Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1919, p. 8

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The .cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- Plies are directed to this Office an addi- tional charge of 10c. will be made. The feregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an ad- ditional charge of 10c. will be made on all adiets fess than one dollar. reported. - The January meeting of the W. C.T.U. has been cancelled. Mem- bers please take notice. ; The meeting of the Barrie Branch of the Women's Institute is withdrawn for this month. The last few weeks the Royal :RS WANTED--Apply to 22| Victoria Hospital has been filled street, 50-4p |tu capacity--averaging about 55 patient WANTED--A good girl, apply 20 Willi JG. . G. Habbick, W. Street, Allandale 2-4e JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- |? fiela ot Pine 394 1228p-1f PONY FOR SALE, also Belgian Hares. | 'Apply Hunter Huxtable. 20 WOOD FOR SALE--Good hardwood, cut nd split to order, Lewis & Co. | 2tfe | RAW FURS WANTED-- Highest prices. M. Rosenfeld, 33 Collier St., Barrie. 1-2p | FURS REMODELLED aud Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Burrie. 37-tfc | by the day--Miss McGill, | S3° Alfred street, Allandale. 48-55p | DRESSMAKIN phone 4 AUTO LICENSES now for sale for 1919. | R. H. Webb, phone 450 or P. O. Box | 644, 2-2p A FEW CHOICE RHODE ISLAND RED | Cockerely for ssle, Harry Ottaway, | Barrie 52-5p | LADIES' TAILORING and Dreesmaking doue. Miss E Gosney, Adelaide Street, Allandale 51-10e HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Mulcaster Street. Lramedinte possession Rent $8.00. Ap- ply on premise» 42tfe. | Highest Cash price paid ter! Simmons & Co,, 47-3mo8. RAW FURS all kinds of raw furs Furriers, Dunlop St TO LET OR FOR SALE--Brick house, all modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. | Smith, 60 Mary Bt. rap HOUSE FOR SALE or Rent--Corner Peter | H. Kennedy and A. D. Simon (sk. in the Galt honspiel this week. Wait for the the Burton Ave. are going to hold at th Rink on Wed., Jan. Harry Carter, rden, was presented a gold headed cane by the Council of Tecumnseth on his retirement from the Reeveship. everal subscribers -- report having seen robins during the past ten days. This is months ahead of the Globe's spring robin which worth League Mammoth A slight change in the route covered by the Huxtable motow bus is being made, ft will ran between Mulcaster St. and Both- well's corner. --Heat! Heat! Heat! Goo Cook! Cook! Bake! Bake! Bak wilhont coal or wood, fits any stove or range, Demonstrated opposite Barrie Inn, Barrie, Ont, An Executor's Auetion Sale of household effects will be held at Noo 198 Bayfield SO. Barrie, on Friday, Jan. (7, at 130 pm, Cn reserved sale of choice and valuable household furniture, pintio and other effects. --What a happy medium the newspapers are; since we have ad- vertised our Teas and Coffees we ve found a great sales, of course we have the value Will you add yourself to uurmany pleased customers? One tril and we and Heart Strerts, Apply to Jas, Brum- by, RR No. 2, Barrie 50-3p | TO LUT -Arhugton Hotel. low rent, suit: | able for w good boarding house. Ten bed- room. T. Devlin. ath WANTED AT ONCE: Good general maid Good wages. Apply to Mr. CM. G South, 8 Collier Street. 2.26 FIRST CLASS BEEF AND PORK. By quarter at wholesale price, at John Bing. ham & Sou, Elizabeth St. 2-7p 10 ACRES OF SECOND-GROWTH HARD: j WOOD BUSH FOR SALE--In one cre or half acre lots. Apply to V. R. Slessor, a 120 CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit and overcoat can be made to lool like new by Hurry Twins, Ross Block, Dunlop St TO RENT OR FOR SALE--Business orop- erty, residence and stables, corner Eliz- abeth and Mary Sta. Apply Mrs, BR. HL. Webb, Barrie. 38-tfe STORM WINDOWS FOR SALF--Get cur price list showing cost of windows, zlaz-- ed, complete, size. Holliday pany, Box G1, Hamilton 49-5 FUNERAL DESIGNS AND BOQUETS -- artistically arranged. Choice Cut Roses and Carnations, Pot Plants, Ferns, Palms, E, A. Harris, Phone 713. 1-5p SITUATION WAN experience in dairy good ference if required. by married nan, stock and grain; Disengagedd March Ist. Apply H. Holbrook, Allan date LOT FOR SALE 33 Owen St, Barrie, Also soul Lf neers, lot 28, con. 4, Township of Orv, with 924 feet lake shore frontage Shanty Bay. Apply to John McGi Barrie 2-5p ART--Mow. Isabell Day, Texcher of Chins decorating. Former Art Teacher at A berta Ludies' College, Edmonton, Alta, Firing persivvslly nttended to, Residence 17 Poynte street. 49-54p FARM FOR SALE, lot on. 5, Innisfil. Well fenced, good clay loam; good frame house, large barn with basement stab: Ting, 'never-failing well. Apply to Mrs Dutcher, Thorn:on. 51-tf FAPM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, can. 2, Flos, 100 acres, 75 acres cleare i, balance pasture ond bush. Comfortable house, bank, barn 40x60, driving «hed ant outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919. with plowing privileges. "P. A. Coughtin. Phelpston. 25+F WANTED AT ONCE-- A capable house- kerner, to take full charge of farm home with s baby boy ten months old. No outside work to do. A good, comfort- able convenient home, one half mile from village of Stroud. Apply stating partic. | wlars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O., 'or phone, Itfe | a CARD OF THANKS 'Mrs, A. Mayne and family desire to thank Yriends and neighbors for kindness ehown them during their recent illness and be- mavement. IN MEMORIAM Th loving memory of my dear mother, Harriet Hudie, of Stroud, Ont, who died, Jan. 10, 1918. 'We miss you from our home, dear, We miss you from your place; 'A shadow o'er our life is cast, We mis the sunshine of your face. We miss your kind and willing baud, Your fond and earnest care; Our home is dark without you, We miss you everywhere. Husband and daughter, IsoBell, and con, Wesley. ------ © A good device for outdoor stoveless cook- __ jag is a corn popper with a long handle, fen Monday TON. Hobley, "The Hub, abeth Street Owing to sickness the Sehoul stall was several Short when the school re-apened he absentees were Misses MeRobu Longman and finest and Meo MeLactlan, Mrs. Kod rson is taking Mr. Me- n's room and classes have BORN 1918, to'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cameron, 103 Mulcaster Street, a son, WILLIS--At St. Ann's Rectory, St. Anne's Avenue and 140th Street, New York City, on Friday, January 3, 1919, to Rev. sud | Mrs, H. G. Willis (nee Dorothy C. French) a son, MARRIED HIGGS--JENNINGS--On January 1 at Holy Trinity Chureh, by Rev Hutson, Marion Crawford Jennings, sec- ond daughter of Mr. and Mra. C. A. C. Jennings, of Toronto, to Stanley Stocker Higgs, Lieutenant of the 15th Battalin, Good catchés of\herring are inerease in) G.| younger son of the late Mr. S. J. Higgs! and Mrs. Higgs, of Nassau, Bahamas, and of Barrie, Ont. DIED BROWN- In Hamilton, Dec. 31, 1918, Mre, Lucey Brown, aged 31 years. at St. Paul's, Innisfil, on Jan, 2, the Interment | funeral being held from the residence of , her brother, Jeffrey Webb, Barrie. CAMPBELL--Suddenly of pneumonia on Dec. 30, 1918, at his home near Cooks- town, William K. Campbell, youngest son of Robt. Campbell, in his 26th year. CRITTENDEN--In Allundale, on Jan, 7, 1919, Howard Crittenden, aged 19 years, brother of Mrs. Hugh Fraser. DAVIS--In Toronto, Jan. 8, 1919, Samuel Davis, son of Mrs, L. Stephens, Barrio, 50 years, DESJARDIN --In Brentwood, on Thursday, January 2, 1919, Ernest. Desjardin, 27 years. Funeral on Friday to Cemetery, Brentwood. EXELL--A 33 Mary St, Barrie, Jan. 6, 1919, Walter Exell, aged 67 years. FERRY--In Barrie, on Sunday, Jan. 5, 1919, 'Patrick Ferry, aged 80 years HUNTER--Suddenly, of pneumonia, on Saturday, January 4, 1919, at his broth- er's residence, 258 Glenlake Ave. Toron- to, Walter Hunter, son of Mrs.' Hunter and the late J. M. Hunter of Barrie, in his 3let year. HIGGINSON--At Angus, Dec. 30, 1918, Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higginson, in her 17th year. HIGGINSON--At Angus, Jan, 4, 1919, Gladys Elizabeth Higginson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Higginson, aged 14 year, KNAPP--At Minesing, Jyn, 4, John Marcus Knapp, aged 74 years. MAYNE--At 137 Collier St., Barrie, Jan. 2, 1919, Arthur Wm. Mayne, aged 37 yeurm, MARLIN--At bis father's home, Ferndale, Jan. 6, 1919, Albert Marlin, aged i7 s+ ars, McGUIRE--At lot 14, con. 12, Vespra, Jan. 2, 1919, Susan Catharine McGuire, wife of Wm, Thos. McGuire, aged 37 years. McDONAGH--In the R. V. Hospital, Jan 8, '1919, John McDonagh, aged 74 years, McKINLEY--At 192 Bradford St., Barrie, Jan. 7, 1919, William Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. J. McKinley, aged 18 years. RANDS--Suddenly at Orillia on Jan. 1, 1919, Louisa Victoria Rands, eldest end beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Rands, of Jarratts, in her 23rd year. ROBINSON--In Barrie, Jan, 4, 1919, Clarence W. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hy Robinson, Bradford St., aged 26 years. ST ONGE--In Barrie, Jan. 7, 1919, Mary Margaret Dolan, wife of Joseph St' Onge, in her 32nd year. Interment at Upter- grove. TAYLOR--At Swalwel, Alta., Dec. 26, 1918, Derby Taylor, aged 37 years, ---At 140 Collier St., Barrie, Jan, 7, 1919, George William Winfrey, form- erly of Midland, in his 29th year. cases. There was an_attendance of about 60 per. cent. on Monday. --Miss Glenn of Glenn-Charles, Toronto, Canada's Hair Fashion store, will be in Barrie, Friday, Jan. 10, at Simcoe Hotel, with a full line of, Ladies' and Gentle- men's~Heir Goods. If you are not sAtisfted with the appearance of your hair consult. Miss Glenn, who is an authority on Hair Goods and individual Hair Styles. Free demonstration. 1-2¢ PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Rea and Miss Lilian Rea of Toronto are visiting Miss M. FE. Ross Miss Eifie Guthrie of Midland is visiting her sister, Mrs, Robert Wilson, Bradford St Wilbert West has from a two-weeks* friends near Midland Mrs. James Smith is her daughter, Mrs. Donald, Queens Ave., London Miss May Rainey and J. R. Hagart, Toronto, visited G. W. Hagart, Bradford St, last week Mrs. J. F. Dowell has returned tu Toronto after a few days' visit returned visit) with visiting A. Mac- been doubled up in the otter|f | i with Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart, Brad- | ford St. Miss Florence Filgiano Hamilton has been the guest of Miss Queenie Quinlan during the holidays J.T. Simpson, reev fo Tiny, and JS. MeDowell, inayor- elect for Midland, were in town yesterday. H. Desjardine has been in Brentwood the past week attend- ing the funerals of his father and brother. Mr. and Mrs, W Toronto this week, Mrs. King go- jing on to Ottawa to visit Mrs, J.) | Wellington Nelson, Miss Augustine M McBride of | Barrie was one of nine women reeeived inte the munity of St. Joseph in Toronto; on Saturday, Mrs. Pilkey and little son, Roy, left for their home last 'Thurs. y ufter spending a couple of Mrs. Jno. Kenny, Shan returned home Sat- Ray lurday after spending the holidays with the former's brother in Rochester, N.Y Miss Mitchener of Toronto, | who has been visiting Miss Pearey, sang in Trinity St "Andrew's church last unday. sh has a beautiful vs and uve great pleasure ta all who heard her Mrs. CM. G Smith, who was very seriously ill with pneu- Jionta for several days Inst week, is now on the way to re- covery, Little Barbara' Calder- wood and Miss Cora Canning also have passed the danger point after being very ill with the sane disease. Tips to Housewives Sealioped codfish and rice is delicious. Excellent pancakes are made of rye meal. Cream adds to the food value of baked apples. The standard measuring cup holds ane- balf pint Best s ceke batter as little as posible after flour has been put into mixture. Freshly made jelly has 6 finer flavor than that which has stood for a long tim A maple sugar sauce is excellent for pud- dings and wafiles, New Travelling Regulations | Persons Embarking at U. 8. Sea- ports Must Procure Permis- sion Before Leaving Canada. NDBR an order issued by the Secretary of State, Washing ton, etfective November 1114, Aves, Gul peipous going Irom Canaaa to 10reIgR west.u.ivus by way oF United Dates oeapore must pro re Perwission lor emvarkation be.v.e leaving Canada, Sucu permission must be arranged for eliber oy executing declaration and procuring vise on passport be- tore obe of tue American Consuls in Canaaa, or vy making formal appli- cation vetore any of tue Lolted States ficmigravioa vuvers socated in Can- 4ua upon forns furaished by the said Olucers, In order to allow sufficient time for investigation, trr smiission of papers to Washington, etc. applications suould be tied elther with the Con- sul or the Imuigvation Officer at least 17 days prior to the date of pro- posed de, ..ciure, Tue Siate Department invites spe clal attention of prosyective travel- lers to the fact that unless they have ob.alned vise by an American Consul the sald bepartment must decide Whether or not departure from an American port will ve 2V'owed, such gecision being based upoa the appli cation subimiited through the immul- eration ofivers. Passengers are accordingly warned uot to proceed to the port of embarkation uni! they are In possession of eter the Con. sular vise, or proper cortiticate irom the U. S. Immigration aui.o itis showing that perimit for depurure has been grantea The foregoing eluding Lern: United Stures o:tizens --extae to Proceed to foreign yo!ut® are re vit. ed to have passyorw, sued by the State enprtr applications for same bein -otuinable trom the vari us Anieri ian Consuls. | R. King are in | lines among many others: regular value $30.00. One only Brown Wool Ch Three only, sizes 36, 40 $20.00. MEN'S BLACK MAC- KINAW PANTS-- $6.00 Last week a printer's er- ror made the price of these read $16.00 in- stead of $6.00. } Kelly--Wearing The marriage of Miss Lillian Mary Wearing, Graduate Nurse of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, to Mr. Michael G Kelly of Pheipston, took pl Rev. Father James officiating. The bride wore her travelling suit of 'brown broadeloth with picture hat, and her bridesmaid, Miss Nellie Cavanagh, wore a suit of navy blue serge with hat] fo match. The groum was assist. ed by Mr. J. J, Kenny of Phelp- ston After a trip to 'Toronto and} other places Mr. and Mrs, Kelly will reside in Phelpston. \ West Gwillimbury Elections y For Reeve i ( . Jeffs West Gilford 2... AN ' Coulson's Hill .. 2. 50 Bond Head .. 104 1 Cookstown .. .. 2. 59 Middleton .. 2... 82 306 MEN'S OVERCOATS SHARPLY REDUCED One only Brown Chinchilla, size 36, well worth $25.00, Friday and Saturday Special .......... $17.00 Two only Grey Irish Frieze Overcoats, sizes 36 and 44, Fri. and Sat. Special $19.00 é One only Grey Wool Cheviot Overcoat, size 36, worth $22.50. Friday and Saturday Special .. $15.00 value at the regular price of $23.00. Friday and Saturday Special .. Three only Brown Wool Tweed Overcoats, sizes 37, 38 and 39, They're cheap at $30.00. Friday and Saturday Special... .. .. These Coats are all made of Superior Materials, well tailored in latest style, and well lined throughout. MEN'S SUITS REDUCED TO $15.00 They are made of Sy heavy, dark grey woul Tweed, and are good value at BOYS' OVERCOATS AT SALE PRICES Here Are Some Special Inducements To You _ To Trade at This Store on Friday and. Saturday. Before taking stock we must clear out man' Friday and Saturday of this week we have deeply cut the prices on the following eviot Overcoat, size 42, good - ++ $15.50 $20.00 and 42. Twelve of them, in sizes 28 in Brown and Grey Cheviot. They're good OVERCOATS FOR THE LITTLE CHAPS From 3 to 8 years of age. M worth $5.50. Friday and Saturday Special $3.95 BARGAINS IN BOYS' SWEATER COATS Wool and Cotton Sweater Coats for boys, in Navy Blue and Brown, sizes 30 and 32, regular value $1.50. Friday and Saturday Special... .. ...... ..QQC A SNAP IN MEN'S SOCKS A heavy weight Union Sock, Friday and Saturday Special, . . MEN'S HEAVY About 10 pair, sizes 6 to 10, regular price $1.50, slightly imperfect. Friday and TWO ONLY MEN'S PEA JACKETS Of heavy Grey Frieze, sizes $8.00. Friday and Saturday. Special .... $6.00 WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE "WHERE MOST P Coldwater There was a close run for the Reeveship this year and the R lurning-Offieer was within one of having to give the casting vote again. The following is the re- Reeve--W. H. Manning, 51; W. Robinson, 50. or Councillor--R, A. Brown, Eplett, 55; Thos. N..D. Woon, 51; E. A.J, Wells, 45. the ratepayei polling place. s from going to the Medonte Heeyve Daniel MeT.ean Deputy-Reeve -- John acclamation Councillors----Jos, Dunn, George Bell, by Burnfield, Alex. Brown. Matchedash Reeve---( Lovering, Councillor Abbott, M. V. Lovering, W. W. Templeman. J. Raven and Blake Durnford ran a tie and the Returning- Officer declared the latter elect- Jeffs, elected. For Council Gilford 50 Coulsons Bond Head .. Cookstown Middleton .. at 239 The first four were elected give his deciding vote between Hn and latter have a some at each of four y township did the tified in giving his casting vote situation up that Hambly had a substantial ed. Ritohie Thompson Hambly Hounsome Brandon 39 39 25 9 50 55 3600 ot 25 55 320 73 52 10. 76 7 62 1a 37 OBA 28 20h Nt 16K The returning officer had -to mibly and Hounsome. Sizing the majority over Houn- at only one the jority, and also taking Ham- m hiv'a experience in municipal life into consideration, he felt jus- as he did. y lines of Winter Goods, and S prevented many of , Turk for [iq y | tl i (10 yrs.) to 35 (17 yrs.), Wool Tweed, Frieze and value at $15.00. .$11,50 ade of warm, woolly cloths, regular price 60c, FELT SOCKS Saturday Special. .$1,19 40 to 42, formerly sold at | Barrie Markets | Thursday Wholesale Prices, Fall wheat Spring Wheat Osta . Barley . Rye .. Buckwheat $1.20 Alsike clover +$11.00-815.50 Clover . $23.00-$25,00 Bran, ton | Spring Chicken pantie? sd {out Prowl Beef Hides, green. Beef hides, 'cured Calf Hides . Kins... Wool, unwashed . Wool, washed Lamb Skins NEAR=-BY MARKETS llia--Wheat $2.08, oate 75c, rye $1.60, peas $1.75-$2.00, butter 60c., chio- kens 20-26c, turkey prion tatoes "ios. $125, gee 25-276, Alliston--Fall wheat $2.13, barley 95¢, oats 700, butter 43-450, turkey 85-400, chicken 25-27¢,- eee, 1 Beeton--Wheat $1.10-$1:20, barley 90c, onte 67-68, rye $1.50, peas $1.75, hogs $17.35. Shelburne-- Flour $11.50-812.00, fall wheat $2,00-82.11, barley 82-870, ont 660, butter 44-45c, eggs, Srey doz,, 61-620, pot- atoes, bag, 900, chicken Ib.., 25-280. With all our work. and saving let us 1e- {member to eat unhurried meals,

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