Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1919, p. 2

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AL no time of the is a dainty toilet preparation more necessary than in winter.) " . Frost, cold winds and dampness |{°eth mean to the health and all fend towards deteriorating] What the teeth need in the way preparation js necessary to re- tain the se delicate texture. standard for such a necessity.}from the teeth, and keeps Buy a jar and make the toilet!gums pure and fresh. statement of the Dept complele We have this paste in Mint ane] why. . 350 and 500 a Jar Wintergreen flavors. | Soap of the very finest quality that will not burt the most de! jeate skin is the kind everybody wants. Seented and uns Our stork is so larg easily select a kind to suit both | White teeth are of Anestimable | regulate your packet and your skin value and a little attention will] panies and other 10c to:76c a cake preserve them against decay, Weltu get have all kinds and sizes of th make no grants ty outside instic| lon far the small towne in lutions this year, except ti give | voting certain hours every week {ment some assistance to the Children's /entierly le the interests of the| Aid Suviety | ratepay ro amd will be ins his nee, jefice at the Town Hall ar stated | changed It looks as though Geo. Hagart! times for consnitation by any PSlemp. may he done vat of his job as DANE, 1 pee tritat officer. At the next ses a als sion of the Legistature, it is said, the Truaney Set will be amended so that women truaney officers will be appointed rding the demonstrators ust the 'Torente Potiee Court vertain Social tie Hiteratire, Foronto Telegram v rally remarks: "Mose. for re and there non-European Mayor Gray, the new ehief magistrate of Me ford, has ine el WHOLESALE PRICES. About 5 sets "of Natural Wolf, Misses' sizes, regular $15.00 Muff to match $6.00. 'This set was priced at 8 Manchurian Dog Wolf Scarfs Alaska Sable Muffs, reg. 845.00 Some big bargains Sale cost price. Also a few baby's cutter robes Satur- at cost. day Mink Sets, reg. $90.00. Sale price . Night - ++ ++ $65.00 Mink Muffs, regular 345.00, 4- skin muffs .. .. .. .. $30.00 Lynx, Wolf, Mink, Civet, Sabla, : and Seal, Racoon, Badger. Fox and all other popular furs. All these sets are'greatly reduced: in some cases they are half pri new 1 Shapes > price. HATS--COATS--FURS THE BARRIE EXAMINER pathizers should not be permitted to ask. such questions until the whole pro-Péetrograd crew has first answered the one ques --"What did you do in the great war?" The installation of the electric pump bas so much lowered the cost of operations in the Alliston waterworks plant that instead of @ deficit there will NYAL TOOTH PASTE is made| handsome surplus on the year's MP by specialists who know what| Operations, so handsome. in fai that the profit wil look exces The consumers may look for a reduction in their rates.--- the skin, Hence some soothing }of care. 35¢ a tube, Cleansing,} Alliston Herald. sive. Barrie installed plic and highly recom-!an electric pump last year nded for its praphylactic Rro-| {he new year sees an increase in NYAL FACE CREAM has tho]perties. Removes al] impurities rales Perhaps Throughout Ontario much 4 sentment is felt at the arbitra the! Fire Ghie Asso. rates for Collingwood. wer cialion's way is easy to keep your teeth} while controller O'Heir declare with a good tooth-brush.| "This association {Ori Don't neglect your teeth if you|stands for the biggest uneheek-!78 Canada and the to tnent $3,582,082: debenture debt, rf scored the Underwriters snted.| value your personal appearance | ed you canfor good health. Healthy, clean) government permission to raixe their he Onlario tgwns a this combine, mms taawant to blame the rates, best made tooth brushes in stock | done DIP aoe | ine UN I ne WM. CROSSLAND Visi: :"' to deal with pent method for should [ters not whal th Panning pewe may ethis point is hardly f eo Alliston town counel wills trodneed sumewhat ofan innava.| Hollars be: Stamp, fram now on through lack of a Twenty-five tamp, cout Parks Gomniisston. start the] improving ertin. | boiling which could Anings from the streets is not sentences upon possessors of] the a portion of breakwater Extraordinary' Values in LADIES' FURS Ladies' and Men's FUR COATS LADIES' CLOTH COATS 25 PER CENT. OFF ALL PREVIOUS PRICES. IN MANY CASES PRICES ARE CUT IN HALF,AND AWAY BELOW PRESENT "sim were, aso 10DOZ LADIES? COATS MEN'S Fine Velours in 'taupe, Bergundy te. selon Sale at... $650 set creen, Brown, bte:. Taupe Wolf Animal Stole $9.00, NEW $40.00. About 25 Odd Coats, all this 00. s SOFT year's goods, regularly priced from $20.00 0, ..-$15 and $16 Hudson Seal, Muskrat and Mar- ae 3.60 FEL Sale--two lots Hudson Seal Capes and Muffs, T regular $6000, Sale price .. mot Coats*at 26% discount. If $46.50 set HATS you are going coat, come and see what we are 7 cere ee $18.50 On Sale at... .. .. .. $30.90 Regular offering. oss Sable Capes to match, $35.00 and $4.00 Finest Grade Salt's Baby Lamb $40.00. Th ts are worth to Coats, regular $3 $100.00. $4.50 COVE GE SBT Australian Fox Sets .. $30.00 . Children's White Thibet Sets at On MEN'S FUR COATS 'orean, Beaver, Black Dog, and Australian and Canada Racoon > . All Coats reduced to below $3.00 present wholesale prices. Your opportunity to buy a fur coat. These are only a very few of New 10 doz. Men's and Boys' Winter the fur values we are offering. Colors Cloth Caps, reg. $1.50 to $2.00. Besides we have sets in Beaver, ie On Sale at .. " Our entire stock of Mitts and Gloves at Clearifg prices. A few good sleigh robes at cost Were they deposited there for few years a portion of the pi now useless would he mare available for exhibition purposes Recently Mayor MeDowell gave Midland ratepayers some com- parative figures on the assess_ jment and debt of the four lead- financial /ing towns in this county.*® These |show Barrie to be in the most favorable position financially. In 1914 the total expendilu of th® County was Sait, pin 1918 it had reached 69, made up methods the Canadian of expenses Provincial Undpewriters' War 'Tax . and Patriotic meftingin Hamilton last wee grants, § 19. Last mills; their assessm : 717, and debenture debt 8505, )Orilli 39 mills; assessment debenture debt, 900. Barrie, 37° mills: SB2179. Midland, 37 mills: | have Assessment, £2,799 deben. ture debt. Some - actually pay - ing 4 mills | Cards of thanks fram) coun. cillors and. oth to the rat payers who elected them seem to us the very of what jshonld bet strikes us that the thanks should be coming te the elected representatives rather than te the ratepayers. Tf the People would get the proper view. Point regarding those eleetosd they would lize thal they owe not only thanks te the man who' is willing to devote his time and talents tu the public godd, but, if his record has been satisfactar: they owe tint sympathetic and helpful support\in the Mtiseha of his duties. 'Too many Payers seem te be under the ime Pression that their duty towards their municipal representatives ends with placing then in office and they give little further at. tention exeepr at be to find fault or when having some axe to grind Our municipal govern- rit inight be conducted to much eater advantage if the wate. pavers Wanll devote ore Hhenght to it aml assist the elect ed representatives by timely.» Hestlons ait by fair eriticism, When such is necessary Phe Weekly Sun gives the Premier af ontario some very goed adviey when i sayse---"la Jantictpation of The meeting of the I ure early in eben ary. Mr. Henes pparenyly preparing larger concessions ta Soeialisin, He is sheull think, a polities That the ele af) Socialism is turmiug. he may deduce fran the ourse uf ifs newspaper adve- <Whieh jein in the fue and ery about Bolshevism. Properly Is widely disteibuted in) Ontaria and the owner time when the weight ot wat. ta realised, are likely to turn against socialistic exploitation, both ean. stitutional and revolutionary. The farmers, whe are not an insigni- fieant element of the electorate will be dily persu th Socialism under all its fine pre. fenees is class aggression and that its spirit is essentially uhat of protectionism, The great in- terest of the cleetorate becomes now that of paying the obligad tions already incurred, On that account, Mr. Hearst's better course is to announce himself the champion of frugal publie ad- ministration." Some years ago it was custom- ary for the mayor to banquet the members of the council at the close of the year. Mayor Sprott hes revived this pleasant custom with a variation thal adds (o_its value. Instead of having this social function mark the end of the year, Mayor Sprott gave it at the beginning and made the oecasion one in which the mem- bers could talk over informally "some of the problems that would confront them during the year. Harmony (though it may be broken by an occasional discor- dant note as opinions clash on important matters) is essential if any public body is to do its best work. In large measure the presiding officer is yesponsible for the manner in which those under him work together. To secure a reasonable amount of harmony it is not. necessary to introduce the -spetal element aS was so pledsirahly done by Mayor Sprott last week. Never- theless such a way}hbring can do much to bring th®'members more elosely together and when there goes with it a practical discus- sion of public affairs it should be productive of not a little good. SIMMONS & CO. . month 'at his son's horhe in New- Erastus Jackson, who died this feasible for the very simple rea- { son that the Commission has not funds available for carrying out Buch a work. 'There is a waf in which the street cleanings, with out any expense to the Town, could be used to decided advan- tage. This is to use them for filling in the boggySportion at the south end of the Agricultural Park, which would be a conven- ient place for dumping them. xation is! . Was the founder of 'The! market's 'a and was one of the oldest! largely newspapermen in Ontario His;and his sound ned many details | foundation stones of the town's 1. conta fellow-publishers, but also much } New ical information j citizenship during his three score of life here and in his pass- 2 away he leaves as an endur- ing monument a high standard of which Mr. played a very important part. The; following tribute to hi and work appeareg in the Express-Herald:-- srastus Jackson re-|extends to his' Jackson, the editor of the Era, its deepest sympathy in his be- market a man why olayed a large and enduring pari in the forma-|reavement. sof the town's e public spirited, ever! Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at his assistance to|w, A Lowe & Son's Fr y worthy cause thi made for ef the ¢ommunity, generous in the use of his une talents for "She public up a high standard of public service that has been an inspiration to his fellow. municipal life, Do You Dancer These "His Master's Voice" Records will set your toes tingling with their perfect melody and rhythm on the Victrola. the music just the same. Bluebird --Waltz--and--Geraldine--Hesitation Waltz Miro's Band Calicoco--Fox Trot- .d--Cleopatra-- One-Step Miro's Dance Orchestra How Would You Like to be My Daddy ?--Fox Trot--and--A Little Birch. Canoe and You--Walts Miro's Band Sinbad--Medley Fox Trot--and--Oh Lady! Lady !--Medley One-Step Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra Indianola--Fox Trot--and--Long Boy-- Medley One-Step Victor Military Band Going Up--Medley One-Step--and--Tickle "foe --Medley Fox Trot" Victor Military B, My Sweetie--One-Step--and--Some Sunday Morning--Medley Fox Trot *, C. Smith's Orchestra ing 'em Hi They're Weeari e a vogtad d--Spooky ne-Step eee ree Vidior Military Band Smiles--Fox Trot--and--Rose Room--Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra Hfndustan--Fox Trot--and--'N' Everything --Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra Mary--Fox Trot--and--Rock-a-Bye Baby --Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orehestra $1.50 for 12-inch, double-sided St. Elmo--One-Step--and--Oh Boy--Medley Fox Trot os. C. Smith's Orchestra Katinka Medley--Fox Trot--and--Poor Butterfly--Fox Trot Vidor Military Band Felicia Walta--Markels' Orchestra--and-- Forget-Me-Not--Waltz' McKee's Orchestra Oriental--Fox Trot--and--Dodola--Waltz Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on easy pay- ments, if desired). Ask for free copy of 620. 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records. Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer's "4anufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone.Go., Limited om Montreal ~ GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT interest' to his | development wmarket, in the Jackson character | self-sacrifi ng emulate. The the life of New history. APITAL 4 RESERVE--$ 8/ OTAL ASSETS -- THRIFT 'Thrift, personal and national, is the great est need of the hour: "Waste not, want not" is the lesson every Canadian must learn and practise, Start now! Make your first contribution to Thrift, and your country's welfare--a Savings Account in this Bank. Interest paid at current rates) 5 If you don't dance, you will enjoy 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided ¢ Musical Encyclopedia, listing over are, his energy for succeeding generations Express--Herald . FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED cit MISS M. McCKERNAN 8400000 130000000

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