Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1919, p. 4

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Page Four THE ADLET COLUMN Local News The cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will be given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- tional charge of 10c. will be made. The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an ad- fitional charge of 0c. will be made on all adlets less than one dollar, FURNISHED ROOMS to Let--Apply co 22 Worsley street 50-4p | FOR SALE, uewrly new. Apply ¢ Street 1-1p CUTTEI AND HARNESS for Sale. Apply 5 Owen Street Lip sUNK ot ull kinds, wanted. field St Phone 384 H. Levit, Bsy 12 28p-1f RAW FURS WANTED -- Highest. prices M Ronenfell + Col a HO! 'LET 8-roomed brick, Charlot 5 St Apply to P. Kearns. 5 FURS REMODELLED und Repwired, Miss M McArthur, King Biock, Barne 37-tfc WAR OVER Cheap meat of all kinds. At Jnw. Baugham & Sons Ehzubeth St 45-53) FOR SALE 50) Actes good hard wood bush Angly doseph Hewitt, Edenr 48-53p, Miss Metall Alfred street. Allunstale 48-550 ARING by the day 45 RHODE ISLAND RED. sale Harry Ou : Canney, Ad Allandut 51. Me HOUSE TO RENT No 4, Muieaster Street. Tritnediate. possession "Rear $8.00. Ap ple an prtenises 42ite RAW FURS fhighest Cosh all dons of raw furs, Sit Furners, Dunlop St TO LET OR FOR SALE Brick house, ull Apply to Mrs KOR QUICK SALE Hore, cutter, bug ubator, five does, two black buck +r b Henry St 1 OR SALE or Rent Corner and Henry Streets Apply to Jas Be by, IER Ne 2, Barrie 30 ap TO LET Achagton Hotel, low rent, suit fable for x good boarding house Ten bed moms CT Devlin sat 10 ACRES OF SECOND GR WOOD BUSH FOR SALE bulf were lots, Apply to V FOR SALE le good emnifort ule oon buen with cement stall garden L Ww f + rou hour, aly quarter acs Sttoud . Burn STORM. WINDOWS FOR SALE Get cur stoawing east of windows, glaz- iy size. Hal Hamulton, price list FUNERAL DES! AND BOQUETS artistically arranged -- Choice Cur Roses and Carnations Pots Plants, Ferns, Palms FA Harris, Phone 713. 1-5p STRAYED: about Nov Tw lot 16, com, 10, Innisfil, hight red Steer, Owner may have by proving property and paying expenss. Apply Robt. Tribble, Stroud 5133¢ ART--Mrs. Isabell Day, Teacher of Chine decorating Former Art Tescher at Al- y dmonton, Alta. ly attended to, Residence 48-54p FARM FOR SALE, lot 2, con. 5, Innisfil Well fences, good clay loam; good frame house, larg: bura with basement stab- ling, 'never-failing well. Apply to Mrs Dutcher, Thornton. 51th LOST--A hound, since Christmas; large; white and blick; with tan coarse head, white. streak on face; answering to. the name of "Bugle", Kindly return to J. W. Gossling, Barrie, Phone 361. Reward. le FARM FOR SALE OR RENTCLot 17, can, 2, Flos, 100 acres, 75 acres cleares, | her, 1918, balance pusture and bush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919 with plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston, 25rf WANTED AT ONCE keoner, to take full charge of farm home with a baby boy ten months old, No ide work to do, A good, comfort- able convenient home, one half mile from for svle by Public Auction on Saturday, | the [Ith day of January, 1919, at 1 o'clock | * village of Stroud. Apply stating partic wlars to Benjamin Webb, Stroud P.O., in the afternoon, at the Barrie Hotel in the or phone. Itfe BUY MANITOBA FARM LANDS -- 640 acres only 20 miles from city of Winni- peg, 3% miles from station, for $23 per acre; easy terms. Also 700 acres, only 8 miles from Union Station, Winnipeg, on paved street. Finest of soil. Only $70 per acre. There is @ fortune in this for some one. Write for our list of farms-- The Neely-Rodgers Land Co., 315 Som- erset Block, Winnipeg, Man. Llp Vespra Hotel For Sale Tenders will be received, up to 15th Jan- usry, 1919, for the sale of this valuable property, lot No. 6, situated on Btreet, Barrie. Reasonable terms of pay- mer, All tenders to be addressed to Estate of MAJ. Coffey, Barrie. not Mrassarily accepted. Highest tender | | | A. cupable house. | Bayfield | application to DONALD ROSS, Mortagee's Solicitor, Barrie, Ont. 51-53¢ Dated 24th December, 1918. 52-8t 25¢ Buys a Thrift Stamp. Scyuols re-openson Jan. 6 Save by the W. 5. S. plan. War Savings Stamps Promote Vhritt Buy War Savings and Thrift Stamps " Vile FOR the Fister Monday next Aonew G. To Re tine table goes ay Sunday nest renewed your sub- The Exaniiuer \ qui Park yoplaced as rapidly as at are bylaw un| seription to Phe Als Suibseriptions fir the city datly wtid weekly newspapers taken al His alice \ Give Letnexs a chance as pSeeond Deputy-Rerve ander peace ronlitie Adve ers aml skaters ate mak- fen mg House oof the euik~ whiet | Wore Tales ine oposite Lennox Depoty-Reeve, He will s rleetar a simare deal Viste 1K Gr Von whe will represent you y | yell fhe County Gounen Advt The bay owas frozen ever ot Saterday. ®senie ven tiresenee boys Were shalin op is snenace be Nunelity i Wednesday, atterneen a speci New Yiaues Dayo service Shehp ast Midrew's hy Key fee A Treat Wee have a rdiance te give the Heart oof Bdlueation sete W In Mis year an eatizen was Heard te resiark JR Craig has served sou Foy thee wears as Mayer daring war tine. un [er pears Barrie MH ~ dan stident recniers phone Gio er and Bleet Lentiex as Seen Taepaty Heweye Tove think te vinedy aed ae eh of Mts mao Meat Adivt Seer ete Weed obs bein fe Moxn as yet The pecehased by the Tawa fe keep aaa: Hie priee New gs tite five be ariaiiete Pee vanes arnaval on Statin Party at ie Manimieth Tak] We are now. booking it Apply at He Tink far terms T Nels ted fine of Peas fil weoomtive thresteab at a t while preduet ot 6 clover, the wr Vie te alae <1 qn ee vu Ao Cyuid clyvveberied Vane teen deriar st Vote dah Tiger Petal claus fyted SPTOS SO. en whieh ereditars have reerived SENG ST Hat th ne ent Mis winter The ver. wate imattil nents wilh han lotr oan sane in-law Sophia Se Her ie brie inn The bets sober: hremetie te Harrie foi Hubermient Vote POR the bf Mondity next sher byhiw on NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of Simcoe In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Fagan, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act. Chapter 121, Sec. 56, Revised | Statutes of Ontario, 1914, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the suid Thomas F: who died on or about the Fourteenth di{iof Dec- | ember, 1918, are required to send by fost prepaid: or deliver to Alexander Cowan, | Barrie, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Thirty-first day of January, 1919, their names and addresses, and a full state: ment of particulars of their claims and the | nature of the security held by them, duly | verified, and after the said date the Execu- | tors will proceed to distribute the assets | of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice Dated at Burrie this 30th day of Decem: ALEXANDER COWAN, Solicitor for the Executors, 1.Re Barn, Ont MORTGAGE SALE of House Property In the Town of Barrie, Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained 'a certain mortgage, there will be offsred Town of Barrie. The property known as "Crookshanks' Row", on Rost Street in the Town of Barrie. and being lots numbers four and five on the north side of Ross Street, se- cording to Registered plan number 151, +ave and except that portion thereof conveyed by registered number 11928. Erected on the property is 8 row of 5 dwelling houses. TERMS--Ten per cent. at the time of sale and the balance within thirty loys | thereafter. Further particulars and conditions will he made known at the time and place of sale and in the meantime will be learned upon jwith THE BARRI In renewing his subscription to the "Examiner" for another r Kobert Packard of Gainsboro, Sask., wejfes:--"We are having a great winter out here. Stock running out and I hope it con- finues as feed is none too plenti- ful, --If you reside on the farm you wal] surely find The Farmer's undid Suy a\profitable and friend. its market repor jstock and grain, are unequ while its independent views have ; ted. One| Jong been app Dollar for a full year's subserip- | tion. The Farmers' Weekly | Torante ° ) nn of Glenn-Charles, Feronto, Canada's Hair Fashion store. will be oan Barrie, Friday, Tan, 10, at Simeor Hotel, with a full fine of Landes' ang Gentle men's Hate Goods If you are nat fisfird with the appearance of your haar consult Miss Glenn, who ois an antharity on Hair Goods and individual Haare Styles. Free demonstration i Chas, Re sen ot the Dene. Road, Barrie, sold oa big rie Geo Cameron on Sabir. for whieh he et STR2 Re eermen Of a type aulve- Tarim papers hers aml what hing, Several propennced they day, Phis was a) fie finished bulloek. the ented so mueh hy and institibe <4 the rkers are = set eatt henner thas steer ne af the best fad seen Thy Cheristonas Pre Marys Chueh tn th fast Briday evening steers ful event at neal committee un ehiarse chornses were given byt nentiel obit aunt Anny sun bene Ishi Mare Mies Qnictin vod Bent Voeal sale by wl Des lity tied iistrainental by Miss Doris Quilter Atbey santa Che Hh the person af Wo Quilter, hstd distrilnited the gong thangs fren the Hall was given over ianeers. The lucky tekel for the coal was 4 J Vo Reeerott anade the PERSONAL MENTION Meoamd Mes. 200 Pulloval Vistted relatives aa Pare Week tu last Veilisen Hetiry wae Hotes te spend New Year's with his tether Mis Renter oat Prenter Misting ah Mis Panda _ Mpark st WW at Derntte as Holidays wall Miss Buitale bis helidays at ties ey ak Miss Mate Hootite abe the guests Ue WoO Gatley of Muttale spent Novas with tis parents, Mro and Mrs NB. Garkes Mrs Pivbtisen has retuned Veevirny. Ver vtstten her tather and moplier for a week Mrs Mouht and Mi euhl al Newmarket spent Now Year's with Miro aul Mrs. A. BL Carley Mes. To Milbee left taday for Windser to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Willian Craddock Miss Pearl Crawford, who has heen in) Yellow Grass, seme months, bas returned to her home he Miss Margaret Marshall of ML. Clemens, Mich., spent New Year her parents, Mr. and Robt. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Crosbie of Collingwood spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. GC. Pulford, Bradford St. this week Sherif! and Mrs. Harvey are spending a few weeks in Orillia Mr. Harvey has been in very poor health for the past month. Miss Margaret R. MeCuaig of Guthrie and Miss Mary A. Walker of Oro Station were in the recent Model School exams and Mrs. Morley and Miss Morley 'af Toronto spent over Sunday with Mrs. Morley's parents, Mr. and) Mrs. dno. Wi mouth Mrs. Wearing announces the zement of her niece, Lilian aring, lo Mr. M. G. Kelly, the marriage lo take place early in the new year. Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Bannerman and little son of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dutcher and little son of Elinvale, and Mr, and Mrs.! S. J. Dunsmore and son of Crown Hill spent Christmas with Mrs. Grey on Worsley St. A. Trask has been appoint- ed principal of the Caswell yehool at Saskatoon, Sask. and will take up his dvties there after the new year. Mr. Trask in August accepted a position as principal of a school at Port Arthur, after several years will a Lindsay school. Mr, Trask i a brother of Jos. Trask, Allan- dale, and is a former member of the Central School staff. --Special price on season tickets for those living in the country. Inquire at the Rink office. = t I successful | E EXAMINER and come in good assortment plain blue and grey and mixed greys and browns, also the large plaids so much in vogue. Also Boys' wool plaids. to size and quality from .... Mackinaw u th li p a it WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Or dependable qua wear is absolutely essential these cold days. Our display features all sizes and weights in 'Stanfield's' 'Penman's', 'Commodore' and other well known makes in shirts, drawers and combinations, erately priced at from . WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMI WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE es BOYS' OVERCOATS An unusually good assortment of fine, warm Winter Overcoats for boys of all ages from 3 to 17 years. They are made of the best quality fabrics obtainable, he prices of boys' coats range according Of superior sstyle and value are on sale at this store at very such good goods. The serges tweeds selected for their good colors and designs, they are made in their make-up, ensuring sizes and shapes at from... of patterns and colors, as coats in bright colored all a8 DEEDS & $5.00 to $15.00 MEN'S SUITS for moderate pric MACKINAW PANTS The best protection for and worsteds #re men who work out of doors. p by the best workmen in his country and the best nings and trimmings used We have one quality--the best, at per pair... .$16.00 ertect tit, utmost durability nd unexcelled shape-keep- ng qualities, We can fit men of all $15.00 to $29.00 (<a Good substantial under- STANFIELDS ~ Clnsfoimbatle- Focal UNDERWEAR -- Wear" and every garment mod- ana Up RG $1.00 to $3.25 OPLE TRADE BORN LEE In Allandale, on Monday, Dee 30, 1918, to Mr. und Mrs. Roy Lee. a daugh- ter MARRIED DUVAL --WARD--At five o'clork, Deo, 28, 1918, in St, Clement s church, 0, J. Bushel, Normah Pearle and Mrs y the Rev, | Ward, eldest John Finlay, Barrie, to 94. Armand G. Davul, formerly of' the U.S. Medical eldest son of the lute Mr. and Mrs. me Pierre Duval of New York --SOMERVILLE--At the home of | the bride's parents, Small St., by Rev. | BJ. Fallis, on Wednesday, Jan. 1, Lillian | daughter of Mr. and Mrs! J. A. 'Somer- ville, to Fred, W. Otton of Barrie. RUSK~FURLONG--In Barrie, on Weduns: | , Jan. 1, by Rev. H. Moore, Olive | Blanche, daughter of Mrs. J. R. Furlong, | Bayfield St, to Corp. Vernon E. Rusk. | of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rusk, Allandale SCOTT--NORTHGRAVES -- At Calvary ; Church, Toronto, on Monday, Dec. 23, 1918, by the Rev. E. J. McKittrick, Alice | | Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Chas' Northgraves, Lefroy, to George Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, of Cookstown, | THOMPSON--CAULFEILD-- On Dec. 28, at Barrie, by Rev. G. A. Brown, Eileen, daughter of the late James Caulfeild. to | Harry F. Thompson, of Cleveland, Obi». | | DIED BUCK--In Barrie, Dec. 26, 1918, Lillian Mary Buck, wife of SH. Buck, aged 20 years DAVIDSON--At Angus, Dec. 24, 1918, Donald, only and beloved son of Mr. and | Mrs, Lorne Davidson, aged 5 months. | HERRELL--In Barrie, Dec, 27, 1918, Jus. Herrell, in his 65th year. | MULLIGAN--At lot 1, con. 3, Flos, on t | Dec, 24, 1918, John Henry Mulligan, | aged 78 years. SPRING--At Lot 17, Con. 8, Innisfil, Dec. 26, 1918, Mary Ellen Spring, aged 26 years. SMITH--In Barrie, Dec. 30, 1918, Muriel Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emunuel F. Smith, aged 1 year, 4 mos. IN. MEMORIAM Entered into Rest on Jan. 4th, 1818, Blizabeth Bennett. of ' craseburg, Sask. | (Dearly Beloved). "They shall walk with me | 'they are worthy.""--Rev. 3:4. | --THOSE BEREFT white, for Start the new year right by renewing for The Examiner. Some of the Advantages of up-to-date porcelain or enamelled sani- tary bathroom equipment, which we chall be glad to demonstrate to you: Absolute whiteness and cleanliness at all times; beauty of finish--an ornament to the finest home; new patented faucete that do not drip or leak; no drains or traps to fill up and overflow, efe. MOFFATT & PARR PHONE 531 Plumbers Sole Agents for Owen St. Hela" Furnaces IN MEMORIAM The place made vacant in our home Can never more be filled. Our Father in His wisdom called The boon His love had given; And, though on earth the body lies, The soul is safe in Heaven. --The Family In Loving Memory of Gordon Grant Mc- Larty, who died at Barrie on Thursday, January 3rd, 1918. One precious to our hearts has gone, AA voice we loved is still; A NEW PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC STORE IS BEING OPENED ON JAN. 2, 1919, AT 127 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE (NEXT O'NEILL'S TAILOR SHOP) By Livingston and Moodie We can guarantee expert work in both Plumbing and Electric Work of all kinds. Call on us and give us a trial; no job too large or too small. . OUR MOTTO : "Promptness and Efficient Work at all times. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE LIVINGSTON & MOODIE EARL LIVINGSTON FRED MOODIE

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