Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1919, p. 5

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6 CIRCULATION THIS WEEK WITH WHICH IS : 3625 COPIES| Tif BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING AMALGAMA' 12 PAGES - SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 J. A. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1919. Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) ) NO. 3 Fell 40 Degrees in 13 Hours Very rapid changes of temperature to Mth wt 8 aan. the temperature was falling rapidly during the day, by 8 p.m. hud reached 5 below zero--s fall of | 30 degrees in 12 hours, During the night of the Yh und 10th the temperature coi menced to rise and by 8 p.m. of the 10 fied risen to 32 dey nf 42 degrees. Stroud Best at Bonspiel | Soft weuther seriously interfered with the attendance at the Barrie bonspiel this week, quly four outside clubs being. represented. Altogether sixtecn rinks competed und there OPERA HOUSE owe c ie es evenly divided, Alliston beng the only club . outside the money Friday and Saturday W. Patterson of Stroud took first in the Jan, 17 and 18 'Primary, beuting Grey Hart of Barrie {Thistles, 11 to 6, In the Consolation, Phil i Love of Burrie won hie way through 10 CECIL DE MILLE'S | vetory, his lust opponent being C. Palmer | of Bracebridge BIG SPECIAL PRODUCTION | Details of the contest are unavoidably "Till ] Come Back To You" i: over tll next week, This qeetare deals wath thie war) Juniors Won First van Betgnnin aud Ch vily of (ie Barrie Jumors played their first O.1LA siery, owhtel) wie written Hy) game on Tuetiay night in Stayner, winning Jeaine Macpherson, the dramatie:3 to 4, though White and Bogardis bad wf otlie sitthaliens ated (just recovered from influenza und only one apure was availble, By periods the score was 1 for Stayner, 3-3, 5-4 Barrie'+ scores were made by Bertram, Reid, Rosen feldt and White. The Barrie team were goul, Fisher; defence, Lynch end White, centre, Rosenfeldt, wings, Bertram and Bo: gardis; sub, Reid. the superiority ot the whe pertcaw [lhe praes this presentaben at h BIG V.COMEDY AND = ORD. "ILI When the kids get in shape they will. have Prices--16c. and 1lc. 'a pretty nifty team. First show 7.30 7 ss TRINITY CHURCH Some Pictures Coming Soon Rev H. D. Raymond, Viesr. "BETTER 'OLE" "BIRTH OF A NATION" "INTOLERANCE" Sunday, Jan. 19th Second Sunday after Epiphany - 8.30. a.m--Holy Communion. (Wik: HOUUKE is T6 caiy HE aan---Morning Prayer, Litany and Ser Ebi anil Sat Si eee | mon, "Sound Speech which eannot be 5 i - 1 werk | Condemned." woth fue rented alte tures, whi "her nenies, eveept fons and spe rowill t ) 3 pan vie= | 7 pam ih! "Soh unday School and Bible Classes Jd Testament Abraham THE BANK oF TORON | ANNUAL GENERAL STATEMENT 30TH NOVEMBER, 1918 LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation .... Deposits bearing interest, in , of statement .. .. +. -- Deposits not bearing interest . ding interest accrued, to date Total deposits .. 2. 0... Le Balances due to other Banks in Canada. 2... 0... 1+ Bulances due to Banks and banking correspondents in the United Kingdom and Foreign Countries... .. .. Quarterly Dividend, payable Ist December, 1918 Dividends unpaid. 0000.2 co ee ee ee es Acceptances under Letters of Credit Capital paid up .. Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward $100,207 ASSETS Gold and Silver coin current . seal ie Dominion Notes held... -. .. s+ + Deposit in the central gold reserves... $ 13,022,182 91 $12,582,352 34 Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fond .. .. .. « 240,141 46 262,273 26 Notes of other Banks .. .. 668,145 552,055 00 Cheques on other Banks... .. .. x 4,217,838 59 2,785,480 37 Balances due by other Banks in Cansda 5261 91 eee Balances due by Bunks and banking correspondents elve- where than in Canada .. .. .. -. we cere ee = 1,175,193 41 2,332,775 08 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities, not ex- ceeding market value .. .. 2. :. -. 2 2 + +, 11,804,870 97 6,170,018 05 Canadian Municipsl Securities and British, foreign and colonial public Securities other than Canadian .. .. 10,003,043 16 10,198.50 82 « Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks, not ex- ceeding market value... 1 ee ee ee ee tree oe 674,767 53 896,625 03. Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days). lodas in Canada, on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks .. ., .. .. «+ -» 4,805,834 08 2,158,144 63 $ 47,018,174 02 $37,938,500 58 Other Current Losns and Discounts in Cansda (less rebate of interest) 2. 2. 2. ce ee ee ee oe 48,951,428 33 42,196,692 97 Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided for) 217,390 70 117,083 04 Liabilities: of Customers under Letters of Credit, as per * Ct, aes PS Fi $s 621,004 08 530,757 48 Bank premises, st not more than cost, lets amounts written off .. 6. 6. 66 ce ee ee ee ee te oe oo 3,400,000 00 8,510,884 75 W..G GOODERHAM, THOS, F. HOW, , Toronto, 30th November, 1918. To the Ghareholders of the Bank of Toronto: . T have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books and accounts at the chief office of The Bank of Toronto, d it ed | cash and verifying the securities at the chief office and certain of the principal branches on November 30th, 1918, T certify that in my opinion 'such Balance Sheet exhibite a true and correct view-of the state of the Bank's affairs according to the best of my information, the explan- 'and certified returns received from its branches, and after checking the ations given to me, and as shown by the books of the Bank. In addition to the examination mentioned, the cesh and securities at the chief office and certain of the pies jipal branches were checked and verified by me during the year, and "found to be in accord with the books of the Bank, required have been given to nee all transactions of the Bank which have All information and explanatiol come under my notice have, in my opinion, been within the powers of Toronto, December 18th, 1918. Bank. cured, the minimum at 9 am, of the 11th | ng S below zeros full of 40 degreey in | equal to hours, On the 13th she temperature at | This tetal includes short-date advances to tn was 24, rising to 4 maximum during | the Donanion Government and to the lm- place from the 9th to the 13th. On (ihe | ehly satisfactory report presented at the 25, |ackty-third annual meeting of the Bank grees. During the night | Cush and Gold Reserves $13,9: of the 10th and 1th another rapid full oc- | increase of $1,339,830 over last year. $ 7,270,615 00 $ 7,606,005 00 49,534,482 27 459,833 1,052,919 56 $ 948,654 91 $ 962,652 34 10,473,528 00 2,500,000 00 President. AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS. | rutes of interest and our charges for bank- Remarkable Increase in Deposits Some of the outstanding feutures of the of Toronto on Jun, 8 ure theve Deposits $79,039,274, which show the largest increase ever recorded in uny one year, the gain being $15,131,977, equal to 240% 182, an Immediately availuble assets $47,018,174, perial Government amounting in all 10 $19,980,000, ercial loans $49,168,819, showing #n om increase of $6, substuntial support of the business interests of the Dominion Totul assets $100,207, 97, an inereuse for the year nf $15,014,079 und the largest in the history of the Bank Profits of $844,402, equal to 16.88 per cent. of the paid up capital The General Manager in his remarks suid, "Net earnings op banking capital are not entirely in keeping with the expansion in resources, but it must, be remenibered that costs of operation have crenved during the past few ing services have generally remained prac- ticully stationary." Concerning the future, he stated, "There must be w readjustment downward of prt :6 for commodities and services, and, it is to hoped, of production upward, until we reach stable level on which all clasans of business ¢an proceed in security and com: fort, und that level will be found only in time and by natural processes, but violent chunges can be avoided, and we believe will he avoided, through the enterprite 7 of liabilities to the public. | township 62 d|in East Simcoe and contesf@d the riding, MONTGOMERY---In Vancouver, on Jan. | Death of Sheriff Harvey | A Different Photoplay At an early hour op Monday morning, ! A war picture necd not be all battle rnd William M. Harvey, Sheriff of Simcoe bomb, shrapnel and shooting, to he f- County, passed away at the home of his fective. This is proved by Cecil B. De brother, Dr. A. R. Harvie, years he had not enjoyed good health and duction, entitled "Till I Come Buck to weeks so that his death wax not entirely Friday and Saturday. The siory i by unexpected, Jeanie McPhepson and it is one of the finest | 'The late "William M. Harvey was the pieces of dramatic writing and construction, fourth son of the lute Mr, and Mrs. Char- according to report, that bas been seen on lie Hurvie «1 was born in Orillia the screen im» decade. In the civie life of Orilha, Mr, Hurvey took w prominent part. In 1800 he was u BORN member of the council und in 1891 aud ACONLEY~ In Barrie, on Sunday, Jan. 12, 1802 he was mayor of the town. He wax, © Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Aconley, Small a very uctive worker for the Liberal cause |. "t, 8 son 11, 1919, w son to Capt, John Mrs. Montgomery PRINCE--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tues- day, Jan. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Prince, | 4 son WEBB~In R. V. Hospital, on Sat, Jan, 10, | 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Webb, 12th | con, Innisfil, @ son, | MARRIED | CARSON--KNAPP--In Barrie, on Jan. 5th, by Rev. H_ Moore, Dorothy Kathlyn, | duughter of Mrs, W. J, Knapp, Minesing Station, to Irving L. Carson, of Barrie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Carson, Anten Mills, . and | For a few Mille in his latest Arteraft specisl pro- | had suffered a great deal in the last few | You", which comes to the Opera House | When the fruit) shelves are Kelling low just come down and look over our stock of jams and canned fraits. Pure Raspberry Jam in 2 Ib er Pure Strawberry Jan: in 2 Ib. tins .. e.g. ue we. BOO Apple and Strawberry Jain, 4b. tins... soe. 950 Apple and Raspberry Jam, ith tins... ». S50 Pure Plum Jam, per jar .. 250 ape Jelly, per jar.. 30e | DIED 1919, Rose Hayden, dearly beloved wi | of Jumes Byrne, in her 67th year. DRYSDALE--At Toronto, on January 3, 1919, James Drysdale, aged 29 years. | CALENDAR--Atelot 6, con. 7, Flos, on | | January 1, 1919, Marjory L. Culendar, | nd forethought of our Government und. their co-operation with the business and | financial interests of the country | Board of Education \ A report of the Board of Education is) unavoidably held over till next imue, i Trustee Sinclair ennokinced his resig nation: Mus Cooke, kindergarten teacher in the | South Ward, resigned owing to ill health | and her resignation was accepted Soldiers' Letters | Several interesting letters from soldiers | verses have been received this week und will appeur in the next irsue of the Ex 30th November. 1915, 1917. 46,872,381 30 2 23 17,034,916 41 7 $63,907,207 71 276,407 47 279,360 38 137,500 00 1,284 25 530,757_48 $72,738,612 20 + 6,000,000 00 555,306 53 997 13 $84,293,918 82 9,119,700 00 2,500,000 00 General Manager. G. T. CLARKEON, Chartered Accountant, aged 17 yeurs, | DUTTON--In Toronto, on Jan. 11, 1919, Robert A. Dutton, aged 64 years, Fun: eral on Jan, 14, tor Barrie Union Ceme- | against the lute Andrew Mixcampbell in 1804 and again in 1898, losing by only 8 small minority. tery While his health pernutted, he was 8|HICKLING---At lot 7, con, 10, Flos, on : to most enthusiuatic curler and was very |" January ate ALatil cormoent ob US Kane," TAs1eMA Hol) SARUM SARIN ALL Wekling, ager 25 i helped Orillia to make its nly Tankard HERRIGAN--At Spokane, Wash., on Dee. | win and performed a similar service tor 7, 1918, of pneumonia, Bertha Herrigan, | Burrie in 1907 when he war skip for H. J. * of Gravette winning quar wife of Archie Herrgan, formerly" of | BYRNE--At Toronto, Wednesday, Jun. 8, - thapole Jelly, per jar 309 Texas Preserved Figs, per, UN ee pe me ages wes weg OO sau Pineapple, shieed, per Hin we we ee ee ee BOO awatian Pineapple, sliced, per tin. Lo... 800 Singapore Pineapple, slic d per Gin ve ve ve ve ee ee BBO Choice Pears, per tin 2... 206 Yellow Peaches, per tin... 26e Baldwin Apples in 1 gal. cans B0e Choice Red Cherries, Lom- hard Plums and Red Rasp- berries. For Saturday only--5 Lins Standard Peas for .. .. 700 'e 5 Wisdom's ALLANDALE v Th 1883 he was twurried at Perth to Miss KINSEY_-On January 10, 1919, at Hearst Cecil Elizabeth Lafferty, who survives him | "Ont, Catherine, daughter of Dre and Mr with three sons, Captain Abin of Relmonton; | albe es oa 1 Capt, Ene of Calgary; Liewt. Dane of Har hee I Riatexe sued 3 gears sd 8 Fie, whe were all wouuied in the War; KINSEY" -On January 12, 1919, at Henrst, two dighters, Mow Wis Anienn it CHS "One, Agnes Cavanagh, wife of Dr, Albert gary and Mr BBO Mort, of Regma, 1% and daughter of Mrs. Elle Four brothers, Dr V1 of Toronto, formerly of Ed Orillia, Jobo and Dowd of Ordha town MARTIN: In the R. V. Hospitel, Burrie, ship atl one sister, Wis Xe Dalla, hun 15. Mew Henry G. Martin, in her als survive ham h year Mr. Harvey had ianny fronds among all yeGRATH At rin, ond: 1919, ol anit will be oul "I qomtict: ""Rubert. McGrath, aged 45 years arly at che cost hots where he hth MeKENZIB: At Hoiwkestone, Jun. 11, nae Sewell known chairing fee tere in the Jamex B. Me! iv, uged 68 years. shrws a sWMAN - At 79 Tiffin St.. Allandale, Jan, 10, 1919, Isabella, wife of Chas. Edward Death of Mrs. H. G. Martin - Newman, ge 35, yes. 3 mos, Momiay suormng, Mra Hy, G. Martin | PARKER--In Barrie, Jan, 10, 1919, Annie On Monciay morning, Mes. Hy. Glin | Parker, relict of the late John Parker of Vespra, aged 74 years. REID--At lot 20, con. 11, Innisfil, Jan. 11, | 1919, John Reid, aged 86 years. SWEENEY--In Toronto, on Jun. 9, 1919, Ellen Sweeney, widow of the late Daniel Sweeney, aged 74 years. Funeral on Jan. 13 to Barrie Union Cemetery. THOMPSON--At lot 16, con. 7, Vespra, Lucinda Armstrong and she was born at | abe u, 1919, Thomas Thompson, aged Big Bay Point 35 yeurg ago, the daugbter | _ 58 years. ; . ee he ite John Wm, Aématrong. 'Thirteon | WORSNOP--At the R, V. Hospital, Barrie, yours ago she married H. G. Martin, post- | Jen. 10th, 1910, Eli Worsnop, of Colwell, master at Shanty Bay. She was an earnest) 1? his 27th year. cbristian and a faithful member of the Methodist church. Deep sympathy is felt for her busband, little son and daughter, and her mother, | Mrs, Chas, Shaw of Cundles. Interment took place at Stroud to-de Rey. Mr. Shapter conducting the serv of Shunty Bay died in the hospital from pneumonia, following an attuck of influenza. | She hud been ill ubout ten days and was brought to the hospitul lust Friday, What makes her death unusually xed is the fact that her only sister, Mrs. Fred Bonney, had | died two weeks previously from the same diseuse Mra, Martin's maiden name was Fannie Capt. Creswicke Got 75th Colors aptain T. S. Creswicke writes follows:----"T jam now in France on my way lo the Bn. 1 am also taking back the Regi- Bee eee cee iee uncles of the| mental Colors. 'They have bern Pee a ee tesere 'Webb, and three bro: |in Westminster Abbey and, we Sree ar Martin viz, HG. of St. Cathe |had quite a service in getting wires J.D, of Toronto and Hereward of them out. 'The abbey was full of Shanty Bay. people and we had a guard there, Another officer and T had to go A Double Bereavement tip tu the altar and take the colors Brentwood, Jan, 14.--Spanish influenza, | from the Bishop of Westminster followed by double pneumonia, caused the | Tt was a most impressive service. sowed Raat Devjerdins on January 2,({ forl that I received a great St the early age of 27 years. Decemed bad | honor in getting them." Been il only ¢ few days sod his untimely death is deeply mourned by many friends, deat et urn Eis low his wile, who In a Welsh Hospital He leaves ny Misr Dorothy Dumond, end| Jos: Shaughnessy received a ree iitle children, Roger and Genevieve; {letter from his son, Ernest, this thee brothers, Joseph of Port Arthur,|week, written on Dec, 21, from Hanty olAllamdale, aud Peter at home, ls0| Neath, South Wales, where he is his mother. i spital suffering with ne- bot sine, wo ed' beon i pocr'| 1 ROAPILA! ere in aod health for some time, passed away om Jun-| Hace and I have everything 1 uary 6. the shock of his con's death Patter) want, They are making prepara gis end: of both father and ron were|tions for Christmas in the hos- Foon inthe FL. Cemetery, Brentwood. | pital now and I think we are go- ing to have a good time." Big Sale at Thornton See large bills for G. B. Henry's gigan- tic reduction sale at Thornton, beginning Sat. Jan, 18. ----_--_----__ 1.0. 0. F. On Wednesday evening of last week, through a dispensation from Bro. Murphy, D.D.G.M., of Town Wood Alliston, Bro. H. G. Robertson, Having been awarded the con-|Grand Warden, installed -- the tract for delivering the wood be- following elected and appointed ing brought into town, we are officers of Barrie Lodge, No. 63, prepared to deliver this wood cut | for the current term:--J.P.G.. and split as you may want it at Kilgour: N.G.. A. C. Bricker; R. the following pric S.. Peter McLarty; FS. G. C. 1 eut .. 75e per cord} Coles: Treas., A. H. Lowe: 2 cuts $1.00. If cut and split $1.50 Warden, E. W hite Consuelo', Ps 3 cuts 81.25. If cut and split $2.00 Paddison; Chaplain, A. W. Whit- The wood will be measured by| 2% ¢ W. B.. Bowles; 4 the town -in four-foot lengths, H 1. Twiss then cut and: delivered. raed Every stick of your wood, in- Switzer; LG. W. M cluding the knots, will be deliver-| anus: 0.G., E. Arnold; Organ- ed fo you. ist, G. Folster. Pay the town for the wood and ict colenajutiaas us only for the cutting. Cash| _zimited number of orders must acegmpany order. can be taken for pea coal at J. G. The Sc.jeant Co., Ltd. 3-3c Scott' 3-30 ton; R: 8. E. L. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Hardy is visiting her sis- fer in Petreat Miss Mavion Mavshall is spending a tuanth in dendon, Mr i Heibhened~--fhuest of fhuleyhury was Visitiag friends {LONE List werk. WV Sims was in Toronto last Week ullending the anual meet. ing uf the Bank of Sorento. Mes. B, W. Rhinehart and Miss B. Rhinehart and Mrs, R. Wilson visited friends in New Lowell this week. Mrs. Geo. Lyons of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. J. F. Burton Ave., during the . MeL. Stevenson leaves tomorrow to spend a couple of months at the Seo with -her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd. The aminer had a very pleasant visit this week from G. H. O Thomas, editor of the Bracebridge Gazette, who was here participating in the bon-~ spiel. Mrs. Fred Parsons and son, Billie, of Port Hope, and A. B. Pocock and Master Jack of Win- nipeg were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, David Powell, Clapper- ton St. Mrs. N. B. Johnston's health has been very unsatisfactory for many months. By the orders of her doctor she has gone south and will visit friends in Wash- ington for the cold weeks. H. B. Henwood, manager of the Board of T branoh of the Bank of Toronto, Montreal. spent a couple of days in town last week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, and was very cordially greeted by many of his old friends here. \Miss Kitty Donnelly, a very helpful and popular member of Trinity chureh, had her services recognized last week on the eve of her departure for Montreal, where she has accepted a posi- tion. » From the church wardens she received a $10 gold piece, from the choir some ~ beautiful toilet articles, and from the Sun~ day School a leather purse. ° Noted Irish Tenor Coming One of the biggest sensations of the season will be the appear- ance of the noted Trish tenor, Bernard Daly, who will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House next Wednesday night, Jan. 22, when the successful play "Sweet Innisfallen™ wilt be presented. > Mr. Daly sings his way into the hearts of his audience with his, rich tenor, and takes every advantage of the vocal oppor- tunities afforded him in the. play, singing such famed selections as - "Believe Me." "Sweet Innis~ fallen,' 'Mavis,' 'Hide and Seek," 'Wearing of the Green,' and other beautiful Irish songs. --------__. --Cut Prices, Wood, Sarjeant's /

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