand hardest wear. to 46. We bought these when the prices which makes them extra value even at our WOMEN'S WINTER VESTS We have these Vests and Draw- ers in both white and grey. drawers both open and closed styles. On Sale Friday and Saturday at Ou Friday and Saturday Offerings ' WILL SAVE YOU MANY A DOLLAR IF YOU READ THESE AD- VERTISEMENTS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF. THE MANY SNAPS WE OFFER YOU. THIS WEEK-END YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. . $3.95 most popular but only a few They The regular sizes from 34 present price, 50¢ Id take advan- | 2OW to sell for The vests neck and the per gar- WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOL LAR PURCHASE 'i MEN'S MACKINAW PANTS $4.95 They are heavy wool mackinaws in black and we have them in sizes 35 to 44, and the present market is much higher. ALL WOOL WORSTED STOCKINGS Pair They are suitable for Women, Bays or Girls, in sizes from 8:to 10, and are soft, warm and durable. MEN'S WINTER CAPS Warm winter caps of fawn and brown corduroy and heavy black plush, in men's and boys' sizes, with warm fur ear laps. 50c | They are cheap at the regular price of 50c. pair in all so do not delay. price of this line is $6.00 79¢ We cannot buy them less than $1.25 pr. 39¢ PE OPLE TRADE 8.0.E. Officers Al the dast meeting ot the Southampton Lodge, Sens af : (he following officers were elected President, (. Moc, Sinith Vice President, W. 0. chapl 1. Pov Barker Horsfield fst Committeeman, Geo, Urry 2nd Committeeman, A, Baxter 3rd Committeeman, J Wilsen ith Commilteeman. A. Hook. | Inside Guard, H. Young. Outside Guard, H. C. Channen. inden m eretary, F 'Treasurer, C. Passed Music Exams. The following pupils of Miss Claxten's Class have been suc- eessful in the mid-winter aminations held at the 'Toronto Conservatory of Musie, Jan. 31 Miss 1ith Whitebread, Senior Sight nging, Ist class honors, and in the subjeet "Form in Music," Honer: Miss Isabel Duff, Elementary Piano, Honors: Misses Maivie Cubitt-Nicholls Florida Mullivelland, Ma Wallace and Muriel 'Thompson, all of the Introductory grade, | passed with honors, while Helew Dyment passed with high stand- ing. being but three marks shovt | of honors. Miss Gtace Fisher ceived honors in Rudiment, Children's Aid Donations The Executive Committee of the Simcoe County Children's Aid Society wish to gratefully acknowledge: the following help- ful donations brought to the Shelter during eo ; ' 'The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, one box of provisions; James Birnie, Bar- rie, one bag potatoes; Mrs. John Dunn, one chicken; Mrs. Alex. Cowan, three babies' dresses (new); Mrs. McPherson, one high chair, one baby's dress and sewing; Miss Partridge, sewing; Trinity Church and Sun- day School, sandwiches and cake; Thos. Plumtree, vegetables; Mrs. Cowie, clothin, Geo. Fraser, three. bags potatoes, 2 bi turnips, 2 dozen eggs; Mrs. Tooke, clothi Mrs, Gauleg, Brentwood, one pail of hone¥; 'Mrs, Leslie, clothing, J. J. Moore, half ton coal. Card of Thanks { Mr, and Mra. C. M Hickling wish to thank friends and neighbors for floral 'tributes and kindness shown them in their recent béreavement. 1 Collier St. Methodist Church Rev. R. J, Fallis, Pastor. Sunday, Feb'y 16, * MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY Lam.--Mr. Geo. Clark, Police Magist of Orillia, Subject "Missions" 7 p.m--Mr. Jack Armstrong, of Guelph. Subject, "Missions", Special missionary music. Rev. R. J. Fallis, Pastor. CREDIT SALES On Friday, Feb, 14, Wm. Lamb, at lot 19, con. 7, Innisfil, will hold an 'unreserved credit sale of farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, aue- tioneer. On Friday, Feb. 14--Wm. Spindloe, Cooks- town, farm stock and implements. W. E, Stoddart, auctioneer, Monday, Feb. 17.--Sam. Broley, lot 16, con. 8, Innisfil, postponed. Date announced later. Tuesday, Feb, 18, Thos. Bell, lot 26, con. 4, Eass, farm' stock and' implements., Sale at 1 p.m. W. A, McConkey, auc. tioneer. Wednesday, Feb. 19, Thos, Hastings, lot 22, con. 7, Innisfil, farm stock and im- plements, 'Sale at i p.m. W. A. McCon- key, auctioneer. Friday, Feb. 21, Geo. Wiley, lot 17, con. 9, Innisfil, farm stock and implements, Bale nt 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auc- tioneer. Saturday, Feb. 22--Herb, Morrison, lot 9, con. 8, Essa, farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose, auctionee Tuesday, Feb. 25.--Sam. Blackmore, Pains- wick, lot 13, con. 13, Innisfil, farm stock, implements, grain, ete Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey 'auctioneer. On Wed. Feb. 26--Norman Thompson, lot 12, con. 9, Essa, will hold a sale of regis- tered Shorthorn cattle, other stock and | implements. Sale at 1 p.m. Grose = Baycroft, auctioneers. Wednesday, Feb. 26.--A. L, McCullough, at lot 19, con. 5, Innisfil, will hold' an! unreserved credit sale of farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- Conkey, auctioneer. On Thursday, Feb. 27.--Fred. and Allan Bonney, at' lot 21, con. 2, Vespra, will hold'an unreserved credit sale of cattle. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auc- tioneer. On Thursday, Feb. 27, 1919--Fred Pearson, N% lot 2, con. 4, Innisfil, farm stock and implements. Sale at i pm. H. A. Grose, auctioneer. . Friday, March 7.--J. H. Lever: lot 5, con. 4, Innisfil, farm stock, implements and furniture." At the same time and place, the farm of 100 acres, with all modern improvements will be offered for sale, Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. W. E. Stoddart, auctioneer. 7-80 TRINITY CHURCH Rev. H. D, Raymond, Vicar, Sunday, Feb. 16, 1919, Day of National Prayer and Intercession for the Peace Conference 'Septuagesima 830--Holy Communion, 11.00--Morning Prayer snd Sermon. 3.00--Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. Preacher at both services, Capt. the Rey. A. G. Emmett. Rev. H. D. Raymond, Vicar All welcome. ------S----------SS POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 THE HIGH COST OF LIVING PROBLEM SOLVED Join the Consumers' Association and Save one-third to one-half of your living expen- ses. Free circular sent on apy phone to agent. MAX /PUSHKOFF 59 Owen St. "Barrie, Ont. Pho eT FOR SALE' AT ONCE FIRST CLASS MILLINERY STOCK AND BUSINESS IN TOTTENHAM No Opposition 7-8c Miss V. Milligan, Tottenham WANTED An established firm of fin- ancial agents or brokers in Bar- tie to act as correspondents and representatives of strong financial interests in Toronto. Apply by letter to F. C. Sutherland and Co. Stock Brokers, 12 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. al + Be int ted.