best of-Household Remedies. a 'MINARD'S - THE BARRIE EXAMINER | The Health Bath Por the future welfare of Cenada the children must be kept healthy now Protect them from the germs\ end microbes of disease by using Lifebuoy Soap | | For the bath--mothing equals the healing, cleansing free- lathering vegetable oils in LIFEBUSY HeattH SQAP and the antiseptic agents dis- infect the brnixes, scratches, ete. that might otherwise be a source of danger. A Life- buoy soap bath sends the children to bed glowing with health and happy cleanliness Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto . Oat Rheumatism Rheumatism has become so common Dowadays that hundreds of people make no effort to rid themselves of ita tatal grip, believing it to be incurable save in exceptionad cases, No greater fallacy exists, Sufferers from rheumatism can be relieved if the suse is remedied and removed Let us examine the facts. The direct cause of rheumatism and kindred dis eases is poisoning of the blood stream, through failure of the kidneys to filter and remove the impurities that are con stantly collecting in the system. Onee the kidneye are out of order, the trouble starte. The poison ladened blood circulating through the system deposits its impurities in the muscles and joints, setting up infection, and Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, ete, follow. 'The first step necessary is to bring the kidneys to perform their natural function once again, and relief will be the immediate result. Gin Pills will do it, and will save weeke of fearful suf- fering if taken at the first indications of rheumatism. Gin Pills have been recognized as an red relief to sufferers from rheuma ism, backache, painful urination, brick dust deposits, and gravel. Thousands of testimonials bear witness to the fact that they relieve kidney or bladder troubles instantly. Try them. For sale everywhere at 50c a box. Gin Pills cost little, but are worth alot. Sample free on request. The National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. i jents should address Na-Dru. | 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 180 €o., In Important Banking Announcement Winnipeg, Jun. 8--At the annual meet- ing of the shareholders of the Union Bank of Canada, held in this city this afternoon, Jobn Galt, President of the institution, an- nounced that the next dividend would be at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, and that it had been decided by the directorate to issue the remaining three millions of surhorized capital- to the present share- holders at the price of $160 per $100 share. bringing the bank's capital to the full amount of its authorization, namely, $8,000,000. A resolution was approved by the share- holders, authorizing the capital stock to be increased from $8,000,000 to $15,000,000, for which application will be made to the Tressury Board for a certificate of ap- proval. The bank has now a board of nineteen directors, representing most of the Prov- incesof Canada, but Mr. Galt stated that this number would be increased so that every Province would ibe represented on the directorate. B, Shaw, General Mansger, gave for the first time the name of the new Senking corporation which has been formed by the Union Bank and the National Park Bank of New York for the development of trade with the Orient. This will be known as the Park Union Overseas Bank- ing Corporation. : Representatives of the institutions eon- cerned sail from San Francisco for Yoko- hama on Friday; forty offices will be opened. The definite statement was inade by Mr. Galt in hie-address that other narte of the Far Enst wotild be reacheg with of- fices at a later date. TAKE NOTICE 'We, publith simple, straight testimonials, not press agents' interviews, from well- known people. . From all over America they testify to the merits of MINARD'S LINIMENT, the 00, LTD. LINIMENT jtute children of Belgium will be packe NEWS OF COOKSTOWN News items for Coo! Thompson und will be scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded ORILLIANS. WON THE FIRST ROUND In the Barrie-Orillia Cup Com- William Cunningham of Collingwood is'clothing in good repair is acceptable, | 4: &° Habbick. isiti ith his brother, Jerry Cunning- Quilts and bedding are also needed. Parcels eon te | brought in before the above date may be Mr. Porteus of Hamilton is working at left the blacksmithing with C. G. Clute. Miss Olive Lewis hus gone, to Tergnto to take a position. (en Ollie Readman of Orillia spent\ Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Read- man. is sher's ure showing meny noteworthy values in rebable merchandise. It will pay M@N Was reinstated in decently Alex. Brownlee, sk-14 society by that helpful ageney. you to call and have a look around Mise Hazel Morton of Lefroy is visiting this week with her uncle, W. E. Morton.'rises before me, he said to an|W. A. 4. Bell Wm, Jones pas returned to town this" intersiewer. "Tecan se® dep} R- A. Stephens, ak-11 week after spending the summer at Carn: standing before me, charged will duff, Sask. iad linimerality and Mus Alice Nevils left on Tuesday for Barrie where she has secured a position, Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Coleman of Druid, | {hy Sask, are visiting the former's mother, the low of three weeky with the "flu, Mes Arnold passed sway on )\"' Thwf&duy, Jun. 9, in her 56th year The |! deceased wan born und lived in this vicinity ull her life und was loved and respected by <UTe from the Matron or myself, ull who knew her the young weman decided te} She is survived by her husband; twos) daughters, Mrs in oof Hamilton and ane af the religious meeting Marjorie st home; one xon, Ewart of Pent i ict are regularly held with, tne Inmates hy the stat she was |} vonverted. amd Lowill never far- The service was ieted by her pastor, Rev. Ro H. Sem her calling In seeome at my} ° of the Town Line Preabytenan aifive gnd telling ment her new Chureh at the residence of HOT. Rankin, experience. This yeang woman! owing to illness in the family. Hee remans ys tay happily narra Hulls | were incere at Wikon's Hil Cemetery om iy. Mayan idl niverll aye hep Saturday, The pall bearers were David (01) 0 . Goleman, Frunk Row, Howard Cooper, 1 "eh with her ; ' FSP was struck iin another ae. Hartford Lewis, Geo. Cunningham and Er | 1 row Thore from u distance who CHsIa1 by the paclitely teepels all tended the funeral were Mrs, Donnell and look of a man in the dock, eharg Mr und Mr. Coleman of Barrie, Mr. ed Dempster and Mrs. Frank Arnold of Ivy, was nol what one would ll at Mr and Mrs. John Arnold of Alliston, Mr ji and Mrs, Dobson of Angus, Mr. Swan of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs. E. Arnold of Penetang Deep: sympathy is felt for those bereaved wn Another Death from "Flu" persnaded fo take diferent The bome of Mr. and Mrs. Jewe Morr Siew of Iife ane ats problems, he? hus suffered from the lows of their son, Coun be saved: ves. saved fron Ogle, who died on Tuesday morning after Himself, 1 as the Salvation an illness of ubout three weeks Army OMeer whether he would Ogle first contracted 'the " which oe anything could be done with eventually developed into pneumomsa and aH in spite of ne medical attendance wad he Officer gladly consented a ae ee MTage and was of a #0 see whal could be dune, 0k ' 'i a hint home, arranged for him to genial disposition and had won the respect of many friends ha In fraternal societies he was a mem with cloth ber of the T.0.0,F. and of the Orange wa Order He is survived by his parents, to with, anil sometimes wisely 1 sisters, Mrs, Wm. Copeland of the 3rd tine. y.jkeq him, and ultimately, was rewarded in seeing his ¢ | vicinity. His remains were buried at Beth- | '@Ke fresh courage, and to-day Innisfil, and Mabel at home; three brothers, Edgar, James and John Albert, all of this esa Cemetery on Thursilay afternoon lis The sincere sympathy of the community | goes out towards the bereaved family. |T tet! you 1 know of no greater ; agency than the Salvation Army. Cookstown Belgian Relief | This my candid opinion, and On Thursday afternoon, January 30, ait speak as one who comes in bale of clothing for the orphaned and dest by the ladies of the Women's Institute. | Underelothing, outer garments, also caps, | mitta, stockings, etc., for either sex and!. any age are asked for. Every woman is| urged to make or donate at least one gar- | | ment, not necessarily new, as second hand line houses of ill-fame. would be pile His Selfrespeet. thrown up the =e is ---------- |. For reading notices of any kind, tolumn, the price is ten cents per A. T, Galt W. H. Kennedy, sk-18 D. A, MacNab, sk-11 in any of the stores. A. J. Sarjeant * A. V. Donaldson Magistrate Lauds Army . G. Hart Sir Hugh John Macdonald, Po-|R. H. Webb, sk-8 ice Magistrate of Winnipeg, whol ys F Jackson a warm friend of the Salvation|¢. H. Beelby Army, relates how a young wo-|D. A. MeNiven The face of a young woman]E. R. Tyrer |H. Hook child to gy dewn, down tu} { depth ") to counsel and ip her in every way possible: Eventually, withoug any p Joa terme in the Home. ta wilh vagraney 1 found te Hinman. bot one wte had lost} sore te speak, and det ge Ipoon life L heeane eon. dif this ian ceuld only he ve a good bath, fitted him out secured him work, him, sympathiz tehed ow apse v he making good. 'These are just two instances, luding those in the Local 45-tf EN? HENS In Barrie frequenting | A: Hi To see t ly Mffedith oat ponitiee on the street or making pureh sy 2h Sabah Of Clover Hill me seiotely oe store, il would be iimpone [2x D- Simon, aed The Annual Vestry Meeting of St. John's) Stble to believe that one su in-|p, Simpson Church will be held on the last Monday in Necent and fresh anil young look- | Geo, Bruce Januury. jing lived the life she did. Upon! R. W. Payne Mrs, Will Pollock of Carleton Ploce is inyuiry, 1 learned her parents Ro F. Garrett, ok-8 isting at the, home of her father in-law, wore had, in fact, depraved lo john Polloe . Brought up in such company and | Dr. Hart [Mloseph Cooper leit on Tuesday ior his ys howe un Edmonton after spending 2 (ew an eavirenment (here gnome weeks with bis father, Matthew Cooper. "°eMed no alternative but for Wx "puff, asked 1 decided to! ys 3, soore Mrs, WR. Coleman. pete the young woman a good! Meredith The High School students are giving an fatherly talk and to release her |A, Maleomson At Home inthe town hall on Friday yyy suspended sentences, and when |R. Malcomson, sk-16 | evening of this week chime Soy SueBemted thal ahe ave | = ae the Matron of the salvation Arniy Death of Mes.: Wii. Arnold Hivdustrial Home for Winnie, whe | 2a@plt to order We venture to state that you cannot get another phonograph et $25 equal to the cabinet at thet price. Certainly Model B at $55 is unexcelled velue. It is 1714 inches wide, 18° inches deep, and 12 sized instrument, wi windgjng, quiet motor and a surprisingly large volume of tone. It "Phonolas" play all makes of disc records, Ten models, ranging from $25 to $310. Alex. Jamieson Dr. A. Harvie, sk-17 Dr. Kirkpatrick W. C. George THIS SIGN F. Stewart, sk-15 E, MeConkey Alt Ai : L. Wainmas UY War-Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place Dr. C. A. Harvie B, W. Hatley J. E.G, Curran, sk,-14 ©. B. Farwell Geo. Madden, sk-15 Dr. A. H. McLean A. B. Thompson T. C. Doidge, sk-8 -------- | ~Wood for Sale--Good hard wood, cut | Lewis & Co. 49-53p Compare the tone and value The only way to get a true idea of the excep- tional values of our "Phonolas"' is to compare them with other cabinets selling ct about the same prices, would be hard to compare our magnificent "Organola" medel with any other, because this is the only Phapograph in the world with tone control pipes which in- clade every no' and volume to We are able to giv we make our "Phonolas"' complete in our two large plants in Canada at Kitchener and Elmira. ease The Phonola Co. of Canada , Double Dine Records LIMITED 90c Kitchener, Canada BUY The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. itio rpiaary feet and adjacent country may be banded or phoned to Mr. petition, by 32 Shots. ° jorwarded to this paper. Phone No. 29 finds him. $ub- ; ia Dilla a ar- . avings » ps . --Barrie --Orillia ~ T. R. Huxtable R. Jackson ( A. G. Habbick C.D. Hartley On Sale at all 'And, Harvie Z MONEY-ORDER POST OFFICES Geo. Peacock Dr. Carson R. Swinton Toogood, sk-17 them on the Certificate, which will be given to you; have your Stamps registered against loss, free of charge at any Money-Order Post Office; and on the first day of 1924, Canada will pay you $5.00 each for your stamps. Aa an aid to the purchase of W.-S. S. you can buy THRIFT 'Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a 'Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W.-S.S. Thrift Stamps do not bear interest. Their virtue is that they enable you to apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of a Government, interest-bearing security. "If high rates of interest must be paid on Government borrow- ings it is but right that every man, woman, and child should have the opportunity to earn this interest."--Sir Thomas White. $5.% for $4.00 J_A. Sinclair A. Payne Jack Morton E. Hinds, sk-20 Phil McLeod B.C. Lamble inches high--a good- a double-spring, easy- the scale and give wonderful clearness usic. these exceptional values because "PHONOLA" RECORDS They are beautiful, clear, full-toned records -- 'played with a sapphire point. No needles tochange. A new list of double dist records every month, Model Organola $310 DEALERS: OS "Say here we require good, live reprevestats Write fer our proposition. sea = SS BS It's the work of Comfort Soap-- for 25 years Canada's biggest seller. Its big chunky bar means no waste--it's the biggest and best soap for the money in Canada. There's no need to experiment--trust in Comfort. "It's All Right"' PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED TORONTO, ONT