lrew"s Organ any etical. itudio, La THIS IS THE SAFE WAY TO DO YOUR WASHING Many housewives prefer to keep the washing in | 4 t the home. This is the sale and samtary way. | Clothes sent out to be washed are mixed with - everybody's tuminated linen. Also by keeping the washing ~ Jn the home you can supervise it closely and often and come in contact with con- if prevent the ruin of some delicate garment. Clothes \ last much longer when washed in the home. f {\} With a Time Saver Electric Washer you can casily get all the washing done in your own home. It saves three whole houn fon wash day and makes the day an easy one. Both washer and wnnger are dnven by electric power and run for 2c. an hour. It is moderate in price. It pays back its cost im a year in the saving of laundry bills or washer woman's wages. We haye 8 machine > Let us demonstrate it uw your in the store for you. Phone or call. H. M. STEWART Implement Shop, Dunlop St. N.B.--These machines can be used with Gasoline power on the farm where electricity as not available, home. Read the Adlet Column For Every Job on the Farm» Modern farmers use tractor power instead of horses for: Ploughin: Harrowing --SSSSS------ Discing . : Cultivating Let us Seeding send youa § Manure Spreading i ee describing the Cleveland : ne Hauling ov Chopping Feed | Grain ¥* Harvesting | ; Road Making G. E. Gooderliam & Co TORONTO Write for proposition to agents az. 'COUNCIL DIVIDED ASTO ROAD MONIES Apportionment left over to June Session--No Grant to Salvation Army. 'Continued from page 3.) Endorsation was given td a petition from the County of Victorin with reference to expenses incurred for sheep held by [butchers in exposed yards in proximity | |to towns, and villages, when such sheep are | (destroyed. Couns, McLean and Simpson | | were appointed to support the petition | | at the meeting of the Ontario Sheep Breed- | Jers' Assocn. ° | Against Phone Increase | The Clerk was requested to notify the | Railway Commission that this Council is strongly opposed to sny increuse of rates |by the Bell Telephone Co. | HOUSE OF REFUGE | | The Inspector's report showed the fol- lowing inventory of stock, etc, at the| Houre: |Farm Stock $2666.25 |Farm Produce 2558.48 [Farm Implements 937.00 ° Fuel 712.75 Boots and Shoes 194.75 Drygoods and clothing . 1252.36 Household furniture 3296.95 | | Office furniture and supplies 495.00 Groceries and provisions 447.11 | Estimated revenve from butter and eggs viveas 86520, 12915.95 | | Farm stock ix ax follow brown mares, | $425; 1 bay horse, $225; 7 mileh cows | | at $85 each; 6 two-year-olds, at $65 each ; [11 yearlings it $50 euch: 3 spring calves u $30 each; 11 pigs, at $30 each; 1 sow, 870; 45 hens, $56.25. Medical Officer Named Dr. F. Speuring of Beeton vgas appoint- ed medicul officer for the House of Refuge. at $200 per year. ROADS AND BRIDGES Chairman Taylor and the County En: | gineer were appointed delegates to the [Ontario Good Roads Amociution, Simeoe'e membership fee of $15 will be paid Council declined to express an opinion | Jeoncerning the memorial from Hastings county council suggesting that a uniform | width of wagon tires be made compulsory. | Some Bridges A request from Couns, Pulford Spicher for a new bridge over the Pine 'Raver oposite lot 13 on the Simeoe-Dufferin ' ine wus laid over till the June Sewion Couns, Moore, Pulford, Dundas und the ngineer were uppointed to look into the Fadivisability of building a bridge opposite lot 6, on the Essu-Tossorontio line and | | |_ Couns. Lovering, Archer, Gowanlock, | Taylor snd the County Engineer were ap: | |pointed to examine old bridge over Bear | Creek, between Tay and Mutchedash and | if they deem it udvisuble, have a new con: | crete bridge built, | Couns. Dundus, Moore, Sheehan, Fleming. and the County Engineer were asked to make a eport upon the condition of six old bridges on con 6, Adjala | An wecount of R. Calderwood for $9.95, bemg for work on Atherley Bndge, was | pursed | Couns Moore, Tom, Dundas and the | Engineer were appointed to inspect at lot {29, con 7. Ess, and rebuild same if neces | Couns Wattie and Wikon and the En jgineer were instructed to inspect bridge on | Con. 10, Vespra, and build w new bridge if deemed wdvisubles It was decided thet all special grants should be left over until the June Session. Couns. Wilcox and Jeffs and the Engineer will examine bridge at lot 24, con. 7, Te: cumseth-Gwillimbury line, and build a new | one if they so decide. Engineer's Report In his annual report on the County High: ways, Engineer Campbell showed the follow- . $18156 80 Road Construction 1642 74 Culverts... 5448 67 Opening Snow rouds 3072 22 Maintenance & repairs 34325 77 Repairs to Bridges 1087 44 Machinery, ete. 2.0.66 302 69 Wire fence bonus - 542 10 Grunts to towns & villages 11556 38 Stutionery : 34 25 Committee work 697 70 Superintendance 2000 00 $78866 76 Bridges built last year were as, follows con. 5, Adjala, $7901.32 Deadman's bridge, Teeumseth, $5576.90; Shannon bridge, Col. lingwood, $4678.58. The uversge wages paid per man was $2.00 to $3.00 per day. PRINTING 'An account of the Berrie Exeminer for $78.30 was passed. The usual $3.00 for postage and station- ery per member was passed. . EDUCATION ° Accounts for maintenance of pupils in collegiste institutes and high schools were passed us follows:--Meaford, $620.14; Col- lingwood, $239.84; Midland, $840.17, Dun- dalk, $18.30; Barrie, $4199.42; Alliston, $2157.38. For the 'arbitration re 8.§. No. 1, Essa and No. 3, Tossorontio, the following fees were paid; Eben Todd, $18.50; A. H. Wil- son, $15.20; J, S. McDowell, $21.50. Examiners for Entrance boards were sp- pointed as follows: Alliston, F. B. Clark; for Bradford, Miss Maxwell of Cookstown ; for Orillia, J, Cla&k of Coldwater. Grants of $25 earh were made to eech of the following poor Sc No. 12, Vespra; No. 8, Tay; No. 8, Orillia; No. 9, Orillia, (2 schools); No, 11, Orillja; No. 15, Orillia 'The Treasurer was authorized to pay ten per cent. of the salaries for teachers taking up Continuation Class work. For examination of farm employment candidates for Junior Entrance H. 8. cer- tificates, the following fees were paid; Isaac Day, $3.00; J. T. Lillie, $8.40; J. C. Clark, FS ies = ¥, ROT TT Le THE BARRIE EXAMINER -|Buchanan, $2.05; Wm. Meakin, $1.00; W. 2. j.|and postage) $24.81; MacNab Bros., (elec- -- Dreamy, caressing Hawaiian Music The magic melody of the throbbing Ukelele and the singing Hawaiian Guitar--blended with the plaintive charm of native voices--instantly takes a strong hold on your imagination. Listen to the way in which the haunting minor strains and booming major notes--redolent of giant breakers on palm fringed beaches--are recorded on Columbia Records. You CAN'T forget them! G ALOHA OE and HAWAIIAN MEDLEY KAOWE AKE KAI (The Roaring Sca) Toots Pake Hawaiian Co. 4/6/6 and LIA IKA WAI.MAPUNA (A a 10-inch, 90c. Lonely Spring). Toots Pal a ' waiian Co. A/571, 10-inch 90c. iN WAILANA WALTZ (Drowsy Waters) KILIMA WALTZ and HAWAIIAN and HAWAIIAN MEDLEY. Louise and Ferera. A20/6, | 0-inch 90c. HOTEL, by Palie K.Lua and David MAHINA MALAMALAMA (Waltz). K. Kaili. © A1874, 10-inch 90c. Kalani and Kalei, and NA LEI Q HILO--HAWAIIAN MARCH. Irene HAWAIIA. -- Holstein and Octette West Royal He Troupe and Guiter and Ukelele accompt. A/985, KOHALA. Palic K. Lua and David 10-inch 90¢. K. Kaili, Al812, 10-inch 90c, The rythm, the swing, the tuneful charm _ of Hawaiian music will make many a home evening a refreshing delight. Here, particularly, you will appreciate the master tone of the Grafonola-- always superbly under control by the exclusive Columbia tone leaves. Your dealer will gladly play many Columbia Hawaiian melodies for you-- and will tell you all about Columbia Grafonolas--every one musically per- fect, whatever its price. New Columbia Records on Sale the 20th of Every Month COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY Toronto, Ont. Colu Grafonola Model L P.0. Box 178 Phone 259w Barrie Agericy Garrett's Music Store chasing a property as said Home, to the Finance Committee for its recommendation snow, coal and' ashes at the court house. |to be made at the June Session. to have prison labor from jail made avail- able to assist the messenger in removing Ivy, Minesing, Steyner, Tottenham, Wau- baushene, Victoria Harbor, Singhampton and Stroud Trustees Named County representatives on the trustep boards of high schools and collegiates were appointed as ity F, W. Jeffrey, Mid- This was adopted. For Children's Shelter In accordance with a resolution of Couns. Graig and Johnston, Reeve Craig of Barrie, Reeve Moore of Allliston, Reeve Train of Flos, Reeve Stewart of Beeton, Reeve Me- Knight of Tottenham, Deputy Reeve Me- Mullen of Midland and Deputy-Reeve Me- Intosh of Collingwood were appointed = committee to gather information as to the price of properties suitable for a Children's Shelter in any locality in Simcoe County and to report on the advisability of pur- Ave 'OID COUGHS UGHERJ! land; T. W. W. Exa§s, Bradford; Rev, M. and F. Cree, Alliston ; G, E, Copeland, Penetang. The 'following trustees were, appointed on Boards of Edupation; Norman Smert, Collingwood; R. Af{Btepbens (3 yrs.), A. W. Goodfellow (2° yr), Barrie; M. B. Tudhope (3 yrs), G. Hi 'Clark (2 yrs), B. W. Hatley (1 yr.) Orillis ' COUNTY PROPERTY 'The following sccounts were passed:-- Jno. Carruthers, $24; J.T. Heath, $60.80; J.G, Scott, $10.40; A. E. Stapleton, $2.30; | P. J. Moran, $9.23; R. O. Smith, $6. Couns. Craig, Wattie and ' Chairman | Coughlin were appointed a sub-committee to purebase necessary supplies between ees- | sions, $150 will be spent to purchase an adding machine for the County Treasurer's office. Nothing was done towards painting the court house, action being deferred until Sune: 'A visit to the jail satisfied the committee that everything is in good -- cept some minor repair which will be at- tended to. - Accounts were passed as follows: H. J. _ THRIFT MEANS SAVING 'The imperative need for Thrift is apparent to all thinking people. Those who are wise have ceased to spend on non-essentials, and are saving to provide against possible adverse cqriditions. 'The surest way to protect yourself is with a Savings Account, Sta@ one with this Bank atonce. Interest paid at current rates, UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE 'WINNIPEG, MAN. J. Johnson, 00; R. J. Sanderson, (bonds tric grate for jnil) $32.00. 'A sub-committee 'wes appointed to deal with certain recommendations of the grand jury. ' Jail Labor BARRIEBRANCH,, - A. Manager. | COOKSTOWN. BRANCH, T. On Mee THORNTON BRANCH, _ W. T.,HO! Couns. Coombs and Coughlin moved that