Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1918, p. 2

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\ THERE'S NO "IF" ABOUT IT We are 'going to win this war. The length of ime it takes depends on Men and Munitions, Those, in -turn, depend on Money. Yeu ara ed to LEND your money, at a good rate of interest--not to GIVE it, mind you. Canada is your security for the loan. . BUY VICTORY BONDS % cents for 10-inch, double-sided That Soothing Serenade Henry Burr On the Level, You're « Little Devil Helen Cla Cohen Gets Married Cohen Honeymoon Fascinating Red Seal Records Le Cog d'Or--Hymne au Soleil Garrison 64790, La Traviata--Imponete Galli-Curci 68596 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer Vietrolas from $34 up, on easy payments if desired. Write for fr 620-page Musical Encyclo. pedia kating over $000 "His Master's Voice" Records . Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL "His Master's Voice" Barrie Dealer GEO. VICKERS Don't Forget There are no otheral You cannot purchase Victrolas or "His Master's Voice" Records at any but 'our authorized dealers. ze Remember--There are no-others! Among these was mother of 12 children, the oldest of whom is 'G years. During this epidemic 31 young children in Penetang were left motherless. Collingwood Bulletin--A. gen- eral survey of the conditions (hat surround the influenza epidemic that have been s strenuous dur- ing the past two weeks, leads to the conclusions, that the crisis is passed and the plague is abat- ing. Still there have been nine deaths during the past week, but that was perhaps to be expected with so many developing pueu- monia, which is of a malignant type. No new casex have been reported during the past three days outside of homes where the disease had alrendy secured a foot- hold and many of the old cases are convalescing. There are now gency hospital and several were discharged. On Monday at the G, & M, Hospital there were in the neighborhood of fifty cases, some of them more or Jess serious, The people, however, may rest assured that unless some new complica- 'ions set in that, conditions will soon again be normal. Orillia Times--Orillia has been closed up tight since October 15, and while the action of the Board of Health seemed drastic at the time, experience has proved the wisdom of the step then taken, The Medical Health Officer, Dr. J. McLean, stated to the Times, yesterday, that unless unforeseen developments occur, the tor will be pretty well rid of the ep) demic by the end of the weck, and, therefore, the closing order will be rescinded. At the meetihg of the Board of Health, last Saturday afternoon, it was reported, that 'the. total number of cases of influenza in Orillia had heen twelve hundred, and that there had been fifteen deaths. There was as many as 26 patients in the Emergency hospital at one time, but this number was reduced to 14 on Monday and 11 yesterday. 'The "Salada" Tea Co, have subscribed to the VICTORY LOAN a@ quarter of a millien dollars in Toronto and Montreal. Congoleum rugs, all sizes, at about forly cuses in the Emer-| spectres of dread, famine, pesti- lence and internal frightfulness lare stalking through the land, lone cannot but be bowed in | humble thanksgiving to God. How |ereat a change! We know the }human factors that brought it Jabout, but let us not forget the Mighty Hand of the Lord which |has wrought the great' deliver- ance. Let us thank Him and let us dedicate ourselves and our country afresh to the service of our God and of His Christ that we | may build the only worthy monn |ment to those who have died for us, | So said Hon, HJ. Cody, Minis- 'ter of Education, at St. Paul's jChureh Sunday morning at the [close of his address on his return | from the front Adlet Sold His Farm Josx.'T. Cavanagh of Edgar is another of the many who can |testify that Examiner Adlets pay. Mr, Cavanagh advertised his farm (E% lot 8, con, 4, Oro) for sale and in a couple of weeks a purehaser was found in the {person of Clifford Whittier, | As a result of the above sale janother farm was disposed of to a friend of Mr. Whitlier, Robert Johnson, also of Toronto, who bought the farm of Jos, Hewitt (W4, lot 11, con. 6° just east of Fdgar. * --The farmer who fails to take a weekly paper that is devoted to his interests, surely is not farm- ing with a view to profit. You cannot make the farm pay all it can pay without a paper that lakes a lively interest in your welfare. One reason why other branches of industry are united more closely than the farmer is because they support the publi- cation of their cespective busi- nesses, So should you. One Dollar sent direct to The Weekly Sun, Toronto, will pay Jour sub- scription for that paper for the full year of 1919 with the balance of 1918 Free. You will find The Sun a very great help to you and well worth the price. Every reader of The Sun is a Sun booster. 46-460 Order your counter check books W. A. Lowe & Son's. 43-tf mm from The Examiner. High Cass Woollens for Men's Tailoring BLUE WORSTED, guaranteed color. . .$40 to $55 Suit BLACK WORSTED .... MILTON O'COATINGS, Grey, Black and Blue. . .$45 IRISH FREEZE COATINGS, suitable for ulsters... . . Having always carried a large stock of Woollens, we are yet able to show many suitings and overcoatings of the old quality. : : able for winter wear ...... .-.+ $30 to $45 Suit ° lex. Milne & Son BARRIE War and The Sugar Bow! "As much candy in the shops as ever," you aay? Pert but do you know most of them are mede with substitutes for su- gar? Candy makers, with manufacturing confectioners, public esting places and oth- ers, have splendidly responded to the call to 'conserve. They are using glucose to a large extent, and are including nuts and whet not in their toffees and candies, The next step must come in the home. When the housewife does os well in limiting her sugar, the problem will end. It is a matter of loyalty. --Canada Food Board. Page Two " THE BARRIE EXAMINER Rev. D. A.' MoKenzle Leaves Churohili At the regular meeting of Bar- R rie Presbytery, held in St. An- drew's church on Tuesday, 4 a hearty and unanimous call from Gamebridge and Brechin in ra favof o& Rev. D. A. McKenzie, B.A.\was presented. The stipend a is $1200 with free manse and month's vacation. Owing to the a inconvenient train service, the Clerk had been asked to repre- 3) . Our stock of Rubber Goods is selected || Sent Lindsay Presbytery in pros- ' Every man, woman and child | 10th best produsts on the market, {/ccution of the call. D. W. Lennox, Jes) has a hobby all their own, | ™ Be Pest products on the » |] Eben Toda, Waltér Allan, R.A: iclure taking sith Every article is msde of pure rubber |]Sutherland, F. Beatty, John a Piclure taking is one that all nee t ' i in it hard || Wallace, Frank Wood and Noah people enjoy, We have Kadaks | by skilled workmen, an Grosa represented the congreya, and Brownies of all sizes, easy | wear and dependability. We offer you: || tions in Mr. McKenzies peocent ta operate and inexpensive in i charge and expressed many kind the pleasure they afford. Wa Household Purposes: |! words of appreciation of the aise. have Easiinan Non Gurl. Hot water bottle, |{work he had done among them | [ERY ig! Ta We Fay canun ice bags, invalid air |/{@ past five years. Mr, Me- " y camera. g Kenzie, however, stated his in- Our developing and printing cushions. tention to accept the call and e department finish all pictures ; Presbytery approved. Rey. W. J. ja and enlarge to any size requic- Sanitary Purposes: |] Watt was appointed inoderator af hy él, Fountain syringes || the vacancy and will declare the, combination outfits, || Pulpit vacant the first Sunday in H) Being in the pictures of-your 'sere. || December. nipples, --atomizers, Dm : | old ftends and have us make 7 i From Port MeNicol was pre- iy and a score of other cok was. | uplW-dale eniargerients of Articles which if you {| SeMted a call to Rev. W. J. Scott, ; M.A., an ordained missionary them = Prices low enough to oti A . a) a onee use you will tT! who has heen in charge of (his reach all never be without field for the last six months ia | This is a co-operative charze | (Presbyterians ani Method FR * land the call was signed by every | colors .. WM.' CROSSLAND Pommunieant. Having appeoeed | ER the call, Presbytery fixed Nov, 26 NE Eee as the date of setUement a | BR ;, appointed Rev. J. J. Elliott, Rev CELE. ie Druggist, Barrie A. E. Neilly and Rev. F. Ww Gil BR bommNNa sid Se mour te aet at the induction Rev. Dr. Neil. Ex-Moderator of | Fancy Dress at Ovenden "Vietory Bonds", filled his purt)/the General Assembly, gave an a) Me owas "sone gladdening to] With eary dignity, only surpassed /dress in the afternoon on "Tae | find oneself an onlooker at so/by the gorgeously appareled|Chareh and the Soldier," wis | (ER joyous an enlertamment as this| Burmese Rajah. Another weird) (honghtful and. cnipretensive| Of Enidavieventne INdk, and tall figure clothed in flowing | {treatment showing {hat he nat | Our charming hostesses ace) White garments, might have been given much study te the many great commanders, and time and) Hittite Shiekh' of days long ago, !diffienlt. problems. that. confront Fa fate between them have given|or a Messenger from Mars. For|the Chureh in this connection IR them a pretty sense of taste nd | the rest there was a Ghost, a As this was the first meeting | "humour, 1 think they would ad-|lussar, a duckey, a Cowboy or| since Rey, Neil Camphell was | ia aut tl themselves, but a spectator! Wo, and many merry faces of elected Moderator of Synod, his | 3s hound to confirm at happy children: to say nothing of brethren extended very hearty sy The camouflage of dress was| two kindly ~old ladies," one af congratulations te Nine on being! dewildering ain! whimsteal and) Yhom belied the imputation by | thus hanarel a oe: covered a Geld world wide. The | the twinkle in her Irish eyes It was decided to dispense with | gem, in my humble opinion, was, TWo short plays were capitally 'the January meeting of Presb: Ia dy fair foosee with a mass. acted, one hy the older and one ry and the Mederator a K Peold hair and a ecomploxin) by the younger pupils, followed will decide whether -- the 2) 5 H-bke bloom", who, later by a moving pigture play acted! meeting will he held in Barrie ' out to betel it notlin Vamb Show, which afforded, Becton. Their decision will « jR vuthful Bank elerk!!) Much amusement; then dancing !pend upon the train service at tots and queenty,| and) songs and an that tine IR was there, and America, stately | la and coffee, and a delizhtful | ----------e and al and La belle France| ¢vening came {o an ond with the} "Flu" Pretty Well Over ia helping her to support liberty and sting of "Auld Lang Sine" and! Reports from dilteront parts of | Phone 39 tratornily. The Governor General, | fod save the King, and Instly/ing county «how that the spanish a a . of |three enthusiastic cheers for Miss , " ' . 'eoorated with the orders of th 5 influenza epidemic is pretty well |Elgoud, her able Bieutenants and, ant FURS! |fnw the biecsings of "Bence | | Midland, during the epi . lslorious birthday present for | demic mere wake, abtiub "ist Gelebrate With Thanksgiving CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED: Barrio, Nov. 19, 1918 vera dete at eee ttl "waren Gas ththks ef the eons AU oceh ited 8 Sp Ten | Several deaths attributed to other THREE SCORE AND TEN" | Qo cre trast between the days of March MISS M. McCKERNAN The Christian Islands were {4nd the present hour, when the SB Small St, Barrio, Phone 323! Save for Victory Bends. very hard hil, 58 dying out of a|'ed flag of revolution is waving population of 274. Among them/|in City after city in Germany, rere caaveral. vbnne mothers: when her fleet gors out under the Penetang had a total of 48|fed flag, when tyrants' crowns deaths. are falling down, when the gaunt s Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. BLUE IRISH SERGE ................ FANCY WORSTED, in Blue, Brown, Grey and Green $30 to $50 Suit SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS in heavy weights, suit- 99909009 0000000000 Dunlop Street BERRARERRARAR ARR ARAARRRAR NN Bs oe $35 to $40 BEEP P EPP PEP PPD EPP PEP PPPPPPPRPEPDPERED Fire in Alliston On Tuesday night, Nov. 5, fire, supposed to have originated from the furnisce pipes, broke out in George Tptoa's store, Allis:on, After considerable difficulty, the firemen succeeded in extinguishng the flames. The stock was considerably damaged by fire, }amoke and water. Mr. Upton was away at the time, having gone deer hunti eS JOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie, G, W. J. Eastman, Prop. B. G. Manvel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble For-- Milk Soups Sauces Gravies Cocoa Coffee 'N POWDER FOR™ ALL THE FOOD VALUE OF PASTEURIZED SEPARATED MILK IN POWDER FORM MERRICK & LITSTER Food Board License No. 14-242 PAIN EXTERMINATOR Jeers BARRIE, ONT. Drive Up And Call Us Out and we will tell you quickly whether we can save that old tire of yours with our up-to-date vulcanizing process, The chan- es are we can, aa Our experience proves most used tires can be vulcanized and rebuilt so that you get double and even triple service out of 'them. You owe this to yourmelf as well as to your country at this time to make your old tires Inst as long as possible, Barrie Steam Vulcanizing Plantt--37 Elizabeth St. G. G. MOORE ! Te it = ee SSRERSS eae y epy p bag

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