Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Dec 1918, p. 5

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1918 y MEN MILEY. ---- ~e «Thursday, Dec. 26, 1918 | -----------_--_--__--_________} THE BARRIE START THE or by the half Peanut Butter in bulk, per lb. in stock. HINDS PURE FOOD GROCERY By having a good breakfast of Jer- sey Farm All- Mild Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb. sliced Mild Cured Boneless Smoked Ham, at per Ib. alice Best Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per Ib. Choice Mixed Biscuits, good eating at per lb Soda Biscuits, regular 35c for per pkg. Shaker Salt, regular |5c, for per pkg. : Choice Salmon, |-2 Ib, tins, each 15c or 2 for : Fancy California Lemons, per doz. Copeland's Flour, best for bread and pastry, 'always Try using home-made bread made from this flour. Salt by the Barrel DAY RIGHT Meat Sausages or whole ham, per Ib..... BROS. Phone 145 COMMENT OF THE WEEK A Happy and Prosperous New Year to AU So far very little interest been manifested in the approach-- Ing nunicipaleteet ays "Elis cone dation of ips is not peculiar tothe town of Barrie, Albover thes country, particularly in the towns and villages, there is a marked apathy towards mumnici- pal matters, This is nota healthy sign, A live interest in civic affairs is one of the essen. trats of good citizenship Commenting upon the statement of the Smiths balls hospital, showing receipts of only $15,000 ugamst an expenditure of $23,000, the Renfrew Mercury says: "Renfrew hospital, like that efsmiths Falls, is neta finanenl sticeess. Tn fact there is scarcely w hospital in the province shirh iS paving it way. Barrie bus. pital is on. of the eveeptien= and it ranks qineng the first ta fhe prevines fer effieteaiey of vice ais well as Pinner man agement Notwithstanding ifs tae rate Collingwood is away behind ot > sities= Phe nie at the the Ceuaed a deficit of SLas2s80. Wt was dont by thy ebairimia that the county rate Tor tts ee mamned anpanl, while there would he other lems also whieh would rily come ini the ks of thy year. Such poof affairs is ne Collingwood as its finances: have been in a bad way for years. mtitl alubary stinkeu alse poi we eling of The Cole Tingwood V Light Com- jon a pereniptoce Lette from the Hydro. ssion ordering -- certain hanges in its methods of doing business Reporting the matte ------ _ RE BY-LAW NO. 1284 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe At thelast m Notice is hereby given that s By-Law 'was passed by the Council of the Corpora- tion,of the County of Simeoe on the 26th day' of November, 1918, authorizing the County of Simcoe to guarantee debentures: to be issueu by the Corporation of the Town of Collingwood to the amount of $13,000.00 under By-Law 890 for Patriotic Purposes and $8400.00 under By-Law 891 under the 'Collingwood Debentures Act making in all $21,400.90 under By-Laws 890 and 891 of the' said Town of Collingwood. And that the said By-Law of the Oorpor- ation of the County of Simooe was regis tered in the Registry Office of the County of Simcoe on the Sth day of December, 1918. 'Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months fromthe first publi- cation of this notice and cannot be nade thereafter. Dated 5th day of December, 1918. R. J. FLETCHER, 49-520 Clerk of County of Simooe. BY-LAW\NO. 1288 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given oS a By-Law was pased by the Council of the Corpora. tion of the County of Simcoe on the 29th day of November, 1918, authorizing the County of Simcoe 'to guarantee debentures the Corporation of the Village of Creemore to the amount of $1600.00 to be issued by under By-Law 307 as amended by By-Law 310 of the said Corporation of the Village of Creemore for the transmission of further water supply in the said Village of Cree- more, bearing interest at the rate of six pcr cent. per annum. And that the said By-Law of the Corpor- ation of the County of Simcoe was register- ed in the Registry Office of the County of Simcoe on the 5th day of December, 1918. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thercof must be made within three months from the first publi- cation of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated 5th day of December, 1918. R. J, FLETCHER, 49-520 Clerk of County of Bimeoe. has | annual | new tol vthe Ralletin says which looks much vi of domunatian an the part of the Was left without action until a further meeting. tn the mean Jinme, consideration will be given ter oat At the sume time thought may well be given as tu who is running our Commission, Yorente or Collingwood," or coerce mitral power, sone Refore another issue of 'The! Examiner reaches our readers a new year will have dawned. Many [momentous problems must be solved ly the people of Canada aml ay they are worked oul, Wise. iy or will depend the [future greatness of our country though the responsibilities resting upon us, we should meet [the new yvar with stout heart Jand good cheer for at brings with eopeace and the promise of Miture for Canada jredhize (his promise owe must Jeontmie te be animated: by te Indemitable sprit which jfenght sterniy onsite ata dann s melNereaty HL viete Jteliesed dn working Hany te nittienial 1 chansed by the war unwise sane fete vat vostrer responsiblity atid aetiVe palrnet the part oot abel tothe tots te by this at Downer Neotv athe tauniline walized Ue apparent thee pemmenqaut Fat tard will am portant quired attention for imany ¥ past Thery is first the ques- fion of buying out the Gas Com questions , pany. Apparently this question must be dealt with in seme way \Tf the present Company do not continue fo carry on the work if would seem toe be in the interest of the Town that either the mun- ipality or some other bady take Jover the -- plant Maunicipat ownership has been a suecess in leonnection with the electric light and in other municipalities it has been a success in handling | the gas supply. The importan question for the electors now is that a strong Council should be elected. 'There is a further im- portant question to de dealt with It is the opinion of those who ought to know thal the coming and expansion @n_ business 'in Canada. Probably many factor- ies will find location to provide the goods formerly imported! from Germany, Austria and other conntries. There is no reason why Barrie should nat get a share of thes: Tt is only a live town and a live council that can get into line for further growth and development. 'A councilman who thinks only of his own tax hills is not a safe man on the Council Board of 1919. A little foresight now may mean much for the future. What is wanted is men with public spirit and business compose the Council. At the same time the most careful economy should he exercised. Si ar remarks might be made with reference to the Board of Education for next year. There should be no apathy or want of interent on the part of the electors. Churchill, Nec. 21--On Wed- nesday evening last week a re ception was held for Pte. Geo Purchase, After q programme of singing and readings all adjourn- ed to the basement of the church where a splendid lunvh was served by the ladies. It was intended to have Pte, Arthur Boyle with us but he had re- turned to Toronto. year will he one of reconstruction | The Late Pte, Eston Lowery Of Cookstown, Who Died from Pneumonia on December 10, 1918. THORNTON Mr and Mrs. B, Stone of Allan- Juale, Miss Annie and Master Harel Hamilion of 'Toronto helidays with Mr Ro Henry Miss Marie Henry | Marion Thempsan of fare spending the Xinas vacation spent aver the Jane Mrs and Miss Toronte EXAMINER Page Five = eavuassseaea: wilh the farmers p aud Mrs 0 W. Henry | The Anniversary ser Jeonnection with St Chireh have heen postponed. in. definitely, Gwing te this change the services Will be held as ust jin the Methadtist ehuveh at 16 aam.and 7 p.m Tas. Stowarl views in Jude's tad farily of Toe renta spent Xmas with Mr. and | Mrs. Alex Stowart | Rev. Gi Horton, accompanied Jby tas danghter," Mrs. Rupert Brown ef Belleville is Vistling for a fow weeks with Dr. Bb B. | Heetom | Capt, Harey Callighan and children of Barrie am! Willard {Stewart of Toronto spent. the holiday with Mrs. Margaret j Stewart, Mroand Mrs. LeRoy Jamieson of Lorehurn, Sask. are home on a@-couple of menths' visit ta the former's naether. Mes. Wo A Famivsen Miroamd Mes Woe Boake Jattontet the funeral of the late H Mrs Robt Wallace in betray pe, Jeentiy. Mtr: Wallace lived a cenphs of wears in this "eintis [twas on whee kine hor Chas Gilpin and Wee spemtin Motte the fea respected by al winter wath er ether atid sister Mrs Wolter Wily spend a ow wit wit hie TS Tan Creede Wire MOB. Baton is spends the Deditiaws " 1 avs with her parents in Moneitton a Miss Certrnde Foster has res Nurted te bame Owen Seuml after teaching <neress-- } Re oR op filly for the past No 4 school fomaly off two year ent ayer | {Nu with the parents, | Mr. and 3 Boake , ------ Hast Friday night the children of Trimty Sunday School were | (reated to their annual Christ-| Mas tree, supper and entertain. | ment and a very jolly time was | spent by the "little folk anid johared in by the Brown ups | | pre Te the kiddies the j Chris! stinas tree was the main at- ltraction and the yas much | ilsmvent and d Wt as Gs: Vickers, personaling St, Nicholas, | distributed the varied gifts with {which the tree was laden Up to Tuesday morning it looked as though we were to have Christmas. but the tempe started dropping | and late in the afternoon came a fall of snow which steadily in creased till the earth was coyer- ed to a depth of six inches when {the bells rang out on Christmas morning. In every respect it was ideal Christmas weather--. pl that curlers and skaters would have preferred a tempera- ture low enough to give them ice. . MORTGAGE SALE of House Property In the Town of Barrie, Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in @ certain mortgage, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the IIth day of January, 1919, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Bat Hotel in the Town of Barrie. The Property known as "'Crookshanks' Row", on Ross Street in the Town of Barrie and being lots numbers four and five on the north side of Ross Street, ac- cording to Registered plan number 151, save and except that portion thereof conveyed by registered number 11928. Erected on the property is a row of 5 dwelling houses. TERMS--Ten per cent. at the time of sale and the balance within thirty Jaye thereafter. Further particulars and conditions will he made known at the time and place of sale and in the meantime will be learned upon application to DONALD ROSS, Mortagee's Solicitor, Dated 24th December, 1918. jarrie, Ont. 52-3 GREAT ANNUAL SALE OF FURS AND WINTER GOODS GIGANTIC SALE OF FURS--CLOTH COATS--FUR COATS-- ROBES--GAUNTLETS--GLOVES AND MITTS- HATS AND CAPS CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN SCARFS AND CAPS--MEN'S SHEEP- LINED AND MACKINAW COATS--MEN'S FUR COATS; ETC. Our entire winter's stock at CLEARING PRICES--| Bargains that you have been waiting for. 50 Ladies' Cloth, Plush, and Baby LambCoats, every coat reduced from $5.00 to $8.00 per coat--These are all bargains. Muskrat, Marmot and Hudson Seal Coats, at less than present wholesale prices. If you need a fur coat we can save you money during this sale. Men's Fur Coats--Black Dog, Korean Beaver, Australian Racoon, and Canadian Racoon--a big reduction on each of the different lines, coats $27: 50 to $175. Men's Sheep-Lined and Mackinaw Coats--We will clear out these lines at cost-- Come while the assortment is best. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fur Sets--beautiful sets in Sable, Mink, Seal, Beaver, large stock of all these popular furs--the our after Xmas. Sale. prices are all greatly reduced during i Se Balance of our Woollen Sets and Scarfs--final clearance, prices that will clear them out quickly. Men's and Boys' Caps, warm, fur-banded, silk lined goods--Caps reg. $1.75 and $2.00, on Sale $1.25, other lines at 50c, 75¢ and $1.00. Mitts and Gloves--A large stock of both heavy and fine mitts and gloves--the prices we are clearing them out at you will not be able to duplicae. Men's Felt Hats--New goods for Spring--Borsalinos, Christy's, King, Wolthausen Fried Hats--Special price reductions of interest to returned men buying civ- ilian outfits. We wish our many customers a "Happy and Prosperous" New Year. 7SIMMONS & CO. a Fox, Wolf, Fitch, Civet, Opossum, Marmot, Badger, American Grey Fox, Can- adian and Australian Red Fox, Taupe, Brown and Black Wolf--We carry a a ie S oe HATS, COATS AND FURS. 0OOOOOO009OO 00000000 Shatealaadade NEWS OF COOKSTOWN | | | spending hon the "hilt at her The Late Pte. Lowery Henry Lowery received offieial SS | word th tis son, Pte, Eston The representative of the Barrie Exuminer in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. Lowery, had died of pneumonia News items for Cookstown and udjucent country may be hunded or phoned to Mr. on Dee, 18, after an illness of Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him, Sub- jone month scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. Pte. Lowery was bern in Jack Ross of Torenty is spend- Christmas week with his sts- _ Mrs. W.G, Mackay and Mrs. AW. Banting. Heeb Jebb, whe recently pur- chased the livery business from Ed. Lewis, has sold the business to Win, Hughes. The Cookstown boys who re- turned from overseas wero Will Agnew, W. PB. Jebb. Wardie Broome and Roy Miss Sylvia Goleman of To- ronto is spending the Xmas holi- with her parents as. Patience is seriously ill I with pneumonia, [ ajor Herman of Ottawa spent Christmas at his nome here. Florence who died at the home aunt, Mrs. Stoddart, . Were brought to town morning for inte: John's Cemetery The remains of Miss Cioodwin, ou ment at St Miss) Goodwin) was born and ised in Conkstown but of late ars she had lived in Toronto. She had suffered from a linger- ing illness for about ay . finally succumbing to it. She was predeceased by her sister, Miss Allie Goodwin, a few years ago and is survived by one. sister, Mrs. Woods of dhwad, and two brothers, Rubert of Toronto and William of Qookstown. A funeral service was conducted at St. John's Chureh before inter- ment, Miss Edna J.ewis returned to Buffalo this week after a three- weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Lewis. Harold Donnell of 'Toronto is spending the holidays with friends in town, J. A. Couse and R, J. Coleman each received a carload of coal this week. Mrs. Young of Painswick vis- ited during thy past week at W. E. Morton's Miss Annie Draper, who is attending Barrie Business Col- lege, ix spending the Xinas holi- days at her home here. Harry Fisher and children spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Gauley of Barrie. Mrs. Geo. Fildey, been seri-usly ill monia, is much improved, who has Arnold | ith pneu-! Dele . where he spent ' : the g part of his life. He Nurse Readman of Toronto 1s] came sstown in the Tall spending the Xmas holidays with | of 915 joined the 157th Bn. parents. training in 'Barrie that winter Otto Arnold of Toronto spent thy holiday at his home here. Miss Marjorie Thompson re- turned this week from her posi- tion in Bradford. Miss Beatrice Pollock, teaching a and at Camp Borden the fotiow ing summer. At the time the 157th left for overseas, Pte, Lowery was detained on account of ill health. He was transfer- red to the 204th Beavers, Tu- who is school near Barrie, is a ronto, and went overseas in spending the holidays at her} March, 1917. After an eleven home. z . months' training in England he Clifford Fisher of Toronto|was taken to France where hi: spent Xmas with his parents. Chas. MeFadden is visiting his brother at Elmvyale. Miss Low Heaslip public school is holidays. Come to filled the duties rider until Sept. 30 when he was shell gassed. He was years of agesand was the only son of Henry Lowe of dispatch of Stayner home for the Fisher's for your --No matter how much or how underwear. A full stock on hand, {little land you farm, you will do all the best makes lo choose! it more profitably if you are a from, including the famous | subscriber for The Weekly Sum, Turnbull make. the farmers' Miss Agnes McMaster, who has | per year heen teaching at Cooksville, is|to HOW TO SAVE COAL business paper, *f Send your order direct The Weekly Sun, Toronto, One of the best ways is to fit vour windows and , doors with storm sash, good for many years. We can supply them in any size and any quantity. Quick delivery, satisfaction guaranteed. Write or phone for quotations. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. Phone 109 LIMITED Bayfield St.

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