me 424 st. Andrew's 'ano, Organ ed for any theoretical. and Studio, 34-yrly --___ NY & Brows 5 probate of tration, and "yencer, de, Dunlop So ----_----.. Li 'ublic, Con- of interest. reémises for- { Toronto) Ont. Murchison 1N 3, ETC ing, oo Plaxton t of Judi- ries, Con-- { Toronte Elizabeth 167 London. . Barrie® raul) beth and 5 OGY t., Barrie, Torouto, w ich me at OL day Throat ».m. and ELL Toronto Barrie) ell, CAL rtmont. t Dec. 26, 1918 My Limbs 'Would Twitch And Waken Me--Unable to Rest or Bleep, I Walked the Floor in Nervous State -- When Specialists Feiled I Found a Cure, This is the kind #f cure that has est Windsor peopie thinking and talk- ing about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Tne action of this food cure is so radically déferent to the usual treat- ments for the nerves that everybody Wants to try it. Gradually and cer- tainly tt nourishes the starved nerves back to health and vigor and the bene- fits obtained are both thorough and lasting. Mrs. M. Smithson, 27 Arthur street, Windsor, Ont., writes: "I was suffer- ing from nervous breakdown, which Was caused by a shock when fire broke out in the adjoining house. My nerves were in such a state that, after ®o0ing to bed I could not get my nerven Guieted, down sufficiently, to go to sleep. I used to get up and walk around the room, or go downstairs Even when I would be dropping off to sleep my limbs would twitch and waken me. I used to have cold, nerv- ous, night sweats, sometimes would become unconscious and Me that Yor quite @ little while. I was always cold and it seemed impossible for me to get warm or keep warm. When On the street I would see two or three 'Objects at once, and did not want any werson to speak to me or bother me Any little noise irritated and annoyed me very much. I had consulted Specialists and tried many remedies during this time, but could not gain Tellef. At last I tried Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food, and before long could see that this treatment wns proving of 'benefit. I am now feeling so much better that I can go out on the street without any difficulty, can go across the river and go about the same ax usual. I sleep well at night. and em feeling more like myself every day 1 am plensed to be able to write you | to tell you how much good the Nerve Fcod haa done me, It has streneth- ened and built up my whole system 1 am recommending It to everybody I find suffering from nervousness 0! @ny kind" Dr, CHAaGa NEES Fond. TA\RenIe box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.75, atsall dealers. or Ednunsor es & Co. Limited. Toronto Tn Never-Failing Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead peopie until those bad attacks of Gail Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will cure witout pain or oper. ation. For Sale at All Druggists. Recommended by Wm. Cro: lai Druggist, Barrie, Ont. Bi -J.W. MARLATT & 58! ONTARIO ST,eTORONTO ONT. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO « Unexcelled dining car service . Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk .Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, Distritt Passenger Avent, Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent Phone 6b "Spanish Flu" Leaves the Kidneys weak and inactive. Gim Pills Sold Everywhere 50 cents a box 'Tas Maniomat Davo & Cumacat Jin May THE BARRIE EXAMINER CRIMINAL CASES AT COUNTY COURT The County Court business the first week was principally erin. inal -cases, the four on the list being disposed of Cherry vs. the jury disagreed, "Bail vs, Holden resulted im favor ot the defendant. Judgment" was deferred in Huss ys. Atlanhe Fruit Co. The other civil cases were aijuurned. Gonsicted of stvaling Rope A Stayner Case aryvated as Wood Weatherup Hvner appeared caf th locket against David Fleming, \V S. af that town, tat this was ree dines by th Jury to one mong herap's story was Fleming. with whem he evintisly heen on friendly: te came inte his office one morning last under the influence of liquor. When Weatherup told him to get out, Fleming, he said utacked hin, striking his. face upon of os that had mis. and head and splitting the lube of one ear. Fleming then went out and returning in,ten minutes, said he had come back to see if Weathernp had had enough Fleming, in the box, denied emphatically that he was intovi- cated. He taken hold o said Woatherup had him to assault him and that he stru@ the constable one blow, this bette necessary to free himself. Fleming is a man of abont 45 years and Weatherup about 68, After being out nearly four hours, the jury brought ina ver- dict of not guilty, Judge Vance commented very adversely upon the verdict, saying it was one of the most exiraordinary he had ever heard--to acquit a man who admitted in evidence that he had struck the complainant. Some time after the jury was dismissed 'one of the jurymen went fo the Crown Attorney and stated that he was strongly op- posed {o the verdict. He did nat know that when the jury was polled each was supposed ta record his attitude, but thought he had to fall in with the majority. Grand Jury's Presentment To His Honor, Judge Vance:--We the Grand Jury attending at the County Court and General Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Simcoe, beg to present as follows: We desire to express our appreciation of the address delivered by your Honor to us which has materially sided us in our dalib- erations. 'We heartily agree with your Honor thut we have cause for rejoicing in the fect of the ceasing of hostilities in the great Fu- ropean war, and the victory of the Allied Powers in the cause of freedom, rieht and justice. We, as Canadians, are proud of the glorious record of our Canadian tol- TSamene, Lio. dier in the great strugele and we take o just pride in the part played by our own County of Simooe in the contribution of if'sa friend: 1--Steadies nerves 2--Allays thirst 3-- Aids appetite 4--HRelps digestion 5--Keeps teeth clean 6--It's economical Keep the soldiers and sallors supplied! * Chew it after every meal - The Flavour Lasts! Lewis Duseme of Penetang, | red un two charges of theft, was onvicted on one and aequilled on |' the other In Ihe first he was accused at stealing a quantity of vArandah sash from the summer home uf Dr. MeKenzie of 'Toronto last Winter, "The sash were f und put up in Duseme's house in Mie land and although there was nothing to show that the sash had been an the water, the jury believed Dusouie's story that he 3 RECISTERED Nad found) them floating in the . Verdict of acquittal. A Wid Ch ; I G The secomd charge was. steal- lade olce 1S Iven BWO coils of tow rope ' . ' ' he AoGihben iit ee nnbe frou you in the complete line of "'Phonolas" we manufacture On the night of Get, 30 1917. the in our two large factories. From the attractive Cabinet rope, lett, at the deck. eae the at $25 to the magnificent "Organola" Model at $310, mill, disappeared. A reward was which is equipped with tone control pipes like a church offered but aot until May was any organ, there are '"'Phonolas" to suit all requirements. trace of iL discovered. Getting see ys ' ' ; tip, Norman Mecibbon and hie The most critical judgment will be satisfied with the foreman searched Dusyme's boat tone, the coustruction aud the beauty of the "Phonola.. Paes anil thers i Asin ron All makes of disc records can be played. ike thisese lost, the foreman pos- = iMively identifying ane, Dusome Model ""B' swore that he bnaeht the rege Oak $$5--Mahogany $61 The Phonola from two indians near the Christian sinus. givng in ex. Company change 217 ths. uf fish. A vere diet uf gnilly owas returned of Canada, Wrist Duseiie and he was re imi ANded UNO Friday for sentence Limited "Organola"--$310 On dan. 19. 1816, Dusome was | i Phonola 10-inch Mahogany or viavieted at Parry Sound of ths Model "c"--$35 Kitchener Phonola 10-inch | Walnut 46 heft af sone steuhs, but was Golden Oak or Birch Matogany Canada 90 cent let go oR suspended senter = -_ -- ™ -- Eltuvale Assaull Case " - . tnen und money and the spirit of sacrifice of common assault as we bave had to IVY esteemed and respected. by the entire com- te MO at Bim ts "Ul- | unifesed by cur people in the spear Coe Vaal ae should be disposed of by the : , munity in which he lived. "Clare bad no eset ik, Mewen Luce Chine Ut] We uae apes @uh pour Hoorn (ek Magistrates where such cases occur. Thoughtfulness Appreciated enemies; everyone who had the: pleasure «f assaulting esse Webster, yina [eouclieson of peace will present many We visited the Children's Shelter and} The Secretary of L.O.L. No. 450 recen:ly | his Scquaintance was a well-wisher. at a, stable ofthat ville The [problems requiring the serious uttention of | were shoot through the differest rooms by |Teeeived the following two letters which | brother in our Lodge be was loved, and held tranble arose over Meflatt's | our people for their satisfactory solution. | the Mutran und found everything clean | ¢XPlain themselves:-- the contiienee and remnect: of oe potbee alte ranning at large. Com--|The question of greater production will and tidy snd in first class condition, with| From Cpl. A. Ro Wilson (written in| member, We rms Sand plaints having Meen mate, Web |still be un important one and 'the practice | the exception of the back rom for 'which | France oa Nov. 25)-- In answer to your | midst more a be Aco rey cs, ~ler wartied MoiTatt and this fail. {#! economy oa the part of our people 02 ut-| wore hen oa cn ee provided. welcome letter which I just received. | | assure you that, to a large degree, your ing te have the desired sffvot the] must of the great debt inéurmed by' the | Wwe hen vaencd che wee Victoria Hox. | 4pprectate the members of L.O.L. very much | Srrow is our a ek yar ae aan & c [wer We trast that the question cf im. | te i for their kind consideration of seeing fit| los; we mourn with you. As Lod vonstable iuipeunded one af pitul and were shown through that basti- bers, Clare's many sterling qualities eagdoymient will not be a senous problem Mtl : ; to make me an Honorary Member. I was | members, C iy . Metals ews. On Siw st tution by Miss Campbell, Assistant Saper- I continue to'be for us an inspiraten and; diet ' way [Mer and that the retorning woldiers wha | {ution by Mise Campbell Ereatly impressed | thinksmg as T read your letters that J sure | Mill continue p uaptratice a0 IMI. when Webster, van ti any Lar not sdirabled will be fealty hectsed | rently have not been forgotten especially by the | Guide. We recognized and apprecia with the clean and orderly way in which 7 #-failing good nature, Iny- at sty wrloek, was pas inn the andurial fe 'of vhis, country | Te fe clenn and orderly Ivy frfends for I have received more than 1 | UPrightness, never-fuiling go antare 7 AES Sevelecnun, Une lattes and that those who sre disatled will be am | ™% 1 inspected the interior of the Court | *¥er expected, in many different ways, such | tty to bis friends al to the Order to Sruck Hen amd knwekred hint inte | py provaied for by a grateful conntry, House and found everything in good Shape, | Purcels, letters und gifts of all kinds, 1 Which he belonged Bay ihe Maras] hy diteh where be We vinited the Comity 'Gast and found |iyut on inepection of the sotaie morn it] only hope that it will not be long before we | Who never fails, See eon sane HiaMnts In cverythmg there satisfactory in regard to |sn a very ted cond ure ull home settled down in civilian fife | YOU in this your time of tri . THUR Uae! Rath Geenlines, There am ley a thet it be paints -{ amuin, ws unyone who hus been over here| Signed on bebalf of L.O.L. No, 450-. when Webster was Seed there at prevent, all sor sbort terns | sentuble condition: any length of Gd ene Ne ee | Hane Banting, W.M., Fred. Arnold, Dep. Nae fi 'ane wih une exception } q,J8 conclusion we desire to thank the{ that has ever happened, No doubt but v Terre tl OHH BS teat poe, aloo edna ihn ia sal. | Sheriff of the County and the Crowe Attor' we have seon rave fights, yes, lots that | M-» Brother Geo. H. Watsof. SEE ar eet AE ery uf the tially werensed) ney and alficers of the Court as well as(We can never forget, no matter how hard Mottaret VIS at of bw | officers of the Institutions for the courtesy we try. Tam attending the First Aree ernment hiv : extended % us in the performace of yur{ Infuntry School. I was made a corpord When tt were aided 'We would also recommend that such cases | dutien some time ago und as soon as this armistice Hill athoutited ta 8K, wheeh lw came they sent me to school, Well news He comlucted his aii te is not very plentiful, so I must close, I ask to be remembered to ull kind frienda and brothers of L.O.L, 450. From Signaller J, C. Lennox (written at the Arew Signal Buse, Witley, on Oct. 16) ~-Received your welcome favor of Sept. 19, on this date, Oct. 16. I am sure I appre. | ciate the honor bestowed ou me by making | me an Honorary ember of L.O.L, No. 450 and I-hope I may prove worthy of this | honor. I expect to make another -nove™ shortly, but I must aay it is only a pleasure, | as since coming over here we feel proud | that we are Canudians, due to name loft Ds by men who have gone, and may we keep | it. Now there is not much news around jcamp, but T must «uy Iam enjoying the | best of health, Hoping that at o future | date I may be spared to join you aguin i Letter of Condolence | To Mr. and Mrs. S, J, McDonald and | Family --At a time like the present we feel how imposible it is to express in words | our deep and heartfelt sympathy for you | in your great loss. We ulso recognize | that mere 'words and our genuine feelings of sympathy cannot atone for the lose you have sustained by the death of your loved one. We feel sure, however, that it will | be a source of inspiration, courage and com. fort to you knowing that Clare was One Bottle Cured Her effect @ prrinan.nt cure. Te works quickly and effectively and docs not stuin the akin or disfigur Te ia sold on a posi- tee of "a cure oF icy back."* Read what one grateful woman ws "Your medicine Siccantia has complet ts ¢ ut (Mame Surnished tiv) UE Se tna Spare The Marvel Drug Co., Limited 2834 Dusdas Sureet West, Torento - STANDARD Are endorsed by the Organization of Resources Com- mittee of Ontario and are for sale by the following firms: The Campbell Flour Mills Co., Ltd., West Toronto The Campbell Flour Mills Co., Ltd., Peterboro Howson & Howson, Wingham D. C. Thomson, Orillia o A. A. McFall, Bolton Write for prices and purchase direct from the above manufacturers. See "Standard" on the tags. OFFERING FOR SALE OIL CAKE MEAL » COTTON SEED MEAL For immediate sale in carload lots. To be sold directly to Farmers, Farmers' Local Organizations iand locat dealers selling directly to feeders of live stock. This offer is ppen only to Dec. 31st. when other disposition will be made of stocks remaining. Prices on application. Till Dec. 34st. they will be approximately $63.00 to $64.00 per ton f.o.b., Ham- ilton, depending on carrying charges at the time of purchase. Sold on the basis of marked weights as they arrive. Purchase directly from James Ri & Sons, Ltd., Royal Bank Bui » Toronto, in charge for the Organ- ization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto