Thursday, January 23, 1919. 4 Review (SHARING EVENT. READ OF SOME OF THE OFFERINGS.--NOTE THE SAVINGS. '7 SNAP IN WOMEN'S HEADQUARTERS FOR WOOL BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY ASHMERE HOSE We have G00 delle' werth of Waal te sell and hy reason of having a quantities ea chavs ine i rted Velvets, sty- C HN NY H Fin Phatest Kive vou the best vale clitatniable He Heber when wou watt Wool this is year Sterne In shay es of fine mpor oho paus only Women's Fine Pla fie gels : ; . ' sahite Miia, AHHH S ALL Woods "latin Fine Scotch Fingering--=terling Hrahid (12-Ply Factory Yarn, igh! Grey, Dark cirev, lishly trimmed with Wings, Mounts and ietitiete Tose ated Women's kine ixt Hit easy knitting amd geod wearing. Blaek Sheep's Grey and Black. A str Wail nae 5 ving Caalincee Hoos, cellune 'regularly at ge, and Laight Grey, hb $1.95 for Socks, Mitls, ele. Skein | 250 Fancy Trimmings, all of the better kind nnd $1.00 Quarter Tt sivsressssceesss 600! 2-Bly Sootch Fingering, iii hed and Black and no two alike--26 in the lot, rang- jure t Haved on Sale Friday Vormag Extra Fine very light Grey Yarn, {li lest we HONE be, tise for tring stocks aud the : a. at (oweduck, cia : Know of a Tig, seth Wool. Regulie mak at Buys' Mitts Dep tte saad ing from $5.00 to $9.50. All at one TR pars von oon Saturday Morning at x Per Lh $2.65 ootessivteenth th skerns. At each... 400 Sy $3.98 1] oovlock. Special Price Palr ..... 690 Quarter Lb. 700 | Per db $1.50 price Se aA s NN en va wall 7 BY THE PIECE DRESS SILK SILK SILK FOR MEN'S WORK PANTS ill Goineh Prenet ved a. Thy tee erode, seth dawditiant . : fe [ven Maver a ! Mannelette min Valelte Silk= sett Lis 1 fist ina tai 'acne | We have one piece only of a Dark Brown 4s ran heat wet ernie i lift us une tists ' Pi diaea fan It fens ibeesgreons oue oad sere elated einem Wile Meh use Shirts and Grey Mixture, all Wool Uniearable ' i Wo Canadian HecammTacy st) Bey Mise. Ui \ tty te sell aS pales A ue ie 8 ot " Tweed, the best known make for wear, " tle at Linch: Cian ican : . tema - ' % C Shey, Aeltuanasecteat es x ee : full width. Regular $1.50. .For Sale, = ths ' prea ishate ; wid shamans Vie os wecedier at Yard $1.35 ' neal See 27e FRAGMENTS tut Veneta 29c Haver ven the sea share alle oa stupnet f Pale and wreekiney \ 1 . everywhere. Weld Vast what has bap oenest bers | 7 H AYE CREPLAUHIS PUNE URNS Hattty alepaietine feed teeter inain Praginents i'. Winat ruin lee pat ' odouises Paplings, cue es Fowellings. ety fe Wetiptin prices hints teen plead an these fi anakess gecdiXorenew whether yin awant ADDITIONAL BARGAIN -- an (soevmal so a Sully ay boll He sae Hl count applies to both ame the goods are in VALUES IN BRIEF Them --the gow) kind, Yeu ae stire of getting ened chath rod (it ad wving Wo oveu buy Sead 206 Pare White Terry Towels 180 them here Come on in and see Hest) Bnatist) Trainee Dove martin 450 R. MALCOMSON He gad ie Price Lanen Powelli 290 AH Tweed and § so Suite "hiding seme Taine Dish Wipers. liree size, ea 8c extra tine Blue Serges reduced. ...10%% ; Best tiny t ted Atemrieainn Halts. iaediuny esi Al (OWeRNORES, LUGS Wad THE atstin, bo sta ie oat es van he soldat a reduetion of + 10% Dark colored Wrapperelles vd o........2ae s eo Lined Unierive 1 StS SRE Women's Knit Cotton Drawers, White uly, 1.00, for... eed . 900 lon al ... 50¢ ce Lined Uniderwe + 30, Wilkii's Lyi Slieiet Nahital, erica POSITIVELY SALE GOODS NOT EXCHANGED Lows, Vaal « a. whey atl ae nea was 29 50c fam Cap teomateh or Men's Pou Angle Underwear in combinations Srart and Cap te mateh regu eft Aneto: Underwear ie ioe /GEO. VICKER S [oo 3 fie, Foe WM She Catton Veres foro... 470 Heavy INI Ribbed Wool Underwear, all sizes, se Down Comforters. for eich $5.25 a regular 81.75 for .. ers ---------- es --_. a | Peet only a recently as Friduy. were FG. Cumpbell, A. W. Beardsley, Ard: | D. QUINLAN PRES. Agricultural Joint Stock Co., 400 00 'i A large number of relatives survive. Her rew Quinlan, Joseph Quinian, P. J. Frawley To Balance 388 10 parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hardy, 'ive and M.D. Cubit-Nicolls | , from page t NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD ([[i'xiie onc Ss ete ra | _Gonllnued tenm pers | mas mourn their sister's lose? Hurry B., of the | Meters a 00 ------_ | Marks, Clave, Dobie, Compan a HOLLY Seectaytoeuenes Pe | Card of Thanks aie Dadi treet" Bing Weak A uguin east a sud gloom over the! Government Grant Fall | Me. Hamilton Hunter and relatives wish se Sudan, 7M turn ar j sent Met Churcher Sunday Ky a Heal, Winn, wt) it aya Jan "a Goverment Grant, Fel 125 ¢0| many floral tributes and the dese areca: visiting in Stratford, might, the subject being "How are you) returned u few weeke go from doing duty ter of the late Mr and: Sire Win Herel 'Chie Re oa petieiay 1494 55° shown them in their recent sed erence Mist M, MacDonald spout the week-end | ein' to start out? wih the urmy service core: Rox, living and beloved wife of Hamilton Hunter, Afver Mats g Receit™ 82.20 ment, . wih her vee in Saae 4 The Late Wm. Moore {at oaereg, Sis arin hte me "ui two weeks of illness, borne by that bright | Concerto... 158 25 | Mrs, C. A. Bean of Surnia is visiting wit : | Rineers' battalion from ina, 6 AE ant happy on of hers, m 'Stock f 3 Mr, and Mm R.A, Johnwon, Bruulford |, Mier short. illness from influenza fol-| also three sisters nurviving: Mrs. J. Tt salcepi tol beak only to piles Necker pry Peeneereti meer Ei | Card of Thanks aren ised by bronchial pneumonia, Wm. Moore, | McMillan, Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. Charles 'of w well spent life. She wax a member of | Peviienee . Mrs. Margaret Rear, Mr. and Mrs. Brock Mrs, H. Armstrong has gone to spend a/ 192 Whittier avenue, Transcona, Manitoba, | Glover, Harrisville, Mich, and Mrs. Exlwin the Holly Sunday Schou! Sewing Grale (ee ae Rear desire to thank friends an: ied on Wednesday ly Su School and Sewing Circle, } Town Grant 250 00 holiday with her daughter, Mrs. L. Poucher, | ¢itd 08 Wednesday morning, Jun. 8, in his |N. Clark of Chicago. . being an enthusiastic worker of the later. | Speeding Entries 33 75 for their kindness und sympathy shown im Wintipes. Yorkshire, England ane: nn (eller | | Belore her marriage to W. G. Yeoman, | gh eMeueer nimi Worker besides the | Attendants tickets them during their recent 'and sudden be- A. Godden, St, lute of the RAF, hus | Yorkshire, England, and came to Canad | the deceased wax employed as a xuleslady tief-stricken husbond, two sisters and one | Stalls, Pens and. Coops d brother, Luther. resumed hix work in the G. T.R: repair |S the age of 18. He had been in the | with Campbell Brothers, Port Arthur, She |brother. 'The world is better for such wo- | Advertisements ' ~ af deuartnicnt. employ of the G. T. R. at Allandale until] was a devoted adherent of 'Trinity Meth mien ad their paming, away ene is | Mbvertigemy Mr. und Mrs. Jus. Duncan of Shanty Bay | within the last ten years. Since then he| dist church, and at the time of her death und not theirs; yet their memory shall | oT" PMT - | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrt, Sinclair, | "a" with the G.T-R- in Transcona os en-| was secretary of the Ladies' Aid, never die, speming ws it were, a sweet By Treuaurer A SE S R Holgate street emp' eg ia = B. of | Mex. Yeoman was born in Allundale, Ont... fragrance the ms may slightly decremse, | > -- yin eniorable lixerary evening was held by erulece Car sal al and had resided in Port Arthur for thirteen | but never totally dispel, 'The funeral, on Treasurer's Statement the St. George's A.YP.A, on Monday in the') Lodge, A. A. Chudley, d's wife, | years Monitay, from her, Inte {sliders to Bteacd anurer's Merci a | {vee Mie Ida Gibson) hecomwanied the) "ifr. Yeoman' dea inthe fmt break in| omy, from er Inte renidenee to Strout Receipts Hire. das Dinning 'el her eon, Russell, | ody ent. Mra, H. A. Gibeon and daugh- | she 'Hariy family off ten children, 'The [oe oe conducted by the Rev. A,B. | Balance on hand ee Applications stating salary ys are spending two weeks with Mrs, Dinning's | oon, met ahem at Allendale, going on | deceased indy was well known in this city [Oeen" 'M, spoke very highly of the do. / Government Grant (Fall Fairy . ae : parents in' Hastings. % . een Be tan arte Pal SE Jace ed te" and had many friends in the outlying town: | ceuseri, basing his remarks on Isaiah 5 Gute Receipts (Ist Day' F quired will be received by the ame home on Saturday night fore in BE dames' Chapel, St. Janies! Cane: tins being a frequent visilor to. the: fall Gate Movers (rant Beene) undersigny, up till neon of Mate hiv | tery. ae an dian jute Receipts (Cor a a ree bella secured Tis disc | The Late Mrs. W. G. Yeoman aitario this ciatriet. [Ge Reenpts (2nd Das. day, the 27th day af January, for Mr. and Mrs. J. Wardman were called to} Many Allandale friends will regret to Robert Blain | IN MEMORIAM Gate: Recep (Grand Stand aN Assessor fn assess Wa ie Palmerston this week to attend the funeral | learn of the death of Mrs. Yeoman, who wax The lute Robert Blain, whose death oc. | _ In sweet, undying memory of dear Mama, R din a mest * 5 aml Goof the of a relative there. . 4 former resident of this place, being © curred ut the Gull, Gegeral Hospital on Mem. John' W. Shave, who departed from | Reed from Secretary A.W. SMITH, Fown cle | ene ei inlet and children are home |deughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hanly. Seouary 16, was en old recdent of bere 'this lle Jen. 9, 1817 Govoriicat Gree Pd OSS from Thornbury, having recovered from the | For s number of years, Mr. Hardy was in rd'wes well Imowy oe teen ay Barrie Do-not sik mecit Tia bs Government | i "flu whichs seized them while there, [the employ of the GT-R. here. 'The fol- put, aa,Wal Anown in tow England, on [D0 ot aake me if T mim her, 'own Gru sevens 50 arm lowing obituary is 'from a Port Arthur 4 Zo Ys . , there's such vacant place, Received from Secretary ... 20.45, On Tuesday. while running the meat ; lowing ry June 27, 1844, second youngest son of the Of {think I hear her fooretens Dishurserania chopper, Frank GoodWin got his left hand | paper:-- . late Robert Blain and Mary Braithwaite, Of | seo her smiling face. " Prites (Field Crop Comp.) euught in the cogs and rather badly cut. zhter a ieee of only four day dura- he came to Barrie with his parents in | Friete: (Eield) Crop Com e Pte. C. A. P. Harvey spent the week-end | tion, Sarah Maud, wife of W. G. Yeoman, 1852 and lived for a short tine on the lov cn : | his home here and eft on Monday for | 399° Ambrose street, Port Arthur, died wi Birghon'fareee woh nett gti, Oakley | Tho! time many pase awe, ne Judger Guelph, where he is taking a month's nine forty-five thia morning in St, Joseph's Park farm. Later, the family moved to the | 7h" time may hard, the shock severe, | nicke CHOICE \ treatment for stomach 'trouble. hompital, the cause of death being influensa. farm on the Little Lake Road, now owned |75 'sake the mother f Ince no dene Band no secteoesesrcenee ; 'The Aumual Meeting of Basa street Pres-| Deceased was very well known in Port by Robert Lightfoot, where they lived for : Printing, Adv. & ete, DRY HARD WOOD | byterian Church will be held in the base- | Arthur, having lived there for many years. many years, oe Mama, oll the years we spent together Fitting up . Y i 29. A| Where she enjoyed a large circle of friends Educated in New York city, where he | Mam sll the years we spent a ment on Wednesday evening, Jan. ; 'i ft Yor ." 'All the pleasant golden Meal 4 ft. lo $11.25 per cord. i full attendance of the congregation is hoped | and ee be one vee age eee eae of bis toy es pe] there Shall be cherished in. remembrance, Badge ES is ng... . $11. per . imely rly age ~ during excitin of ne ficwere _ Municipal team scored 5 points to! three years, and sympathize with her hue War, of which be bed many interesting | Fre«rent sweets from Memory's flowers, ($121.25 and $3.50 for tent) 124 3s 4 ft. long. -$5.75 per '/ cord. j 3 in the S.O.E. Carpet Ball Tournament | hand in his terrible bere er sco tar Tecolections, For the last 2 yoars he On God: how mysterious and Lighting 45 40/Cut and split any length for last Friday night. Scores up to date: | Yeoman was married seven 'yrs ago Ist travelled for Office Supplies, spending bie Qh Cod,, pow, munterious, pen te : ee $1.75 per cord. i Municipal, 31 pointe; Government, 20] November. to 'her husband) who was then holidays every yeur in Barrie. Of a fam- Ty take fiom me this dverly loved GARIN | Seatyemes, 'eateps cee" 29 59 7 ! points. engaged with W. F. Fortune. He is now in ily of five boys and five girls, only one, fy the ben of her days. itor) 24 65 | We always stock the best Hard [> The close of the membership contest in| business for himself os manager of the Jobu, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, survives. Daughter, Cs EAE arene 1s Wood {i the Burton avenue Epworth League whs| Port Arthur branch of the Scotland Wool- A niece, Mrs. Daniel Quinlan, is the only | Hawkestone, Jan, 9, 1919, EAI $2 dando: _ | marked by a lunch and supper given by the | len Mills, gs member of the Blain family now living in Sistiany 10 00 | Hard and Soft'Wood (mixed), | ; Joeers (the orange) to the winners (the| Until seized with this baneful meledy, Barrie, The funeral wat held from the, yet The Fxaminer know of asia 168 00 $5.50 per box load. | i green) on Monday night. eciel | Sek ae kee De Ween Ne ten ecard re males, Bera May's visitors or other items of per- | prises (1917)... 1825) a it, Phone91. f Rev. A. E. Owen will preach Special | and was taken ill on lay > = aon 7. "The pall be sonal news, ' | Settlement re 8, E Car. 5000] Try ls * mermon for the young people in Burton week, her illness samuming a serious as