Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1918, p. 10

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CIVILIZED WORLD Germ Eludes Bacteriologists and Health Authorities Are Baffled, The Influenza epidemic con- Unues unabated. Its ravages ure hot confined to this ity or pro- Vince, or even. to Canada, and cable reports indicate that it is Tapilly spreading over th ized world. Tt has bated 1 skill to an unusual extent and has Claimed more victims perhaps than any other epidemic in a seore of v The germ has a eluded the Bacteriwlogists and mediex! ien now agree that the best cure is prevention, The surest' prevention is to Duild up the bodily powers of re- sistanc powers of resistance of the human system oso that it) ean throw off almost any infection net excepting Spanish Influenza. It has been- discovered that Persons whe are weak and run. rliest victims, and If tired or weak eral you are in down are the @ Woveu find your and dosing flesh, a Wily runedewn condition amd low nermal ow ht, this warning steuld hb heeded promptly If, you in this condition, hethins ono howill butht ye upand strengthen you like Tan Je, which contains the must Powerfil tome properties knew fe sence, AS a Peeenistrurtiv builder at and contiting th Jed by the sys 1s ments he very ¢ te ve cen tashtin ength Teoward off the Tatluenysa gerir This isa stitement et faets at Fs suppertet by tie re anMiutitins meluding 4 pensatery cand the Eneyelopdid Srettautuiest gard dean hooks eed in the Vhs hy mediettie further the faet that nities beens who have actually taken 'Tanlae have testi. foots eXtraerdinary merit as ao tiediewne, and hy the fart that Paula is today baving the grea! eel sale cof any tenie un the wehet, over Kleven Millian hotles having heen sold within the past three years, Tandae alse the ideal strengthening tonie for persons # from the afte whee ares f lenza, Grippe, te heonehial troubles and hundreds | el thousands are using it daily with the most gratifying r Th connection with the Tanlae treatment it is nee tu keep the howels open by taking Tanlas 1 ive Tablets, samples of whieh are ineluded with every bottle of Tanlac. Tanlne is sald in Barrie hy Geo. Monkinan, in Ovillia by M H. Cooke & Co. in Elinvale by W. J. MeGnire, in Lefroy by G.°R. Ardill, in Stayner by N, B. West. in Cookstown hy W, in Wanbaushene by ¢ ri ay Lumber Co. Ltd in Port) Me Nieoll by H. Beattie,tin Alli fon by EF. B. Sehell, in Lisle b Robt. Eo Little, in Gilford a James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chis, AL Weaver, in) Penetang -tishene py Chas. A, Nettleton, hh Hawkeste A. Stone, in Wills Rumble, | in Goldy v + Millard, in Midthind hy ie ford by Reka Mite Boxes 11.) 31 by Chantler Hros.. in Craighnest | mani 7a by THIN, in Collinginnd by Jury Siderennns "Ch*E Gregory, in Belle Ewart by 4 " Material purchaced imbloy. & «Tous | Material . by EL. Peters © Son, in Macn.| Geely - stene by J. B. Sykes, and in View| feria Harbor by T, W.,Brown,-- Advertisement, IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Riginning with the issue of '7, the price for memoriam notices and cards of thanks will be ten cents per line, 45-f |, THE Never-Failing Remedy for eee Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disord Appendicitisand Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear, Not one in ten Gall ¢ Sufferers knows wh, the trouble, "Marais cure ft ation, ae ~|Gng out the garments and packing them FOR RED CROSS {Continued from Page 7) ask you all for your most loyal support of our Society during the coming year, whick in many respects will be one of the hardest which our work bas yet experienced. With the coming of peace do not let your effo relex, but keep up the record of which Barrie and the auxiliaries have reason to feel so justly proud, so thet there may be no falling back until the work of readjust-- rent is completed. Thanking you one und all for the loyal support you have accorded to me as your presiding officer. Prisoners of War Following are the receipts for Prisoners jof War Fund in connection with Barrie | Brunch, CR.CS:-- Bal. on band Oct. 1, 1917.,..,.8 18 78 Net proceeds garden party at Col. Peuchen's ....00.-..00....0.. 88 61 Afternoon Tes at Messrs, Moore & Armstrong's oo... ........ .. 9-00 Collection at St. Peter's Church, Churchill, and St. Paul's, Pains Whek sere --- 12:10 Shure from dance by Miss Dorothy Blackmore, Painswick 15 00 Barrie Club "At Home" vee 108 7 |Shure of dunce by Miss Dorothy Blackmore, Painswick > 19:00 Net proceeds of meeting in Opera House 110 10 Vespra Union School Section 430 Net proceeds of Garden Party at Mr. Alex, Leslie's 1431 50 | Women's Institute, Cookstown 50 00 Sundries 17.00 $1876 29 This amount paid over to general Red Cros: Fund, TR) Romedy brings ut genuine and last 'acts ts ation and st corrects conatipation Gulckly relleves sick headsche. Get your sytem thoro' cleansed and purified for once; stomach, liver and Dowels working togetier in vig- orous » and you will not have to take medicine every d=y--just take one NR Tablet occasionally to keep your system in Condition and al- ways feel, your best, Remember it 1s easier and 'cheay per fo keep well than it da to get well Get a 250 box and try St witu the Understanding that it must give you ter relief and benefit than any. wel or liver medicine you ever used SEO PAY, Nature's Remedy' (NR Tablets) is sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST Mabaso ly, y Ne= TABLETS AF Better than Pills GETA For Liver Ils.1 20€-Box from adopted prisoners of war in Germany, 'inanciul State year closing Sep In preset | ment for Red Cri und interned men in Holland, *hanking Barrie Branch for food and clothing par E rl thut there ure two items in | core the receipts which deserve mare then:pam:|""1, counection with the "Briwieey: of ing comment, These a War" Department, three applicutions for The amount of $4,730.75, which was \ income from the Red Cross Shop conriuetrd by the ladies of the various | churches in the town. Tn this they showed 1 income uf $4,003.01 over expenses of 74, which expense included the rent of the prenuses which they oceupred, and these premises also served as a store--ru jfor the material as well as a room for cut Tr also ineluded the insurance on all mat-- erials which were carried in that building from time ty time and without the opers tion uf the shop, which was entirely under the management of the ladies, the Red Crows ofiety <Wwould have been alnicet | $4,000 poorer und thus handicapped in | good work during the yeur 1917 1s. and 1 feel that there 1s 4 great deal of cred jit due to the ludies who untiringly gave | their services to this work The other item ix that of 83,461 which represents our monthly contributions | from the met of the town of Barne, .nd while these men do not receive a direct acknowledgment except the monthly re ceipt from the Treasurer for the umouita | they contribute, yet the Society is greatly indebted to them for their support Timight say 4 word here with referehce to the need for further support for the So. ciety for a period of, at least, six months from this date. The hostilities have sow ceused und the easuulties umong our troop are, of course, nil at the present time, but there is no doubt in my mind that the Society will be called on for further <up- port till the complete demobilization of the troops takes place and we would ask that the contributors still continue to support in this period us they have done in the ast Receipts Balance on band, Oct. 1, 1917..8 435 26 Town Grant teecee esses 2800 00 Donations :--Societiex, Auxiliaries, ete, $1,377.43; Soldiers' Aid, $802.85; for Prisoners of War, $130.85; private parties, $173.5 Red Crow Shop ........0.0.0 0 Fair Day (Booths and Rooms: .. Cash collected in campuign...... for French | Soldiers" Aid Tag Du: Red. Cross 2 | Monthly Subseriptions | Memberships--Life, $432.) j Associate, $83 From Treasurer of Prisoners of War Fund + 1600 00 739 00 | Canadian Red Cross, Toronto . French Red Cross ........... Prisoners' of War (Head Office). (Local Treasurer) ........5 Expenses (Red Crogs Rooms ineluding rent, freight, ete.) 827 |Printing' ., Stationery Stamps |. Incidental Expense: 1,600.00 112.00 Total Expenditure Balance on hand . cy " 18,401.73 SECRETARY'S REPORT Miss May Livingstone, the Secretary, re ported that in the past year, twenty-two meetings were convened--15 regular und 7 special--with a quorum in attendance st each meeting, with an average attendance of 13.73. Life members for Barrie Brauch now number 158, 54 being added to the list during the past year. Of the 54 Life Memberships for the year, 5 were issued to the winners in the "Sock Contest" (the money being donated by two Rarrie gentle-- men), 15 to those paving $25.00, the reg- ular fee, and 33 to those who by monthly subscriptions attained the fee of $25.00, Of regular members, (those paying an- nuslly $2 fee), there 'are 31, and of As- sociote members, (thus: paying annually $1 fee), there are 71, Members of the Auxil- iary, the Soldiers' Aid Society, numbering 80, are considered Associnte members of Barrie Branch, Red Cross notes were sent to the prese 'each week and donations to the shop frum, rural auxiliaries were acknowledged through the press, ling Barrie Brench for purcels, sti | nei j xnite, 15 dressing gnwne, Personal Parcel been made b kin nf Pte Wm, Bell (lately returned to Burries, Pte Harey D. Lennox and Pte) Win Angus Suuth, On T 1916, owing tu ine formation being obtained by the énemy from parcels, the War Office issu hers that no more private parcels were to. he sent to prisoners of war. The Red Cross Society was authorized to supply food sul thing parcels to prisoners. This regula tion naturally caused grief and conster nation to relatives who during the pias: hail found comfort in sending parcels tthe relief of those in captivity. In 1918, the War Office sanc'ioned the s¢ ing by relatives of whut is called The Personal Pa Pte, Win, Bell, in thunk. shat he could vouch that he had) received the regulur pureels, and without these prisoners of war could not exist Shipments of supplies were made the third Thi jay of each month and in ad: dition regular ones, there were hipments of Chris'mus «tockings for over jam to military bospatals an Canada, and articles to the Secours National. 'The following is the list of articles shipped during the twelve months endin her, 1918 pyjama suits, 787 f shirts pr socks. 43 hospital 0 stretcher caps, 790 pneumonia jackets, 6 cheese cloth suits, 40 quilts, 95 pillows, 12 prs. knitted bed socks, 6 umputation socks, 48 pre. bed socks, 308 scultetus bandages. 7 filled eon: fort bags, 224 Christmas stockings, filled, 7 trench caps, $350 property bugs, 4838 hospital handkerchiefs, 43 towels, 75. filled housewives, 24 pre. hospital slippers, 3 ties, 12 pillow slips. | feet. 22 sheets, 30 "News from Home {scrap books), 36 wash cloths, 1296. Mc- Nought head 'bandages, 48 eve bandages, 12 shaned slings, 109 bed pads, 58 rubber hot water bags with covers, 185 inrx jan to military hospitals, 4 packages old tinen: Shinned to Secours National --122 uilta, 315 children's garments, 50 Ibs cheesecloth Pieces Total value, $15,705.30. Number of articles, 35.965. Increase over 1917, 20,003 articl Increase in value, $4,819.13 In conelusion, I wish to thank the Presi- dent, Chairman of Executive, Members and all interested in Red Cross work and spec inlly the Press for the hearty co-operation in the, fulfilling of my duties as Secretary Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA AT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort, (erod of Weak rene fad all the Symp ay tomsincidenttsthat change--beat flash- 7887 Frem the criti overcome Lal eae aca ae The mail bag consisted, in addition to official correspondence, chiefly of letters from soldiers in France, acknowledging socks shipped by Barrie Branch, and cards| your letter miers of wur huve Junuary, | slippers for bandaged ) That the present system of city manage- ment is not entisfactory is evidenced by the fact that municipalities, great and small, throughout the continent are willing to try something else. The latest advocate of the Commission-Manager plan, eliminating Council Board of Control, and all that sort of thing, is the city of Winnipeg. It is to be noted, however, thet whet the citisers were asked to vote on the question only 4,206 votes were cast (3,643, for a chonge and 653 against) out of a total of 46,000 qualified voters, which, of itself, in a fair indication of the almost universal indif- ference of the average citizen when it comes to exerting himself sufficiently to go to a poll and vote. We take no pains to choose high grade candidates for civic office, and when by chance such are chosen we fail to aupport them at the polls. The consequence is that our civic administration is usually in the hands of lodges or professional politicians whose special business uppears to be the mismanagement of our affairs, For in- stance, the City Council of Toronto is prac- tioally an Orunge Lodge, whereas the 'pro. portion of Orangemen within the city would be very small in comparison to the whole number of voters. So it is that by the in- difference of the average voter we get into the hands of & clique of professions! job hunters, 'expected with pasture and either the hand For Biliousness Biliousness is a comm on form of indigestion. It is brought on by food- i 'waste Which the stomach, intes- tines and bowels fail to expel. If you will take a few doses of Beecham's Pills, when bilious, you will soon rid yourself of the impurities, relieve sicl: headache, stimulate the liver and bile and tone the stomach, Healthy conditions are quickly re-established by using BEECHAM' PILLS Directions of Special Value to Women are with Every Box, "Bold raspwete Seneca is ams Hascaaire Pctand MOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie, G. W. J. Esstman, Prop. R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble me pasture economi ly, and maximum rapidity of gains may be C or self-feeding systems. The self-feeder-pis- Later on, when we can bear it no longer, we cry out for a change, as Winnipeg and other centres wre now doing, The Commis. | to the satisfaction of the. tuxpas in Canada and the United States, though | mented with in the larger centres | yeam ago Westmount, Que., pluced charge of its affairs with complete The city of Saskatoon hss ndop Manager syste with @ success which hie fairly other western cities, largely owin be stated, to the fortunate choice of the man for 'the job In the United Stat Manager lun has. be Dayton, Ohio; both cities of hundred thousund peuple and Spakugfiel, Oh nging round fifty alse adopen the Com of government with as Cleveland. Chicago, Pittsburg are seriously ring aklermen and. iioan taking the Come a Manager il the astonished mmission » inet in such ( upward Wickit with housaned 1on- Manager form | While such Kansas City. thinking of of control on Manager Rapids, of one Kun: centres Michigan, {anu and pan With © prover conimission and un ener ketic and clever manager the jlun will un questionably sueceed. The only question the proper men and retain them: = the rub. Toronto Saturday Night The Storage of Potatoes Experimental Farms Note The lu: tatues are of fur greater economy tance thun is generally reuhzed loses ure brought about by fuetors which muy be groupe &. Physieul, Me from improper storage of po «a ath in thres cal and ologic The chief lows from jhysieal factors 1s brought hy the storage of immature stock. Potatoes that are ty be stured shuld le thoroughly nye, that is, the stulks should be dew, and the. tubers jshould adhere firmly 10 the stems. Po tutors may bave their stalks prematurely killed 40 as to resemble a nutural death by being uttucked by late or eurly blight, rhi | wctonis, the flea beetle or potuto wug, but upon examination the tubers under such plants will be found inmature sud unfit for best storage results. Frost bitten aml sunburned tou alto come in this divi sion. The mechanical factors thet bring about loss in storage ure chiefly brought about by cureless huntilimg of the crop at harvest time, vuch as broken, cracked or chipped tubers due to improper digging and rough usage in gathering the crop. The slightest injury to the kin of the potato lays it Jopen to invusion of myriads of decay pro- jdueing spores, which, when given the pro: per conditions will 'rapidly spread decay through the entire lot. Under the pathological fuctors come the tubers affected by diseuse, Undoubtedly the lute blight (Phytophthora infestans) ix the most common. as well ux the most de. structive, Tubers affected by this disease sve most certain to deeuy in storage; nor ix this decay confined to the diseused tulsers, but xpresds rapidly to the healthy ones, junless mensures are employed, und perfect | storuge provided, The decay of potutoes in storage may be caused by "a number of organisms, while form of attuck; still it ix gratifying to know that the remedial mensures ure the same in each case. The following suggestions regarding the storyge of potatoes, if followed carefully, will practicully eliminate the losses from we: cay of potatoes in storage. 1. Spray your potatoes frequently gnd [carefully during the summer with Bordesux mixture, 2. Delay digging your potatoes, if possihle, until the tops are dead and dry. 8. Avoid covering potatoes, af'er they ure dug. with the tops, to protect them from jsun or frost. 4. Carefully examine all potatoes to be stored, and remove immature, broken, cracked, chipped, sun-bitten, frost-bitten or _disensed tubers, 5. Never store your potatoes while wet. 6. Have the tubers free from dirt. If dirty, the soil fills up the spaces between the tubers and prevents the circulation of air. 7. Provide a dry cellar with abundant ventilation, where the temperature ean be | between 34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 8, Keep the storage room as cool as pos-- sible directly after the product is stored 9. Fill your bins gradually; by so doing, |the potatoes that are put in first have lost jtheir heat before they are covered by 'another layer. |_ 10. Carefully sort your stored potatoes at jintervals during storage, and remove ull tubers showing signs of disease or decay. Next Summer's Hog-Pasture (Experimental Farms Note.) It is not too early to plan for next sum- mer's hog-pasture. Present and probable feed conditions force the swine feeder to consider home-grown foods. Pasture crops are economical at any time,--nowadays doubly so. Dry sows may be maintain' with very little, if any, grain on clover ur Tape pasture. The same may form the great part of the in-pig sow's summer ra- tion, The latter should, however, be fed once daily with a few pounds of a light meal mixture, brap, shorts, ground oats, elevator screenings '(Standard Stock Food), etc. The growing pig, after twelve weeks 4 variety of | euch organism may have its own particular | sion-Manager plan of civic government so | 88¥ed. far as can be ascertained, has worked out | 8Tain, rs, both time. up to the present it hax not been experi- | clover comes firnt Some | t¥-five or forty three-months-old pigs jer that up-to-date little city of | ere will be required to keep down the in { growth success, | FOW they may be removed so that the pus. with some variations, but | Season ture-plan hes proved entirely satisfactory Fren on the Experimental Farms system und | Monuments and Tablets. Only best mater- wok of upon hundreds of private farms during the | lal used and first-class workmen employed. collector past summer. Labour and feed have Leen Green food has replaced much | and hogs finished for market in leas Grass Tablets « specialty. Prices always right For general recommendation, possibly With a self-feeder. hir- Over 480,000 Boxes Sold Each Year 'This is Nas ot Seb ata es es Bladder troubles by using 1 a normal As the year. pigs nisy not suffer, depending on the y i gon SEE, a finest w Alfalfa, where it may be grown success a Sen it may fully, is 'equal, if not superior, to clover 30,000, ° e | It affords very early pasture and ix partic it ularly useful for the early litters sous cin Where no provision has been made for | ork was either the foregoing leguminous crops, full women fe rye heavily seeded this fall will supply efficiently excellent pasture next spring, availuble pos- By be |eibly the earliest of all, After it has been 3 place on |pastured off the lund is still available for ie on reer a ool eu nest re of, say, turnips, or | motherles A heavy seeding of barley, to be pas: = ---- tured when six inches high, hus given ex. erllent sutefuction at Ottawa. Enough pigs should laced on such pasture to keep it pretty well grazed ut first, ding upon the sewson, depen- Thirty Feet of Danger The intestinal canal is an important part of every individual, important every inch of its thirty feet, The upper portion of it is intended for the di- gestion of food and absorption of its useful Portions. But the lower part is concerned with the elimination of waste materials, It is, in other words. the great sewer of the body, The more food eaten the greater the waste. Ifa sewer becomes clogged up, its contents stagnate and bec come more and more dangerous, Constipation means more than failure to evacuate the bowels regularly and thoroughly. It means stagna- tion, increased fermentation, 'putrefaction and perm action. Increased amountsof irritating and poisonous substances are formed. Absorption of these into the blood follows. Self-poisoning results. Danger, disorder, disease, or even death follows. Pilla, purgative mineral waters, do not cure constipation or prev They make it worse because the: the bowels, but they "werr oi must be taken in tion a habit. But the Nujol Treatment for constipation by daily, thoroug! clockwork," castor oil, salts, etc., ent its consequences, y do not only irritate ut" in effect and so increasing doses, making constipa. c constipation overcomes helping Nature re-establish easy, bowel evacuations as 'regular as Nujol prevents stagnation and self-poisoning, Nujol forms no habit, except a natural, healthy habit, After Bale) has trained the bowels dispensed with. Nujol 67 const Send for Instructive Booklet CHARLES GYDE & SON P.O. Box 875, Montreal CAMADIAN BELLING AGENTS FoR Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) NEW YORK CITY "Regular as Clockwork" to act, it can be Warning: NUJOL is sold only in sealed bottles bearing the Nujol de Mark. Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes,

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