Page Ten / THE BARRIE - LIVED TWO DAYS ON RAW EGG DIET > John H. Packer Gains 44 Pounds And Now Eats Any- thing--Suffered 20 Years. "When man has had to live for two rs on nothing mucn except raw eggs, on account of stomach trouble and then finds a medicine that fixes him up in less than two months su he can) eat sour kraut, meats of all kinds and anything else he wants, I think it is time for him to talk for the benefit of others, Well, Tanlac has done all this for me and iwore, for fam now forty. four pounds heavier that T was the day P began faking it and am now enjoying better health than Thave in at least fifteen years," atement patenter was the remarkable mails by John H. Pe rietor of the Packer Oil any pre Filler, whe lives at Liberty, Me., recently "Por twenty years or move," he contin "L have suffered With tay sture} ad aitheugh 2 have spent thous of dellars, nothing ever helped me until T got Panlac, My appetite left me enbirely. dnd what little P did eat Would atest denhle ime up with pain and | Wend bloat up with gas until Peeuld scareely breath, Turing the 1 five venrs pecially, f suffered a erent deal from « ration, felt ti out all the time. bad noe ene and was se drowsy and listle= that if F tried to falk Insiness te aman it was an effort fe exy what Pwanted to My he finally gat se bad thal Twas forced ty give np a splendid post- Hien in Poratella, Tdahe, and ne holy except those in Uhe sane position can fully understand how 1 =ut Pohagd almost lost faith in all medicines as Thad tried so many without results. but Ye tainly has heen a to me, Pecan new eat just anything J want and never experience a particle af trouble Ihave never had a better appetite, and all signs af indigestion und dis- tress after ting have gone Tanlae has alse relieved me of constipation and strengthened and built me np until T as full of energy as When Twas a boy. When I first started on Tanlae 1 weighed one hundred and twenty-four pounds. but 1 now weigh one hundred and sixty-eight and a half and this shows how well sniled to my ease | nae was." Tanlac is seld in) Barrie by Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M H. Cooke & Co,, in Eliavale hy W J. Mc in Lefroy by G. R Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West. in Cookstown by W. G. Mae! in Waubaushene by Georgian Ba Jaumher ltd a Nicoll by P ittie fon by R. § i, in Lisle by Hobt Little, in) Gilford py| James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas. Al Weaver, in) Penetanz- uishene by Chas, A. Nettleton, in Hawkesione by Thos. A. Stone in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by C. G, Millard, Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad. sord by W. 1. | hy Chantler, Bros., Hill, in Collingwood by Jury y. in Belle Ewart by A. Trombley & Co., in ML. Sl. Louis by FE. J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vie- toria Harbor by 'T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. in Craighurst | USBAND -. SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound. Pittsburgh, Pa.--" For many months I was not able to do my work owing to weakness which caused backache and headaches, A friend called my attention to one of your newspaper advertisements and immediately my husbend bought three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's egetable Com- pound for me. After taking two bottles I felt fine and my troubles caused by that weak- negsare a thing of the past. All women who suffer as f did should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Semper oe pp St, Mrs. Jas. ROBRBERG, 620 N.S., Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Women who suffer from any form of 'weakness, ss indicated by displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "'the blues,"' should accept Mrs. Rohr- Bincbame' Vegetable 'Compound a nkham's Veget ay thi trial. For over years It bas been bave for correcting su: Iments. If you m) ptications write ladyichste gas Pinkham Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mass, : 11h {heavy cold last week and was unable to | "trip, MIDHURST Jan, 14.--George Austin of Orillia is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills. Miss Elsie Carson returned home after spending some time with friends in Barrie. | Mrs. M. Black has returned home after spending two weeks with friends in Crown Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gill of Barrie are pending a few days at "Apple Grove Farm," their old home before moving to | Barrie. | Mrs. John Smith of Midland spent the week-end at J. W. Cook's. | Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Handy of Ferndale spent Tuesday in the village. Mrs, James Spence and Master Lloyd are visiting friends in Toronto. Mre, R:Sebandlen bas received word from \their son (Pte, Norman) in England stating Ihe bad reoeived the box sent him by the Midburst Red Cross Society all right cand wishes to thank them for the same. | IVY ) Jun, 14.--Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | Russell Robson on the arrival of a son | "Mrs. Smart of Beeton is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. R. Lowery. | There was a good turn-out at the meet- ing of the Farmer' Club on Monday even: ing. 'A number of the members of the L.O.L. here attended u district meeting in Allan: 'Wule on Tuesday afternoon David Gauley is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clark Orangeville. Miss G. Donnelly, Thornton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robson David Jennett und W. Lyons took a car- | load of cattle 10 Toronto lust week for the Farmers' Club Clarence McQuay, who bax been holi- jaying here, has returned to Winnipeg he ""flu'" patients are improving and re not many eases ORO STATION 3.--Mrs. Sam Henson of Concord friends lust week N. Campbell was laid up with a| The there |hold' services in St. Andrew's Mrs, MucLelland and Miss Mary Mac Lellund went to the city for few days Miss Ruth Campbell has returned to her school at Painswick Mrs, Wm, McClinton of Toronto spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Crawford, | Mr. A A. Bell is on the dick list Mrs, A. McMinn is getting better after having a heavy cold Mrs. Alex Gruhum and Miss Marjorie of Hawkestone visited her mother, Mr. D. CLEVELAND time, CLEVELAND McCusig. MINESING Jan. 13 Miss Velma Crawford hae re turned to the city after spending the holi duys with her purents here T sm glad to report that the "flu" situ: \ ation hus improved so much that we were able 10 have Sunduy ScHool and cbureh un Sunday, also public school will open this weel + Miss Sara McKinley is home from the city for a few weeks 'The young people are looking forward to a skate in the near future if the weather is favorable for making. ice, Wm. Young of Newgate, B. C., is return- ing this week after spending « couple of 'S weeks with his parents and friends bere G. E. ----__----. GOODERHAM & CO, SHANTY BAY Ferodte: \ Jon, 14.--Alfred Pulk is home from Tor: I am interested in the \ Cleveland Tractor, and would like to get your de- onto. again and reports very enjoyable Shanty Bay is glad that Gilbert Love and family are to become permanent resi- dents. He has pugchwsed the building Jot belonging to Mrs. James Adame, the kind of work it can do. The bay is pretty well dotted with fish Name . shunties and some large cutches are reported 'Address The "flu" is still a trouble in this vil Sid of Far loge. No. of Acres in cultivation... Frank White has purchased from Willie Adams the house he now occupies. No. of Horses A horse buyer has purchased several good No. of Men employed............. tiorses in our neighborhood, J { HOLLY Jon, 14.--Mre. R. Reynolds is visiting Trouble Ahead for Warden friends in Toronto. Miss Lillian Bloxham is spending a few days with her mother in Toronto. Mr. atki Mrs, T, Wiley are sick with the "flu", Mrs, Wiley is doing nicely, but Mr. Wiley is not improving as well ss his many friends would like to see Mrs. G. Dyer has been visiting friends in Barrie. Mrs, Wm, Bloxham is home again after nursing Mr, and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Stroud, through the "flu / Alliston Herald--Whoever becomes war- den of Simcoe county for the current year should fortify himeelf with a consummate knowledge of parliamentary procedure. W. J. Holden and Frank Wilcox will occupy desks in the county council chamber this year. Both are good fellows, but the long suit of-each is verbosity. A twenty-four hour speech would be but a slight accom- plishment for either of them. Perhaps the warden would be better armed with know ledge of hypnotism end its application. This Is Better Than Laxatives One NR Tablet Each Night For A Week Will Correst, Your Constipation and Innisfil Council The first meeting of the 1919 council of the municipality of Innisfil was held on Stroud on Jan'y 13. The following mem- bers signed their declaration of- office and qualification: Eben Todd, Reeve; D. H. Coleman, Deputy Reeve; G. C. Allan and W. H. Martin, Councillors, Councillor Geo. Leslie was absent, through illness. 'The Reeve appointed the several standing committees for the year. A By-Law was passed appointing the var- ious officers for 1919 as follows: Clerl R. M. McConkey ; 'Treasurer, James Black; Assessor, Wm. Latimer; Collector, W. B. Sloan; Auditors, W. S. Reeve and J. W. Poor digestion mean a poorly : nourish low vitality. Poor elimination means and assimilation ed body and clogged bowels, fermentation, putri- faction and the formation of poisonous gases which are absorbed by tht blood and carried through the body. headaches, Black; M. Q. H, De, 7. R, Fskand; Gan] (tue fete i, Tonner oenen tary Inspectors, Geo, Arnold und Nosh) fifous attacks, lose of" energy, nem ousness, poor 'appetite, smpoverished blood, sallow complexion, pimples, skin rose, R. J. Gemble was appointed a member Cee Tn Gian' tumen serious ie of the Bourd of Health. : Allan--Martin--That the clerk be instruc. ted to order the usual number of copies of the Municipal World for 1919. Martin--Allan--That the clerk notify the managers of the Union Bank, Thornton, und the Sterling Bank, Lefroy, that cheques signed by Eben Todd, Reeve, andJames Blsck, Treasurer, be sccepted as Sroper cheques and make payment accordingly. Coleman--Martin--That the Collectors' time be extended to Feb'y Ist for making 9 complete return of all taxes, Coleman--Martin--That the purges and ca- 'calomel and the up and stren 'Well as the el et_a, 2°0 box of ve Organs, tures Remedy no teblot exch nefit. When you get straigitencd out and feel Just right fn you necd not take' medicine every day--en occasional NR, Tablet Clerk and Treasurer be instructed to confer with T.| Sondition ond you will alwave fi W. W. Evans, Bradford, in regard to claim | . taster and cheaper thin getting well. placed before this council by T. W. W.| , Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) are Evans, solicitor for Catherine Marshall. your Grugeist. 'The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Municipal World Office supplies, $19.21; Holl and constable fees for Nomi- nation, $5.50; W. B. Sloan, on salary ax| iJ /, Tae 7 collector, $50.00; Russell Webb, takingdown | [A/ALA/E/AM EA fence along 10th con. in 1917, $6.00; Sam'l is Coulter, grading on 2nd con., $25.00; Hell] (J for council meeting, $2.00; R. M. McConkey, registration of vital statistics, $5.20. Council adjourned to meet in Lefroy on Feb'y 8, at 11 o'clock. WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGaIST Write for scriptive pamphlet describing \ EXAMINER Power Farming Pays. if you use the Progressive farming demands a change from horse power to Tractor power. Any farmer with a farm of medium or large size will find that it pays him to dispose of four of his horses knd buy a CLEVELAND TRACTOR. His land will be better farmed at less cost than by the old method. CLEVELAND TRACTOR is economical to run because it is fool proof in construction and will run equally well on gasoline or kerosene. The construction is so simple that anyone can learn to run a TRACTOR in a short information about the TRACTOR. 'Thursday, January 23, 1919. Cleveland Tractor The CLEVELAND TRACTOR is a high power machine of the creeper type. It will plow as well or better, and much faster than horses or any other Tractor. Then after the field is plowed the Cleveland will go over it with the disk harrow~manure spreader, grain drill or any other implement without packing the soil. The Cleveland does this because its weight is so evenly dis- tributed over its 600 square inches of tractor surface. A wheel tractor is not adapted for work on loose soil because it sinks in so deeply and takes a great deal of power to pulhit. Then, too, seed which is sown where the wheel runs takes longer to sprout. Sign and mail the coupon. If you are a farmer, fill in the coupon on the left and give all details. Jf you are an automobile dealer or implement agent, and want to sell the best line of Tractors, fill in the coupon on the right. \ TORONTO Cleveland Tractor Former Barrie Teacher Made P.C. was born in Meaford, Ont., Jan. sity. As a young man he taught mathe- matics in Barrie Collegiate. He graduated from the Ontario Law Society as a bar- ister in' 1893, He practised first at Fer- gus, Ont. going subsequently to Victoria, |B. C,, where he became one of the leaders of the Bar. He was counsel before the "Mluskan Boundary International Commis. sion and was also appointed to Surrogate Court in 1904 and a Judge of Superior Court of Cansda in 1906. He was presi- dent gf and won first prize for speaking before the University Literary Society. Orillia Asks Gov't Aid Mr. J, I, Hartt, M.P.P. for East Simcoe, headed % deputation which waited on Sir James Lougheed, Federal Minister of Sol- diers' Civil Re-establishment, and Hon |W. D. McPherson, Provincial Secretary, st the Parliament buildings, Toronto, last week. The deputation asked assistance in | the erection of » memorial hospital for sol ' diers at Orillia, Sympathetic consideration | was. promised, | The proposal is to erect s hospital for general purposes. To make it of service to soldiers it is proposed that any soldier who enlisted from Orillia, or who ever lived there, shall be given free medical anc surgical hospital treatment as long as he lives, ,| Already $60,000 hax been 'raised by pri- vate subscription, Orillia hus granted $25,- 000 and the adjacent township has promised | $5,000 toward maintenance. It is estimated that the cost of the institution would be about $100,000. so that $40,000 would be required from the Governments, Kick Broke Minister's Leg Rey. Mr. Craw of Fergus was letting his driver and colt into the-barn, the driver 'coming into the box stall all right, and Mr, Craw stood near to stop the colt from en- tering also, Without warning the driver kicked, apparently in play at colt, but the blow fell upon Mr. Craw with terrific force breaking his leg at the knee and | tearing the flesh. Soldier is Beeton P. M. It is gratifying to see that the Govern- ment is making an effort to placé returned soldiers in positions in the public service Practical. Fred. C. Pierson has received the postmasterahip of Beeton, made { | and educated in the Public and Normal nition and we are Schools of Meaford, and Toronto Univer- in the position, He is awaiting instructions 1 / J Nene. Address J, Cevdond Tractor, 7 think 1 could successfully sell 7 them to farmers in this community. I am at present engaged in selling G. E. GOODERHAM & COMPANY 7. G.E. 7 GOODERHAM & CO., / Toronto. 7 Gentlem I am interested in the and vacant, by the death of Mrs, D. A. Jones The Hon. Mr. Justice Lyman P. Duff, , 8 few months ago. We congratulate him on who was recently made a Privy Councillor, : his appointment and wish him every success. . 1865, | His services to his country deserve recog- ire he will make good from Ottawa before assuming office.--Bee- ton World. Gall Stones THE Never-Failing Remedy for ar Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead pone until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is thetrouble. Marlatt's Specific will cure witout pain or oper- ation, For Sale at All Dru; Recommended by Wm. Crosslani Druggist, Barrie, Ont. 33 Serio ste TOROHTO OR RAILWA SYSTEM GRAND TRUN THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO . Unexcelled dining car service . Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C, E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. €. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent =: : Phone 6 71 Grenville Street Torente, Ont. Toronto's Select Family and Transient Hote] just off Yonge Street and one block from Parliament Bufldings. : Pain? Hirst's will stop it! 'Used for 40 years to relieve rheumatism, pearsigis, Desk otc, sein rane gat ee thm i HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada a